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Phenolic component and fiber content of apple

Year 2014, Volume: 43 Issue: 1-2, 41 - 52, 05.05.2015


The apple belongs to the family of the Rosaceae and the genus Malus communis L. Apple is composed of water (85%); carbohydrates (11%); dietary fibre (2%); fat (0.6%); organic acids (0.5%); and protein (0.3%). Malic acid is the most abundant acid; furthermore phenolic acids (such as caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid) and vitamins are present.
Apple, which is one of the most frequently consumed fruit, is source of monosaccharides, minerals, diet fibers, variety of biological active compounds, C vitamins and phenolic compounds known as natural antioxidant. Some researchers think that polyphenols are components which have antimutagenic and anticancerogenic effect.
In this compilation, importance of phenolic compounds and fiber content in apple is mentioned by examining these two components.


  • Ali, M. B., E. J. Hahn and K. Y. Paek, 2005. CO2–induced Total Phenolics in Suspension Cultures of Panax Ginseng C. A. Mayer Roots: Role of Antioxidants and Enzymes. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43:449–457.
  • Anderson, J., W. B. M. Smith and N. S. Guftanson, 1994. Health Benefit and Practical Aspects of High–Fibre Diets. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 595:1242–1247.
  • Anderson, J., S. Perryman, L. Young and S. Prior, 2007. Dietary Fiber. Food and Nutrition Series. ( foodnut/09333.html) (Erişim Tarihi: 2010)
  • Anonim, 2001. The Definition of Dietary Fiber. Report of the Dietary Fiber Definition Committee to the Board of Directors of the American Association of Cereal Chemists. Cereal Foods World (46):112–126.
  • Arts, I. C. W., B. V. Putte and P. C. H. Hollman, 2000. Catechin Contents of Foods Commonly Consumed in The Netherlands. 1. Fruits, Vegetables, Staple Foods, and Processed Foods. J. Agric. Food Chem. 48:1746–1751.
  • Aprikian, O., J. Busserolles, C. Manach, A. Mazur, C. Morand, M. J. Davicco, C. Besson, Y. Rayssiguier, C. Remesy and C. Demigne, 2002. Lyophilized Apple Counteracts the Development of Hypercholesterolemia, Oxidative Stress, and Renal Dysfunction in Obese Zucker Rats. Journal of Nutrition, 132:1969–1976.
  • Arts, I. C. W., B. V. Putte and P. C. H. Hollman, 2000. Catechin Contents of Foods Commonly Consumed in The Netherlands. 1. Fruits, Vegetables, Staple Foods, and Processed Foods. J. Agric. Food Chem., 48:1746–1751.
  • Awad, M. A., A. de Jager and L. M. van Westing, 2000. Flavonoid and Chlorogenic Acid Levels in Apple Fruit: Characterisation of Variation. Sci. Hortic. 83:249–263.
  • Ayaz, F. A., A. Kadıoğlu and M. Reunanen, 1997. Changes in Phenolic Acid Contents of Diospyros lotus L. During Fruit Development. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45:2539–2541.
  • Beckman, C. H., 2000. Phenolic–Storing Cells: Keys to Programmed Cell Death and Periderm Formation in Wilt Disease Resistance and in General Defence Responses in Plants? Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 57:101–110.
  • Biedrzycka, E. and R. Amarowicz, 2008. Diet and Health: Apple Polyphenols as Antioxidants. Food Reviews International 24:235–251.
  • Bitsch, R., M. Netzel, E. Carle, G. Strassb, B. Kesenheimer, M. Herbst and I. Bitsch, 2001. Bioavailability of Antioxidative Compounds from Brettacher Apple Juice in Humans. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 1:245–249.
  • Boyer, J. and R. H. Liu, 2004. Apple Phytochemicals and Their Health Benefits. Nutrition Journal 3:5.
  • Bravo, L., 1998. Polyphenols: Chemistry, Dietary Sources, Metabolism, and Nutritional Significance. Nutriton Reviews 56:317–333.
  • Burda, S., W. Oleszek and C. Y. Lee, 1990. Phenolic Compounds and Their Changes in Apples during Maturation and Cold Storage. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38:945–948.
  • Can, A., B. Özçelik ve G. Güneş, 2005. Meyve Sebzelerin Antioksidan Kapasiteleri. GAP IV. Tarım Kongresi, Şanlıurfa 1458–1461.
  • Chen, H., G. L. Rubenthaler, H. K. Leung and J. D. Baranowski, 1988. Chemical, Physical, and Baking Properties of Apple Fiber Compared with Wheat and Oat Bran. Cereal Chemistry 65(3):244–247.
  • Chinnici, F., A. Bendini, A. Gaiani and C. Riponi, 2004. Radical Scavenging Activities of Peels and Pulps from cv. Golden Delicious Apples as Related to Their Phenolic Composition. Journal Agric. Food Chem. 52:4684–4689
  • Cowan, M. M., 1999. Plant Products as Antimicrobial Agents. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 12:564–582.
  • Crespy, V., O. Aprikian, C. Morand, C. Besson, C. Manach, C. Demigne and C. Remesy, 2001. Bioavailability of Phloretin and Phloridzin in Rats. J. Nutr. 131:3227–3230.
  • El Kossori, R. L., C. Sanchez, E. S. El Boustani, M. N. Maucourt, Y. Sauvaire, L. Mejean and C. Villaume, 2000. Comparison of Effects of Prickly Pear (Opuntia ficus indica sp.) Fruits, Arabic Gum and Citrus Pectin on Viscosity and in vitro Digestibility of Casein. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 80:359–364.
  • Eberhardt, M., C. Lee and R. H. Liu, 2000. Antioxidant Activity of Fresh Apples. Nature 405(6789):903–4.
  • Franklin, G., L. F. R. Conceiçao, E. Kombrink and A. C. P. Dias, 2009. Xanthone Biosynthesis in Hypericum Perforatum Cells Provides Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Protection Upon Biotic Stres. Phytochemistry 70:60–68.
  • Figuerola, F., M. L. Hurtado, A. M. Estevez, I. Chiffelle and F. Asenjo, 2005. Fibre Concentrates From Apple Pomace and Citrus Peel as Potential Fibre Sources for Food Enrichment. Food Chemistry 91:395–401.
  • Garcia, O. B., J. Castillo, F. R. Marin, A. Ortuno and J. A. D. Rio, 1997. Uses and Properties of Citrus Flavonoids. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45:4505–4515.
  • Gardner, P. T., T. A. C. White, D. B. McPhail and G. G. Duthie, 2000. The Relative Contributions of Vitamin C, Carotenoids and Phenolics to the Antioxidant Potential of Fruit Juices. Food Chem. 68:471–474.
  • Golding, J. B., W. B. McGlasson, S. G. Wyllie and D. N. Leach, 2001. Fate of Apple Peel Phenolics during Cool Storage. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49:2283–2289.
  • Gorinstein, S., Z. Zachwieja, M. Folta, H. Barton, J. Piotrowicz, M. Zember, M. Weisz, S. Trakhtenberg and O. Martin–Belloso, 2001. Comparative Content of Dietary Fiber, Total Phenolics, and Minerals in Persimmons and Apples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 49:952–957.
  • Grigelmo–Miguel, N. and O. Martin–Belloso, 1999. Comparison of Dietary Fibre from by Products of Processing Fruits and Greens and From Cereals. Lebensm.–Wiss. U.–Technol. 32:503–508.
  • Guo, C., J. Yang, J. Wei, Y. Li, J. Xu and Y. Jiang, 2003. Antioxidant Activities of Peel, Pulp and Seed Fractions of Common Fruits as Determined by FRAP Assay. Nutrition Research 23:1719–1726.
  • Guyot, S., C. Le Bourvellec, N. Marnet and J. F. Drilleau, 2002. Procyanidins are the Most Abundant Polyphenols in Dessert Apples at Maturity. Lebensm.–Wiss. U.–Technol. 35, 289–291.
  • Halvorsen, B. L., K. Holte, M. C. W. Myhrstad, I. Barikmo, E. Hvattum, S. F. Remberg, A. B. Wold, K. Haffner, H. Baugerod, L. F. Andersen, J. Moskaug, D. R. Jacobs and R. Blomhoff, 2002. A Systematic Screening of Total Antioxidants in Dietary Plants. Journal of Nutrition 132:461–471.
  • Hammerstone, J. F., S. A. Lazarus and H. H. Schmitz, 2000. Procyanidin Content and Variation in Some Commonly Consumed Foods. J. Nutr. 130:2086–2092.
  • Harborne, J. B. and C. A. Williams, 2000. Advances in Flavonoid Research Since. Phytochem. 55:481–504.
  • Hassimotto, N. M. A., M. I. Genovese and F. M. Lajolo, 2005. Antioxidant Activity of Dietary Fruits, Vegetables, and Commercial Frozen Fruit Pulps. J. Agric. Food Chem. 53:2928–2935.
  • Imeh, U. and S. Khokhar, 2002. Distribution of Conjugated and Free Phenols in Fruits: Antioxidant Activity and Cultivar Variations. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50:6301–6306.
  • Jaime, L., E. Molla, A. Fernandez, M. A. Martin–Cabrejas, F.J. Lopez–Andreu and R. Esteban, 2002. Structural Carbohydrates Differences and Potential Source of Dietary Fiber of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Tissues. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50:122–128.
  • Karadeniz, F. ve A. Ekşi, 2001. Elma Suyunda Fenolik Madde Dağılımı Üzerine Araştırma. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 7(3):135–141.
  • Kondo, S., K. Tsuda, N. Muto and J. Ueda, 2002. Antioxidative Activity of Apple Skin or Flesh Extracts Associated with Fruit Development on Selected Apple Cultivars. Scientia Hortuculturae 96:177–185.
  • Lata, B., 2007. Relationship between Apple Peel and the Whole Fruit Antioxidant Content: Year and Cultivar Variation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 55:663–671.
  • Lee, K. W., J. Y. Kim, D. O. Kim, H. J. Lee and C. Y. Lee, 2003. Major Phenolics in Apple and Their Contribution to the Total Antioxidant Capacity. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51:6516–6520.
  • Leja, M., A. Mareczek and J. Ben, 2003. Antioxidant Properties of Two Apple Cultivars during Long–Term Storage. Food Chemistry 80:303–307.
  • Leontowicz, M., S. Gorinstein, H. Leontowicz, R. Krzeminski, A. Lojek, E. Katrich, M. Ciz, O. Martin–Belloso, R. Soliva–Fortuny, R. Haruenkit and S. Trakhtenberg, 2003. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51:5780–5785.
  • Li, B. W., K. W. Andrews and P. R. Pehrsson, 2002. Individual Sugars, Soluble, and Insoluble Dietary Fiber Contents of 70 High Consumption Foods. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 15: 715–723.
  • Lister, C. E., J. E. Lancaster and K. H. Sutton, 1994. Developmental Changes in the Concentration and Composition of Flavonoids in Skin of a Red and a Green Apple Cultivar. J. Sci. Food Agric. 64:155–161.
  • Lu, Y. and L. Y. Foo, 2000. Antioxidant and Radical Scavenging Activities of Polyphenols from Apple Pomace. Food Chemistry 68:81–85.
  • Manach, C. and J. L. Donovan, 2004. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism of Dietary Flavonoids in Humans. Free Radic. Res. 38:771–785.
  • Manach, C., A. Mazur and A. Scalbert, 2005. Polyphenols and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases. Current Opinions in Lipidology 16:77–84.
  • Masoodi, F. A., G. S. Chauhan, S. M. Tyagi, B. K. Kumbhar and H. Kaur, 2001. Effect of Apple Pomace Incorporation on Rheological Characteristic of Wheat Flour. Int J. Food Prop. 4:2156–223.
  • McGhie, T. K., M. Hunt and L. E. Barnett, 2005. Cultivar and Growing Region Determine the Antioxidant Polyphenolic Concentration and Composition of Apples Grown in New Zealand. J. Agric. Food Chem. 53:3065–3070.
  • McKee, L. H. and T. A. Latner, 2000. Underutilized Sources of Dietary Fibre: A Review. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 55:285–304.
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  • Miguel, N. G. and O. M. Belloso, 1999. Comparison of Dietary Fibre from By–Products of Processing Fruits and Greens and from Cereals. Lebensm.–Wiss. U.–Technol. 32:503–508.
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Elmanın fenolik bileşen ve lif içeriği

Year 2014, Volume: 43 Issue: 1-2, 41 - 52, 05.05.2015


Elma, Rosaceae familyasından Malus communis L. cinsindendir. Genel olarak, elmalar %85 su, %11 karbonhidrat, %2 diyet lif, %0.6 yağ, %0.5 organik asit ve %0.3 proteinden oluşur. Malik asit en fazla bulunan asittir, ayrıca fenolik asitler (kafeik ve klorojenik gibi) ve vitaminlerde mevcuttur.
En sık tüketilen meyvelerden biri olarak elma; insan beslenmesinde monosakkaritlerin, minerallerin, diyet lifin, çeşitli biyolojik aktif bileşiklerin, C vitamini ve doğal antioksidan olarak bilinen fenolik bileşenlerin kaynağıdır. Bazı araştırmacılar polifenollerin antimutajenik ve antikanserojen etkileri olan bileşenler olduğunu düşünmektedirler.
Bu derlemede elmanın fenolik bileşenleri ve lif içeriği incelenerek bu iki unsurun sağlığımız için önemine değinilmiştir.


  • Ali, M. B., E. J. Hahn and K. Y. Paek, 2005. CO2–induced Total Phenolics in Suspension Cultures of Panax Ginseng C. A. Mayer Roots: Role of Antioxidants and Enzymes. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43:449–457.
  • Anderson, J., W. B. M. Smith and N. S. Guftanson, 1994. Health Benefit and Practical Aspects of High–Fibre Diets. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 595:1242–1247.
  • Anderson, J., S. Perryman, L. Young and S. Prior, 2007. Dietary Fiber. Food and Nutrition Series. ( foodnut/09333.html) (Erişim Tarihi: 2010)
  • Anonim, 2001. The Definition of Dietary Fiber. Report of the Dietary Fiber Definition Committee to the Board of Directors of the American Association of Cereal Chemists. Cereal Foods World (46):112–126.
  • Arts, I. C. W., B. V. Putte and P. C. H. Hollman, 2000. Catechin Contents of Foods Commonly Consumed in The Netherlands. 1. Fruits, Vegetables, Staple Foods, and Processed Foods. J. Agric. Food Chem. 48:1746–1751.
  • Aprikian, O., J. Busserolles, C. Manach, A. Mazur, C. Morand, M. J. Davicco, C. Besson, Y. Rayssiguier, C. Remesy and C. Demigne, 2002. Lyophilized Apple Counteracts the Development of Hypercholesterolemia, Oxidative Stress, and Renal Dysfunction in Obese Zucker Rats. Journal of Nutrition, 132:1969–1976.
  • Arts, I. C. W., B. V. Putte and P. C. H. Hollman, 2000. Catechin Contents of Foods Commonly Consumed in The Netherlands. 1. Fruits, Vegetables, Staple Foods, and Processed Foods. J. Agric. Food Chem., 48:1746–1751.
  • Awad, M. A., A. de Jager and L. M. van Westing, 2000. Flavonoid and Chlorogenic Acid Levels in Apple Fruit: Characterisation of Variation. Sci. Hortic. 83:249–263.
  • Ayaz, F. A., A. Kadıoğlu and M. Reunanen, 1997. Changes in Phenolic Acid Contents of Diospyros lotus L. During Fruit Development. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45:2539–2541.
  • Beckman, C. H., 2000. Phenolic–Storing Cells: Keys to Programmed Cell Death and Periderm Formation in Wilt Disease Resistance and in General Defence Responses in Plants? Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 57:101–110.
  • Biedrzycka, E. and R. Amarowicz, 2008. Diet and Health: Apple Polyphenols as Antioxidants. Food Reviews International 24:235–251.
  • Bitsch, R., M. Netzel, E. Carle, G. Strassb, B. Kesenheimer, M. Herbst and I. Bitsch, 2001. Bioavailability of Antioxidative Compounds from Brettacher Apple Juice in Humans. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 1:245–249.
  • Boyer, J. and R. H. Liu, 2004. Apple Phytochemicals and Their Health Benefits. Nutrition Journal 3:5.
  • Bravo, L., 1998. Polyphenols: Chemistry, Dietary Sources, Metabolism, and Nutritional Significance. Nutriton Reviews 56:317–333.
  • Burda, S., W. Oleszek and C. Y. Lee, 1990. Phenolic Compounds and Their Changes in Apples during Maturation and Cold Storage. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38:945–948.
  • Can, A., B. Özçelik ve G. Güneş, 2005. Meyve Sebzelerin Antioksidan Kapasiteleri. GAP IV. Tarım Kongresi, Şanlıurfa 1458–1461.
  • Chen, H., G. L. Rubenthaler, H. K. Leung and J. D. Baranowski, 1988. Chemical, Physical, and Baking Properties of Apple Fiber Compared with Wheat and Oat Bran. Cereal Chemistry 65(3):244–247.
  • Chinnici, F., A. Bendini, A. Gaiani and C. Riponi, 2004. Radical Scavenging Activities of Peels and Pulps from cv. Golden Delicious Apples as Related to Their Phenolic Composition. Journal Agric. Food Chem. 52:4684–4689
  • Cowan, M. M., 1999. Plant Products as Antimicrobial Agents. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 12:564–582.
  • Crespy, V., O. Aprikian, C. Morand, C. Besson, C. Manach, C. Demigne and C. Remesy, 2001. Bioavailability of Phloretin and Phloridzin in Rats. J. Nutr. 131:3227–3230.
  • El Kossori, R. L., C. Sanchez, E. S. El Boustani, M. N. Maucourt, Y. Sauvaire, L. Mejean and C. Villaume, 2000. Comparison of Effects of Prickly Pear (Opuntia ficus indica sp.) Fruits, Arabic Gum and Citrus Pectin on Viscosity and in vitro Digestibility of Casein. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 80:359–364.
  • Eberhardt, M., C. Lee and R. H. Liu, 2000. Antioxidant Activity of Fresh Apples. Nature 405(6789):903–4.
  • Franklin, G., L. F. R. Conceiçao, E. Kombrink and A. C. P. Dias, 2009. Xanthone Biosynthesis in Hypericum Perforatum Cells Provides Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Protection Upon Biotic Stres. Phytochemistry 70:60–68.
  • Figuerola, F., M. L. Hurtado, A. M. Estevez, I. Chiffelle and F. Asenjo, 2005. Fibre Concentrates From Apple Pomace and Citrus Peel as Potential Fibre Sources for Food Enrichment. Food Chemistry 91:395–401.
  • Garcia, O. B., J. Castillo, F. R. Marin, A. Ortuno and J. A. D. Rio, 1997. Uses and Properties of Citrus Flavonoids. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45:4505–4515.
  • Gardner, P. T., T. A. C. White, D. B. McPhail and G. G. Duthie, 2000. The Relative Contributions of Vitamin C, Carotenoids and Phenolics to the Antioxidant Potential of Fruit Juices. Food Chem. 68:471–474.
  • Golding, J. B., W. B. McGlasson, S. G. Wyllie and D. N. Leach, 2001. Fate of Apple Peel Phenolics during Cool Storage. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49:2283–2289.
  • Gorinstein, S., Z. Zachwieja, M. Folta, H. Barton, J. Piotrowicz, M. Zember, M. Weisz, S. Trakhtenberg and O. Martin–Belloso, 2001. Comparative Content of Dietary Fiber, Total Phenolics, and Minerals in Persimmons and Apples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 49:952–957.
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There are 87 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Derlemeler

S. Seçil Erdoğan

Mehmet Demirci This is me

Publication Date May 5, 2015
Submission Date January 2, 2014
Acceptance Date September 4, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 43 Issue: 1-2


APA Erdoğan, S. S., & Demirci, M. (2015). Elmanın fenolik bileşen ve lif içeriği. Bahçe, 43(1-2), 41-52.
AMA Erdoğan SS, Demirci M. Elmanın fenolik bileşen ve lif içeriği. Bahçe. May 2015;43(1-2):41-52.
Chicago Erdoğan, S. Seçil, and Mehmet Demirci. “Elmanın Fenolik bileşen Ve Lif içeriği”. Bahçe 43, no. 1-2 (May 2015): 41-52.
EndNote Erdoğan SS, Demirci M (May 1, 2015) Elmanın fenolik bileşen ve lif içeriği. Bahçe 43 1-2 41–52.
IEEE S. S. Erdoğan and M. Demirci, “Elmanın fenolik bileşen ve lif içeriği”, Bahçe, vol. 43, no. 1-2, pp. 41–52, 2015.
ISNAD Erdoğan, S. Seçil - Demirci, Mehmet. “Elmanın Fenolik bileşen Ve Lif içeriği”. Bahçe 43/1-2 (May 2015), 41-52.
JAMA Erdoğan SS, Demirci M. Elmanın fenolik bileşen ve lif içeriği. Bahçe. 2015;43:41–52.
MLA Erdoğan, S. Seçil and Mehmet Demirci. “Elmanın Fenolik bileşen Ve Lif içeriği”. Bahçe, vol. 43, no. 1-2, 2015, pp. 41-52.
Vancouver Erdoğan SS, Demirci M. Elmanın fenolik bileşen ve lif içeriği. Bahçe. 2015;43(1-2):41-52.

BAHCE Journal
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