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Doğal Yetiştirme Alanında Farklı Ticari Lale Çeşitlerine Bileşik Gübre Uygulamasının Bitki ve Soğan Büyümesi Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2025, Volume: 54 Issue: Özel Sayı 1, 38 - 46, 25.03.2025


Çalışma, kompoze gübre uygulamasının lale (Tulipa gesneriana L.) çeşitlerinin büyüme, çiçeklenme ve soğan gelişimi üzerine olan etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla 2020-2021 yılları arasında bitkinin doğal yetişme alanı olan Antalya’nın İbradı ilçesinde yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla ticari açıdan popüler olan 5 farklı lale çeşidi (Queen of night, Apeldorn, Pink impresion, Jaap groot, Royal virgin) kullanılmış ve 2 farklı kompoze gübre (10-52-10+TE ve 20-20-20+TE) uygulanmış, kontrol parsellerinde ise herhangi bir gübre uygulaması yapılmamıştır. Dikim öncesi toprağa (NPK 15-15-15) kompoze gübre ilave edilmiştir. Deneme iki faktörlü (çeşit, gübre) tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 3 tekerrürlü ve her tekerrürde 10 bitki olacak şekilde kurulmuştur. Çalışma sonunda; ilk sürgün çıkışlarının çeşitlere bağlı olarak soğan dikiminden 49 (en erken)-84 (en geç) gün sonra, ilk çiçeklenme başlangıcı mart ayının üçüncü haftası ile nisan ortası arasında, çiçeklenme bitişi ise Mayıs ayının başında gerçekleşmiştir. Çiçekte kalma süreleri 14-21 gün arası, bitki boyu değeri 29.6-42,8 cm arasında değişmiştir. Çeşitler arasında önemli farklılık olduğu, gübre uygulamalarının sürme zamanı, çiçeklenme başlangıcı ve çiçek süresi bakımından etkili olduğu, bitki boyu ve parsel başına soğan verimini arttırdığı, incelenen diğer karakterler üzerine etkili olmadığı belirlenmiştir.


  • Gani, G., Lone, R.A., Rather, Z.A., Nazki; I.T., Wani, M.A. 2019. Effect of nutrient sprays and planting depths on growth and bulb production of tulips. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International, 30(2):1-8, Article no. JEAI.46261 ISSN:2457-0591 (Past name: American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, Past ISSN: 2231-0606.
  • Salman, A., Budak, B., Wallace, M.Y. 2020. The effect of bio fertilizer application on bulb yield and floristic properties of different commercial tulip varieties. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 34(Özel Sayı):249-258.
  • Li, J., Price, M., Mei Su, D., Zhang, Z., Yu, Y., Fen Xie, D., Dong Zhou, S., Fen Gao, X. 2021. Phylogeny and comparative analysis for the plastid genomes of five tulipa (Liliaceae). Hindawi BioMed Research International, Vol.2021 ID.6648429, 2021/6648429.
  • Khaleghi, Alireza, Ali Khadivi, Zonneveld, B JM. 2018. Morphological variations among and within species of wild tulip (Tulipa L.) from Iran. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 65(2018):2241-2266.
  • Raven, S. 2020. The history of tulip. The History of the Tulip | Sarah Raven (Online August 5, 2024).
  • Khan, F.U., Jhon, A.Q., Khan, F.A., Mir, M.M. 2006. Effect of NPK and Zn on growth, flowering and bulb production in tulip under polyhouse conditions in Kashmir. J. Hort. Sci. 1(2):129-134.
  • İzgi Saraç, Y., Balkaya, A., Deligöz, İ. 2021. Lale. Süs bitkileri ıslahı (Türler), Gece Kitaplığı, s:373-414.
  • Karlsson, M. 2024. The Dutch tulip bulb industry in times of change. Will the Netherlands be able to continue supplying the world with bulbs? Bachelor’s thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU Department of people and society department of biosystems and technology, Degree of Bachelor of Science in Horticultural Management Alnarp, SLU 2024.
  • Anonymous, 2021. Plant. Peyzaj ve süs bitkisi dergisi. (Online August 5, 2024).
  • Navor, T.G., Gonzalez, G.A., Tellez, L.T. 2021. Cerium (Ce) affects the phenological cycle and the quality of tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.). Agro Productividad, 14(4), April, 2021. pp:59-63.
  • Theron, K.I., Jacobs, G. 1996. Changes in carbon hydrate composition of the different bulb components of Nerine bowdenii W.Watson (Amaryllidaceae). J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 121:343-346.
  • Scott, P. 2008. Mineral nutrition of plants. In: Physiology and Behavior of Plants, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. pp:75-87.
  • Boeckmann, C. 2021. Growing tulips. How to plant, grow and care for tulips. https://www.,a%20large%20enough%20planting%20site.
  • Wassink, E.C. 1965. Light intensity effects in growth and development of tulips in comparison with those in gladiolus. Mede. Landb Hoogesch, Wageningen, 65(15):1-21.
  • Niedziela Jr, C.E., Nelson, P.V., Dickey, D.A. 2015. Growth, development, and mineral nutrient accumulation and distribution in tulip from planting through post anthesis shoot senescence. International Journal of Agronomy, 2015(1), 341287.
  • Anonymous, 2024-a. ASIST 20-20-20+TE Ec Fertilizer (Online August 10, 2024).
  • Anonymous, 2024-b. LIBRO 10-52-10+TE. Astranova (Online August 12, 2024).
  • Bankar, G.J., Mukhopadhyay, A. 1990. Effect of NPK on growth and flowering in tuberose cv. Double. Indian Journal of Horticulture 47(1):120-126
  • Karaca, C., Büyüktaş, D., Baştuğ, R., Aydınşakir, K., Tekelioğlu, B. 2017. Antalya koşullarında kıyas bitki su tüketiminin alansal ve zamansal dağılımının belirlenmesi. Derim, 34(2), 158-171.
  • Fayaz, K., Khan, F.U., Nazki, I. T., Nisa, M. U., Verty, P., Singh, V.K. 2018. Effect of Integrated Nutrient Application on Yield and Bulb Production Characters in Tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.) cv. “Red Beauty”. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, ISSN, 2319-7692.
  • Salman, A., Wallace, M.Y., Zeybekoğlu, E., Alp, Ş., Özzambak, E. 2018. The effect of fertilizer application on the bulb yields and floristic traits on some tulips cultivars. International Conference on Multidisciplinary, Science, Engineering and Technology (IMESET’18 Dubai), Oct 25-27, 2018, Dubai.
  • Altaee, A.Y., Alsawaf, M.D. 2020. Effect of levels of chemical fertilizer and gibberellic acid in the growth and flowering of tulip. Eco. Env. & Cons, 26(1):67-72, Copyright@ EM International ISSN 0971-765X.
  • Bhattacharjee, S.K. 1981. Influence of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization on flowering and corm production in gladiolus. Singapore J. Primary Industries, 9(1):23-27.
  • Basnet, M., Shakya, S.M., Pant, S.S. 2018. Effect of different nitrogen and phosphorous doses on gladiolus yield in Ilam, Nepal. Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol.17 ISSN 2091-042X; e ISSN 2091-0428.
  • Pant, S.S. 2005. Effect of different doses of nitrogen and phosphorus on the corm and cormel development of gladiolus (Gladiolus sp.) cv. American beauty. Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, 26, 153-157.
  • Khan, G.A., Muhammad Sajid, M.S., Zubair, M., Noor-ul-Amin, N.U.A. 2007. Response of Dahlia pinnata to different levels of nitrogen alone and in combination with constant doses of phosphorus and potassium. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 23(3):571-576, ref.8
  • Ismael, B.S., Kamil, A.N., Hashim, N.N., Dudkiewicz, M. 2023. Influence of organic manure and chemical fertilization on flowering and yield bulbs of tulip frenged, Tulipa gesneriana L. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1213(1):12-27, IOP Publishing.

The Effects of Compound Fertilizers Application to Different Commercial Tulip Varieties in Natural Growing Area on Plant and Bulb Growth

Year 2025, Volume: 54 Issue: Özel Sayı 1, 38 - 46, 25.03.2025


The study was conducted in Ibradı district of Antalya, the natural growth area of the plant, between 2020 and 2021, to determine the effects of compound fertilizer application on the growth, flowering and bulb development of tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.) varieties. For this purpose, 5 different commercially popular tulip varieties (Queen of night, Apeldorn, Pink impression, Jaap groot, Royal virgin) and 2 different compound fertilizers (10-52-10+TE, 20-20-20+TE) were used and no fertilizer application was made in the control. Compound fertilizer (NPK 15-15-15) was added to the soil before planting. The experiment was established according to a two-factor (variety, fertilizer) randomized block design with 3 replications and 10 plants in each replicate. At the end of the study, the first sprouting occurred between 49 (earliest)-84 (latest) days after planting date depending on the varieties, the beginning of flowering was between the third week of March and mid-April, and the end of flowering was occurred at the beginning of May. The flowering longevity was between 14 and 21 days, plant length was measured between 29.6-42.8 cm. It was determined that there were significant differences among the varieties in terms of the sprouting time, beginning of flowering time, flowering longevity, increased plant height and bulb yield, but had no effect on the other characters.


  • Gani, G., Lone, R.A., Rather, Z.A., Nazki; I.T., Wani, M.A. 2019. Effect of nutrient sprays and planting depths on growth and bulb production of tulips. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International, 30(2):1-8, Article no. JEAI.46261 ISSN:2457-0591 (Past name: American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, Past ISSN: 2231-0606.
  • Salman, A., Budak, B., Wallace, M.Y. 2020. The effect of bio fertilizer application on bulb yield and floristic properties of different commercial tulip varieties. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 34(Özel Sayı):249-258.
  • Li, J., Price, M., Mei Su, D., Zhang, Z., Yu, Y., Fen Xie, D., Dong Zhou, S., Fen Gao, X. 2021. Phylogeny and comparative analysis for the plastid genomes of five tulipa (Liliaceae). Hindawi BioMed Research International, Vol.2021 ID.6648429, 2021/6648429.
  • Khaleghi, Alireza, Ali Khadivi, Zonneveld, B JM. 2018. Morphological variations among and within species of wild tulip (Tulipa L.) from Iran. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 65(2018):2241-2266.
  • Raven, S. 2020. The history of tulip. The History of the Tulip | Sarah Raven (Online August 5, 2024).
  • Khan, F.U., Jhon, A.Q., Khan, F.A., Mir, M.M. 2006. Effect of NPK and Zn on growth, flowering and bulb production in tulip under polyhouse conditions in Kashmir. J. Hort. Sci. 1(2):129-134.
  • İzgi Saraç, Y., Balkaya, A., Deligöz, İ. 2021. Lale. Süs bitkileri ıslahı (Türler), Gece Kitaplığı, s:373-414.
  • Karlsson, M. 2024. The Dutch tulip bulb industry in times of change. Will the Netherlands be able to continue supplying the world with bulbs? Bachelor’s thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU Department of people and society department of biosystems and technology, Degree of Bachelor of Science in Horticultural Management Alnarp, SLU 2024.
  • Anonymous, 2021. Plant. Peyzaj ve süs bitkisi dergisi. (Online August 5, 2024).
  • Navor, T.G., Gonzalez, G.A., Tellez, L.T. 2021. Cerium (Ce) affects the phenological cycle and the quality of tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.). Agro Productividad, 14(4), April, 2021. pp:59-63.
  • Theron, K.I., Jacobs, G. 1996. Changes in carbon hydrate composition of the different bulb components of Nerine bowdenii W.Watson (Amaryllidaceae). J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 121:343-346.
  • Scott, P. 2008. Mineral nutrition of plants. In: Physiology and Behavior of Plants, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. pp:75-87.
  • Boeckmann, C. 2021. Growing tulips. How to plant, grow and care for tulips. https://www.,a%20large%20enough%20planting%20site.
  • Wassink, E.C. 1965. Light intensity effects in growth and development of tulips in comparison with those in gladiolus. Mede. Landb Hoogesch, Wageningen, 65(15):1-21.
  • Niedziela Jr, C.E., Nelson, P.V., Dickey, D.A. 2015. Growth, development, and mineral nutrient accumulation and distribution in tulip from planting through post anthesis shoot senescence. International Journal of Agronomy, 2015(1), 341287.
  • Anonymous, 2024-a. ASIST 20-20-20+TE Ec Fertilizer (Online August 10, 2024).
  • Anonymous, 2024-b. LIBRO 10-52-10+TE. Astranova (Online August 12, 2024).
  • Bankar, G.J., Mukhopadhyay, A. 1990. Effect of NPK on growth and flowering in tuberose cv. Double. Indian Journal of Horticulture 47(1):120-126
  • Karaca, C., Büyüktaş, D., Baştuğ, R., Aydınşakir, K., Tekelioğlu, B. 2017. Antalya koşullarında kıyas bitki su tüketiminin alansal ve zamansal dağılımının belirlenmesi. Derim, 34(2), 158-171.
  • Fayaz, K., Khan, F.U., Nazki, I. T., Nisa, M. U., Verty, P., Singh, V.K. 2018. Effect of Integrated Nutrient Application on Yield and Bulb Production Characters in Tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.) cv. “Red Beauty”. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, ISSN, 2319-7692.
  • Salman, A., Wallace, M.Y., Zeybekoğlu, E., Alp, Ş., Özzambak, E. 2018. The effect of fertilizer application on the bulb yields and floristic traits on some tulips cultivars. International Conference on Multidisciplinary, Science, Engineering and Technology (IMESET’18 Dubai), Oct 25-27, 2018, Dubai.
  • Altaee, A.Y., Alsawaf, M.D. 2020. Effect of levels of chemical fertilizer and gibberellic acid in the growth and flowering of tulip. Eco. Env. & Cons, 26(1):67-72, Copyright@ EM International ISSN 0971-765X.
  • Bhattacharjee, S.K. 1981. Influence of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization on flowering and corm production in gladiolus. Singapore J. Primary Industries, 9(1):23-27.
  • Basnet, M., Shakya, S.M., Pant, S.S. 2018. Effect of different nitrogen and phosphorous doses on gladiolus yield in Ilam, Nepal. Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol.17 ISSN 2091-042X; e ISSN 2091-0428.
  • Pant, S.S. 2005. Effect of different doses of nitrogen and phosphorus on the corm and cormel development of gladiolus (Gladiolus sp.) cv. American beauty. Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, 26, 153-157.
  • Khan, G.A., Muhammad Sajid, M.S., Zubair, M., Noor-ul-Amin, N.U.A. 2007. Response of Dahlia pinnata to different levels of nitrogen alone and in combination with constant doses of phosphorus and potassium. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 23(3):571-576, ref.8
  • Ismael, B.S., Kamil, A.N., Hashim, N.N., Dudkiewicz, M. 2023. Influence of organic manure and chemical fertilization on flowering and yield bulbs of tulip frenged, Tulipa gesneriana L. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1213(1):12-27, IOP Publishing.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Horticultural Production (Other)
Journal Section Makaleler

Ümmü Özgül Karagüzel 0000-0001-9543-9136

Publication Date March 25, 2025
Submission Date September 11, 2024
Acceptance Date November 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 54 Issue: Özel Sayı 1


APA Karagüzel, Ü. Ö. (2025). The Effects of Compound Fertilizers Application to Different Commercial Tulip Varieties in Natural Growing Area on Plant and Bulb Growth. Bahçe, 54(Özel Sayı 1), 38-46.
AMA Karagüzel ÜÖ. The Effects of Compound Fertilizers Application to Different Commercial Tulip Varieties in Natural Growing Area on Plant and Bulb Growth. Bahçe. March 2025;54(Özel Sayı 1):38-46. doi:10.53471/bahce.1548127
Chicago Karagüzel, Ümmü Özgül. “The Effects of Compound Fertilizers Application to Different Commercial Tulip Varieties in Natural Growing Area on Plant and Bulb Growth”. Bahçe 54, no. Özel Sayı 1 (March 2025): 38-46.
EndNote Karagüzel ÜÖ (March 1, 2025) The Effects of Compound Fertilizers Application to Different Commercial Tulip Varieties in Natural Growing Area on Plant and Bulb Growth. Bahçe 54 Özel Sayı 1 38–46.
IEEE Ü. Ö. Karagüzel, “The Effects of Compound Fertilizers Application to Different Commercial Tulip Varieties in Natural Growing Area on Plant and Bulb Growth”, Bahçe, vol. 54, no. Özel Sayı 1, pp. 38–46, 2025, doi: 10.53471/bahce.1548127.
ISNAD Karagüzel, Ümmü Özgül. “The Effects of Compound Fertilizers Application to Different Commercial Tulip Varieties in Natural Growing Area on Plant and Bulb Growth”. Bahçe 54/Özel Sayı 1 (March 2025), 38-46.
JAMA Karagüzel ÜÖ. The Effects of Compound Fertilizers Application to Different Commercial Tulip Varieties in Natural Growing Area on Plant and Bulb Growth. Bahçe. 2025;54:38–46.
MLA Karagüzel, Ümmü Özgül. “The Effects of Compound Fertilizers Application to Different Commercial Tulip Varieties in Natural Growing Area on Plant and Bulb Growth”. Bahçe, vol. 54, no. Özel Sayı 1, 2025, pp. 38-46, doi:10.53471/bahce.1548127.
Vancouver Karagüzel ÜÖ. The Effects of Compound Fertilizers Application to Different Commercial Tulip Varieties in Natural Growing Area on Plant and Bulb Growth. Bahçe. 2025;54(Özel Sayı 1):38-46.

BAHCE Journal
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