Research Article
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Year 2024, , 144 - 151, 30.08.2024



  • [1] Shlebik T., Fadel A., Mhereeg M., Shlebik M. 2017. The development of a simulation-based smart grid communication management system using MATLAB. International Conference on Green Energy Conversion Systems (GECS), Tunisia.
  • [2] Erdogan B., Tan A., Savrun M. M., Cuma M.U., Tumay M. 2023. Design and analysis of a high-efficiency resonant converter for EV battery charger. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 12(1):198-205.
  • [3] Deniz E. 2021. Medium and large vector-based SVPWM technique for five-phase two-level inverter. European Journal of Technique 11(2):209-216.
  • [4] Kabalci Y. 2016. A survey on smart metering and smart grid communication. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: 302-318.
  • [5] Hamamreh J.M., Iqbal S. 2023. Precoded universal MIMO superposition transmission for achieving optimal coverage and high throughput in 6G and beyond networks. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 11(1):25-34
  • [6] Mageed I.A. 2023. Cosistency axioms of choices for Ismael’s entropy formalism (IEF) combined with information theoretic (IT) applications to advance 6G networks. European Journal of Technique 13(2):207-213
  • [7] Zhou X., Ma Y., Gao Z., Wang H. 2017. Summary of smart metering and smart grid communication. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), 300-304. Japan.
  • [8] Yaqoob I., Hashem I.A.T., Mehmood Y., Gani A., Mokhtar S., Guizani S. 2017. Enabling communication technologies for smart cities. IEEE Communications Magazine 55(1):112-120.
  • [9] Lopez G., Matanza J., De La Vega D., Castro M., Arrinda A., Moreno J.I., Sendin A. 2019. The role of power line communications in the smart grid revisited: applications, challenges and research initiatives. IEEE Access 7: 117346-117368.
  • [10] Yigit M., Gungor V.C., Tuna G., Rangoussi M., Fadel E. 2014. Power line communication technologies for smart grid applications: A review of advances and challenges. Computer Networks 70: 366-383.
  • [11] Galli S., Scaglione A., Wang Z. 2011. For the grid and through the grid. The role of power line communications in the smart grid. Proceedings of the IEEE 99(6):998-1027.
  • [12] J.F., Silveira P.M., Martinez M.L.B., Perez R.C., Dallbello A.C. 2009. New approach to improve high-voltage transmission line reliability. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 24 (3): 1515-1520.
  • [13] Villiers W., Cloete J.H., Wedepohl L.M., Burger A. 2007. Real-time Sag monitoring system for high-voltage overhead transmission lines based on power-line carrier signal behavior. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 23(1):389-395.
  • [14] Usman A., Shami S.J. 2013. Evolution of communication technologies for smart grid applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 19:191-199.
  • [15] Cavdar I.H. and Karadeniz E. 2008. Measurements of impedance and attenuation at CENELEC bands for power line communications systems. Sensors 8(12):8027-8036
  • [16] Sharma K., Saini L.M. 2017. Power-line communications for smart grid: Progress, challenges, opportunities and status. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 67:704-751
  • [17] Berger L.T., Schwager A., Garzas J.J.E. 2013. Power line communications for smart grid applications. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering:1-16
  • [18] Masood B. and Baig S. 2016. Standardization and deployment scenario of next generation NB-PLC technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65:1033-1047.
  • [19] Gotz M., Rapp M., Dostert K. 2004. Power line channel characteristics and their effect on communication system design. IEEE Communications Magazine 42(4): 78-86.
  • [20] Omri A., Fernandez J. H., Pietro R. 2023. Subcarrier index modulation for OFDM based PLC systems. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). Tunisia, 649-655.
  • [21] Ndjiongue A.R., Ferreira H.C. 2019. Power line communications (PLC) technology: More than 20 years of intense research. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 30 (7): 1-20.
  • [22] Moaveninejad S., Kumar A., Scazzoli D., Piti A., Magarini M., Bregni S., Verticale G. 2017. BER evaluation of post-meter PLC services in CENELEC-C band. IEEE 9th Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM). Guatemala, 1-6.
  • [23] Sadowski Z. 2015. Comparison of PLC-PRIME and PLC-G3 protocols. International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and Compensation (ISNCC). Poland, 1-6.
  • [24] Hoch M. 2011. Comparison of PLC G3 and PRIME. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its Applications. Italy, 165-169.
  • [25] Ngcobo T. and Ghayoor F. 2019. Study the topology effect on a G3-PLC based AMI network. Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference/Robotics and Mechatronics/Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa (SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA). South Africa, 629-633.
  • [26] Razazian K. and Bali M. C. 2023. Evaluating various machine learning techniques in selecting different modulations in G3-PLC protocol. IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and its Applications (ISPLC). United Kingdom, 55-60.

The Use of Data Transmission Technique Via Power Line Communication

Year 2024, , 144 - 151, 30.08.2024


The smart grid requires the use of communication methods. One of these communication methods is power line communication (PLC). In this study, TMDSPLCKITV4 evaluation boards are programmed with the G3-PLC standard and operated as transmitter and receiver in low voltage distribution grid. Then, the distances between the transceiver points, the load characteristics were changed and the received signal strength indication, signal noise ratio, bit error rate and package error rate values for each modulation type of the G3-PLC standard were measured in real time. According to these measured values, the success of the PLC has been demonstrated. In general, it is observed that the number of erroneous data bits increases in each modulation type under pulsed variable load. Robust mod and binary phase shift keying modulation types appear to be the most successful modulation types with the least number of erroneous data bits when all experimental conditions are considered.


  • [1] Shlebik T., Fadel A., Mhereeg M., Shlebik M. 2017. The development of a simulation-based smart grid communication management system using MATLAB. International Conference on Green Energy Conversion Systems (GECS), Tunisia.
  • [2] Erdogan B., Tan A., Savrun M. M., Cuma M.U., Tumay M. 2023. Design and analysis of a high-efficiency resonant converter for EV battery charger. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 12(1):198-205.
  • [3] Deniz E. 2021. Medium and large vector-based SVPWM technique for five-phase two-level inverter. European Journal of Technique 11(2):209-216.
  • [4] Kabalci Y. 2016. A survey on smart metering and smart grid communication. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: 302-318.
  • [5] Hamamreh J.M., Iqbal S. 2023. Precoded universal MIMO superposition transmission for achieving optimal coverage and high throughput in 6G and beyond networks. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 11(1):25-34
  • [6] Mageed I.A. 2023. Cosistency axioms of choices for Ismael’s entropy formalism (IEF) combined with information theoretic (IT) applications to advance 6G networks. European Journal of Technique 13(2):207-213
  • [7] Zhou X., Ma Y., Gao Z., Wang H. 2017. Summary of smart metering and smart grid communication. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), 300-304. Japan.
  • [8] Yaqoob I., Hashem I.A.T., Mehmood Y., Gani A., Mokhtar S., Guizani S. 2017. Enabling communication technologies for smart cities. IEEE Communications Magazine 55(1):112-120.
  • [9] Lopez G., Matanza J., De La Vega D., Castro M., Arrinda A., Moreno J.I., Sendin A. 2019. The role of power line communications in the smart grid revisited: applications, challenges and research initiatives. IEEE Access 7: 117346-117368.
  • [10] Yigit M., Gungor V.C., Tuna G., Rangoussi M., Fadel E. 2014. Power line communication technologies for smart grid applications: A review of advances and challenges. Computer Networks 70: 366-383.
  • [11] Galli S., Scaglione A., Wang Z. 2011. For the grid and through the grid. The role of power line communications in the smart grid. Proceedings of the IEEE 99(6):998-1027.
  • [12] J.F., Silveira P.M., Martinez M.L.B., Perez R.C., Dallbello A.C. 2009. New approach to improve high-voltage transmission line reliability. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 24 (3): 1515-1520.
  • [13] Villiers W., Cloete J.H., Wedepohl L.M., Burger A. 2007. Real-time Sag monitoring system for high-voltage overhead transmission lines based on power-line carrier signal behavior. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 23(1):389-395.
  • [14] Usman A., Shami S.J. 2013. Evolution of communication technologies for smart grid applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 19:191-199.
  • [15] Cavdar I.H. and Karadeniz E. 2008. Measurements of impedance and attenuation at CENELEC bands for power line communications systems. Sensors 8(12):8027-8036
  • [16] Sharma K., Saini L.M. 2017. Power-line communications for smart grid: Progress, challenges, opportunities and status. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 67:704-751
  • [17] Berger L.T., Schwager A., Garzas J.J.E. 2013. Power line communications for smart grid applications. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering:1-16
  • [18] Masood B. and Baig S. 2016. Standardization and deployment scenario of next generation NB-PLC technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65:1033-1047.
  • [19] Gotz M., Rapp M., Dostert K. 2004. Power line channel characteristics and their effect on communication system design. IEEE Communications Magazine 42(4): 78-86.
  • [20] Omri A., Fernandez J. H., Pietro R. 2023. Subcarrier index modulation for OFDM based PLC systems. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). Tunisia, 649-655.
  • [21] Ndjiongue A.R., Ferreira H.C. 2019. Power line communications (PLC) technology: More than 20 years of intense research. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 30 (7): 1-20.
  • [22] Moaveninejad S., Kumar A., Scazzoli D., Piti A., Magarini M., Bregni S., Verticale G. 2017. BER evaluation of post-meter PLC services in CENELEC-C band. IEEE 9th Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM). Guatemala, 1-6.
  • [23] Sadowski Z. 2015. Comparison of PLC-PRIME and PLC-G3 protocols. International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and Compensation (ISNCC). Poland, 1-6.
  • [24] Hoch M. 2011. Comparison of PLC G3 and PRIME. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its Applications. Italy, 165-169.
  • [25] Ngcobo T. and Ghayoor F. 2019. Study the topology effect on a G3-PLC based AMI network. Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference/Robotics and Mechatronics/Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa (SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA). South Africa, 629-633.
  • [26] Razazian K. and Bali M. C. 2023. Evaluating various machine learning techniques in selecting different modulations in G3-PLC protocol. IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and its Applications (ISPLC). United Kingdom, 55-60.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Electrical Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Araştırma Articlessi

Murat Şen 0000-0002-8439-3862

Seda Üstün Ercan 0000-0002-8688-5852

Early Pub Date October 17, 2024
Publication Date August 30, 2024
Submission Date February 6, 2024
Acceptance Date March 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Şen, M., & Üstün Ercan, S. (2024). The Use of Data Transmission Technique Via Power Line Communication. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 12(2), 144-151.

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