Year 2010,
Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 21 - 29, 01.03.2010
Tuncay Kan
Saim Zeki Bostan
Bu çalışma 2007-2008 yıllarında iki yıl süre ile yürütülmüştür. Malatya’da yoğun
olarak yetiştirilen Hacıhaliloğlu, Kabaaşı ve Hasanbey kayısı çeşitleri ile bir Zerdali
tipinin taze meyve örneklerindeki polifenol içerikleri UV- DAD, dedektörü ile yüksek
basınçlı sıvı kromotoğrafisi (HPLC) cihazı kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar
neticesinde her bir kayısı örneğindeki polifenol miktarları istatisitiki olarak
birbirinden farklılık göstermiştir (p < 0.05). Tüm kayısı numuneleri içerisinde, en yüksek
düzeyde olan polifenolün 2007 yılında ve kuercetin-3-rutinoside (rutin) olduğu ve
bunun da 95.3 µg/kuru madde değeriyle Hacıhaliloğlu ve Kabaaşı çeşitlerinde belirlendiği
görülmüştür. En az miktardaki polifenol olan p-kumarik asidin yine 2007 yılında ve 0.21 µg/kuru madde değeriyle Hasanbey çeşidinde olduğu belirlenmiştir.
- 1. Arts, C. W., B. Putte and P. C. H. Hollman, 2000. Catechin Contents of Foods Commonly Consumed in the Netherlands. 1. Fruits, Vegetables, Staple Foods and Processed Foods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48:1746–1751.
- 2. Bengoechea, M. L., A. I. Sancho, B. Bartolome, I. Estrella, C. Gomez-Cordoves and M. T. Hernandez, 1997. Phenolic Composition of Industrially Manufactured Purees and Concentrates from Peach and Apple Fruits. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45, 4071± 40.
- 3. Cemeroğlu, B., 1992. Meyve ve Sebze İşleme Endüstrisinde Temel Analiz Metotları. Ankara.
- 4. Fernandez de Simon, B., J. Perez-Ilzabre and T. Hernandez, 1992. Importance of Phenolic Compounds for the Characterization of Fruit Nectars. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 40: 1531–153.
- 5. Garcia-Viguera, C., P. Bridle, F. Ferreres and F. A. Tomas-Barberan, 1994. Influence of Variety, Maturity and Processing on Phenolic Compounds of Apricot Nectars and Jams. Zetchrift fur Lebensmmitel Untersuchung und Forschung 199:433–436.
- 6. Gardner, P. T., T. A. White., D. B. Mcphail and G. Duthie, 2000. The Relative Contributions of Vitamin C, Carotenoids and Phenolics to the Antioxidant Potential of Fruit Juices. Food Chemistry 68: 471–474.
- 7. Gülcan, R., A. Mısırlı., N. Eryüce., T. Demir, ve H. Sağlam, 2001. Kayısı Yetiştiriciliği. İzmir. 212.
- 8. Harris, R. S, 1997. Effect of Agricultural Practices on the Content of Foods. In R. S.
- 9. Macheix, J. J., A. Fleuriet and J. Billot, 1990. Fruit Phenolics. Boca Raton, FL:CRS pres.
- 10. Moure, A., J.M. Cruz., D. Franco., M. Dominguez., J. Sineiro., H. Dominguez., M. Nunez and J.C. Parajo, 2001. Food Chemical 72: 145
- 11. Prior, R.L. and G. Cao, 2000. Antioxidant Phytochemicals in Fruits and Vegetables: Diet and Health Implications. Horticulture Science 35: 588-592.
- 12. Radi, M., M. Mahrouz and Jaouad, A, 1997. Phenolic Content, Browning Susceptibility, and Carotenoid Content of Several Apricot Cultivars at Maturity. Horticultural Science, 32: 1087–1.
- 13. Sharaf, A., F. A. Ahmed and S. S. ElSaadany, 1989. Biochemical Changes in Some Fruits at Different Ripening Stages. Food Chemistry, 31: 19–28.
- 14. Uzelac, V.D., J.Pospisil, B. Levaj and K. Delonga, 2005. The Study of Phenolic Profiles of Raw Apricots and Apples and Their Puress by HPLC for the Evaluation of Apricot Nectars and Jams Authenticity. Food chemistry 91:373-383.
- 15. Wargowicz, M. J., 2000. Anticancer Propertiesof Fruits and Vegetables, Horticulture Science 35:573-575
- 16. Zavala, F. A. Y., S. Y. Wang, C. Y. Wang and G. A.G. Aguilar, 2004. Effect of Storage Temperatures on Antioxidant Capacity and Aroma Compounds in Strawberry Fruit. Lebensm- Wissu- Technol. 37: 687-695.
Year 2010,
Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 21 - 29, 01.03.2010
Tuncay Kan
Saim Zeki Bostan
- 1. Arts, C. W., B. Putte and P. C. H. Hollman, 2000. Catechin Contents of Foods Commonly Consumed in the Netherlands. 1. Fruits, Vegetables, Staple Foods and Processed Foods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48:1746–1751.
- 2. Bengoechea, M. L., A. I. Sancho, B. Bartolome, I. Estrella, C. Gomez-Cordoves and M. T. Hernandez, 1997. Phenolic Composition of Industrially Manufactured Purees and Concentrates from Peach and Apple Fruits. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45, 4071± 40.
- 3. Cemeroğlu, B., 1992. Meyve ve Sebze İşleme Endüstrisinde Temel Analiz Metotları. Ankara.
- 4. Fernandez de Simon, B., J. Perez-Ilzabre and T. Hernandez, 1992. Importance of Phenolic Compounds for the Characterization of Fruit Nectars. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 40: 1531–153.
- 5. Garcia-Viguera, C., P. Bridle, F. Ferreres and F. A. Tomas-Barberan, 1994. Influence of Variety, Maturity and Processing on Phenolic Compounds of Apricot Nectars and Jams. Zetchrift fur Lebensmmitel Untersuchung und Forschung 199:433–436.
- 6. Gardner, P. T., T. A. White., D. B. Mcphail and G. Duthie, 2000. The Relative Contributions of Vitamin C, Carotenoids and Phenolics to the Antioxidant Potential of Fruit Juices. Food Chemistry 68: 471–474.
- 7. Gülcan, R., A. Mısırlı., N. Eryüce., T. Demir, ve H. Sağlam, 2001. Kayısı Yetiştiriciliği. İzmir. 212.
- 8. Harris, R. S, 1997. Effect of Agricultural Practices on the Content of Foods. In R. S.
- 9. Macheix, J. J., A. Fleuriet and J. Billot, 1990. Fruit Phenolics. Boca Raton, FL:CRS pres.
- 10. Moure, A., J.M. Cruz., D. Franco., M. Dominguez., J. Sineiro., H. Dominguez., M. Nunez and J.C. Parajo, 2001. Food Chemical 72: 145
- 11. Prior, R.L. and G. Cao, 2000. Antioxidant Phytochemicals in Fruits and Vegetables: Diet and Health Implications. Horticulture Science 35: 588-592.
- 12. Radi, M., M. Mahrouz and Jaouad, A, 1997. Phenolic Content, Browning Susceptibility, and Carotenoid Content of Several Apricot Cultivars at Maturity. Horticultural Science, 32: 1087–1.
- 13. Sharaf, A., F. A. Ahmed and S. S. ElSaadany, 1989. Biochemical Changes in Some Fruits at Different Ripening Stages. Food Chemistry, 31: 19–28.
- 14. Uzelac, V.D., J.Pospisil, B. Levaj and K. Delonga, 2005. The Study of Phenolic Profiles of Raw Apricots and Apples and Their Puress by HPLC for the Evaluation of Apricot Nectars and Jams Authenticity. Food chemistry 91:373-383.
- 15. Wargowicz, M. J., 2000. Anticancer Propertiesof Fruits and Vegetables, Horticulture Science 35:573-575
- 16. Zavala, F. A. Y., S. Y. Wang, C. Y. Wang and G. A.G. Aguilar, 2004. Effect of Storage Temperatures on Antioxidant Capacity and Aroma Compounds in Strawberry Fruit. Lebensm- Wissu- Technol. 37: 687-695.