Research Article
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Year 2017, , 60 - 65, 01.09.2017



  • [1] Xiang Z, Song S, Chen J, Wang H, Huang J, Gao X., “A wireless LAN-based indoor positioning technology”, Ibm Journal of Research and Development 2004; 48: 617-626.
  • [2] Saab SS, Nakad ZS., “A Standalone RFID Indoor Positioning System Using Passive Tags”, Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2011; 58: 1961-1970.
  • [3] Yang Y, Zhao YB, Kyas M., “RBGF: Recursively Bounded Grid-Based Filter for Indoor Position Tracking Using Wireless Networks”, Ieee Communications Letters 2014; 18: 1234-1237.
  • [4] Cheng JJ, Cai YQ, Zhang QY, Cheng JL, Yan CD., “A New Three-Dimensional Indoor Positioning Mechanism Based on Wireless LAN”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014.
  • [5] Su S, Zhao F, Jia HW., “Improved indoor Ultrasonic Positioning for Smartphones Using TDOA”, International Conference Machinery, Electronics and Control Simulation 2014; 614: 484-489.
  • [6] Kim SY, Lee MH, Choi JY., “Indoor positioning system using incident angle detection of infrared sensor”, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems 2010; 16: 991-996.
  • [7] Gu YY, Lo A, Niemegeers I., “A Survey of Indoor Positioning Systems for Wireless Personal Networks”, Ieee Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2009; 11: 13-32.
  • [8] Cho JH, Cho MW., “Effective Position Tracking Using B-Spline Surface Equation Based on Wireless Sensor Networks and Passive UHF-RFID”, Ieee Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 2013; 62: 2456-2464.
  • [9] Farid Z, Nordin R, Ismail M., “Recent advances in wireless indoor localization techniques and system”, Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications 2013.
  • [10] Pirzada N, Nayan MY, Subhan F, Hassan MF, Khan MA., “Comparative Analysis of Active and Passive Indoor Localization Systems”, AASRI Procedia 2013; 5: 92-97.
  • [11] Taşkın D., Taşkın C., Çetintav I., “BLE Single Device Configuration Usage Example: An Internet of Things Application”, Journal of International Scientific Publications 2017, 11: 465-473.
  • [12] Kim T, Kim EJ., “A Novel 3D Indoor Localization Scheme Using Virtual Access Point”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 2014.
  • [13] Bruno L, Addesso P, Restaino R., “Indoor Positioning in Wireless Local Area Networks with Online Path-Loss Parameter Estimation”, Scientific World Journal 2014.
  • [14] Liu JB, Chen RZ, Pei L, Guinness R, Kuusniemi H., “A Hybrid Smartphone Indoor Positioning Solution for Mobile LBS”, Sensors 2012; 12: 17208-17233.


Year 2017, , 60 - 65, 01.09.2017


Nowadays, there is an
increasing demand for indoor positioning systems as services based on location
are very important in mobile applications. Since Global Positioning System
(GPS) makes only outdoor positioning successful, there is a need of new
approaches for indoor positioning systems. 
Some techniques on indoor positioning systems have been proposed in this
scope, but they have not reached to the success of outdoor systems in terms of
speed, consistency and power management. The aim of this study is to develop an
indoor positioning system using latest Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology.
This system consists of BLE sensor nodes, a mobile device and a mobile
application that calculates indoor position by measuring the signal levels of
the sensor nodes designed. BLE sensor nodes have low power consumption and can
be powered by a coin battery. Since most consumers have a mobile phone today,
the system can be used easily by installing a mobile application.


  • [1] Xiang Z, Song S, Chen J, Wang H, Huang J, Gao X., “A wireless LAN-based indoor positioning technology”, Ibm Journal of Research and Development 2004; 48: 617-626.
  • [2] Saab SS, Nakad ZS., “A Standalone RFID Indoor Positioning System Using Passive Tags”, Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2011; 58: 1961-1970.
  • [3] Yang Y, Zhao YB, Kyas M., “RBGF: Recursively Bounded Grid-Based Filter for Indoor Position Tracking Using Wireless Networks”, Ieee Communications Letters 2014; 18: 1234-1237.
  • [4] Cheng JJ, Cai YQ, Zhang QY, Cheng JL, Yan CD., “A New Three-Dimensional Indoor Positioning Mechanism Based on Wireless LAN”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014.
  • [5] Su S, Zhao F, Jia HW., “Improved indoor Ultrasonic Positioning for Smartphones Using TDOA”, International Conference Machinery, Electronics and Control Simulation 2014; 614: 484-489.
  • [6] Kim SY, Lee MH, Choi JY., “Indoor positioning system using incident angle detection of infrared sensor”, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems 2010; 16: 991-996.
  • [7] Gu YY, Lo A, Niemegeers I., “A Survey of Indoor Positioning Systems for Wireless Personal Networks”, Ieee Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2009; 11: 13-32.
  • [8] Cho JH, Cho MW., “Effective Position Tracking Using B-Spline Surface Equation Based on Wireless Sensor Networks and Passive UHF-RFID”, Ieee Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 2013; 62: 2456-2464.
  • [9] Farid Z, Nordin R, Ismail M., “Recent advances in wireless indoor localization techniques and system”, Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications 2013.
  • [10] Pirzada N, Nayan MY, Subhan F, Hassan MF, Khan MA., “Comparative Analysis of Active and Passive Indoor Localization Systems”, AASRI Procedia 2013; 5: 92-97.
  • [11] Taşkın D., Taşkın C., Çetintav I., “BLE Single Device Configuration Usage Example: An Internet of Things Application”, Journal of International Scientific Publications 2017, 11: 465-473.
  • [12] Kim T, Kim EJ., “A Novel 3D Indoor Localization Scheme Using Virtual Access Point”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 2014.
  • [13] Bruno L, Addesso P, Restaino R., “Indoor Positioning in Wireless Local Area Networks with Online Path-Loss Parameter Estimation”, Scientific World Journal 2014.
  • [14] Liu JB, Chen RZ, Pei L, Guinness R, Kuusniemi H., “A Hybrid Smartphone Indoor Positioning Solution for Mobile LBS”, Sensors 2012; 12: 17208-17233.
There are 14 citations in total.


Journal Section Araştırma Articlessi

Deniz Taşkın

Publication Date September 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Taşkın, D. (2017). DESIGN OF BLUETOOTH LOW ENERGY BASED INDOOR POSITIONING SYSTEM. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 5(2), 60-65.

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