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Bursa Şehrinde Açık ve Yeşil Alanlardaki Ağaçların Rüzgâr Hasarı ve Çözüm Önerileri

Year 2025, Volume: 54 Issue: Özel Sayı 1, 55 - 63, 25.03.2025


Coğrafi konumu nedeniyle Bursa başta olmak üzere birçok kentte, lodos ve diğer güçlü rüzgârlar ağaçların kırılmasına ve devrilmesine neden olmaktadır. Bu durum can ve mal kaybına yol açmaktadır. Ağaçlarda fiziksel ve fizyolojik zararlarının yanı sıra, bu olaylar teknik ekipleri ve belediyeleri yasal süreçlerle uğraştırmaktadır. Ancak, bu tür olaylar doğal afet olarak kabul edilse de etkili önlemler alındığında zararlar azaltılabilir. Ağaçların ayakta kalmasını sağlayan en önemli faktörler, sağlam kök sistemleri ve güçlü gövdeleridir. Ancak, kök yapısını etkileyen faktörler ve kalın dallarda oluşan sorunlar kırılmalara ve devrilmelere neden olmaktadır. Toprak koşulları, yüzeysel kök oluşumu, kök sisteminde çürümeler, hatalı budamalar, fiziksel müdahalelere bağlı çürümeler ve dengesiz taç gelişimi en sık karşılaşılan kırılma ve devrilme nedenleridir. Bu çalışma Bursa’da yaşanan güçlü lodos afeti sonrasında meydana gelen ağaç kırılmalarını ve devrilmelerini incelemekte ve sebeplerini araştırmaktadır. Çalışma sonucunda, özellikle altyapı çalışmaları için yapılan toprak kazıları, dikim, sulama ve budama gibi hataların peyzaj alanlarında ciddi sonuçlara yol açtığı belirlenmiştir. Bu olayların insan yaşamını riske attığı göz önüne alındığında, daha az zararın meydana gelmesi için alınması gereken önlemler belirlenmiştir. Doğru konuma dikim, ekoloji için doğru ağaç türünün seçilmesi, yeterli kök gelişim alanı, doğru budama, sağlıklı gelişim için yeterli bakım rüzgâr hasarını azaltmak için alınacak kritik önlemlerdir.


  • Cohen, W.B., Yang, Z., Stehman, S.V., Schroeder, T.A., Bell, D.M., Masek, J.G., Huang, C., Meigs, G.W. 2016. Forest disturbance across the conterminous United States from 1985-2012: the emerging dominance of forest decline. Forest Ecol Manage. 360:242-252. j.foreco.2015.10.042.
  • Kanjevac, B., Račić, M., Dobrosavljević, J., Martać, N. 2023. Responses at the stand and tree level to ice storm injuries in beech forests in eastern Serbia. Reforesta 16:16-26. doi:
  • Littell, J.S., McKenzie, D., Peterson, D.L. 2003. Westerling AL (2009). Climate and wildfire area burned in western U.S. ecoprovinces, 1916-2003. Ecol. Appl. 19:1003-1021. 1890/07-1183.1
  • Klopčič, M., Poljanec, A., Dolinar, M., Kastelec, D., Bončina, A. 2020. Ice-storm damage to trees in mixed Central European forests: damage patterns, predictors and susceptibility of tree species. Forestry 93:430-443. 1093/forestry/cpz068.
  • Lopes, A., Fragoso, M. 2003. Tree damages in Lisbon during southern windstorms. Wind Effects on Trees, 16:195.
  • Cole, J., Nowak, D.J., Greenfield, E.J. 2021. Potential hurricane wind risk to US rural and urban forests. Journal of Forestry 119(4):393-406.
  • Gliksman, D., Averbeck, P., Becker, N., Gardiner, B., Goldberg, V., Grieger, J., Handorf, D., Haustein, K., ... Franzke, C.L. 2023. A European perspective on wind and storm damage-from the meteorological background to index-based approaches to assess impacts. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23(6):2171-2201.
  • Gardiner, B., Berry, P., Moulia, B. 2016. Review: Wind impacts on plant growth, mechanics and damage, Plant Sci. 245:94-118, 10.1016/j.plantsci.2016.01.006.
  • Martinez, C.F., Coelho Duarte, A.P. 2023. Hazard indicators in urban trees: Case studies on Platanus × hispanica Mill. ex Münchh and Morus alba L. in Mendoza city-Argentina. Rev. FCA UNCuyo 2023. 55(2):152-165.
  • Ranković, N., Nedeljković, J., Zlatić, M., Stanišić, M., Nonić, D. 2016. Trends in the extent of damages from natural hazards in forests in Serbia and the influence of temperature and precipitation. Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry 114:201-218.
  • Valinger, E., Fridman, J. 2011. Factors affecting the probability of windthrow at stand level as a result of Gudrun winter storm in southern Sweden. Forest Ecol. Manag. 262:398-403.
  • Wallentin, C., Nilsson, U. 2014. Storm and snow damage in a Norway spruce thinning experiment in southern Sweden. Forestry 87:229-238.
  • Šēnhofa S., Katrevičs, J., Adamovičs, A., Bičkovskis, K., Bāders, E., Donis, J., Jansons, Ā. 2020. Tree Damage by Ice Accumulation in Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) Stands Regarding Stand Characteristics. Forests 11:679.
  • Norris, M. 2010. Acts of God: Urban tree management. The 11th National Street Tree Symposium 2010, Australia. Journal: Treenet,
  • Calaza, P., Iglesias, I. 2016. El riesgo del arbolad o urbano. Contexto, concepto y evolución. Mundi Prensa. 526 p.
  • Coelho-Duarte, A.P., Daniluk-Mosquera G., Gravina, V., Vallejos Barra, O., Ponce-Donoso, M. 2021. Tree risk assessment: Component analysis of six visual methods applied in an urban park, Montevideo, Uruguay. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 59:127005. 1016/j.ufug.2021.127005.
  • Koeser, A.K., Hauer, R.J., Miesbauer, J.W., Peterson, W. 2016. Municipal tree risk assessment in the United States: Findings from a comprehensive survey of urban forest management, Arboricultural Journal, 38(4):218-229, doi:10.1080/03071375.2016.1221178.
  • Duryea, M.L., Kampf, E. 2017. Wind and trees: lessons learned from hurricanes. UF/IFAS Extension, University of Florida. http://edis.ifas.
  • Cucchi, V., Meredieu, C., Stokes, A., Berthier, S., Bert, D., Najar, M., Denis, A. 2004. Lastennet, R. Root anchorage of inner and edge trees in stands of Maritime pine (Pinus pinasterait) growing in different podzolic soil conditions. Trees, 18:460-466.
  • Stokes, A., Salin, F., Kokutse, A.D., Berthier, S., Jeannin, H., Mochan, S., Dorren, L., Kokutse, N., AbdGhani, M., Fourcaud, T. 2005. Mechanical resistance of different tree species to rockfall in the French Alps. Plant Soil 278:107-117.
  • Lundström, T., Jonas, T., Stöckli, V., Ammann, W. 2007. Anchorage of mature conifers: Resistive turning moment, root-soil plate geometry and root growth orientation. Tree Physiol. 27:1217-1227.
  • Hauer, R.J., Wang, W., Dawson, J.O. 1993. Ice storm damage to urban trees. Journal of Arboriculture 19:187-187.
  • Peltola, H., Ikonen, V.P., Gregow, H., Strandman, H., Kilpeläinen, A., Venäläinen, A., Kellomäki, S. 2010. Impacts of climate change on timber production and regional risks of wind-induced damage to forests in Finland. For. Ecol. Manag. 260:833-845.
  • Kamimura, K., Kitagawa, K., Saito, S., Mizunaga, H. 2012. Root anchor age of hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtuse (Sieb. Et Zucc.) Endl.) under the combined loading of wind and rapidly supplied water on soil: Analyses based on tree-pulling experiments. Eur. J. For. Res. 131:219-227.
  • Défossez, P., Veylon, G., Yang, M., Bonnefond, J.M., Garrigou, D., Trichet, P., Danjon, F. 2021. Impact of soil water content on the overturning resistance of young Pinus Pinaster in sandy soil. For. Ecol. Manag. 480:118614.
  • Usbeck, T., Wohlgemuth, T., Dobbertin, M., Pfister, C., Bürgi, A., Rebetez, M. 2010. Increasing storm damage to forests in Switzerland from 1858 to 2007. Agric. For. Meteorol. 2010(150):47-55.
  • Knappett, J., Zhang, X., Leung, A., Ciantia, M., Liang, T., Danjon, F. 2020. Small-scale modelling of root-soil interaction of trees under lateral loads. Plant Soil 456:289-305.
  • Fan, C.C., Li, S.C., Lu, J.Z. 2022. Modeling the effect of high soil moisture on the wind resistance of urban trees. Forests 13:1875.
  • Coutts, M.P., Nielsen, C.C.N., Nicoll, B.C. 1998. The development of symmetry, rigidity and anchorage in the structural root systems of conifers. Plant Soil 217:1-15.
  • Rahardjo, H., Harnas, F.R., Indrawan, I.G.B., Leong, E.C., Tan, P.Y., Fong, Y.K., Ow, L.F. 2014. Understanding the stability of Samanea saman trees through tree pulling, analytical calculations and numerical models. Urban For. Urban Green 2014(13):355-364.
  • Yang, M., Défossez, P., Danjon, F., Fourcaud, T. 2018. Analyzing key factors of roots and soil contributing to tree anchorage of Pinus species. Trees 32:703-712.
  • NCFS, 2024. Storm-damaged tree assessment best management practices. North Carolina Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry, https://
  • Yang, M., Défossez, P., Danjon, F., Dupont, S., Fourcaud, T. 2017. Which root architectural elements contribute the best to anchorage of Pinus species? Insights from in silico experiments. Plant Soil 411:275-291.
  • Klein, R.W., Koeser, A.K., Kane, B., Landry, S.M., Shields, H., Lloyd, S., Hansen, G. 2020. Evaluating the likelihood of tree failure in Naples, Florida (United States) following hurricane Irma. Forests, 11:85.
  • Francis, J.K. 2000. Comparison of hurricane damage to several species of urban trees in San Juan, Puerto Rico. J. Arboric 2000(26):189-197.
  • Luley, C.J., Bond, J. 2006. Evaluation of the fate of ice storm-damaged urban maple (Acer) trees. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 32(5):214-220.
  • Ray, D., Nicoll, B.C. 1998. The effect of soil water-table depth on root-plate development and stability of Sitka Spruce. Forestry 1998(71):169-182.
  • Soleimani-Fard, H., König, D., Goudarzy, M. 2021. Experimental and numerical analyses of uprising moisture in fine grained soils. J. Geo Engin. 16:001-014.
  • Clatterbuck, W.K. 2000. Storm-damaged residential trees: Assessment, care and prevention. University of Tennessee, Agricultural Extension Service. Tennessee/USA.
  • Sani, L., Lisci, R., Moschi, M., Sarri, D., Rimediotti, M., Vieri, M., Tofanelli, S. 2012. Preliminary experiments and verification of controlled pulling tests for tree stability assessments in Mediterranean urban areas. Biosyst. Eng. 112:218-226.
  • Duryea, M.L., Kampf, E., Littell, R.C., Rodríguez-Pedraza, C.D. 2007. Hurricanes and the urban forest: I&II Effects on southeastern United States coastal plain tree species. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) 2007(33):83-97, 98-112.

Wind Damage to Trees in the Open Spaces and Green Areas of Bursa City: Solutions and Recommendations

Year 2025, Volume: 54 Issue: Özel Sayı 1, 55 - 63, 25.03.2025


Due to its geographical location, Bursa and many other cities are prone to strong winds, such as the "lodos", which cause trees to break and fall. This situation leads to loss of life and assets. In addition to the physical and physiological damage to the trees, these incidents also create legal issues for technical teams and municipalities. However, although such events are considered natural disasters, damages can be minimized with effective preventive measures. The most important factors that help trees stand upright are strong root systems and sturdy trunks. However, factors that affect root structure and problems occurring in thick branches can cause breakage and falling. Soil conditions, surface root formation, root decay, improper pruning, decay due to physical interventions, and imbalanced crown development are the most common causes of breakage and falling. This study examines the tree breakage that occurred after a strong lodos disaster in Bursa and investigates the reasons behind it. As a result of the study, it has been determined that mistakes such as soil excavation for infrastructure works, planting, irrigation, and pruning have serious consequences in landscape areas. Considering that these incidents put human life at risk, measures to minimize damage have been identified. Planting in the right location, choosing the right tree species for ecology, adequate root development area, correct pruning, and adequate care for healthy development are critical measures to be taken to reduce wind damage.


  • Cohen, W.B., Yang, Z., Stehman, S.V., Schroeder, T.A., Bell, D.M., Masek, J.G., Huang, C., Meigs, G.W. 2016. Forest disturbance across the conterminous United States from 1985-2012: the emerging dominance of forest decline. Forest Ecol Manage. 360:242-252. j.foreco.2015.10.042.
  • Kanjevac, B., Račić, M., Dobrosavljević, J., Martać, N. 2023. Responses at the stand and tree level to ice storm injuries in beech forests in eastern Serbia. Reforesta 16:16-26. doi:
  • Littell, J.S., McKenzie, D., Peterson, D.L. 2003. Westerling AL (2009). Climate and wildfire area burned in western U.S. ecoprovinces, 1916-2003. Ecol. Appl. 19:1003-1021. 1890/07-1183.1
  • Klopčič, M., Poljanec, A., Dolinar, M., Kastelec, D., Bončina, A. 2020. Ice-storm damage to trees in mixed Central European forests: damage patterns, predictors and susceptibility of tree species. Forestry 93:430-443. 1093/forestry/cpz068.
  • Lopes, A., Fragoso, M. 2003. Tree damages in Lisbon during southern windstorms. Wind Effects on Trees, 16:195.
  • Cole, J., Nowak, D.J., Greenfield, E.J. 2021. Potential hurricane wind risk to US rural and urban forests. Journal of Forestry 119(4):393-406.
  • Gliksman, D., Averbeck, P., Becker, N., Gardiner, B., Goldberg, V., Grieger, J., Handorf, D., Haustein, K., ... Franzke, C.L. 2023. A European perspective on wind and storm damage-from the meteorological background to index-based approaches to assess impacts. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23(6):2171-2201.
  • Gardiner, B., Berry, P., Moulia, B. 2016. Review: Wind impacts on plant growth, mechanics and damage, Plant Sci. 245:94-118, 10.1016/j.plantsci.2016.01.006.
  • Martinez, C.F., Coelho Duarte, A.P. 2023. Hazard indicators in urban trees: Case studies on Platanus × hispanica Mill. ex Münchh and Morus alba L. in Mendoza city-Argentina. Rev. FCA UNCuyo 2023. 55(2):152-165.
  • Ranković, N., Nedeljković, J., Zlatić, M., Stanišić, M., Nonić, D. 2016. Trends in the extent of damages from natural hazards in forests in Serbia and the influence of temperature and precipitation. Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry 114:201-218.
  • Valinger, E., Fridman, J. 2011. Factors affecting the probability of windthrow at stand level as a result of Gudrun winter storm in southern Sweden. Forest Ecol. Manag. 262:398-403.
  • Wallentin, C., Nilsson, U. 2014. Storm and snow damage in a Norway spruce thinning experiment in southern Sweden. Forestry 87:229-238.
  • Šēnhofa S., Katrevičs, J., Adamovičs, A., Bičkovskis, K., Bāders, E., Donis, J., Jansons, Ā. 2020. Tree Damage by Ice Accumulation in Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) Stands Regarding Stand Characteristics. Forests 11:679.
  • Norris, M. 2010. Acts of God: Urban tree management. The 11th National Street Tree Symposium 2010, Australia. Journal: Treenet,
  • Calaza, P., Iglesias, I. 2016. El riesgo del arbolad o urbano. Contexto, concepto y evolución. Mundi Prensa. 526 p.
  • Coelho-Duarte, A.P., Daniluk-Mosquera G., Gravina, V., Vallejos Barra, O., Ponce-Donoso, M. 2021. Tree risk assessment: Component analysis of six visual methods applied in an urban park, Montevideo, Uruguay. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 59:127005. 1016/j.ufug.2021.127005.
  • Koeser, A.K., Hauer, R.J., Miesbauer, J.W., Peterson, W. 2016. Municipal tree risk assessment in the United States: Findings from a comprehensive survey of urban forest management, Arboricultural Journal, 38(4):218-229, doi:10.1080/03071375.2016.1221178.
  • Duryea, M.L., Kampf, E. 2017. Wind and trees: lessons learned from hurricanes. UF/IFAS Extension, University of Florida. http://edis.ifas.
  • Cucchi, V., Meredieu, C., Stokes, A., Berthier, S., Bert, D., Najar, M., Denis, A. 2004. Lastennet, R. Root anchorage of inner and edge trees in stands of Maritime pine (Pinus pinasterait) growing in different podzolic soil conditions. Trees, 18:460-466.
  • Stokes, A., Salin, F., Kokutse, A.D., Berthier, S., Jeannin, H., Mochan, S., Dorren, L., Kokutse, N., AbdGhani, M., Fourcaud, T. 2005. Mechanical resistance of different tree species to rockfall in the French Alps. Plant Soil 278:107-117.
  • Lundström, T., Jonas, T., Stöckli, V., Ammann, W. 2007. Anchorage of mature conifers: Resistive turning moment, root-soil plate geometry and root growth orientation. Tree Physiol. 27:1217-1227.
  • Hauer, R.J., Wang, W., Dawson, J.O. 1993. Ice storm damage to urban trees. Journal of Arboriculture 19:187-187.
  • Peltola, H., Ikonen, V.P., Gregow, H., Strandman, H., Kilpeläinen, A., Venäläinen, A., Kellomäki, S. 2010. Impacts of climate change on timber production and regional risks of wind-induced damage to forests in Finland. For. Ecol. Manag. 260:833-845.
  • Kamimura, K., Kitagawa, K., Saito, S., Mizunaga, H. 2012. Root anchor age of hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtuse (Sieb. Et Zucc.) Endl.) under the combined loading of wind and rapidly supplied water on soil: Analyses based on tree-pulling experiments. Eur. J. For. Res. 131:219-227.
  • Défossez, P., Veylon, G., Yang, M., Bonnefond, J.M., Garrigou, D., Trichet, P., Danjon, F. 2021. Impact of soil water content on the overturning resistance of young Pinus Pinaster in sandy soil. For. Ecol. Manag. 480:118614.
  • Usbeck, T., Wohlgemuth, T., Dobbertin, M., Pfister, C., Bürgi, A., Rebetez, M. 2010. Increasing storm damage to forests in Switzerland from 1858 to 2007. Agric. For. Meteorol. 2010(150):47-55.
  • Knappett, J., Zhang, X., Leung, A., Ciantia, M., Liang, T., Danjon, F. 2020. Small-scale modelling of root-soil interaction of trees under lateral loads. Plant Soil 456:289-305.
  • Fan, C.C., Li, S.C., Lu, J.Z. 2022. Modeling the effect of high soil moisture on the wind resistance of urban trees. Forests 13:1875.
  • Coutts, M.P., Nielsen, C.C.N., Nicoll, B.C. 1998. The development of symmetry, rigidity and anchorage in the structural root systems of conifers. Plant Soil 217:1-15.
  • Rahardjo, H., Harnas, F.R., Indrawan, I.G.B., Leong, E.C., Tan, P.Y., Fong, Y.K., Ow, L.F. 2014. Understanding the stability of Samanea saman trees through tree pulling, analytical calculations and numerical models. Urban For. Urban Green 2014(13):355-364.
  • Yang, M., Défossez, P., Danjon, F., Fourcaud, T. 2018. Analyzing key factors of roots and soil contributing to tree anchorage of Pinus species. Trees 32:703-712.
  • NCFS, 2024. Storm-damaged tree assessment best management practices. North Carolina Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry, https://
  • Yang, M., Défossez, P., Danjon, F., Dupont, S., Fourcaud, T. 2017. Which root architectural elements contribute the best to anchorage of Pinus species? Insights from in silico experiments. Plant Soil 411:275-291.
  • Klein, R.W., Koeser, A.K., Kane, B., Landry, S.M., Shields, H., Lloyd, S., Hansen, G. 2020. Evaluating the likelihood of tree failure in Naples, Florida (United States) following hurricane Irma. Forests, 11:85.
  • Francis, J.K. 2000. Comparison of hurricane damage to several species of urban trees in San Juan, Puerto Rico. J. Arboric 2000(26):189-197.
  • Luley, C.J., Bond, J. 2006. Evaluation of the fate of ice storm-damaged urban maple (Acer) trees. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 32(5):214-220.
  • Ray, D., Nicoll, B.C. 1998. The effect of soil water-table depth on root-plate development and stability of Sitka Spruce. Forestry 1998(71):169-182.
  • Soleimani-Fard, H., König, D., Goudarzy, M. 2021. Experimental and numerical analyses of uprising moisture in fine grained soils. J. Geo Engin. 16:001-014.
  • Clatterbuck, W.K. 2000. Storm-damaged residential trees: Assessment, care and prevention. University of Tennessee, Agricultural Extension Service. Tennessee/USA.
  • Sani, L., Lisci, R., Moschi, M., Sarri, D., Rimediotti, M., Vieri, M., Tofanelli, S. 2012. Preliminary experiments and verification of controlled pulling tests for tree stability assessments in Mediterranean urban areas. Biosyst. Eng. 112:218-226.
  • Duryea, M.L., Kampf, E., Littell, R.C., Rodríguez-Pedraza, C.D. 2007. Hurricanes and the urban forest: I&II Effects on southeastern United States coastal plain tree species. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) 2007(33):83-97, 98-112.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Horticultural Production (Other)
Journal Section Makaleler

Kamil Erken 0000-0003-3492-7683

Salih Parlak 0000-0003-3808-3297

Publication Date March 25, 2025
Submission Date September 14, 2024
Acceptance Date November 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 54 Issue: Özel Sayı 1


APA Erken, K., & Parlak, S. (2025). Bursa Şehrinde Açık ve Yeşil Alanlardaki Ağaçların Rüzgâr Hasarı ve Çözüm Önerileri. Bahçe, 54(Özel Sayı 1), 55-63.
AMA Erken K, Parlak S. Bursa Şehrinde Açık ve Yeşil Alanlardaki Ağaçların Rüzgâr Hasarı ve Çözüm Önerileri. Bahçe. March 2025;54(Özel Sayı 1):55-63. doi:10.53471/bahce.1549958
Chicago Erken, Kamil, and Salih Parlak. “Bursa Şehrinde Açık Ve Yeşil Alanlardaki Ağaçların Rüzgâr Hasarı Ve Çözüm Önerileri”. Bahçe 54, no. Özel Sayı 1 (March 2025): 55-63.
EndNote Erken K, Parlak S (March 1, 2025) Bursa Şehrinde Açık ve Yeşil Alanlardaki Ağaçların Rüzgâr Hasarı ve Çözüm Önerileri. Bahçe 54 Özel Sayı 1 55–63.
IEEE K. Erken and S. Parlak, “Bursa Şehrinde Açık ve Yeşil Alanlardaki Ağaçların Rüzgâr Hasarı ve Çözüm Önerileri”, Bahçe, vol. 54, no. Özel Sayı 1, pp. 55–63, 2025, doi: 10.53471/bahce.1549958.
ISNAD Erken, Kamil - Parlak, Salih. “Bursa Şehrinde Açık Ve Yeşil Alanlardaki Ağaçların Rüzgâr Hasarı Ve Çözüm Önerileri”. Bahçe 54/Özel Sayı 1 (March 2025), 55-63.
JAMA Erken K, Parlak S. Bursa Şehrinde Açık ve Yeşil Alanlardaki Ağaçların Rüzgâr Hasarı ve Çözüm Önerileri. Bahçe. 2025;54:55–63.
MLA Erken, Kamil and Salih Parlak. “Bursa Şehrinde Açık Ve Yeşil Alanlardaki Ağaçların Rüzgâr Hasarı Ve Çözüm Önerileri”. Bahçe, vol. 54, no. Özel Sayı 1, 2025, pp. 55-63, doi:10.53471/bahce.1549958.
Vancouver Erken K, Parlak S. Bursa Şehrinde Açık ve Yeşil Alanlardaki Ağaçların Rüzgâr Hasarı ve Çözüm Önerileri. Bahçe. 2025;54(Özel Sayı 1):55-63.

BAHCE Journal
Atatürk Horticultural Central Research Institute, Yalova 77100 TÜRKİYE
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