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Challenges of Marine Power in the Balkan Region

Year 2013, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 85 - 92, 01.06.2013


—The world power generation is in a process of transition from fossil fuels to renewable and sustainable power sources. The part of the electricity from alternative energy technologies is growing rapidly. New engineering approaches and devices are continuously created by the researchers in the field of power engineering, aimed at obtaining energy with less harm for the environment and the life on the planet. The present work is an initial evaluation of the possibilities for marine energy conversion in the Balkan region. The focus is on energy from the sea including energy from waves, currents, salinity, temperature difference etc. The main purpose of the work is on the basis of assessment of the power potential determined by the geographical characteristics of the seas in the region and the scientific, technological and economical level to make some conclusions about the prospects in this area


  • [1] ENERGY 2020 - A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy, Directorate Generale for Energy, EC, (2010, Nov.) [Online]. Available: df.
  • [2] M. Šturc, (2012, Nov. 8) Renewable energy .Analysis of the latest data on energy from renewable sources, Environment and energy, EUROSTAT Statistics in focus, [Online], Issue No 44, Available: 044/EN/KS-SF-12-044-EN.PDF
  • [3] Electricity production and supply statistics (2012) EC EUROSTAT, [Online], Available: ricity_production_and_supply_statistics
  • [4] J. D. Isaacs, W. R. Schmitt, “Ocean Energy: Forms and prospects”, Nature, Vol. 207, Number 4428, pp. 265-273, 18 Jan. 1980.
  • [5] S. Alatsathianos, P. Fafali, “Wave and current energy: A viable scheme to exploit the energy potential of Greek seas”, [Online], Available:
  • [6] Tidal Resources, [Online], Available:
  • [7] L B Bernshtein (1996) Tidal Power Plants. Seoul: Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI). [Online], Available: b3a9562fdcd6/L.B._Bernshtein_-_Tidal_power_plants.pdf
  • [8] J. Twidell, T. Weir, Renewable Energy Resources, (2nd ed.), Taylor & Francis, 2006
  • [9] S. S. Khalid, Z. Liang, N. Shah, “Harnessing Tidal Energy Using Vertical Axis Tidal Turbine” Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 5(1) 2012, pp. 239-252, [Online], Available:
  • [10] J. Byrne, K. Baldwin, B. Celikkol, R. Swift, M. Wosnik, (2010, Feb. 11) Development of a tidal energy test platform, Univ. of New Hampshire, CORE, [Online], Available: dpresentations/2ndconference/jeff_byrne_development_of_a_tidal_ energy_test_platform.pdf
  • [11] Technology: Oscillating Hydrofoil, Marine Current Resource and Technology Methodology' Website: 06/marine_renewables/technology/oschydro.htm]
  • [12] Sea Generation Ltd, [Online], Available:
  • [13] L.A. Vega, (1999) “Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)”, [Online], Available:
  • [14] H. Kobayashi, S. Jitsuhara, H. Uehara, (2001) “The Present Status and Features of OTEC and Recent Aspects of Thermal Energy Conversion Technologies”, National Maritime Research Institute, Japan, [Online], Available: bayashi.pdf
  • [15] Nam Jin Kim , Kim Choon Ng , Wongee Chun, Using the condenser effluent from a nuclear power plant for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 36, pp. 1008–1013, 2009. [16] A. T. Jones, W. Finley, “Recent Developments in Salinity Gradient Power”, OCEANS 2003 Proceedings, Vol. 4, 22-26 Sept. 2003, pp. 2284 – 2287.
  • [17] Tofte prototype plant, [Online], Available:
  • [18] V. Vannucchi, L. Cappietti and A.F.O. Falcão, “Estimation of the offshore wave energy potential of the Mediterranean Sea and propagation toward a nearshore area”, 4th International Conference on Ocean Energy, 17 October, Dublin, 2012, [Online], Available: 2/POSTER%20SESSION%202/Valentina%20Vannucchi,%20Univ ersita%20Di%20Firenze.pdf
  • [19] V. Galabov, (2013) “On the Wave Energy Potential of the Western Black Sea Shelf”, [Online], Available:
  • [20] Feasibility of Developing Wave Power as a Renewable Energy Resource for Hawaii, (2002), Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, [Online], Available:
  • [21] G. Hagerman, "Wave Energy Resource and Economic Assessment for the State of Hawaii," Prepared by SEASUN Power Systems for the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, Final Report, 1992
  • [22] Isley LIMPED Wave Power Plant, The Queen’s University of Belfast Contract JOR3-CT98-0312 Publishable Rep., 1 November 1998 to 30 April 2002, [Online], Available:
  • [23] Technology: Oscillating water column (OWC) [Online], Available:
  • [24] Wave Energy in Europe Current Status and Perspectives, (2002) Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES), [Online], Available: ure.pdf
  • [25] R. Yemm, (1999) "The history and status of the Pelamis Wave Energy Converter", "Wave power – Moving towards commercial viability", IMECHE Seminar, London, UK
  • [26] Pelamis Technology, Pelamis Wave Power, [Online], Available:
  • [27] L. Hamilton (2006, Oct. 25), “AWS MK II. Deployment, monitoring and evaluation of a prototype advanced wave energy device”, AWS Ocean Energy Ltd, [Online], Available: 1200_aws-mkii_en.pdf
  • [28] A. F. de O. Falcao, “Wave energy utilization: A review of the technologies, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14, 2010, pp.899–918=
  • [29] J. P. Kofoed, P. Frigaard, E. Friis-Madsen, H. C. Sørensen, “Prototype testing of the wave energy converter Wave Dragon”, Renewable Energy, Vol. 31, Issue 2, Feb. 2006, pp 181–189.
  • [30] Wave Dragon, [Online], Available:
  • [31] M. Saglam, “Wave Energy and Technical Potential of Turkey”, Journal of Naval Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, No.2, 2010, pp. 34-50
  • [32] S. Alatsathianos, P. Fafali, (2008) “Wave and current energy: A viable scheme to exploit the energy potential of Greek seas”, [Online], Available:
  • [33] P. Kracht, J. Giebhardt, M. Lutz, M.Vecchio, A. Moroso, J. Bard, “Implementation of a Vertical Axis Marine Current Turbine for Offgrid Village Electrification in Indonesia”, 4th International Conference on Ocean Energy, 17 October, Dublin, [Online], Available: papers/day1/1.2%20Tidal%20Stream%20Technologies/Peter%20Kr acht%20-%20Fraunhofer%20IWES.pdf
  • [34] Innovation technologies for wind and wave energy in the coastal zone, INWECO (2009-2011), funded by the Bulgarian Science Fund , [Online], Available:
  • [35] G. Stainov, ”Device for converting the energy of the sea waves”, Bulgarian Patent BG 66042 B1 (Priority Doc. 10.06.2008)(in Bulg.).
  • [36] B. Vassilev, G. Stainov, “Adaptive control of linear electro generator for experimental sea waves energy extracting device”, 20th Int. Conference “ROBOTICS & MECHATRONICS '10", 6-9 Oct. 2010, Varna, Bulgaria, [Online], Available:
  • [37] H. Bernhoff, E. Sjöstedt, M. Leijon, “Wave energy resources in sheltered sea areas: A case study of the Baltic Sea” Fifth European Wave Energy Conference, 17-20 September 2003, Cork, Ireland, [Online], Available: sources%20in%20sheltered%20sea%20areas.pdf
  • [38] J. Falnes, Ocean Waves and Oscillating Systems: Linear Interactions Including Wave-Energy Extraction, Cambridge Univ. Pr. 2013.
  • [39] S. Bozzi, A. M. Mique, A. Antonini, G. Passoni, R. Archetti, “Modeling of a Point Absorber for Energy Conversion in Italian Seas”, Energies, 6, 2013, pp. 3033-3051, [Online], Available:
  • [40] L. Szabo, C. Oprea, “Linear Generators for Wave Power Plants to Be Set up Near the Romanian Coasts of the Black Sea”, [Online], Available:
  • [41] M. A. Mueller, et al., "Low Speed Linear Electrical Generators for Renewable Energy Applications," Proceedings of the Conference on Linear Drives in Industrial Applications, LDIA '2003, Birmingham (UK), pp. 121-124.
  • [42] S. Z. Baykara, E. H. Figen, A. Kale, T. N. Veziroglu, Hydrogen from hydrogen sulphide in Black Sea, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32, 2007, pp. 1246 – 1250
  • [43] K. Petrov, S. Z. Baykara, D. Ebrasu, M. Gulin, A. Veziroglu, “An assessment of electrolytic hydrogen production from H2S in Black Sea waters” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,36, 2011, pp. 8936-8942
  • [44] E. N. Razkazova-Velkova, M. S. Martinov, L. A. Ljutzkanov, N. Dr. Dermendzhieva, V. N. Beschkov, (2013),Catalytic Oxidation of Sulfide Ions in Black Sea Water, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods &Technologies, Vol. 7, Part 1, pp. 456-463, [Online], Available: 2013-1.pdf.
Year 2013, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 85 - 92, 01.06.2013



  • [1] ENERGY 2020 - A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy, Directorate Generale for Energy, EC, (2010, Nov.) [Online]. Available: df.
  • [2] M. Šturc, (2012, Nov. 8) Renewable energy .Analysis of the latest data on energy from renewable sources, Environment and energy, EUROSTAT Statistics in focus, [Online], Issue No 44, Available: 044/EN/KS-SF-12-044-EN.PDF
  • [3] Electricity production and supply statistics (2012) EC EUROSTAT, [Online], Available: ricity_production_and_supply_statistics
  • [4] J. D. Isaacs, W. R. Schmitt, “Ocean Energy: Forms and prospects”, Nature, Vol. 207, Number 4428, pp. 265-273, 18 Jan. 1980.
  • [5] S. Alatsathianos, P. Fafali, “Wave and current energy: A viable scheme to exploit the energy potential of Greek seas”, [Online], Available:
  • [6] Tidal Resources, [Online], Available:
  • [7] L B Bernshtein (1996) Tidal Power Plants. Seoul: Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI). [Online], Available: b3a9562fdcd6/L.B._Bernshtein_-_Tidal_power_plants.pdf
  • [8] J. Twidell, T. Weir, Renewable Energy Resources, (2nd ed.), Taylor & Francis, 2006
  • [9] S. S. Khalid, Z. Liang, N. Shah, “Harnessing Tidal Energy Using Vertical Axis Tidal Turbine” Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 5(1) 2012, pp. 239-252, [Online], Available:
  • [10] J. Byrne, K. Baldwin, B. Celikkol, R. Swift, M. Wosnik, (2010, Feb. 11) Development of a tidal energy test platform, Univ. of New Hampshire, CORE, [Online], Available: dpresentations/2ndconference/jeff_byrne_development_of_a_tidal_ energy_test_platform.pdf
  • [11] Technology: Oscillating Hydrofoil, Marine Current Resource and Technology Methodology' Website: 06/marine_renewables/technology/oschydro.htm]
  • [12] Sea Generation Ltd, [Online], Available:
  • [13] L.A. Vega, (1999) “Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)”, [Online], Available:
  • [14] H. Kobayashi, S. Jitsuhara, H. Uehara, (2001) “The Present Status and Features of OTEC and Recent Aspects of Thermal Energy Conversion Technologies”, National Maritime Research Institute, Japan, [Online], Available: bayashi.pdf
  • [15] Nam Jin Kim , Kim Choon Ng , Wongee Chun, Using the condenser effluent from a nuclear power plant for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 36, pp. 1008–1013, 2009. [16] A. T. Jones, W. Finley, “Recent Developments in Salinity Gradient Power”, OCEANS 2003 Proceedings, Vol. 4, 22-26 Sept. 2003, pp. 2284 – 2287.
  • [17] Tofte prototype plant, [Online], Available:
  • [18] V. Vannucchi, L. Cappietti and A.F.O. Falcão, “Estimation of the offshore wave energy potential of the Mediterranean Sea and propagation toward a nearshore area”, 4th International Conference on Ocean Energy, 17 October, Dublin, 2012, [Online], Available: 2/POSTER%20SESSION%202/Valentina%20Vannucchi,%20Univ ersita%20Di%20Firenze.pdf
  • [19] V. Galabov, (2013) “On the Wave Energy Potential of the Western Black Sea Shelf”, [Online], Available:
  • [20] Feasibility of Developing Wave Power as a Renewable Energy Resource for Hawaii, (2002), Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, [Online], Available:
  • [21] G. Hagerman, "Wave Energy Resource and Economic Assessment for the State of Hawaii," Prepared by SEASUN Power Systems for the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, Final Report, 1992
  • [22] Isley LIMPED Wave Power Plant, The Queen’s University of Belfast Contract JOR3-CT98-0312 Publishable Rep., 1 November 1998 to 30 April 2002, [Online], Available:
  • [23] Technology: Oscillating water column (OWC) [Online], Available:
  • [24] Wave Energy in Europe Current Status and Perspectives, (2002) Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES), [Online], Available: ure.pdf
  • [25] R. Yemm, (1999) "The history and status of the Pelamis Wave Energy Converter", "Wave power – Moving towards commercial viability", IMECHE Seminar, London, UK
  • [26] Pelamis Technology, Pelamis Wave Power, [Online], Available:
  • [27] L. Hamilton (2006, Oct. 25), “AWS MK II. Deployment, monitoring and evaluation of a prototype advanced wave energy device”, AWS Ocean Energy Ltd, [Online], Available: 1200_aws-mkii_en.pdf
  • [28] A. F. de O. Falcao, “Wave energy utilization: A review of the technologies, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14, 2010, pp.899–918=
  • [29] J. P. Kofoed, P. Frigaard, E. Friis-Madsen, H. C. Sørensen, “Prototype testing of the wave energy converter Wave Dragon”, Renewable Energy, Vol. 31, Issue 2, Feb. 2006, pp 181–189.
  • [30] Wave Dragon, [Online], Available:
  • [31] M. Saglam, “Wave Energy and Technical Potential of Turkey”, Journal of Naval Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, No.2, 2010, pp. 34-50
  • [32] S. Alatsathianos, P. Fafali, (2008) “Wave and current energy: A viable scheme to exploit the energy potential of Greek seas”, [Online], Available:
  • [33] P. Kracht, J. Giebhardt, M. Lutz, M.Vecchio, A. Moroso, J. Bard, “Implementation of a Vertical Axis Marine Current Turbine for Offgrid Village Electrification in Indonesia”, 4th International Conference on Ocean Energy, 17 October, Dublin, [Online], Available: papers/day1/1.2%20Tidal%20Stream%20Technologies/Peter%20Kr acht%20-%20Fraunhofer%20IWES.pdf
  • [34] Innovation technologies for wind and wave energy in the coastal zone, INWECO (2009-2011), funded by the Bulgarian Science Fund , [Online], Available:
  • [35] G. Stainov, ”Device for converting the energy of the sea waves”, Bulgarian Patent BG 66042 B1 (Priority Doc. 10.06.2008)(in Bulg.).
  • [36] B. Vassilev, G. Stainov, “Adaptive control of linear electro generator for experimental sea waves energy extracting device”, 20th Int. Conference “ROBOTICS & MECHATRONICS '10", 6-9 Oct. 2010, Varna, Bulgaria, [Online], Available:
  • [37] H. Bernhoff, E. Sjöstedt, M. Leijon, “Wave energy resources in sheltered sea areas: A case study of the Baltic Sea” Fifth European Wave Energy Conference, 17-20 September 2003, Cork, Ireland, [Online], Available: sources%20in%20sheltered%20sea%20areas.pdf
  • [38] J. Falnes, Ocean Waves and Oscillating Systems: Linear Interactions Including Wave-Energy Extraction, Cambridge Univ. Pr. 2013.
  • [39] S. Bozzi, A. M. Mique, A. Antonini, G. Passoni, R. Archetti, “Modeling of a Point Absorber for Energy Conversion in Italian Seas”, Energies, 6, 2013, pp. 3033-3051, [Online], Available:
  • [40] L. Szabo, C. Oprea, “Linear Generators for Wave Power Plants to Be Set up Near the Romanian Coasts of the Black Sea”, [Online], Available:
  • [41] M. A. Mueller, et al., "Low Speed Linear Electrical Generators for Renewable Energy Applications," Proceedings of the Conference on Linear Drives in Industrial Applications, LDIA '2003, Birmingham (UK), pp. 121-124.
  • [42] S. Z. Baykara, E. H. Figen, A. Kale, T. N. Veziroglu, Hydrogen from hydrogen sulphide in Black Sea, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32, 2007, pp. 1246 – 1250
  • [43] K. Petrov, S. Z. Baykara, D. Ebrasu, M. Gulin, A. Veziroglu, “An assessment of electrolytic hydrogen production from H2S in Black Sea waters” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,36, 2011, pp. 8936-8942
  • [44] E. N. Razkazova-Velkova, M. S. Martinov, L. A. Ljutzkanov, N. Dr. Dermendzhieva, V. N. Beschkov, (2013),Catalytic Oxidation of Sulfide Ions in Black Sea Water, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods &Technologies, Vol. 7, Part 1, pp. 456-463, [Online], Available: 2013-1.pdf.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Reviews

D. Dzhonova-atanasova This is me

R. Popov This is me

A. Georgiev This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Dzhonova-atanasova, D., Popov, R., & Georgiev, A. (2013). Challenges of Marine Power in the Balkan Region. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1(2), 85-92.

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