Research Article
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Year 2022, , 65 - 108, 27.06.2022


Balkanların, Arnavut ve dünya edebiyatının en tanınan yazarlarından biri olan İsmail Kadare’nin Rüyalar Sarayı romanı, özellikle edebiyat dışı kategorilerin belirlediği birçok yoruma tabi tutulmuştur. Edebî yönüne çok odaklanılmayan bu roman, evrenselliğinin yanı sıra artık bir klasik olmuş kimi yazarların eserleriyle açık benzerlikler taşır. Rüyalar Sarayı, sadece totaliterlik, etnik kimlik/milliyetçilik, birey ile bürokrasi ve otorite ilişkisi gibi tematik bakış açılarıyla değil, aynı zamanda alegori, distopya, fantastik, tekinsiz gibi edebî türler bakımından da incelenebilir. Aynı zamanda romanın zaman-mekân poetikası, paralel metinler (metinlerarasılık) gibi yapısal kategorileri de ihmal edilmemelidir.
Bu makalede, Kadare’nin edebî yönü, eserlerini ürettiği tarihî bağlam ve Rüyalar Sarayı hakkında kısaca bilgi verildikten sonra, bahsi geçen tematik bakış açıları eleştirel bir yaklaşımla yorumlanacaktır. Bununla birlikte romanın, bahsi geçen türlerle ve yapısal kategorilerle ilişkisi incelenecek ve gerisindeki metin çeşitliliği ele alınacaktır. Kadare’nin metninin, toplumsal ya da siyasi bir anıştırma mı, bir kurtuluş reçetesi mi, baskıcı rejimlere eleştiri mi, “anormal bir ülkede normal edebiyat yapma” arayışı mı olduğu tartışılacaktır. Genelleşmiş yorum stratejilerinin metne dair tasavvurları belirginleştirildikten sonra, metnin nasıl değerlendirilmesi ya da değerlendirilmemesi gerektiği konusunda bir kanaat ortaya konacaktır.


  • “The SRB Interview: Ismail Kadare”, 10/the-srb-interview-ismail-kadare/, (Erişim Tarihi: 4 Nisan 2022).
  • BEDİR, Fatma Nur (2020), Rüya ile İlgili İnanç ve Tutumların Davranış Üzerine Etkisi, Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Çorum.
  • BENJAMIN, Walter (1994), The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin 1910-1940, Manfred R. Jacobson and E. M. Jacobson (Çev.), USA: The University of Chicago Press.
  • CLAEYS, Gregory (2017), Dystopia: A Natural History A Study of Modern Despotism, Its Antecedents, and Its Literary Diffractions, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • ÇETİN, Halil (2012), “Osmanlı Saltanat Rüyaları ve Tarihî Bağlam”, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, XXVII (1), 37-68.
  • DAVIS, Barry (2015), “Book Review: Albanian Freestyle”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 4 Nisan 2022).
  • ELSIE, Robert (1991), “Evolution and Revolution in Modern Albanian Literature”, World Literature Today, 65 (2), 256-263.
  • ELSIE, Robert (2010), Historical Dictionary of Albania, Plymouth UK: The Scarecrow Press, Inc.
  • EVANS, Julian (2005), “Living with Ghosts”, /books/2005/sep/17/featuresreviews.guardianreview8, (Erişim Tarihi: 4 Nisan 2022).
  • FLETCHER, Angus (1964), The Theory of a Symbolic Mode, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
  • FREUD, Sigmund (1996a), Düşlerin Yorumu I, Emre Kapkın (Çev.), İstanbul: Payel Yayınevi.
  • FREUD, Sigmund (1996b), Düşlerin Yorumu II, Emre Kapkın (Çev.), İstanbul: Payel Yayınevi.
  • GOULD, Rebecca (2012), “Allegory and the Critique of Sovereignty: Ismail Kadare's Political Theologies”, Studies in the Novel, 44 (2), 208-230.
  • GRAHAM, Allen (2006), Intertextuality, London and New York: Routledge.
  • GUPPY, Shusha (1998), “Ismail Kadare, The Art of Fiction No. 153”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 1 Nisan 2022).
  • HODAJ, Tea (2021), Ismail Kadare’s Contribution to The Albanian Public History, The Collective Political Thought and National Identity, Epoka University Faculty of Law and Social Sciences Depertment of Political Science and International Relations, Master Thesis, Tirana.
  • KADARE, İsmail (2009), Rüyalar Sarayı, Alev Abacı (Çev.), Ankara: Kyrhos Yayınları.
  • KADARE, İsmail (2011), The Palace Of Dreams, Barbara Bray (Çev.), New York: Arcade Publishing.
  • KOKOBOBO, Ani (2011), “Bureaucracy of Dreams: Surrealist Socialism and Surrealist Awakening in Ismail Kadare’s The Palace of Dreams”, Slavic Review, 70 (3), 524-544.
  • KUNDERA, Milan (2012), Roman Sanatı, Aysel Bora (Çev.), İstanbul: Can Yayınları.
  • LÖWY, Michael (2018), Kafka Boyun Eğmeyen Hayalperest, Işık Ergüden (Çev.), İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • MORAN, Berna (2002), Edebiyat Kuramları ve Eleştiri, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • MORGAN, Peter (2002), “Between Albanian Identity and Imperial Politics: Ismail Kadare's The Palace of Dreams”, The Modern Language Review, 97 (2), 365-379.
  • MORGAN, Peter (2002), “Ancient Names… Marked by Fate. Ethnicity and the ‘Man without Qualities’ in Ismail Kadare’s Palace of Dreams”, The European Legacy, 7 (1), 45–60.
  • MORGAN, Peter (2010), Ismail Kadare: The Writer and the Dictatorship 1957–1990, New York: Routledge.
  • NAÇO, Neli (2013), “The Image of the Labyrinth in the Novel ‘The Palace of Dreams‘”, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2 (9), 255-258.
  • NEUBAUER, John (2012), “Balkan Images in the Fiction of Ismail Kadare”, IBAC Conference Proceeding Book Vol.2, Bekir Çınar (Ed.), 302-308, (Erişim Tarihi: 2 Nisan 2022).
  • ORWELL, George (2013), Bin Dokuz Yüz Seksen Dört, Celâl Üster (Çev.), İstanbul: Can Yayınları.
  • PEMA, Olsa ve XHINAKU, Ervin (2015a), “The Antitotalitarian Allegories of George Orwell and Ismail Kadare - A Comparative Analysis of the Forms of their Expression”, European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, 2 (1), 164-171.
  • PEMA, Olsa ve XHINAKU, Ervin (2015b), “The Myth of the Totalitarian Leader in George Orwell’s 1984 and Ismail Kadare’s The Palace of Dreams”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (6 S2), 150-154.
  • PIPA, Arshi (1987), “Subversion vs. Conformism: The Kadare Phenomenon”, Telos, 73, 47–77.
  • PRIFTI, Peter R. (2008), “Albanian Literature”, Translation Review, 76 (1), 29-31.
  • ROSENFELD, Aaron S. (2021), Character and Dystopia The Last Men, New York: Routledge.
  • RÖHM, Joachim, “Nachwort zum Palast der Träume”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 3 Nisan 2022).
  • SARTRE, Jean P. (1962), Literary and Philosophical Essays, Annette Michelson (Çev.), New York: Collier Books.
  • SINDING, Michael (2002), “Assembling Spaces: The Conceptual Structure of Allegory”, Cognitive Approaches to Figurative Language, 36 (3), 503-522.
  • TODOROV, Tzvetan (2004), Fantastik Edebi Türe Yapısal Bir Yaklaşım, Nedret Öztokat (Çev.), İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • YÜKSEL, Ahmet (2014), “Rüyalar ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu", Uluslararası Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler E-Dergisi, 45, 1-23, (Erişim Tarihi: 27 Mart 2022).


Year 2022, , 65 - 108, 27.06.2022


The Palace of Dreams by Ismail Kadare, who is one of the well-known writers of the Balkans, Albanian and world literature, has been subjected to many interpretations, particularly determined by non-literary categories. This novel, whose literary aspects are generally disregarded, bears obvious resemblances with the works of some writers, who are both universal and classical. The Palace of Dreams can be analyzed not only in terms of the thematic perspectives such as totalitarianism, ethnic identity/nationalism, the relationship between the individual and bureaucracy and authority, but also in terms of literary genres such as allegory, dystopia, fantastic, and uncanny. Additionally, structural categories of the novel such as time-space poetics, parallel texts (intertextuality) should not be ignored.
In this article, after briefly mentioning Kadare’s literary personality, The Palace of Dreams and the historical context in which he produced his works, the aforesaid thematic perspectives will be evaluated in a critical way. In addition to this, the novel will be analyzed on the basis of its relationship with genres and structural categories in question and the textual diversity beyond it will be unveiled. The issue of whether Kadare’s text is a social and political allusion, a formula for salvation, a criticism of repressive regimes or a quest for “the production of normal literature in an abnormal country” will be raised. After clarifying the understandings of generalized interpretation strategies on the text, an opinion on how the text should be evaluated or not, will be presented.


  • “The SRB Interview: Ismail Kadare”, 10/the-srb-interview-ismail-kadare/, (Erişim Tarihi: 4 Nisan 2022).
  • BEDİR, Fatma Nur (2020), Rüya ile İlgili İnanç ve Tutumların Davranış Üzerine Etkisi, Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Çorum.
  • BENJAMIN, Walter (1994), The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin 1910-1940, Manfred R. Jacobson and E. M. Jacobson (Çev.), USA: The University of Chicago Press.
  • CLAEYS, Gregory (2017), Dystopia: A Natural History A Study of Modern Despotism, Its Antecedents, and Its Literary Diffractions, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • ÇETİN, Halil (2012), “Osmanlı Saltanat Rüyaları ve Tarihî Bağlam”, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, XXVII (1), 37-68.
  • DAVIS, Barry (2015), “Book Review: Albanian Freestyle”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 4 Nisan 2022).
  • ELSIE, Robert (1991), “Evolution and Revolution in Modern Albanian Literature”, World Literature Today, 65 (2), 256-263.
  • ELSIE, Robert (2010), Historical Dictionary of Albania, Plymouth UK: The Scarecrow Press, Inc.
  • EVANS, Julian (2005), “Living with Ghosts”, /books/2005/sep/17/featuresreviews.guardianreview8, (Erişim Tarihi: 4 Nisan 2022).
  • FLETCHER, Angus (1964), The Theory of a Symbolic Mode, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
  • FREUD, Sigmund (1996a), Düşlerin Yorumu I, Emre Kapkın (Çev.), İstanbul: Payel Yayınevi.
  • FREUD, Sigmund (1996b), Düşlerin Yorumu II, Emre Kapkın (Çev.), İstanbul: Payel Yayınevi.
  • GOULD, Rebecca (2012), “Allegory and the Critique of Sovereignty: Ismail Kadare's Political Theologies”, Studies in the Novel, 44 (2), 208-230.
  • GRAHAM, Allen (2006), Intertextuality, London and New York: Routledge.
  • GUPPY, Shusha (1998), “Ismail Kadare, The Art of Fiction No. 153”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 1 Nisan 2022).
  • HODAJ, Tea (2021), Ismail Kadare’s Contribution to The Albanian Public History, The Collective Political Thought and National Identity, Epoka University Faculty of Law and Social Sciences Depertment of Political Science and International Relations, Master Thesis, Tirana.
  • KADARE, İsmail (2009), Rüyalar Sarayı, Alev Abacı (Çev.), Ankara: Kyrhos Yayınları.
  • KADARE, İsmail (2011), The Palace Of Dreams, Barbara Bray (Çev.), New York: Arcade Publishing.
  • KOKOBOBO, Ani (2011), “Bureaucracy of Dreams: Surrealist Socialism and Surrealist Awakening in Ismail Kadare’s The Palace of Dreams”, Slavic Review, 70 (3), 524-544.
  • KUNDERA, Milan (2012), Roman Sanatı, Aysel Bora (Çev.), İstanbul: Can Yayınları.
  • LÖWY, Michael (2018), Kafka Boyun Eğmeyen Hayalperest, Işık Ergüden (Çev.), İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • MORAN, Berna (2002), Edebiyat Kuramları ve Eleştiri, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • MORGAN, Peter (2002), “Between Albanian Identity and Imperial Politics: Ismail Kadare's The Palace of Dreams”, The Modern Language Review, 97 (2), 365-379.
  • MORGAN, Peter (2002), “Ancient Names… Marked by Fate. Ethnicity and the ‘Man without Qualities’ in Ismail Kadare’s Palace of Dreams”, The European Legacy, 7 (1), 45–60.
  • MORGAN, Peter (2010), Ismail Kadare: The Writer and the Dictatorship 1957–1990, New York: Routledge.
  • NAÇO, Neli (2013), “The Image of the Labyrinth in the Novel ‘The Palace of Dreams‘”, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2 (9), 255-258.
  • NEUBAUER, John (2012), “Balkan Images in the Fiction of Ismail Kadare”, IBAC Conference Proceeding Book Vol.2, Bekir Çınar (Ed.), 302-308, (Erişim Tarihi: 2 Nisan 2022).
  • ORWELL, George (2013), Bin Dokuz Yüz Seksen Dört, Celâl Üster (Çev.), İstanbul: Can Yayınları.
  • PEMA, Olsa ve XHINAKU, Ervin (2015a), “The Antitotalitarian Allegories of George Orwell and Ismail Kadare - A Comparative Analysis of the Forms of their Expression”, European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, 2 (1), 164-171.
  • PEMA, Olsa ve XHINAKU, Ervin (2015b), “The Myth of the Totalitarian Leader in George Orwell’s 1984 and Ismail Kadare’s The Palace of Dreams”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (6 S2), 150-154.
  • PIPA, Arshi (1987), “Subversion vs. Conformism: The Kadare Phenomenon”, Telos, 73, 47–77.
  • PRIFTI, Peter R. (2008), “Albanian Literature”, Translation Review, 76 (1), 29-31.
  • ROSENFELD, Aaron S. (2021), Character and Dystopia The Last Men, New York: Routledge.
  • RÖHM, Joachim, “Nachwort zum Palast der Träume”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 3 Nisan 2022).
  • SARTRE, Jean P. (1962), Literary and Philosophical Essays, Annette Michelson (Çev.), New York: Collier Books.
  • SINDING, Michael (2002), “Assembling Spaces: The Conceptual Structure of Allegory”, Cognitive Approaches to Figurative Language, 36 (3), 503-522.
  • TODOROV, Tzvetan (2004), Fantastik Edebi Türe Yapısal Bir Yaklaşım, Nedret Öztokat (Çev.), İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • YÜKSEL, Ahmet (2014), “Rüyalar ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu", Uluslararası Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler E-Dergisi, 45, 1-23, (Erişim Tarihi: 27 Mart 2022).
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Literary Studies, Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Research Articles

Mecnun Kandemir 0000-0003-4048-7442

Publication Date June 27, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022
