Influence of Different Rootstocks on Some Quality Parameters of Grafted Melon Seedling
Year 2021,
Volume: 50 Issue: 2, 111 - 117, 15.11.2021
Aynur Özbahçe
Ceren Görgişen
Rohat Gültekin
Yakup Köşker
Şeyma Demirci
Ali Fuat Tarı
Erdal Gönülal
This study was conducted to aim to determine the effects of different rootstocks on some growth characteristics of grafted melon seedling under greenhouse condition in 2020.In the study, four different rootstocks were used: 1-Ungrafted, 2-Ferro, 3-Maximus, and TZ148. Edalı F1 variety (Cucumis melo var. Edalı F1) was used as a scion. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized block design with three replications. Melon and rootstocks seeds were sown on 28.04.2020 and rootstock seeds on 03.05.2020, respectively. Grafting was done on 15.05.2020. Grafting was performed through the splice grafting method. Some growth characteristics studied on melon seedling was fresh-dry seedling weights (FSW-DSW), stem diameter-height (SD-SH), leaf number-height (LN-LH), fresh-dry root weights (FRW-DRW), root height (RH) and chlorophyll content (CC-SPAD), and some macro-micro nutrient contents. According the results of statistical analyses, the positive differences were found in the grafted seedlings compare to scion at these parameters (p<0.01). In many of the seedling quality values, Ferro and Maximus hybrids stood out temper to others. Also, in the experiment, correlations between FSW and SD, RH, SPAD, and total N content were found significant.
Supporting Institution
Project Number
TAGEM/TSKAD/B/ 19/A9/P3/888
- 1. Alan, O., F. Sen and E. Duzyaman. 2018. The effectiveness of growth cycles on improving fruit quality for grafted watermelon combinations. Food Sci. Technol. 2018, 38, 270–277.
- 2. Bantis, F., A. Koukounaras, AS. Siomos and C. Dangitsis. 2020. Impact of scion and root stock seedling quality selection on the vigor of watermelon–interspecific squash grafted seedlings. Agriculture10, 326; 2-10.
- 3. Bulgar, G., G. Villora, DA. Moreno and L. Romeo. 2000. Improving the mineral nutrition in grafted watermelon plants: nitrogen metabolism. Biologia Plantarum 43(4): 607-609.
- 4. Bremner, JM. 1996. Nitrogen-total, methods of soil analysis: part III. In: Sparks DL, Page AL,Helmke PA, Loeppert RH, Soltanpour PN, Tabatabai MA, Johnson CT, Sumner ME, editors.
- 5. Ceylan, S., O. Alan and OL. Elmacı. 2018 Effects of grafting on nutrient element content and yield in watermelon. Ege University, Agriculture Faculty Journal, 55 (1):67-74.
- 6. Colla, G., CMC. Suãrez, M. Cardarelli and Y. Rouphael. 2010. Improving nitrogen use efficiency in melon by grafting.HortScience Vol. 45(4) 559-565.
- 7. Cushman, K. 2006. Grafting techniques for watermelon. Univ. Fla. Inst. Food Agr. Sci. HS1075:1-5.
- 8. Davis, AR., P. Perkins- Veazie, Y. Sakata, S. López- Galarza, JV. Maroto, SG. Lee, YC. Huh, A. Miguel, SR. King, R. Cohen and YM. Lee. 2008. Cucurbit grafting. Critical Rev. Plant Sci. 27:50- 74.
- 9. Edelstein, M., Y. Burger, C. Horev, A. Pora, A. Meir and R. Cohen 2004). Assessing the effect of genetic and anatomic variation of cucurbita rootstocks on vigour, survival and yield of grafted melon. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol., 79 (3): 370-374.
- 10. Fallik, E., S. Alkalai-Tuvi, D. Chalupowicz, S. Popovsky-Sarid and M. Zaaroor-Presman. 2019. Relationships between rootstock-scion combinations and growing regions on watermelon fruit quality. Agronomy 2019, 9, 536, 2-9.
- 11. Gaion, LA., LT. Braz and RF. Carvalho. 2017. Grafting in Vegetable Crops: A Great Technique for Agriculture. International Journal of Vegetable Science, Volume 24, Issue1, 85-102.
- 12. Guan, W and X. Zhao. 2014. Techniques for Melon Grafting.University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension EDIS publication HS1257. (
- 13. Guan, W and X. Zhao X. 2015. Effects of grafting methods and root excision on growth characteristics of grafted muskmelon plants.American Society for Horticultural Science. Volume 25: Issue 6, 706–713.
- 14. Hassell, RL and F. Memmott. 2008. Grafting methods for cucurbit production. Hort Science 43:1677–1679.
- 15. Lee, JM. 1994. Cultivation of grafted vegetables I. Current status grafting methods and benefits. Hort Scienee, 29(4), 235-239.
- 16. Lee, J.M and M. Oda, 2003. Grafting of herbaceous vegetable and ornamental crops. Hortic. Rev. 28, 61–124.
- 17. Lee, JM., C. Kubota, SJ. Tsao, Z. Bie, P. Hoyos Echevarria, L. Morra and M. Oda. 2010. Current status of vegetable grafting: Diffusion, grafting techniques, automation. Sci. Hort. 127:93-105.
- 18. Leonardi, C and F. Giuffrida 2006. Variation of plant growth and macronutrient uptakein grafted tomatoes and eggplants on three different rootstocks. Eur. J. Hort. Sci. 71, 97-101.
- 19. Lindsay, WL and WA. Norvell 1978. Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese and copper. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 42:421–428.
- 20. Miles, C., P. Devi, X. Zhao and W. Guan. 2017. Grafting Manual: How to produce grafted vegetables plants. United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute Food and Agriculture. (
- 21. Miles, C., L. Hesnault, S. Johnson, P. Kreider and S. Dabirian 2016. Vegetable grafting: water-melon. Washington State University Extension publication FS100E. 7p.
- 22. Rivero, RM., JM. Ruiz and L. Romero. 2003. Role of grafting in horticultural plants under stress conditions. Food Agric., 1 (1): 70-74.
- 23. Ruiz, JM and L. Romero 1999. Nitrogen efficiency and metabolism in grafted melon plants. Sci. Hort. 81, 113-123.
- 24. Sorgonà, A., MR. Abenavoli, PG. Gringeri and G. Cacco. 2006. A comparison of nitrogen use efficiency definitions in Citrus rootstocks Sci. Hort. 109, 389-393.
- 25. Tokgoz, H., M. Goluku, R. Toker and DY. Turgut. 2015 .Effects of grafting and harvesting time on some physical and chemical parameters of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). FOOD (2015) 40 (5): 263-270 (in Turkish).
- 26. Tuzel, Y and A. Ozcelik. 2004. Recent trends and developments in protected cultivation of Turkey. International Workshop on “La Produzione in Serra dopo 1’era del bromuro dimetile” 1-3 Nisan Catania/Italy.189-198.
- 27. Ulas F and H. Yetisir. 2016. Vaccination vegetables: history, use, and development of the world in Turkey. Nevşehir Science and Technology Journal (TARGID) Special Number.345-354.
- 28. Yetisir, H. 2001. Effect of grafted seedling on plant growth, fruit yield and quality in watermelon and investigation of grafting point histologically. Ph.D. thesis, Cukurova University, Department of Horticulture, Adana-Turkey, 178.
- 29. Yetisir, H. 2018. History and current status of grafted vegetables in Turkey. XXX. International Horticultural Congress, 12-16 August 2018 Istanbul –Turkey, 13-18p.
- 30. Yetisir, H and N. Sarı. 2004. Effect of Hypocotyl Morphology on Survival Rate and Growth of Watermelon Seedlings Grafted on Rootstocks with Different Emergence Performance at Various Temperatures. Turk J Agric (TUBITAK) For 28 (2004), 231-237.
- 31. Yuan, HY., L. Zhao, Q. Kong, F. Cheng, M. Niu, J. Xi and AN. Muhammad. 2016. Comprehensive Mineral Nutrition Analysis of Watermelon Grafted on to Two Different Rootstocks. Horticultural Plant Journal. 2 (2), 105-113.
- 32. Zhao, X., W. Guan and DJ. Huber. 2016. Melon Grafting in Handbook of Cucurbits: Growth, Cultural Practices, and Physiology. M. Pessarakli ed. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL.
Aşılı Kavun Fidelerinin Bazı Kalite Parametreleri Üzerine Farklı Anaçların Etkisi
Year 2021,
Volume: 50 Issue: 2, 111 - 117, 15.11.2021
Aynur Özbahçe
Ceren Görgişen
Rohat Gültekin
Yakup Köşker
Şeyma Demirci
Ali Fuat Tarı
Erdal Gönülal
Bu çalışma, 2020 yılında sera koşullarında aşılı kavun fidelerinin bazı büyüme özelliklerine farklı anaçların etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Denemede 1-Aşılanmamış, 2-Ferro, 3-Maximus ve TZ148 olmak üzere dört farklı anaç kullanılmıştır. Kalem olarak Edalı F₁ çeşidi (Cucumis melo var. Edalı F₁) seçilmiştir. Deneme tesadüf bloklar halinde üç tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuştur. Kavun tohumları 28.04.2020, anaç tohumları ise 03.05.2020 tarihlerinde ekilmiştir. 15.05.2020 tarihinde aşılama yapılmıştır. Aşılama kotiledon birleştirme yöntemi ile yapılmıştır. Kavun fidelerinde incelenen bazı parametreler; büyüme özellikleri, taze-kuru fide ağırlıkları (FSW-DSW), gövde çapı-yüksekliği (SD-SH), yaprak sayısı ve uzunluğu (LN-LL), taze-kuru kök ağırlıkları (FRW-DRW), kök yüksekliği (RH) ve klorofil içeriği (CCSPAD) ve bazı makro-mikro besin içerikleridir. İstatistiksel olarak bu parametrelerde aşılı fidelerde aşılanmamışlara göre pozitif farklar bulunmuştur (p<0.01). Fide kalite değerlerinin çoğunda, Ferro ve Maximus anaçları diğerlerine göre daha öne çıkmıştır. Ayrıca denemede FSW ile SD, RH, SPAD ve toplam N içeriği arasındaki korelasyonlar arasındaki farklar da önemli bulunmuştur.
Project Number
TAGEM/TSKAD/B/ 19/A9/P3/888
- 1. Alan, O., F. Sen and E. Duzyaman. 2018. The effectiveness of growth cycles on improving fruit quality for grafted watermelon combinations. Food Sci. Technol. 2018, 38, 270–277.
- 2. Bantis, F., A. Koukounaras, AS. Siomos and C. Dangitsis. 2020. Impact of scion and root stock seedling quality selection on the vigor of watermelon–interspecific squash grafted seedlings. Agriculture10, 326; 2-10.
- 3. Bulgar, G., G. Villora, DA. Moreno and L. Romeo. 2000. Improving the mineral nutrition in grafted watermelon plants: nitrogen metabolism. Biologia Plantarum 43(4): 607-609.
- 4. Bremner, JM. 1996. Nitrogen-total, methods of soil analysis: part III. In: Sparks DL, Page AL,Helmke PA, Loeppert RH, Soltanpour PN, Tabatabai MA, Johnson CT, Sumner ME, editors.
- 5. Ceylan, S., O. Alan and OL. Elmacı. 2018 Effects of grafting on nutrient element content and yield in watermelon. Ege University, Agriculture Faculty Journal, 55 (1):67-74.
- 6. Colla, G., CMC. Suãrez, M. Cardarelli and Y. Rouphael. 2010. Improving nitrogen use efficiency in melon by grafting.HortScience Vol. 45(4) 559-565.
- 7. Cushman, K. 2006. Grafting techniques for watermelon. Univ. Fla. Inst. Food Agr. Sci. HS1075:1-5.
- 8. Davis, AR., P. Perkins- Veazie, Y. Sakata, S. López- Galarza, JV. Maroto, SG. Lee, YC. Huh, A. Miguel, SR. King, R. Cohen and YM. Lee. 2008. Cucurbit grafting. Critical Rev. Plant Sci. 27:50- 74.
- 9. Edelstein, M., Y. Burger, C. Horev, A. Pora, A. Meir and R. Cohen 2004). Assessing the effect of genetic and anatomic variation of cucurbita rootstocks on vigour, survival and yield of grafted melon. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol., 79 (3): 370-374.
- 10. Fallik, E., S. Alkalai-Tuvi, D. Chalupowicz, S. Popovsky-Sarid and M. Zaaroor-Presman. 2019. Relationships between rootstock-scion combinations and growing regions on watermelon fruit quality. Agronomy 2019, 9, 536, 2-9.
- 11. Gaion, LA., LT. Braz and RF. Carvalho. 2017. Grafting in Vegetable Crops: A Great Technique for Agriculture. International Journal of Vegetable Science, Volume 24, Issue1, 85-102.
- 12. Guan, W and X. Zhao. 2014. Techniques for Melon Grafting.University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension EDIS publication HS1257. (
- 13. Guan, W and X. Zhao X. 2015. Effects of grafting methods and root excision on growth characteristics of grafted muskmelon plants.American Society for Horticultural Science. Volume 25: Issue 6, 706–713.
- 14. Hassell, RL and F. Memmott. 2008. Grafting methods for cucurbit production. Hort Science 43:1677–1679.
- 15. Lee, JM. 1994. Cultivation of grafted vegetables I. Current status grafting methods and benefits. Hort Scienee, 29(4), 235-239.
- 16. Lee, J.M and M. Oda, 2003. Grafting of herbaceous vegetable and ornamental crops. Hortic. Rev. 28, 61–124.
- 17. Lee, JM., C. Kubota, SJ. Tsao, Z. Bie, P. Hoyos Echevarria, L. Morra and M. Oda. 2010. Current status of vegetable grafting: Diffusion, grafting techniques, automation. Sci. Hort. 127:93-105.
- 18. Leonardi, C and F. Giuffrida 2006. Variation of plant growth and macronutrient uptakein grafted tomatoes and eggplants on three different rootstocks. Eur. J. Hort. Sci. 71, 97-101.
- 19. Lindsay, WL and WA. Norvell 1978. Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese and copper. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 42:421–428.
- 20. Miles, C., P. Devi, X. Zhao and W. Guan. 2017. Grafting Manual: How to produce grafted vegetables plants. United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute Food and Agriculture. (
- 21. Miles, C., L. Hesnault, S. Johnson, P. Kreider and S. Dabirian 2016. Vegetable grafting: water-melon. Washington State University Extension publication FS100E. 7p.
- 22. Rivero, RM., JM. Ruiz and L. Romero. 2003. Role of grafting in horticultural plants under stress conditions. Food Agric., 1 (1): 70-74.
- 23. Ruiz, JM and L. Romero 1999. Nitrogen efficiency and metabolism in grafted melon plants. Sci. Hort. 81, 113-123.
- 24. Sorgonà, A., MR. Abenavoli, PG. Gringeri and G. Cacco. 2006. A comparison of nitrogen use efficiency definitions in Citrus rootstocks Sci. Hort. 109, 389-393.
- 25. Tokgoz, H., M. Goluku, R. Toker and DY. Turgut. 2015 .Effects of grafting and harvesting time on some physical and chemical parameters of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). FOOD (2015) 40 (5): 263-270 (in Turkish).
- 26. Tuzel, Y and A. Ozcelik. 2004. Recent trends and developments in protected cultivation of Turkey. International Workshop on “La Produzione in Serra dopo 1’era del bromuro dimetile” 1-3 Nisan Catania/Italy.189-198.
- 27. Ulas F and H. Yetisir. 2016. Vaccination vegetables: history, use, and development of the world in Turkey. Nevşehir Science and Technology Journal (TARGID) Special Number.345-354.
- 28. Yetisir, H. 2001. Effect of grafted seedling on plant growth, fruit yield and quality in watermelon and investigation of grafting point histologically. Ph.D. thesis, Cukurova University, Department of Horticulture, Adana-Turkey, 178.
- 29. Yetisir, H. 2018. History and current status of grafted vegetables in Turkey. XXX. International Horticultural Congress, 12-16 August 2018 Istanbul –Turkey, 13-18p.
- 30. Yetisir, H and N. Sarı. 2004. Effect of Hypocotyl Morphology on Survival Rate and Growth of Watermelon Seedlings Grafted on Rootstocks with Different Emergence Performance at Various Temperatures. Turk J Agric (TUBITAK) For 28 (2004), 231-237.
- 31. Yuan, HY., L. Zhao, Q. Kong, F. Cheng, M. Niu, J. Xi and AN. Muhammad. 2016. Comprehensive Mineral Nutrition Analysis of Watermelon Grafted on to Two Different Rootstocks. Horticultural Plant Journal. 2 (2), 105-113.
- 32. Zhao, X., W. Guan and DJ. Huber. 2016. Melon Grafting in Handbook of Cucurbits: Growth, Cultural Practices, and Physiology. M. Pessarakli ed. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL.