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Year 2005, Volume: 34 Issue: 1, 163 - 170, 01.03.2005


Ceviz, yüksek oranda yağ ve protein içerdiğinden besleyici değeri oldukça yüksektir.
Ceviz yağının en önemli özelliği ise doymamış yağ asitlerince oldukça zengin olmasıdır.
Ceviz yağında linoleik asidin fazla olması cevizi eşi bulunmaz bir gıda yapmaktadır.
Ayrıca bileşiminde yer alan biyolojik kalitesi yüksek protein, vitamin ve mineraller
besleyici değerini arttırmaktadır. Son epidemiolojik çalışmalar, ceviz tüketiminin
kardiyovasküler ölümleri azatlığını göstermektedir. Cevizin bu özelliğinin içerdiği
polifenollerin antioksidan özelliğinden kaynaklandığı ifade edilmektedir.


  • Abbey, M., M. Noakes, G. B. Belluas and P. J. Netsel, 1994. Partial Replacement of Saturated Fatty Acids With Almonds Or Walnuts Cholesterol Lipoprotein Cholesterol. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 59: 995-999. Total Plasma and Low-Density
  • Açkurt, F., G. Biringen, ve M. Löker, 1999. Sağlıklı Beslenmede Özel Fizyolojik Etki Gösteren Gıdaların Yeri. Üretimden Tü- ketime Diyet Gıdalar Sempozyumu, 18 Şubat 1999, 1stanbul, 10-21.
  • Almario, R. U.,V. Vonghavaravat, R.Wong, and S. Kasim-Karakas, 2001. Effect of Walnut Consumption on Plasma Fatty Acids and Lipoproteins in Combined Hyperlipidemia. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 74: 72-79.
  • Anderson, K. J., S. S.Teuber, A.Gobeille, P.Cremin, A. L. Waterhouse and F. M. Steinberg, 2001. Walnut Polyphenolics Inhibit in vitro Human Plasma and LDL Oxidation. The Am. J. Nutr. 131; 2837- 2842.
  • Anonim, 2000. Can Walnuts Prevent Heart Disease? Harvard Heart Letter, Vol 10, Issue 12, 4-5.
  • ______, 2004. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Office of Nutritional Products, Supplements. QualiWed Health Claims: and Dietary Letter Walnuts and Coronary Heart Disease (Docket No 02P-0292), March, 9. Available from. Accessed 28/10/2004. Discretion.
  • Anonim, 2005. Kolesterol. ler/kolesterol.htm
  • ______, 2005. Walnut. healthwalnute.htm
  • ______, 2005.Walnut.
  • ______, 2005.Walnut Nutrition.
  • ______, 2005. Walnut. ormation/walnut.htm
  • ______, 2005. Walnut. healthinformation/encyclopedias/BlackW alnutLeaf.asp
  • Carrero, J. J., L. Baro, J. Fonolla, M. Gonzalez-Santiago, A. Martinez-Ferez, R. Castillo, J. Jimenez, J. J. Boza and E. Lopez-Huertas, 2004. Cardiovascular Effects Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Oleic Acid, Folic Acid and Vitamins E and B6 in Volunteers With Mild Hyperlipidemia. Nutrition 20: 521-527. Enriched ω-3
  • Chisholm, A., J.Mann, M. Skeaff, C.Framtion, W.Sutherland, A.Duncan, and S. Tiszavari, 1998. A Diet Rich in Walnuts Favourably Influences Plasma Fatty Acid Profile in Moderately Hyperlipidaemic Subjects. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 52: 12-16.
  • Crawford, M. A., 1993. The Role of Essantial Development: Imlications for Perinatal Nutrition. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 57 (Supps) 703-710. in Neural
  • Dattilo, A. M. and P. M. Kris-Etherton, 1992. Effects of Weight Reduction on Blood Lipids and Lipoproteins: A Meta- Analysis. Am.J. Clin. Nutr. 56: 320-328.
  • Franz M. J., J.P.Bantle, C.A. Beebe, J.D. Brunzell, J.L. Chiasson, A. Garg, L.A. Holzmeister, B. Hoogwerf, E. Mayer- Davis, A.D. Mooradian, J.Q. Purnell and M. Wheeler, 2002. American Diabetes Association. Evidence-Based Nutrition Principles and Recommendations for the Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes and Related Complications. Diabetes Care.25:148-198.
  • Girzu, M., A.Carnat, A. M. Privat, J. Fialip, A. P.Carnat, and J. L Lamaison, 1998. Sedative Effect of Walnut Leaf Extract and Juglone on Isoleted Contituent. Pharmaceutical Biology. 36: 4, 280-286.
  • Halifeoğlu, I., F. Karataş, R. Çolak, H. Canatan ve S. Telo, 2005.Tip 2 Diyabetik Hastalarda Tedavi Öncesi ve Tedavi Son- rası Oksidan ve Antioksidan Durum. Fı- rat Tıp Dergisi 10(3): 117-122.
  • Heidal, K., N. Lewis and S. Evans, 2004. Survey of Omega 3 Fatty Acid Intakes and Omega 3 Food Selections in Cardiac Patients Living in a Section of the Midwestern United States. Nutrition Research 741-747.
  • Iwamoto, M. I., K.Imaizumi, M. Sato, Y. Hirooka, K. Sakai, A. Takeshito and M. Kono, 2002. Serum Lipid Profiles in Japanese Women Andmen During Consumption of Walnuts. Eu. J. Clin. Nutr. 56: 629-637.
  • Kornsteiner, M., K. H. Wagner and I. Elmadfa , 2006. Tocopherols and Total Phenolics in 10 Different Nut Types. Food Chemistry, Article in press.
  • Lavedrine, F., D.Zmirou, A. Ravel, F.Balducci, and J. Alary, 1999. Blood Cholesterol and Walnut Consumption: A Cross- Sectional Survey in France. Preventive Medicine. 28; 333-339.
  • Patel, G., 2005. Essential Fats in Walnuts are Good for Heart and Diabetes. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 105(7): 1096-1097.
  • Reiter, R. J., L. C. Manchester and D. Tan, 2005. Melatonin in Walnuts: Influence on Levels of Melatonin and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Blood. Nutrition 21: 920-924.
  • Rietjens, I. M. C. M., M. G. Boersma, L. H. B. Spenkelink, H. M. Awad, N. H. P. Cnubben, J. J. Zanden, H. Woude, G. M. Alink and J. H. Koeman, 2002. The Pro- oxidant Chemistry of the Natural Antioxidants Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Carotenoids Enviromental Toxicology Pharmacology 11: 321-333. Flavonoids.
  • Serrano, A., S. Cofrades, C. Ruiz-Capillas, B. Olmedilla-Alonso, C. Herrero_Barbu- do and F. Jimenez-Colmenero, 2005. Nutritional Profile of Restructured Beef Steak With Added Walnuts. Meat Science 70: 647-654.
  • Simopoulous, A. P., 1991. Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Health and Disease and in Growth and Development. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 54: 438-463.
  • _________________, 2004. Health Effects of Eating Walnuts. Food Reviews International. Vol 20, No 1, 91-98.
  • Strahan, T. M., 2004. Nuts for Cardiovascular Protection. Asia. Pac. J. Clin. Nutr. 13: p 33.
  • Şahin İ. ve H. Akbaş, 2001. Farklı Yöre Ve Çeşitlerden Cevizlerin Teknolojik Özel- liklerinin Araştırılması . Türkiye 1. Ulu- sal Ceviz Sempozyumu, 5-8 Eylül 2001, Tokat, 104-114.
  • Tatar, O., Y. Hışıl ve M. Dönmez, 2001. Bazı Balık Yumurtalarında Omega 3 Yağ Asitlerinin Araştırılması. Dünya Gıda. 10: 61-64.
  • Willet, W. C., F. Sacks, A.Trichopolou, 1995. Mediterranean Diet Pyramid: A Cultural Model for Healthy Eating. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 61: 1402-1407.
  • Zwarts, J. and G.P. Savage, 1999. Fatty New Zealand-Grown Walnuts (Juglans regia L.). Int. J. Food Science & Technology. 50: Issue 3, 189-195.
Year 2005, Volume: 34 Issue: 1, 163 - 170, 01.03.2005



  • Abbey, M., M. Noakes, G. B. Belluas and P. J. Netsel, 1994. Partial Replacement of Saturated Fatty Acids With Almonds Or Walnuts Cholesterol Lipoprotein Cholesterol. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 59: 995-999. Total Plasma and Low-Density
  • Açkurt, F., G. Biringen, ve M. Löker, 1999. Sağlıklı Beslenmede Özel Fizyolojik Etki Gösteren Gıdaların Yeri. Üretimden Tü- ketime Diyet Gıdalar Sempozyumu, 18 Şubat 1999, 1stanbul, 10-21.
  • Almario, R. U.,V. Vonghavaravat, R.Wong, and S. Kasim-Karakas, 2001. Effect of Walnut Consumption on Plasma Fatty Acids and Lipoproteins in Combined Hyperlipidemia. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 74: 72-79.
  • Anderson, K. J., S. S.Teuber, A.Gobeille, P.Cremin, A. L. Waterhouse and F. M. Steinberg, 2001. Walnut Polyphenolics Inhibit in vitro Human Plasma and LDL Oxidation. The Am. J. Nutr. 131; 2837- 2842.
  • Anonim, 2000. Can Walnuts Prevent Heart Disease? Harvard Heart Letter, Vol 10, Issue 12, 4-5.
  • ______, 2004. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Office of Nutritional Products, Supplements. QualiWed Health Claims: and Dietary Letter Walnuts and Coronary Heart Disease (Docket No 02P-0292), March, 9. Available from. Accessed 28/10/2004. Discretion.
  • Anonim, 2005. Kolesterol. ler/kolesterol.htm
  • ______, 2005. Walnut. healthwalnute.htm
  • ______, 2005.Walnut.
  • ______, 2005.Walnut Nutrition.
  • ______, 2005. Walnut. ormation/walnut.htm
  • ______, 2005. Walnut. healthinformation/encyclopedias/BlackW alnutLeaf.asp
  • Carrero, J. J., L. Baro, J. Fonolla, M. Gonzalez-Santiago, A. Martinez-Ferez, R. Castillo, J. Jimenez, J. J. Boza and E. Lopez-Huertas, 2004. Cardiovascular Effects Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Oleic Acid, Folic Acid and Vitamins E and B6 in Volunteers With Mild Hyperlipidemia. Nutrition 20: 521-527. Enriched ω-3
  • Chisholm, A., J.Mann, M. Skeaff, C.Framtion, W.Sutherland, A.Duncan, and S. Tiszavari, 1998. A Diet Rich in Walnuts Favourably Influences Plasma Fatty Acid Profile in Moderately Hyperlipidaemic Subjects. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 52: 12-16.
  • Crawford, M. A., 1993. The Role of Essantial Development: Imlications for Perinatal Nutrition. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 57 (Supps) 703-710. in Neural
  • Dattilo, A. M. and P. M. Kris-Etherton, 1992. Effects of Weight Reduction on Blood Lipids and Lipoproteins: A Meta- Analysis. Am.J. Clin. Nutr. 56: 320-328.
  • Franz M. J., J.P.Bantle, C.A. Beebe, J.D. Brunzell, J.L. Chiasson, A. Garg, L.A. Holzmeister, B. Hoogwerf, E. Mayer- Davis, A.D. Mooradian, J.Q. Purnell and M. Wheeler, 2002. American Diabetes Association. Evidence-Based Nutrition Principles and Recommendations for the Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes and Related Complications. Diabetes Care.25:148-198.
  • Girzu, M., A.Carnat, A. M. Privat, J. Fialip, A. P.Carnat, and J. L Lamaison, 1998. Sedative Effect of Walnut Leaf Extract and Juglone on Isoleted Contituent. Pharmaceutical Biology. 36: 4, 280-286.
  • Halifeoğlu, I., F. Karataş, R. Çolak, H. Canatan ve S. Telo, 2005.Tip 2 Diyabetik Hastalarda Tedavi Öncesi ve Tedavi Son- rası Oksidan ve Antioksidan Durum. Fı- rat Tıp Dergisi 10(3): 117-122.
  • Heidal, K., N. Lewis and S. Evans, 2004. Survey of Omega 3 Fatty Acid Intakes and Omega 3 Food Selections in Cardiac Patients Living in a Section of the Midwestern United States. Nutrition Research 741-747.
  • Iwamoto, M. I., K.Imaizumi, M. Sato, Y. Hirooka, K. Sakai, A. Takeshito and M. Kono, 2002. Serum Lipid Profiles in Japanese Women Andmen During Consumption of Walnuts. Eu. J. Clin. Nutr. 56: 629-637.
  • Kornsteiner, M., K. H. Wagner and I. Elmadfa , 2006. Tocopherols and Total Phenolics in 10 Different Nut Types. Food Chemistry, Article in press.
  • Lavedrine, F., D.Zmirou, A. Ravel, F.Balducci, and J. Alary, 1999. Blood Cholesterol and Walnut Consumption: A Cross- Sectional Survey in France. Preventive Medicine. 28; 333-339.
  • Patel, G., 2005. Essential Fats in Walnuts are Good for Heart and Diabetes. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 105(7): 1096-1097.
  • Reiter, R. J., L. C. Manchester and D. Tan, 2005. Melatonin in Walnuts: Influence on Levels of Melatonin and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Blood. Nutrition 21: 920-924.
  • Rietjens, I. M. C. M., M. G. Boersma, L. H. B. Spenkelink, H. M. Awad, N. H. P. Cnubben, J. J. Zanden, H. Woude, G. M. Alink and J. H. Koeman, 2002. The Pro- oxidant Chemistry of the Natural Antioxidants Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Carotenoids Enviromental Toxicology Pharmacology 11: 321-333. Flavonoids.
  • Serrano, A., S. Cofrades, C. Ruiz-Capillas, B. Olmedilla-Alonso, C. Herrero_Barbu- do and F. Jimenez-Colmenero, 2005. Nutritional Profile of Restructured Beef Steak With Added Walnuts. Meat Science 70: 647-654.
  • Simopoulous, A. P., 1991. Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Health and Disease and in Growth and Development. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 54: 438-463.
  • _________________, 2004. Health Effects of Eating Walnuts. Food Reviews International. Vol 20, No 1, 91-98.
  • Strahan, T. M., 2004. Nuts for Cardiovascular Protection. Asia. Pac. J. Clin. Nutr. 13: p 33.
  • Şahin İ. ve H. Akbaş, 2001. Farklı Yöre Ve Çeşitlerden Cevizlerin Teknolojik Özel- liklerinin Araştırılması . Türkiye 1. Ulu- sal Ceviz Sempozyumu, 5-8 Eylül 2001, Tokat, 104-114.
  • Tatar, O., Y. Hışıl ve M. Dönmez, 2001. Bazı Balık Yumurtalarında Omega 3 Yağ Asitlerinin Araştırılması. Dünya Gıda. 10: 61-64.
  • Willet, W. C., F. Sacks, A.Trichopolou, 1995. Mediterranean Diet Pyramid: A Cultural Model for Healthy Eating. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 61: 1402-1407.
  • Zwarts, J. and G.P. Savage, 1999. Fatty New Zealand-Grown Walnuts (Juglans regia L.). Int. J. Food Science & Technology. 50: Issue 3, 189-195.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Aycan Yiğit This is me

Ümran Ertürk This is me

Mihriban Korukluoğlu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2005
Submission Date July 27, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 34 Issue: 1


APA Yiğit, A., Ertürk, Ü., & Korukluoğlu, M. (2005). FONKSİYONEL BİR GIDA: CEVİZ. Bahçe, 34(1), 163-170.
AMA Yiğit A, Ertürk Ü, Korukluoğlu M. FONKSİYONEL BİR GIDA: CEVİZ. Bahçe. March 2005;34(1):163-170.
Chicago Yiğit, Aycan, Ümran Ertürk, and Mihriban Korukluoğlu. “FONKSİYONEL BİR GIDA: CEVİZ”. Bahçe 34, no. 1 (March 2005): 163-70.
EndNote Yiğit A, Ertürk Ü, Korukluoğlu M (March 1, 2005) FONKSİYONEL BİR GIDA: CEVİZ. Bahçe 34 1 163–170.
IEEE A. Yiğit, Ü. Ertürk, and M. Korukluoğlu, “FONKSİYONEL BİR GIDA: CEVİZ”, Bahçe, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 163–170, 2005.
ISNAD Yiğit, Aycan et al. “FONKSİYONEL BİR GIDA: CEVİZ”. Bahçe 34/1 (March 2005), 163-170.
JAMA Yiğit A, Ertürk Ü, Korukluoğlu M. FONKSİYONEL BİR GIDA: CEVİZ. Bahçe. 2005;34:163–170.
MLA Yiğit, Aycan et al. “FONKSİYONEL BİR GIDA: CEVİZ”. Bahçe, vol. 34, no. 1, 2005, pp. 163-70.
Vancouver Yiğit A, Ertürk Ü, Korukluoğlu M. FONKSİYONEL BİR GIDA: CEVİZ. Bahçe. 2005;34(1):163-70.

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