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Year 2010, Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 31 - 44, 01.03.2010


Elma dünyanın beş kıtası üzerinde yoğun olarak yetiştiriciliği yapılan bir meyve
türüdür. Tüm dünyada elmada çeşit geliştirmeye yönelik çalışmalar çok uzun yıllar
önce başlatılmıştır. Bugün, hem özel hem de kamu sektörü tarafından yürütülen çok
sayıda çeşit ıslah programı bulunmaktadır. Yeni bir çeşidin ortaya çıkarılması genellikle
15-20 yıllık bir süreci gerektirmektedir. Bununla birlikte, dünyada 6000’den fazla
kaliteli elma çeşidi olduğu bilinmekte ve bu sayıya sürekli yenileri eklenmektedir.
Elma yetiştiricisi ülkelerin hemen tamamında bir ya da daha fazla elma ıslah programı
yürütülmektedir. Bu çalışmada dünyada yürütülmekte olan önemli elma ıslah
programları incelenmiş, elde edilen bilgiler özetlenerek Türkiye’nin bu alandaki durumu


  • Anonymous, 2009a. (, (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Anonymous, 2009b. (, (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Anonymous, 2009c. (, (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Anonymous, 2009d. (, (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Anonymous, 2009e. (www.growingfutures. com), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Anonymous, 2010. ( news), (Erişim tarihi: Mayıs 2010).
  • Ballard, J., 2002. Apple Breeding Worldwide (Condensed PNWFTA) Report. (www.hort. newsletter.pdf), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Barritt, B., 2004. WSU Apple Breeding Program. (, (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Blažek, J., 1995. Apple Breeding in the Czech Republic: Aims, Present Status and Results. European Malus Germplasm Proc. Workshop 21-24 June 1995, Wye Collage, University of London. IPGRI, pp. 60-64.
  • Bolat, S., M. Güleryüz, 1992. Konya İlinde Kaliteli Yazlık Elma Tiplerinin Seleksiyon Yolu İle Islahı Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Türkiye I. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, Cilt 1:523-526.
  • Brown, S.K. and K.E. Maloney, 2003. Genetic Improvement of Apple: Breeding, Markers, Mapping and Biotechnology. (Eds: D.C. Ferree and I.J. Warrington). Apples: Botany, Production and Uses p: 31-59.
  • Brown, S.K., 2006. Five Important Apple Varieties Named by Cornell. Featured Impacts. ( public/impact/apple-varieties.cfm), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Chance, K., 2008. New WA Apple Doesn't Go Brown. ( aspx?MenuID=77&ContentID=70554), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Cramond, G., 2005. The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia. An Investigation of Latest Advances in Integrated European Deciduous Tree Fruit Variety Trials and Evaluation Systems, the Emergence of SoleProprietary Varieties with Controlled Production and Marketing, and Their Affect on European Fruit Industries. ( Reports/Cramond%20Gregory%202005.pdf), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Denardi, F., L.F. Hough and J.I.d. Bonetti, 1988. Low Chilling and Disease Resistance as Main Objectives of Apple Breeding in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Acta Horticulturae 232: 1525.
  • Dzhuvinov, (Djouvinov) V. and I. Slavov, 2008. Some Results of the Apple Breeding Programme in Bulgaria. Acta Horticulturae 767: 397-402.
  • Eltez, M. ve N. Kaşka, 1985. Niğde Yöresinde Her Yıl Meyve Veren Üstün Özellikte Kaşel-Amasya Elma Türlerinin Seleksiyonu. Doğa Bilim Dergisi Seri D., 1-9.
  • Evans, K. 2006. Apple Breeding at East Malling Research (Current breeding work/technologies).( rticles/east_malling_research.aspx), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Eyysen, R., 1994. Apple Breeding for Quality, Disease Resistance and Growth Habit. Acta Horticulturae 355: 173-182.
  • Fideghelli, C., 2002. The Activity on Apple Scab Resistance Within the National Research Programs ´Fruit Growing and Recommended Fruit Varieties Supported by The Ministry For Agricultural and Forestry Policy. Acta Horticulturae 595: 49-53.
  • Fischer, M. and C. Fischer, 2002. The Dresden-Pillnitz Long-Term Apple Breeding Program and its Results. The Compact Fruit Tree 35(1):21-25.
  • Fischer, M. and C. Fischer, 2008. The Pillnitz Re-Series of Apple Cultivars – Do They Hold Promise? – 80 Years of Professional German Fruit Breeding 2008. Erwerbs-Obstbau 50:63–67.
  • Gelvonauskienė, D., B. Gelvonauskis, A. Sasnauskas, V. Stanys and V. Bendokas, 2008. Apple Breeding at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. Scientific works. 27(3): 85-97. ( 27(2)_eng_7.htm), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Gianfranceschi, L. and V. Soglio, 2004. The European Project HİDRAS: Innovative Multidisciplinary Approaches to Breeding High Quality Disease Resistant Apples. Acta Hortic. 663:321-326.
  • Hancock, J.F., J.J. Luby, S.K. Brown and G.A. Lobos, 2008. Apples. (In Temperate Fruit Crop Breeding: Germplasm to Genomics Books). Elsevier Publ. p: 1-37.
  • Hampson, C. R., H.A. Quamme, R.A. MacDonald, W.D. Lane and K.O. Lapins, 2000. Silken, Creston and Chinook: Three New Apples from Canada. Acta Horticulturae 538:711-714.
  • Ikase, L. and R. Dumbravs, 2004. Apple Breeding for Disease Resistance in Latvia. Acta Horticulturae 663:713-716.
  • Janick, J., 2006. The PRI Apple Breeding Program. Hortscience 41(1):8-10.
  • Juniper, B.E. and D.J. Mabberley, 2006. The Story of the Apple. Timber Pres, Inc., Oregon.
  • Khanizadeh, S., Y. Groleau, J. Cousineau, R. Granger and G. Rousselle, 2000. New Hardy Apple Selections from the Quebec Apple Breeding Program. Acta Horticulturae 538:715-718.
  • Khanizadeh, S., J. Cousineau, Y. Groleau, R.L. Granger and G. Rousselle, 2000. Quebec Apple Cultivar and Rootstock Breeding Program. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Horticultural Research and Development Centre Research Summary, 27:1999-2000, 35-36 p.
  • Knight, V.H., K.M. Evans, D.W. Simpson and K.R. Tobutt, 2005. Report on a Desktop Study to Investigate the Current World Resources in Rosaceous Fruit Breeding Programmes. East Malling Research, New Road East Malling Kent ME19 6BJ.
  • Kon, T., S. Sato, T. Kudo, K. Fujita and T. Fukasawa-Akawa, 2000. Apple Breeding at Aomori Apple Experiment Station, Japan. Acta Horticulturae 538:215-218.
  • Labuschagné, I.F., 2008. Breeding Apple Cultivars with Specific Fruit Quality Traits. ( oolID=30&ItemID=1527). (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Lateur, M., B. Lefrancq and C. Wagemans, 2000. Influence of Scab Inoculum Concentration in an Apple Breeding Program Focused on Quantitative Resistance. Acta Horticulturae 538:249-255.
  • Lefrancq, B., M. Lateur and A. Rondia, 2004. Screening Method for Polygenic Scab Resistance Within An Apple Breeding Programme: Relationship Between Early Greenhouse Screening Test on Young Seedlings and Their Scab Susceptibility in Natural Field Conditions. Acta Horticulturae 663:793-797.
  • Laurens, F., 1999. Review of the Current Apple Breeding Programmes in the World: Objective for Scion Cultivar Improvement. Proc. Eucarpia Symp. Fruit breeding and genetics. ISHS, Oxford, UK, 16 September 1996. Acta Hort. 484: 162-170.
  • Laurens, F. and C. Pitiot, 2003. French Apple Breeding Program: A New Partnership Between INRA and the Nurserymen of NOVADI. Acta Horticulturae 622:575-582.
  • Laurens, F., M. Chevalier, E. Dolega, F. Genari, M. Goerre, C. Fischer, M. Kellerhals, M. Lateur, B. Lefrancq, L. Parisi, H. Schouten and S. Tartarini, 2004. Local European Cultivars as Sources of Durable Scab Resistance in Apple. Acta Hort. 663:115-122.
  • Lynd, M., 2008. Great Moments in Apple History. (
  • Maliepaard, C., 2000. Genetic Mapping in a Full-sib Family of Apple. (Doctoral Thesis). Wageningen University. p:7.
  • Nicholas, P. and B. Vermey, 1998. The National Apple Breeding Program in Western Australia. Farmnote 49/98.
  • Nybom, H., 2004. 'Frida' And 'Fredrik', The First Scab-Resistant Apple Cultivars Developed in Sweden. Acta Horticulturae 663:871-873.
  • Oraguzie, N.C., J. Soejima, T. FukusawaAkada, K. Kudo, H. Komatsu and N. Kotoda, 2003. Apple Breeding Progress in Japan. Acta Hortic. 622: 583-590.
  • O’Rourke, D., 2003. World Production, Trade, Consumption and Economic Outlook for Apples. (In Apples Books). CABI Publishing, Cambridge, p: 15-29.
  • Pırlak, L., M. Güleryüz, R. Aslantaş, ve A. Eşitken, 1997. Erzurum İlinin Tortum ve Uzundere İlçelerinde Kaliteli Yazlık Elma Tiplerinin Seleksiyon Yoluyla Islahı Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Yumuşak Çekirdekli Meyveler Sempozyumu, s: 21-28, Yalova.
  • Pitera, E., 2000. Results of Apples Breeding for Disease Resistance. Proceedings of the International Conference Fruit Production and Fruit Breeding, Tartu, Estonia.
  • Røen, D., 1998. Apple Breeding in Norway. Acta Horticulturae 484:153-156.
  • Sansavini, S., F. Donati, F. Costa and S. Tartarini, 2004. Advances in Apple Breeding For Enhanced Fruit Quality and Resistance to Biotic Stresses: New Varieties for The European Market. J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. Special Ed. 12: 13-52.
  • Sasnauskas, A., D. Gelvonauskienė, V., Bendokas, V. Stanys, R. Rugienius, C. Bobinas and D. Baniulis, 2007. Characterization of Scab Resistant Lithuanian Apple Cultivars. Acta Horticulturae 760:507512.
  • Soejima, J., K. Abe, N. Kotoda and H. Kato, 2000. Recent Progress of Apple Breeding at the Apple Research Center in Morioka. Acta Horticulturae 538:211-214.
  • Toth, M., M. Kasa, M. Göndör, K. Honty and M. Hevesi, 2006. First Results of Fire Blight Resistance Screening in A Hungarian Apple Breeding Programme. Acta Horticulturae 704:545-549.
  • White, A. 1988. Apple Breeding in New Zealand. Acta Horticulturae 224:119-122.
  • Zurawicz, E. and S. W. Zagaja, 1998. Breeding Apple Cultivars at the Research Institute of Pomology And Floriculture, Skierniewice, Poland. Acta Horticulturae 484: 221-224.
Year 2010, Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 31 - 44, 01.03.2010



  • Anonymous, 2009a. (, (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Anonymous, 2009b. (, (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Anonymous, 2009c. (, (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Anonymous, 2009d. (, (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Anonymous, 2009e. (www.growingfutures. com), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Anonymous, 2010. ( news), (Erişim tarihi: Mayıs 2010).
  • Ballard, J., 2002. Apple Breeding Worldwide (Condensed PNWFTA) Report. (www.hort. newsletter.pdf), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Barritt, B., 2004. WSU Apple Breeding Program. (, (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Blažek, J., 1995. Apple Breeding in the Czech Republic: Aims, Present Status and Results. European Malus Germplasm Proc. Workshop 21-24 June 1995, Wye Collage, University of London. IPGRI, pp. 60-64.
  • Bolat, S., M. Güleryüz, 1992. Konya İlinde Kaliteli Yazlık Elma Tiplerinin Seleksiyon Yolu İle Islahı Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Türkiye I. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, Cilt 1:523-526.
  • Brown, S.K. and K.E. Maloney, 2003. Genetic Improvement of Apple: Breeding, Markers, Mapping and Biotechnology. (Eds: D.C. Ferree and I.J. Warrington). Apples: Botany, Production and Uses p: 31-59.
  • Brown, S.K., 2006. Five Important Apple Varieties Named by Cornell. Featured Impacts. ( public/impact/apple-varieties.cfm), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Chance, K., 2008. New WA Apple Doesn't Go Brown. ( aspx?MenuID=77&ContentID=70554), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Cramond, G., 2005. The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia. An Investigation of Latest Advances in Integrated European Deciduous Tree Fruit Variety Trials and Evaluation Systems, the Emergence of SoleProprietary Varieties with Controlled Production and Marketing, and Their Affect on European Fruit Industries. ( Reports/Cramond%20Gregory%202005.pdf), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Denardi, F., L.F. Hough and J.I.d. Bonetti, 1988. Low Chilling and Disease Resistance as Main Objectives of Apple Breeding in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Acta Horticulturae 232: 1525.
  • Dzhuvinov, (Djouvinov) V. and I. Slavov, 2008. Some Results of the Apple Breeding Programme in Bulgaria. Acta Horticulturae 767: 397-402.
  • Eltez, M. ve N. Kaşka, 1985. Niğde Yöresinde Her Yıl Meyve Veren Üstün Özellikte Kaşel-Amasya Elma Türlerinin Seleksiyonu. Doğa Bilim Dergisi Seri D., 1-9.
  • Evans, K. 2006. Apple Breeding at East Malling Research (Current breeding work/technologies).( rticles/east_malling_research.aspx), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Eyysen, R., 1994. Apple Breeding for Quality, Disease Resistance and Growth Habit. Acta Horticulturae 355: 173-182.
  • Fideghelli, C., 2002. The Activity on Apple Scab Resistance Within the National Research Programs ´Fruit Growing and Recommended Fruit Varieties Supported by The Ministry For Agricultural and Forestry Policy. Acta Horticulturae 595: 49-53.
  • Fischer, M. and C. Fischer, 2002. The Dresden-Pillnitz Long-Term Apple Breeding Program and its Results. The Compact Fruit Tree 35(1):21-25.
  • Fischer, M. and C. Fischer, 2008. The Pillnitz Re-Series of Apple Cultivars – Do They Hold Promise? – 80 Years of Professional German Fruit Breeding 2008. Erwerbs-Obstbau 50:63–67.
  • Gelvonauskienė, D., B. Gelvonauskis, A. Sasnauskas, V. Stanys and V. Bendokas, 2008. Apple Breeding at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. Scientific works. 27(3): 85-97. ( 27(2)_eng_7.htm), (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Gianfranceschi, L. and V. Soglio, 2004. The European Project HİDRAS: Innovative Multidisciplinary Approaches to Breeding High Quality Disease Resistant Apples. Acta Hortic. 663:321-326.
  • Hancock, J.F., J.J. Luby, S.K. Brown and G.A. Lobos, 2008. Apples. (In Temperate Fruit Crop Breeding: Germplasm to Genomics Books). Elsevier Publ. p: 1-37.
  • Hampson, C. R., H.A. Quamme, R.A. MacDonald, W.D. Lane and K.O. Lapins, 2000. Silken, Creston and Chinook: Three New Apples from Canada. Acta Horticulturae 538:711-714.
  • Ikase, L. and R. Dumbravs, 2004. Apple Breeding for Disease Resistance in Latvia. Acta Horticulturae 663:713-716.
  • Janick, J., 2006. The PRI Apple Breeding Program. Hortscience 41(1):8-10.
  • Juniper, B.E. and D.J. Mabberley, 2006. The Story of the Apple. Timber Pres, Inc., Oregon.
  • Khanizadeh, S., Y. Groleau, J. Cousineau, R. Granger and G. Rousselle, 2000. New Hardy Apple Selections from the Quebec Apple Breeding Program. Acta Horticulturae 538:715-718.
  • Khanizadeh, S., J. Cousineau, Y. Groleau, R.L. Granger and G. Rousselle, 2000. Quebec Apple Cultivar and Rootstock Breeding Program. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Horticultural Research and Development Centre Research Summary, 27:1999-2000, 35-36 p.
  • Knight, V.H., K.M. Evans, D.W. Simpson and K.R. Tobutt, 2005. Report on a Desktop Study to Investigate the Current World Resources in Rosaceous Fruit Breeding Programmes. East Malling Research, New Road East Malling Kent ME19 6BJ.
  • Kon, T., S. Sato, T. Kudo, K. Fujita and T. Fukasawa-Akawa, 2000. Apple Breeding at Aomori Apple Experiment Station, Japan. Acta Horticulturae 538:215-218.
  • Labuschagné, I.F., 2008. Breeding Apple Cultivars with Specific Fruit Quality Traits. ( oolID=30&ItemID=1527). (Erişim tarihi: Şubat, 2009).
  • Lateur, M., B. Lefrancq and C. Wagemans, 2000. Influence of Scab Inoculum Concentration in an Apple Breeding Program Focused on Quantitative Resistance. Acta Horticulturae 538:249-255.
  • Lefrancq, B., M. Lateur and A. Rondia, 2004. Screening Method for Polygenic Scab Resistance Within An Apple Breeding Programme: Relationship Between Early Greenhouse Screening Test on Young Seedlings and Their Scab Susceptibility in Natural Field Conditions. Acta Horticulturae 663:793-797.
  • Laurens, F., 1999. Review of the Current Apple Breeding Programmes in the World: Objective for Scion Cultivar Improvement. Proc. Eucarpia Symp. Fruit breeding and genetics. ISHS, Oxford, UK, 16 September 1996. Acta Hort. 484: 162-170.
  • Laurens, F. and C. Pitiot, 2003. French Apple Breeding Program: A New Partnership Between INRA and the Nurserymen of NOVADI. Acta Horticulturae 622:575-582.
  • Laurens, F., M. Chevalier, E. Dolega, F. Genari, M. Goerre, C. Fischer, M. Kellerhals, M. Lateur, B. Lefrancq, L. Parisi, H. Schouten and S. Tartarini, 2004. Local European Cultivars as Sources of Durable Scab Resistance in Apple. Acta Hort. 663:115-122.
  • Lynd, M., 2008. Great Moments in Apple History. (
  • Maliepaard, C., 2000. Genetic Mapping in a Full-sib Family of Apple. (Doctoral Thesis). Wageningen University. p:7.
  • Nicholas, P. and B. Vermey, 1998. The National Apple Breeding Program in Western Australia. Farmnote 49/98.
  • Nybom, H., 2004. 'Frida' And 'Fredrik', The First Scab-Resistant Apple Cultivars Developed in Sweden. Acta Horticulturae 663:871-873.
  • Oraguzie, N.C., J. Soejima, T. FukusawaAkada, K. Kudo, H. Komatsu and N. Kotoda, 2003. Apple Breeding Progress in Japan. Acta Hortic. 622: 583-590.
  • O’Rourke, D., 2003. World Production, Trade, Consumption and Economic Outlook for Apples. (In Apples Books). CABI Publishing, Cambridge, p: 15-29.
  • Pırlak, L., M. Güleryüz, R. Aslantaş, ve A. Eşitken, 1997. Erzurum İlinin Tortum ve Uzundere İlçelerinde Kaliteli Yazlık Elma Tiplerinin Seleksiyon Yoluyla Islahı Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Yumuşak Çekirdekli Meyveler Sempozyumu, s: 21-28, Yalova.
  • Pitera, E., 2000. Results of Apples Breeding for Disease Resistance. Proceedings of the International Conference Fruit Production and Fruit Breeding, Tartu, Estonia.
  • Røen, D., 1998. Apple Breeding in Norway. Acta Horticulturae 484:153-156.
  • Sansavini, S., F. Donati, F. Costa and S. Tartarini, 2004. Advances in Apple Breeding For Enhanced Fruit Quality and Resistance to Biotic Stresses: New Varieties for The European Market. J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. Special Ed. 12: 13-52.
  • Sasnauskas, A., D. Gelvonauskienė, V., Bendokas, V. Stanys, R. Rugienius, C. Bobinas and D. Baniulis, 2007. Characterization of Scab Resistant Lithuanian Apple Cultivars. Acta Horticulturae 760:507512.
  • Soejima, J., K. Abe, N. Kotoda and H. Kato, 2000. Recent Progress of Apple Breeding at the Apple Research Center in Morioka. Acta Horticulturae 538:211-214.
  • Toth, M., M. Kasa, M. Göndör, K. Honty and M. Hevesi, 2006. First Results of Fire Blight Resistance Screening in A Hungarian Apple Breeding Programme. Acta Horticulturae 704:545-549.
  • White, A. 1988. Apple Breeding in New Zealand. Acta Horticulturae 224:119-122.
  • Zurawicz, E. and S. W. Zagaja, 1998. Breeding Apple Cultivars at the Research Institute of Pomology And Floriculture, Skierniewice, Poland. Acta Horticulturae 484: 221-224.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Nilgün Atay This is me

Ersin Atay This is me

Fatma Koyuncu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2010
Submission Date July 27, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 39 Issue: 1


APA Atay, N., Atay, E., & Koyuncu, F. (2010). DÜNYA ELMA ISLAH PROGRAMLARINA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ. Bahçe, 39(1), 31-44.
AMA Atay N, Atay E, Koyuncu F. DÜNYA ELMA ISLAH PROGRAMLARINA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ. Bahçe. March 2010;39(1):31-44.
Chicago Atay, Nilgün, Ersin Atay, and Fatma Koyuncu. “DÜNYA ELMA ISLAH PROGRAMLARINA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ”. Bahçe 39, no. 1 (March 2010): 31-44.
EndNote Atay N, Atay E, Koyuncu F (March 1, 2010) DÜNYA ELMA ISLAH PROGRAMLARINA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ. Bahçe 39 1 31–44.
IEEE N. Atay, E. Atay, and F. Koyuncu, “DÜNYA ELMA ISLAH PROGRAMLARINA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ”, Bahçe, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 31–44, 2010.
ISNAD Atay, Nilgün et al. “DÜNYA ELMA ISLAH PROGRAMLARINA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ”. Bahçe 39/1 (March 2010), 31-44.
MLA Atay, Nilgün et al. “DÜNYA ELMA ISLAH PROGRAMLARINA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ”. Bahçe, vol. 39, no. 1, 2010, pp. 31-44.
Vancouver Atay N, Atay E, Koyuncu F. DÜNYA ELMA ISLAH PROGRAMLARINA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ. Bahçe. 2010;39(1):31-44.

BAHCE Journal
Atatürk Horticultural Central Research Institute, Yalova 77100 TÜRKİYE
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