Norovirus poisoning resulted from contaminated fruit or vegetables consumption and prevention methods
Year 2015,
Volume: 44 Issue: 1, 31 - 39, 11.05.2016
Yasin Özdemir
Aysun Öztürk
Sanem Tüfekçi
Fruits and vegetables is considered to be low–risk foods in terms of food safety in the food safety management system. However Norovirus and other pathogen contamination should not be ignored in fruits and vegetables. Norovirus which has 39% and 26% shares respectively in fruits and vegetables sourced food poisoning and take place on the top in pathogens. In addition, properties such as frequency of occurrences and the effect intensity of pathogenic factors like (or as) Norovirus should be involved in the risk assessment processes in the entire process starting from the crop until it reaches the consumer. Although Norovirus causes significant share of food poisoning worldwide a few studies have been made on Norovirus caused food borne outbreaks. In this review, current information’s about reported Norovirus induced food poisonings in recent years and prevention methods were presented.
- Adak, G. K., S. M. Meakins, H. Yip, B. A. Lopman and S. J. O’Brien, 2005. Disease Risks from Foods, England and Wales, 1996–2000. Emerg Infect Dis 11(3):365–372.
- Adler, J. L. and R. Zickl, 1969. Winter Vomiting Disease. J Infect Dis 119:668–673.
- Anonymous, 2005. Health Protection Agency Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food information paper ‘Microbiological Status of RTE Fruit and Vegetables’ ACM⁄745. UK: Food Standards Agency, London.
- Anonim, 2014. Toplu Tüketim Yerleri için Hijyen Esasları ve İyi Uygulama Kılavuzu. Türkiye Esnaf ve Sanatkârları Konfederasyonu/ Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Ankara.
- Associated Pres, 2012. “Germany: Batch of Frozen Strawberries Blamed for Outbreak of Gastroenteritis in Schools.” (–batch–frozen–strawberries–blamed–for–outbreak–gastroenteritis–in/.), (Erişim: Nisan 2013).
- Baranol, A. ve A. Erdoğan, 2013. Gıda Kaynaklı Bir Hastalık Olarak Norovirüs Salgınlarının Önemi. Gıda 38(2):119–126.
- Bank–Wolf, B. R., M. Konig and H. J. Thiel, 2010. Zoonotic Aspects of Infections with Noroviruses and Sapoviruses. Vet Microbiol 140(3–4):204–212.
- Bernard, H., M. Faber, H. Wilking, S. Haller, M. Höhle, A. Schielke, T. Ducomble, C. Siffczyk, S. S. Merbecks, G. Fricke, O. Hamouda and K. Stark, 2014. Werber Surveillance and Outbreak Reports Large Multistate Outbreak of Norovirus Gastroenteritis Associated with Frozen Strawberries. Eurosurveillance Germany 19(8):27.
- Bourquin, L., 2012. Strawberries Implicated in Massive German Norovirus Outbreak. Michigan State University Food Safety. (–implicated–in–massive–german–norovirus–outbreak/), (Erişim: April 2013).
- Butot, S., T. Putallaz and G. Sanchez, 2007. Procedure for Rapid Concentration and Detection of Enteric Viruses from Berries and Vegetables. Appl Environ Microbiol 73(1):186–192.
- Calder, L., G. Simmons, C. Thornley, P. Taylor, K. Pritchard, G. Greening and J. Bishop, 2003. An Outbreak of Hepatitis A Associated with Consumption of Raw Blueberries. Epidemiol Infect 131(1):745–751.
- Carter, M. J., 2005. Enterically Infecting Viruses: Pathogenicity, Transmission and Significance for Food and Waterborne Infection. Appl Microbiol 98(6):1354–1380.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013. Foodborne Outbreak Online, (, (Erişim: Ocak 2013)
- Cotterelle, B., C. Drougard, J. Rolland, M. Becamel, M. Boudon, S. Pinede, O. Traore, K. Balay, P. Pothier and E. Espie, 2005. Outbreak of Norovirus Infection Associated with The Consumption of Frozen Raspberries. France, Euro Surveill 10(4):2690
- Çakır, İ., 2000. Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi ve Uygulamaları (Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı). Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Yayını, Sim Matbaası, Ankara. 522 s.
- Dewaal, C. S. and F. Bhuiya, 2009. Outbreaks by The Numbers: Fruits and Vegetables 1990–2005. Center for Science in The Public Interest, Washington, DC.
- D’Souza, D. H., A. Sair, K. Williams, E. Papafragkou, J. Jean, C. Moore and L. A. Jaykus, 2006. Persistence of Caliciviruses on Environmental Surfaces and Their Transfer to Food. Int. Journal of Food Microbiol 108(1):84–91.
- DW. de, 2012. “Blame Falls on Strawberries in German Mass Food Poisoning.” DW. de website.(–falls–on–strawberries–in–german–mass–food–poisoning/a–16288862–1), (Erişim: Nisan 2013).
- Erol, İ., A. Eyigör, N. D. Ayaz, G. E. Soyutemiz, M. Çalıoğlu, 2011. Gıda Güvenliğinin Temel Prensipleri. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını No: 2385, Açık Öğretim Fakültesi Yayın No: 1382, Eskişehir, 68 s.
- Falkenhorst, G., L. Krusell, M. Lisby, S. B. Madsen, B. Bottiger and K. Molbak, 2005. Imported Frozen Raspberries Cause a Series of Norovirus Outbreaks in Denmark. Euro Surveill 10(9):E050922.2.
- Fell, G., M. Boyens and S. Baumgarte, 2007. Frozen Berries as a Risk Factor for Outbreaks of Norovirus Gastroenteritis. Results of an Outbreak Investigation in the Summer of 2005 in Hamburg. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz 50(2):230–6.
- Food Safety News. 2012. Chinese Strawberries Sickened Thousands of German Students. Food Safety News website. (–students–got–sick–on–chinese–strawberries/), (Erişim: Nisan 2013)
- Gallimore, C. I., C. Pipkin, H. Shrimpton, A. D. Green, Y. Pickford, C. McCartney, G. Sutherland, D. W. Brown and J. J. Gray, 2005. Detection of Multiple Enteric Virus Strains within A Foodborne Outbreak of Gastroenteritis: An Indication of The Source of Contamination. Epidemiol Infect 133(1):41–47.
- Gren, K. Y., R. M. Chanock and A. Z. Kapikian, 2001. Human Calicivirus, In H. P. Knipe (ed.), Fields virology, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia (4) Vol. 1. p. 841–874.
- Heaton, J. C. and K. Jones, 2008. Microbial Contamination of Fruit and Vegetables and The Behaviour of Enteropathogens in The Phyllosphere: A Review. J Appl Microbiol 104:613–626.
- Herwaldt, B. L., J. F. Lew, C. L. Moe, D. C. Lewis, C. D. Humphrey, S. S. Monroe, E. W. Pon and R. I. Glass, 1994. Characterization of a Variant Strain of Norwalk Virus From a Food–Borne Outbreak of Gastroenteritis on a Cruise Ship in Hawaii. J Clin Micrbiol 32:861–866.
- Hirakata, Y., K. Arisawa, O. Nishio and O. Nakagomi, 2005. Multiprefectural Spread of Gastroenteritis Outbreaks Attributable to A Single Genogroup II Norovirus Strain from A Tourist Restaurant in Nagasaki, Japan. J Clin Microbiol 43(3):1093–1098.
- Hirneisen, K. A., S. M. Markland and K. E. Kniel, 2011. Ozone inactivation of norovirus surrogates on fresh produce. J Food Protect 74:836–839.
- Hjertqvist, M., A. Johansson, N. Svensson, P. E. Abom, C. Magnusson, M. Olsson, K. O. Hedlund and Y. Andersson, 2006. Four Outbreaks of Norovirus Gastroenteritis After Consuming Raspberries. Euro Surveillance Weekly 11, Sweden, June–August 2006, E060907.1.
- Horm, K. M. and D. H. D’Souza, 2011. Survival of Human Norovirus Surrogates in Milk, Orange and Pomegranate Juice and Juice Blends at Refrigeration (4 degrees C). Food Microbiol 28(5):1054–1061.
- Kageyama, T., S. Kojima, M. Shinohara, K. Uchida, S. Fukushi, F. B. Hoshino, N. Takeda and K. Katayama, 2003. Broadly Reactive and Highly Sensitive Assay for Norwalk–like Viruses Based on Real–Time Quantitative Reverse Transcription–PCR. J Clin Microbiol 41(4):1548–1557.
- Kapikian, A. Z., R. G. Wyatt, R. Dolin, T. S. Thornhill, A. R. Kalica and R. M. Chanock, 1972. Visualization by Immune Electron Microscopy of A 27–nm Particle Associated with Acute Infectious Nonbacterial Gastroenteritis. J Virol 10:1075–1081.
- Kingsley, D. H. and G. P. Richards, 2003. Caliciviruses. In International Handbook Of Foodborne Pathogens 1:1–13.
- Kireçci, E. ve A. Özer, 2011. Norovirüsler, Salgınları ve Mücadele. Van Tıp Dergisi 18(1):49–56.
- Koh, S. J., H. G. Cho, B. H. Kim and B. Y. Choi, 2011. An Outbreak of Gastroenteritis Caused by Norovirus–Contaminated Groundwater at a Waterpark in Korea. J Korean Med Sci 26(1):28–32.
- Koopmans, M. and E. Duizer, 2004. Foodborne Viruses: An Emerging Problem. Int J Food Microbiol 90:23–41.
- Korsager, B., S. Hede, H. Boggild, B. E. Bottiger and K. Molbak, 2005. Two Outbreaks of Norovirus Infections Associated with the Consumption of Imported Frozen Raspberries. Euro Surveill, Denmark, May–June 2005, 10(6):E050623.1.
- Kukul, Y. S., A. D. Ünal Çalışkan ve S. Anaç, 2007. Arıtılmış Atık Suların Tarımda Kullanılması ve İnsan Sağlığı Yönünden Riskler. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 44(3):101–116.
- Le Guyader, F. S., C. Mittelholzer, L. Haugarreau, K. O. Hedlund, R. Alsterlund, M. Pommepuy and L. Svensson, 2004. Detection of Noroviruses in Raspberries Associated with a Gastroenteritis Outbreak. Int J Food Microbiol 9:179–186.
- Maunula, L., M. Roivainen, M. Keranen, S. Makela, K. Soderberg, M. Summa, C. H. Von Bonsdorff, M. Lappalainen, T. Korhonen, M. Kuusi and T. Niskanen, 2009. Detection of Human Norovirus from Frozen Raspberries in a Cluster of Gastroenteritis Outbreaks. Euro Surveill 14(49):19435.
- Moe, C., M. D. Sobsey, P. Stewart and D. Crawford–Brown, 1999. Estimating the Risk of Human Calicivirus Infection From Drinking Water. Presented at the 1st International Workshop on Human Caliciviruses, Atlanta, March 1999; p:29–30.
- Moshe, S., 2009. Is Norovirus a Foodborne or Pandemic Pathogen? An Analysis of the Transmission of Norovirus–Associated Gastroenteritis and the Roles of Food and Food Handlers Dreyfuss. Foodborne Path Dis 10(6):1219–1228.
- Parashar, U., E. S. Quiroz, A. W. Mounts, S. S. Monroe, R. L. Fankhauser, T. Ando, J. S. Noel, S. N. Bulens, S. R. Beard, J. F. Li, J. S. Bresee and R. I. Glass, 2001. "Norwalk–like Viruses". Public Health Consequences and Outbreak Management. MMWR Recomm Rep 50(RR–9):1–17.
- Patel, M. M., A. J. Halla, V. Jan and U. D. Parashar, 2009. Noroviruses: A Comprehensive Review. J Clin Virol 44:1–8.
- Ramirez, S., G. M. Giammanco, S. De Grazia, C. Colomba, V. Martella and S. Arista, 2008. Genotyping of GII.4 and GIIb norovirus RT–PCR Amplicons by RFLP Analysis. J Virol Methods 147(2):250–6.
- Sanglay, G. C., J. R. Li, R. M. Uribe and K. Lee, 2011. Electron–beam Inactivation of a Norovirus Surrogate in Fresh Produce and Model Systems. J Food Protect 74:1155–1160.
- Sarvikivi, E., M. Roivainen, L. Maunula, T. Niskanen, T. Korhonen and M. Lappalainen, 2012. Multiple Norovirus Outbreaks Linked to Imported Frozen Raspberries. Epidemiol Infect. 140(2):260–7.
- Schultz, A. C., P. Saadbye, J. Hoofar and B. Norrung, 2007. Comparison of Methods for Detection of Norovirus in Oysters. Int J Food Microbiol 114(3):352–356.
- Serpen, A., 2009. Tokat, Erbaa’da Norovirus [Norwalk–like viruses (NLVS)] Salgını ve Gıda Güvenliği. Sağlık Dünyası Dergisi 5:1–3.
- Thornton, A. C., K. S. Jennings–Conklin, M. I. McCormick, 2004. Noroviruses: Agents in Outbreaks of Acute Gastroenteritis. Disast Manag Resp 2(1):49.
- Todd, E. C., J. D. Greig, C. A. Bartleson, B. S. Michaels, 2007. Outbreaks Where Food Workers Have Been Implicated in The Spread of Foodborne Disease. Part 3. Factors Contributing to Outbreaks and Description of Outbreak Categories. J Food Prot 70:2199–2217.
- Ushijima, H., 2002. Molecular Epidemiology of Norwalk Virus. Nippon Rinsho 60(6):1143–1147.
- Wu, H. M., M. Fornek, K. J. Schwab, A. R. Chapin, K. Gibson, E. Schwab, Henning, 2005. A Norovirus Outbreak at A Long–Termcare Facility: The Role of Environmental Surface Contamination. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 26:802–810.
- Yılmaz, A., K. Bostan, E. Altan, K. Muratoğlu, N. Turan, D. Tan, C. Helps and H. Yılmaz, 2011. Investigations on The Frequency of Norovirus Contamination of Ready–to–Eat Food Items in Istanbul, Turkey, by Using Real–Time Reverse Transcription PCR. J Food Prot 74(5):840–843.
Kontamine olmuş meyve veya sebze tüketiminden kaynaklanan norovirüs zehirlenmeleri ve önleme yolları
Year 2015,
Volume: 44 Issue: 1, 31 - 39, 11.05.2016
Yasin Özdemir
Aysun Öztürk
Sanem Tüfekçi
Gıda güvenliği yönetim sistemlerinde meyve ve sebzeler gıda güvenliği açısından düşük riskli gıdalar olarak kabul edilmektedir. Ancak meyve ve sebzelerde olabilecek Norovirüs ve diğer patojen bulaşmaları göz ardı edilmemelidir. Meyve ve sebze kaynaklı gıda zehirlenmelerinde Norovirüs sırasıyla %39 ve %26’lık paya sahiptir ve patojenler içinde ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Ayrıca bitkisel üretimden başlanarak tüketiciye ulaşana kadar geçen tüm süreçlerde Norovirüs gibi patojen etmenlerin ortaya çıkma sıklığı ve etki şiddeti gibi özellikleri risk değerlendirme süreçlerine katılmalıdır. Bu derlemede dünya genelinde gıda zehirlenme nedenleri içinde önemli bir paya sahip olmasına rağmen üzerinde az sayıda çalışma yapılmış olan Norovirüsler hakkında güncel bilgiler ve son yıllarda gerçekleşmiş ve kayıt altına alınmış Norovirüs kaynaklı gıda zehirlenmeleri ve bu zehirlenmelere karşı alınabilecek tedbirler sunulmuştur.
- Adak, G. K., S. M. Meakins, H. Yip, B. A. Lopman and S. J. O’Brien, 2005. Disease Risks from Foods, England and Wales, 1996–2000. Emerg Infect Dis 11(3):365–372.
- Adler, J. L. and R. Zickl, 1969. Winter Vomiting Disease. J Infect Dis 119:668–673.
- Anonymous, 2005. Health Protection Agency Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food information paper ‘Microbiological Status of RTE Fruit and Vegetables’ ACM⁄745. UK: Food Standards Agency, London.
- Anonim, 2014. Toplu Tüketim Yerleri için Hijyen Esasları ve İyi Uygulama Kılavuzu. Türkiye Esnaf ve Sanatkârları Konfederasyonu/ Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Ankara.
- Associated Pres, 2012. “Germany: Batch of Frozen Strawberries Blamed for Outbreak of Gastroenteritis in Schools.” (–batch–frozen–strawberries–blamed–for–outbreak–gastroenteritis–in/.), (Erişim: Nisan 2013).
- Baranol, A. ve A. Erdoğan, 2013. Gıda Kaynaklı Bir Hastalık Olarak Norovirüs Salgınlarının Önemi. Gıda 38(2):119–126.
- Bank–Wolf, B. R., M. Konig and H. J. Thiel, 2010. Zoonotic Aspects of Infections with Noroviruses and Sapoviruses. Vet Microbiol 140(3–4):204–212.
- Bernard, H., M. Faber, H. Wilking, S. Haller, M. Höhle, A. Schielke, T. Ducomble, C. Siffczyk, S. S. Merbecks, G. Fricke, O. Hamouda and K. Stark, 2014. Werber Surveillance and Outbreak Reports Large Multistate Outbreak of Norovirus Gastroenteritis Associated with Frozen Strawberries. Eurosurveillance Germany 19(8):27.
- Bourquin, L., 2012. Strawberries Implicated in Massive German Norovirus Outbreak. Michigan State University Food Safety. (–implicated–in–massive–german–norovirus–outbreak/), (Erişim: April 2013).
- Butot, S., T. Putallaz and G. Sanchez, 2007. Procedure for Rapid Concentration and Detection of Enteric Viruses from Berries and Vegetables. Appl Environ Microbiol 73(1):186–192.
- Calder, L., G. Simmons, C. Thornley, P. Taylor, K. Pritchard, G. Greening and J. Bishop, 2003. An Outbreak of Hepatitis A Associated with Consumption of Raw Blueberries. Epidemiol Infect 131(1):745–751.
- Carter, M. J., 2005. Enterically Infecting Viruses: Pathogenicity, Transmission and Significance for Food and Waterborne Infection. Appl Microbiol 98(6):1354–1380.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013. Foodborne Outbreak Online, (, (Erişim: Ocak 2013)
- Cotterelle, B., C. Drougard, J. Rolland, M. Becamel, M. Boudon, S. Pinede, O. Traore, K. Balay, P. Pothier and E. Espie, 2005. Outbreak of Norovirus Infection Associated with The Consumption of Frozen Raspberries. France, Euro Surveill 10(4):2690
- Çakır, İ., 2000. Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi ve Uygulamaları (Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı). Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Yayını, Sim Matbaası, Ankara. 522 s.
- Dewaal, C. S. and F. Bhuiya, 2009. Outbreaks by The Numbers: Fruits and Vegetables 1990–2005. Center for Science in The Public Interest, Washington, DC.
- D’Souza, D. H., A. Sair, K. Williams, E. Papafragkou, J. Jean, C. Moore and L. A. Jaykus, 2006. Persistence of Caliciviruses on Environmental Surfaces and Their Transfer to Food. Int. Journal of Food Microbiol 108(1):84–91.
- DW. de, 2012. “Blame Falls on Strawberries in German Mass Food Poisoning.” DW. de website.(–falls–on–strawberries–in–german–mass–food–poisoning/a–16288862–1), (Erişim: Nisan 2013).
- Erol, İ., A. Eyigör, N. D. Ayaz, G. E. Soyutemiz, M. Çalıoğlu, 2011. Gıda Güvenliğinin Temel Prensipleri. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını No: 2385, Açık Öğretim Fakültesi Yayın No: 1382, Eskişehir, 68 s.
- Falkenhorst, G., L. Krusell, M. Lisby, S. B. Madsen, B. Bottiger and K. Molbak, 2005. Imported Frozen Raspberries Cause a Series of Norovirus Outbreaks in Denmark. Euro Surveill 10(9):E050922.2.
- Fell, G., M. Boyens and S. Baumgarte, 2007. Frozen Berries as a Risk Factor for Outbreaks of Norovirus Gastroenteritis. Results of an Outbreak Investigation in the Summer of 2005 in Hamburg. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz 50(2):230–6.
- Food Safety News. 2012. Chinese Strawberries Sickened Thousands of German Students. Food Safety News website. (–students–got–sick–on–chinese–strawberries/), (Erişim: Nisan 2013)
- Gallimore, C. I., C. Pipkin, H. Shrimpton, A. D. Green, Y. Pickford, C. McCartney, G. Sutherland, D. W. Brown and J. J. Gray, 2005. Detection of Multiple Enteric Virus Strains within A Foodborne Outbreak of Gastroenteritis: An Indication of The Source of Contamination. Epidemiol Infect 133(1):41–47.
- Gren, K. Y., R. M. Chanock and A. Z. Kapikian, 2001. Human Calicivirus, In H. P. Knipe (ed.), Fields virology, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia (4) Vol. 1. p. 841–874.
- Heaton, J. C. and K. Jones, 2008. Microbial Contamination of Fruit and Vegetables and The Behaviour of Enteropathogens in The Phyllosphere: A Review. J Appl Microbiol 104:613–626.
- Herwaldt, B. L., J. F. Lew, C. L. Moe, D. C. Lewis, C. D. Humphrey, S. S. Monroe, E. W. Pon and R. I. Glass, 1994. Characterization of a Variant Strain of Norwalk Virus From a Food–Borne Outbreak of Gastroenteritis on a Cruise Ship in Hawaii. J Clin Micrbiol 32:861–866.
- Hirakata, Y., K. Arisawa, O. Nishio and O. Nakagomi, 2005. Multiprefectural Spread of Gastroenteritis Outbreaks Attributable to A Single Genogroup II Norovirus Strain from A Tourist Restaurant in Nagasaki, Japan. J Clin Microbiol 43(3):1093–1098.
- Hirneisen, K. A., S. M. Markland and K. E. Kniel, 2011. Ozone inactivation of norovirus surrogates on fresh produce. J Food Protect 74:836–839.
- Hjertqvist, M., A. Johansson, N. Svensson, P. E. Abom, C. Magnusson, M. Olsson, K. O. Hedlund and Y. Andersson, 2006. Four Outbreaks of Norovirus Gastroenteritis After Consuming Raspberries. Euro Surveillance Weekly 11, Sweden, June–August 2006, E060907.1.
- Horm, K. M. and D. H. D’Souza, 2011. Survival of Human Norovirus Surrogates in Milk, Orange and Pomegranate Juice and Juice Blends at Refrigeration (4 degrees C). Food Microbiol 28(5):1054–1061.
- Kageyama, T., S. Kojima, M. Shinohara, K. Uchida, S. Fukushi, F. B. Hoshino, N. Takeda and K. Katayama, 2003. Broadly Reactive and Highly Sensitive Assay for Norwalk–like Viruses Based on Real–Time Quantitative Reverse Transcription–PCR. J Clin Microbiol 41(4):1548–1557.
- Kapikian, A. Z., R. G. Wyatt, R. Dolin, T. S. Thornhill, A. R. Kalica and R. M. Chanock, 1972. Visualization by Immune Electron Microscopy of A 27–nm Particle Associated with Acute Infectious Nonbacterial Gastroenteritis. J Virol 10:1075–1081.
- Kingsley, D. H. and G. P. Richards, 2003. Caliciviruses. In International Handbook Of Foodborne Pathogens 1:1–13.
- Kireçci, E. ve A. Özer, 2011. Norovirüsler, Salgınları ve Mücadele. Van Tıp Dergisi 18(1):49–56.
- Koh, S. J., H. G. Cho, B. H. Kim and B. Y. Choi, 2011. An Outbreak of Gastroenteritis Caused by Norovirus–Contaminated Groundwater at a Waterpark in Korea. J Korean Med Sci 26(1):28–32.
- Koopmans, M. and E. Duizer, 2004. Foodborne Viruses: An Emerging Problem. Int J Food Microbiol 90:23–41.
- Korsager, B., S. Hede, H. Boggild, B. E. Bottiger and K. Molbak, 2005. Two Outbreaks of Norovirus Infections Associated with the Consumption of Imported Frozen Raspberries. Euro Surveill, Denmark, May–June 2005, 10(6):E050623.1.
- Kukul, Y. S., A. D. Ünal Çalışkan ve S. Anaç, 2007. Arıtılmış Atık Suların Tarımda Kullanılması ve İnsan Sağlığı Yönünden Riskler. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 44(3):101–116.
- Le Guyader, F. S., C. Mittelholzer, L. Haugarreau, K. O. Hedlund, R. Alsterlund, M. Pommepuy and L. Svensson, 2004. Detection of Noroviruses in Raspberries Associated with a Gastroenteritis Outbreak. Int J Food Microbiol 9:179–186.
- Maunula, L., M. Roivainen, M. Keranen, S. Makela, K. Soderberg, M. Summa, C. H. Von Bonsdorff, M. Lappalainen, T. Korhonen, M. Kuusi and T. Niskanen, 2009. Detection of Human Norovirus from Frozen Raspberries in a Cluster of Gastroenteritis Outbreaks. Euro Surveill 14(49):19435.
- Moe, C., M. D. Sobsey, P. Stewart and D. Crawford–Brown, 1999. Estimating the Risk of Human Calicivirus Infection From Drinking Water. Presented at the 1st International Workshop on Human Caliciviruses, Atlanta, March 1999; p:29–30.
- Moshe, S., 2009. Is Norovirus a Foodborne or Pandemic Pathogen? An Analysis of the Transmission of Norovirus–Associated Gastroenteritis and the Roles of Food and Food Handlers Dreyfuss. Foodborne Path Dis 10(6):1219–1228.
- Parashar, U., E. S. Quiroz, A. W. Mounts, S. S. Monroe, R. L. Fankhauser, T. Ando, J. S. Noel, S. N. Bulens, S. R. Beard, J. F. Li, J. S. Bresee and R. I. Glass, 2001. "Norwalk–like Viruses". Public Health Consequences and Outbreak Management. MMWR Recomm Rep 50(RR–9):1–17.
- Patel, M. M., A. J. Halla, V. Jan and U. D. Parashar, 2009. Noroviruses: A Comprehensive Review. J Clin Virol 44:1–8.
- Ramirez, S., G. M. Giammanco, S. De Grazia, C. Colomba, V. Martella and S. Arista, 2008. Genotyping of GII.4 and GIIb norovirus RT–PCR Amplicons by RFLP Analysis. J Virol Methods 147(2):250–6.
- Sanglay, G. C., J. R. Li, R. M. Uribe and K. Lee, 2011. Electron–beam Inactivation of a Norovirus Surrogate in Fresh Produce and Model Systems. J Food Protect 74:1155–1160.
- Sarvikivi, E., M. Roivainen, L. Maunula, T. Niskanen, T. Korhonen and M. Lappalainen, 2012. Multiple Norovirus Outbreaks Linked to Imported Frozen Raspberries. Epidemiol Infect. 140(2):260–7.
- Schultz, A. C., P. Saadbye, J. Hoofar and B. Norrung, 2007. Comparison of Methods for Detection of Norovirus in Oysters. Int J Food Microbiol 114(3):352–356.
- Serpen, A., 2009. Tokat, Erbaa’da Norovirus [Norwalk–like viruses (NLVS)] Salgını ve Gıda Güvenliği. Sağlık Dünyası Dergisi 5:1–3.
- Thornton, A. C., K. S. Jennings–Conklin, M. I. McCormick, 2004. Noroviruses: Agents in Outbreaks of Acute Gastroenteritis. Disast Manag Resp 2(1):49.
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