Call for Papers

The Journal of Regional Studies (JRS) began publication in 2017. Our journal includes studies in various disciplines of Social Sciences, especially International Relations. The Journal of Regional Studies is an internationally peer-reviewed journal ranked by DergiPark database and indexed by international indexes such as; AcademicKeys, ASOS Index, CEEOL, Cite Factor, DRJI, Ideal Online, Index Copernicus, Journal Factor, Research Bible, Sindex, and it is under the evaluation process of TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM as well.  

The purpose of Journal of Regional Studies is to conduct analyses on current and historic backgrounds of regional, bilateral and multilateral relations of states in geopolitical and strategic context. Therefore, the studies in question include interdisciplinary cooperation among fields such as history, politics, economy, sociology, law, geopolitics, strategy, security, intelligence, national defence, culture, psychology and geography. For this reason, the journal of Regional Studies aims to create a common academic platform and develop an academic perspective by benefiting from different disciplines.

Our journal, which adopts a multi-lingual publishing policy and includes articles mainly in Turkish, English, Russian, Arabic and Persian, is published twice a year (May and December). The copyright of the manuscripts submitted for publication are transferred to our journal. Furthermore, the authors are not charged with any fees nor are they paid any royalties.

The new issue of our journal, which will be published in December 2021 will postulate articles, research documents, compilations and translations of works subject to authors approvals. Kindly be informed that the deadline for submission is 15th of October 2021. 

For author’s guide and writing guidelines:


Tel: +90 312 474 00 46

Fax: +90 312 474 00 45



Last Update Time: 6/14/21, 4:39:56 PM