Comparison of the Effects of Different Gamma Ray Sources on Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelnn.) Leaf Blade Explants for In Vitro Mutation Breeding Studies
Year 2025,
Volume: 54 Issue: Özel Sayı 1, 312 - 318, 25.03.2025
Irmak Çakın
Burak Kunter
Kadriye Yaprak Kantoglu
Aslıhan Göktuğ
Ebru Akyüz Çağdaş
Şeküre Şebnem Ellialtıoğlu
Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelnn.) is a long-lived indoor ornamental plant species with high in vitro regeneration ability. The aim of this study was to determine the effective mutation doses (EMD₅₀) in leaf blade explants for in vitro mutation breeding using two different gamma irradiation sources and to identify the source effect. For this purpose, in vitro cultures were irradiated with ⁶⁰Co (235 Gy/h) and ¹³⁷Cs (821 Gy/h) gamma ray sources at fourteen different doses (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, and 160 Gy) with 60 leaf blade explants at each dose. Irradiated in vitro explants were transferred to the regeneration medium (2 mg.L⁻¹ TDZ and 0.5 mg.L⁻¹ NAA) after irradiation. Indirect shoot regeneration success percentages were determined on the forty-fifth day following irradiation, and the effects of the two different gamma sources were compared. S2 (15% NaClO sterilization solution) and R3 (MS nutrient medium containing 2.0 mg.L⁻¹ TDZ and 0.5 mg.L⁻¹ NAA) could be used for in vitro regeneration. The EMD₅₀ dose was calculated as 79.97 Gy for the ¹³⁷Cs source and 103.54 Gy for the ⁶⁰Co source. However, some new applications of higher doses of cobalt sources have been suggested for higher doses of cobalt source.
- Gümüş, C., Ellialtıoğlu, Ş.Ş. 2018. A review on tissue culture studies of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews, 11(1):18-26, e-ISSN:2146-0132. (In Turkish).
- Anonymous 2024. Kalancho. https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/kalanchoe (Erişim Tarihi: Nisan 2024).
- Stefanowicz-Hajduk, J., Hering, A., Gucwa, M., Sztormowska-Achranowicz, K., Kowalczyk, M., Soluch, A., Ochocka, J.R. 2022. An in vitro anticancer, antioxidant, and phytochemical study on water extract of Kalanchoe daigremontiana Raym.-Hamet and H.Perrier. Molecules, 31, 27(7):2280.
- Kahraman, M., U., Boyacı, F. 2021. Kalanşo. Eds: Kazaz, S., Mendi Yalçın, Y., Süs Bitkileri Islahı (Türler) Gece Kitaplığı, Ankara, s:239-282, ISBN:978-625-7478-250-2.
- Kahraman, M.U., Yalçın Mendi, Y., Karabıyık, Ş., Lütken, H.V., Favero, B.T. 2022. Kalanchoë Breeding: Past, Present and Future. Ornamental Horticulture 28(1):19-35.
- Bhuiyan, M.S.U., Kim, T., In, J.G., Yang, D.C., Choi, K.S. 2006. Plant regeneration from leaf explants of Kalanchoe daigremontiana Hamet & Perrier. Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science 14(5):293-298.
- Smith, R.H., Nightingale, A.E. 1979. In vitro propagation of Kalanchoe. HortScience 14(1):20.
- Linjian, F., Dongpo, J., Xinshuan, Z. 2006. Research of different culture conditions on plantlet regeneration from leaves of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 5. cn/article_en/cjf dtotalzntb200605021.htm (Erişim: Nisan 2024).
- Altındağ Çelik, F.N. 2022. Investigations on in vitro regeneration and micropropagation from leaf explants of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (Kalanchoe) (M.Sc. Thesis). Bartın University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Bartın, 67p.
- Bejaoui, R., Özdemir, G.E., Ellialtıoğlu, Ş.Ş. 2023. In vitro or ex vitro rooting and acclimatization of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln. shoots propagated by tissue culture technique. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 10(4):843-853.
- Favaro, B.T., Tan, Y., Lin, Y., Hansen, H.B., Shadmani, N., Xu, J., He, J., Müller, R., Almeida, A., Lütken, H. 2021. Transgenic Kalanchoë blossfeldiana, containing individual rol genes and open reading frames under 35S promoter, exhibit compact habit, reduced plant growth, and altered ethylene tolerance in flowers. Frontiers in Plant Science 12:672023.
- van Harten, A. M. 1998. Mutation breeding theory and practical applications. Cambridge University Press, UK, 353p.
- Kharkwal, M. 2012. A brief history of plant mutagenesis. Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology. CABI, Wallingford, pp:21-30.
- Amaldi, U. 2000. The importance of particle accelerators. Europhysics News 31(6):5-9.
- Datta, S.K. 2023. Technology package for induced mutagenesis. Journal of Biology and Nature 15(1):70-88.
- MVD, 2024. Mutant variety database. https:// (Erişim Tarihi: Mayıs 2024).
- Farkash, E.A., Kao, G.D., Horman, S.R., Prak, E.T.L. 2006. Gamma irradiation increases endonuclease-dependent L1 retro transpositions in a cultured cell assay. Nucleic Acids Research 33(4):1196-1204.
- Zengquan, W., Hongmei, X., Jianping, L., Shibin, Y., Yan, F., Zhoungkui, X. 2003. Application of heavy ion beams in induced mutation breeding and molecular modification. Nuclear Physics Review 20(1):38-41.
- Lagoda, P., Shu, Q., Foster, B., Nakagawa, H., Nakagawa, H. 2012. Effects of radiation on living cells and plant. Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp:123-124.
- Spencer-Lopes, M.M., Foster, B.P., Jankuloski, L. 2018. Manual on mutation breeding third edition. FAO Publishing, Italy, 301p.
- Taner, C.A. 2011. Yeni kuşak radyasyon teknolojileri uygulamaları ve kobalt-60 (Co⁶⁰) gama ışınlama tesisleri. wp-content/uploads/2011/07/yeni-ku%c5%9fak-radyasyon-teknolojileri-uygulamalar%c4%b1-ve-kobalt-60-co-60-gama-ı%c5%9f%c4%b1nlama-tesisleri.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: Ağustos 2024).
- Mba, C., Afza, R., Shu, Q., Shu, Q., Foster, B., Nakagowa, H. 2012. Mutagenic radiations: x-ray, ionizing particles and ultraviolet. Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology. CABI, Oxfordshire, UK, pp:83-90.
- Kaviani, B., Hashemabadi, D., Kordi, M. 2014. The effect of different concentrations of plant growth regulators on micropropagation of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana cv. White. Journal of Ornamental Plants 4(2):101-106.
- Bado, S., Forster, B.P., Nielen, S., Ghanim, A., Lagoda, P.J., Till, B.J., Laimer, M. 2015. Plant mutation breeding: current progress and future assessment. Plant Breeding Reviews 39:23-88.
- Melsen, K., van de Wouw, M., Contreras, R. 2021. Mutation breeding in ornamentals. HortScience 56(10):1154-1165. 2021.
- Halliwell, B., Gutteridge, J.M. 2015. Free radicals in biology and medicine. Oxford University Press, USA, 944p.
- Micke, A., Donini, B. 1993. Induced mutations. (Eds. Hayward, M.D., Bosemark, N.O., Romagosa, I.). Plant Breeding, Principles and Prospects, Chapman & Hall, London, pp:52-62.
- Leonard, A., Jacquet, P., Lauwerys, R. 1983. Mutagenicity and teratogenicity of mercury compounds. Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology 11(4):1-18.
In vitro Mutasyon Islahı Çalışmalarına Yönelik Olarak Farklı Gama Işını Kaynaklarının Kalanşo (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelnn.) Yaprak Ayası Eksplantı Üzerine Etkilerinin Karşılaştırılması
Year 2025,
Volume: 54 Issue: Özel Sayı 1, 312 - 318, 25.03.2025
Irmak Çakın
Burak Kunter
Kadriye Yaprak Kantoglu
Aslıhan Göktuğ
Ebru Akyüz Çağdaş
Şeküre Şebnem Ellialtıoğlu
Kalanşo (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelnn.) uzun ömürlü iç mekân süs bitkisi türlerinden biri olup in vitro rejenerasyon kabiliyeti yüksektir. Bu araştırmada in vitro mutasyon ıslahı çalışmasına yönelik olarak yaprak ayası eksplantlarında, iki farklı gama ışınlama kaynağında ışınlama yapılarak etkili mutasyon dozlarının belirlenmesi (EMD₅₀) ve kaynak etkisinin ortaya konulması hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla her dozda 60’şar yaprak ayası eksplantı olacak şekilde in vitro kültürler on dört farklı dozda (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140 ve 160 Gy) Co⁶⁰ (235Gy/h) ve Cs¹³⁷ (821Gy/h) gama ışın kaynakları ile ışınlanmıştır. Işınlanan in vitro eksplantlar ışınlama sonrasında rejenerasyon ortamına (2.0 mg.L⁻¹ TDZ ve 0.5 mg.L⁻¹ NAA) transfer edilmişlerdir. Işınlamayı takip eden kırk beşinci günde eksplantlarda sürgün rejenerasyonu başarı yüzdeleri tespit edilerek iki farklı gama kaynağının etkileri karşılaştırılmıştır. In vitro rejenerasyon amacıyla S2 kodlu uygulamanın (%15’lik NaClO içeren sterilizasyon çözeltisi) ve R3 kodlu 2.0 mg.L⁻¹ TDZ ve 0.5 mg.L⁻¹ NAA içeren MS besin ortamının kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir. EMD₅₀ dozu olarak; Cs¹³⁷ kaynağı için 79.97 Gy ve Co⁶⁰ kaynağı için ise 103.54 Gy hesaplanmıştır. Bununla birlikte kobalt kaynağı için daha yüksek dozlarda bazı yeni uygulamaların yapılması önerilmiştir.
Ethical Statement
Doğaya ve çevreye herhangi bir zarar verilmediği için bu çalışma için etik onaya gerek yoktur.
Supporting Institution
Türkiye Enerji Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu
Bu çalışma TENMAK-NÜKEN imkânlarıyla yürütülen A2.H1.P16 numaralı projenin bir bölümüdür. Desteklerinden dolayı TENMAK’a teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.
- Gümüş, C., Ellialtıoğlu, Ş.Ş. 2018. A review on tissue culture studies of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews, 11(1):18-26, e-ISSN:2146-0132. (In Turkish).
- Anonymous 2024. Kalancho. https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/kalanchoe (Erişim Tarihi: Nisan 2024).
- Stefanowicz-Hajduk, J., Hering, A., Gucwa, M., Sztormowska-Achranowicz, K., Kowalczyk, M., Soluch, A., Ochocka, J.R. 2022. An in vitro anticancer, antioxidant, and phytochemical study on water extract of Kalanchoe daigremontiana Raym.-Hamet and H.Perrier. Molecules, 31, 27(7):2280.
- Kahraman, M., U., Boyacı, F. 2021. Kalanşo. Eds: Kazaz, S., Mendi Yalçın, Y., Süs Bitkileri Islahı (Türler) Gece Kitaplığı, Ankara, s:239-282, ISBN:978-625-7478-250-2.
- Kahraman, M.U., Yalçın Mendi, Y., Karabıyık, Ş., Lütken, H.V., Favero, B.T. 2022. Kalanchoë Breeding: Past, Present and Future. Ornamental Horticulture 28(1):19-35.
- Bhuiyan, M.S.U., Kim, T., In, J.G., Yang, D.C., Choi, K.S. 2006. Plant regeneration from leaf explants of Kalanchoe daigremontiana Hamet & Perrier. Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science 14(5):293-298.
- Smith, R.H., Nightingale, A.E. 1979. In vitro propagation of Kalanchoe. HortScience 14(1):20.
- Linjian, F., Dongpo, J., Xinshuan, Z. 2006. Research of different culture conditions on plantlet regeneration from leaves of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 5. cn/article_en/cjf dtotalzntb200605021.htm (Erişim: Nisan 2024).
- Altındağ Çelik, F.N. 2022. Investigations on in vitro regeneration and micropropagation from leaf explants of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (Kalanchoe) (M.Sc. Thesis). Bartın University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Bartın, 67p.
- Bejaoui, R., Özdemir, G.E., Ellialtıoğlu, Ş.Ş. 2023. In vitro or ex vitro rooting and acclimatization of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln. shoots propagated by tissue culture technique. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 10(4):843-853.
- Favaro, B.T., Tan, Y., Lin, Y., Hansen, H.B., Shadmani, N., Xu, J., He, J., Müller, R., Almeida, A., Lütken, H. 2021. Transgenic Kalanchoë blossfeldiana, containing individual rol genes and open reading frames under 35S promoter, exhibit compact habit, reduced plant growth, and altered ethylene tolerance in flowers. Frontiers in Plant Science 12:672023.
- van Harten, A. M. 1998. Mutation breeding theory and practical applications. Cambridge University Press, UK, 353p.
- Kharkwal, M. 2012. A brief history of plant mutagenesis. Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology. CABI, Wallingford, pp:21-30.
- Amaldi, U. 2000. The importance of particle accelerators. Europhysics News 31(6):5-9.
- Datta, S.K. 2023. Technology package for induced mutagenesis. Journal of Biology and Nature 15(1):70-88.
- MVD, 2024. Mutant variety database. https:// (Erişim Tarihi: Mayıs 2024).
- Farkash, E.A., Kao, G.D., Horman, S.R., Prak, E.T.L. 2006. Gamma irradiation increases endonuclease-dependent L1 retro transpositions in a cultured cell assay. Nucleic Acids Research 33(4):1196-1204.
- Zengquan, W., Hongmei, X., Jianping, L., Shibin, Y., Yan, F., Zhoungkui, X. 2003. Application of heavy ion beams in induced mutation breeding and molecular modification. Nuclear Physics Review 20(1):38-41.
- Lagoda, P., Shu, Q., Foster, B., Nakagawa, H., Nakagawa, H. 2012. Effects of radiation on living cells and plant. Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp:123-124.
- Spencer-Lopes, M.M., Foster, B.P., Jankuloski, L. 2018. Manual on mutation breeding third edition. FAO Publishing, Italy, 301p.
- Taner, C.A. 2011. Yeni kuşak radyasyon teknolojileri uygulamaları ve kobalt-60 (Co⁶⁰) gama ışınlama tesisleri. wp-content/uploads/2011/07/yeni-ku%c5%9fak-radyasyon-teknolojileri-uygulamalar%c4%b1-ve-kobalt-60-co-60-gama-ı%c5%9f%c4%b1nlama-tesisleri.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: Ağustos 2024).
- Mba, C., Afza, R., Shu, Q., Shu, Q., Foster, B., Nakagowa, H. 2012. Mutagenic radiations: x-ray, ionizing particles and ultraviolet. Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology. CABI, Oxfordshire, UK, pp:83-90.
- Kaviani, B., Hashemabadi, D., Kordi, M. 2014. The effect of different concentrations of plant growth regulators on micropropagation of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana cv. White. Journal of Ornamental Plants 4(2):101-106.
- Bado, S., Forster, B.P., Nielen, S., Ghanim, A., Lagoda, P.J., Till, B.J., Laimer, M. 2015. Plant mutation breeding: current progress and future assessment. Plant Breeding Reviews 39:23-88.
- Melsen, K., van de Wouw, M., Contreras, R. 2021. Mutation breeding in ornamentals. HortScience 56(10):1154-1165. 2021.
- Halliwell, B., Gutteridge, J.M. 2015. Free radicals in biology and medicine. Oxford University Press, USA, 944p.
- Micke, A., Donini, B. 1993. Induced mutations. (Eds. Hayward, M.D., Bosemark, N.O., Romagosa, I.). Plant Breeding, Principles and Prospects, Chapman & Hall, London, pp:52-62.
- Leonard, A., Jacquet, P., Lauwerys, R. 1983. Mutagenicity and teratogenicity of mercury compounds. Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology 11(4):1-18.