Research Article
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Türk Akademisyenlerin Pandeminin Erken Döneminde Günlük Yaşam Aktiviteleri

Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 46 - 57, 13.02.2023


Amaç:Akademisyenlerin öğrencilere açık olmaları ve rol model olmaları gerekmektedir. Olağanüstü durumlarda akademisyenlerden bilgi ve davranış olarak daha fazlası beklenir. Pandemi döneminde uygulanan kısıtlamalar nedeniyle akademisyenler uzaktan eğitime geçti. Bu çalışma, karantina ve esnek çalışma modelini ilk kez deneyimleyen akademisyenlerin günlük yaşam aktivitelerinde meydana gelen değişiklikleri incelemeyi amaçlamıştır. Yöntemler: e-anket formunda sosyo-demografik özelliklerle ilgili 10 soru, ikametle ilgili 4 soru, GYA'ları ve EÇM tercihleri ile ilgili 32 soru olmak üzere toplam 46 soru bulunmaktadır. Bulgular: Katılımcıların yaklaşık 1/3'ü idrar ve dışkı yaparken sorun yaşadığını ifade etmiştir. Katılımcıların çoğu uyku programlarında bir değişiklik olduğunu bildirdi ve söz konusu değişikliklerin yarısı daha geç yatmaya atfedildi. “Sosyal jetlag” olarak adlandırılan günlük rutinlerdeki uyumsuzluk, akademisyenler arasında ortaya çıktı. Katılımcıların %34.3'ü haftanın hangi gününde oldukları konusunda kafalarının karışık olduğunu ifade etmiştir. Akademisyenlerin estetik kaygıları değerlendirildi, saç bakımında %42.9, yüz ve vücut bakımında ise %56 oranında azalma görüldü. Katılımcı akademisyenlerin %34,8'i esnek çalışma modelinde devam etmek istemediklerini belirtmiştir. Nispeten genç akademisyenlerin esnek çalışma modelini istedikleri istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Akademisyenlerde benzer durumlarda uyku rutinlerine sadık kalmaları, kafein tüketimlerini azaltmaları, günlük egzersizlerini aksatmamaları ve mümkün olduğunca bakımlarına devam etmeleri önerilmektedir.

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Project Number



  • Guan W-j, Ni Z-y, Hu Y, Liang W-h, Ou C-q, He J-x, et al. Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China. New England Journal of Medicine. 2020;382(18):1708-20. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2002032.
  • Yıldırım M, Güler A. COVID-19 severity, self-efficacy, knowledge, preventive behaviors, and mental health in Turkey. Death Studies. 2020:1-8. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2020.1793434.
  • Di Renzo L, Gualtieri P, Pivari F, Soldati L, Attinà A, Cinelli G, et al. Eating habits and lifestyle changes during COVID-19 lockdown: an Italian survey. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2020;18(1):229. doi: 10.1186/s12967-020-02399-5.
  • Kantermann T. Behavior: How a Global Social Lockdown Unlocks Time for Sleep. Current Biology. 2020;30(14):R822-R3. doi:
  • Majumdar P, Biswas A, Sahu S. COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown: cause of sleep disruption, depression, somatic pain, and increased screen exposure of office workers and students of India. Chronobiology International. 2020;37(8):10.
  • Sahu P. Closure of universities due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): impact on education and mental health of students and academic staff. Cureus. 2020;12(4). doi: 10.7759/cureus.7541.
  • Van D, McLaws M-L, Crimmins J, MacIntyre CR, Seale H. University life and pandemic influenza: Attitudes and intended behaviour of staff and students towards pandemic (H1N1) 2009. BMC Public Health. 2010;10(1):130. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-130.
  • Vijaya R. Awareness of Disaster Management among Teachers of Higher Education. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. 2014;2(2):92-6.
  • Blume C, Schmidt MH, Cajochen C. Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on human sleep and rest-activity rhythms. Current Biology. 2020;30(14):R795-R7. doi:
  • Kumar M, Dwivedi S. Impact of Coronavirus Imposed Lockdown on Indian Population and Their Habits. International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research. 2020;2(2):10. doi: 10.4444/ijshr.1003/433.
  • Karagöz N, Ağadayı E. Behaviors and problems of a medical school students’ related to distance education in pandemic medical education in the pandemic process. The Journal of Turkish Family Physician. 2020;11(4):149-58. doi: 10.15511/tjtfp.20.00449.
  • Serçemeli M, Kurnaz E. COVID-19 Pandemi Döneminde Öğrencilerin Uzaktan Eğitim Ve Uzaktan Muhasebe Eğitimine Yönelik Bakış Açıları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi. 2020;4(1):40-53.
  • Cerci PA, Dumludag D. Life Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction among University Faculty: The Impact of Working Conditions, Academic Performance and Relative Income. Social Indicators Research. 2019;144(2):785-806. doi: 10.1007/s11205-018-02059-8.
  • Seyahi E, Poyraz BC, Sut N, Akdogan S, Hamuryudan V. The psychological state and changes in the routine of the patients with rheumatic diseases during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Turkey: a web-based cross-sectional survey. Rheumatology International. 2020;40(8):1229-38. doi: 10.1007/s00296-020-04626-0.
  • Li W, Zhang B, Lu J, Liu S, Chang Z, Peng C, et al. Characteristics of Household Transmission of COVID-19. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2020;71(8):1943-6. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa450.
  • Cellini N, Canale N, Mioni G, Costa S. Changes in sleep pattern, sense of time and digital media use during COVID-19 lockdown in Italy. Journal of Sleep Research. 2020;29(4):5. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13074.
  • Borgio JG, Louzada FM. The mediating effect of conscientiousness on the academic consequences of social jetlag. Chronobiol Int. 2021:1-5. Epub 2021/01/22. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2021.1873800. PubMed PMID: 33472445.
  • Borisenkov MF, Vetosheva VI, Kuznetsova YS, Khodyrev GN, Shikhova AV, Popov SV, et al. Chronotype, social jetlag, and time perspective. Chronobiol Int. 2019;36(12):1772-81. Epub 2019/10/30. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2019.1683858. PubMed PMID: 31658823.
  • Önder İ, Beşoluk Ş, İskender M, Masal E, Demirhan E. Circadian preferences, sleep quality and sleep patterns, personality, academic motivation and academic achievement of university students. Learning and Individual Differences. 2014;32:184-92.
  • Wittmann M, Dinich J, Merrow M, Roenneberg T. Social Jetlag: Misalignment of Biological and Social Time. Chronobiology International. 2006;23(1-2):497-509. doi: 10.1080/07420520500545979.
  • Ammar A, Brach M, Trabelsi K, Chtourou H, Boukhris O, Masmoudi L, et al. Effects of COVID-19 Home Confinement on Eating Behaviour and Physical Activity: Results of the ECLB-COVID19 International Online Survey. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1583. doi: 10.3390/nu12061583.
  • Brancaccio M, Mennitti C, Gentile A, Correale L, Buzzachera CF, Ferraris C, et al. Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Job Activity, Dietary Behaviours and Physical Activity Habits of University Population of Naples, Federico II-Italy. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4). Epub 2021/02/11. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18041502. PubMed PMID: 33562476.
  • Rodríguez-Pérez C, Molina-Montes E, Verardo V, Artacho R, García-Villanova B, Guerra-Hernández EJ, et al. Changes in Dietary Behaviours during the COVID-19 Outbreak Confinement in the Spanish COVIDiet Study. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1730. doi: 10.3390/nu12061730.
  • Bakır B, Çalapkorur S. Akademisyenlerin Uyku Süresi ve Kalitesinin Beslenme Durumlarına Etkisi. Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2020:1-10. doi: 10.33076/2020.bdd.1340.
  • Karahan Yılmaz S, Eskici G. Evaluation of emotional (depression) and behavioural (nutritional, physical activity and sleep) status of Turkish adults during the COVID-19 pandemic period. Public Health Nutr. 2020:1-8. Epub 2020/12/10. doi: 10.1017/S136898002000498X. PubMed PMID: 33292903; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC7804078.
  • Daly M, Robinson E. High-Risk Drinking in Midlife Before Versus During the COVID-19 Crisis: Longitudinal Evidence From the United Kingdom. Am J Prev Med. 2020. Epub 2020/11/26. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2020.09.004. PubMed PMID: 33234355; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC7680033.
  • Drieskens S, Berger N, Vandevijvere S, Gisle L, Braekman E, Charafeddine R, et al. Short-term impact of the COVID-19 confinement measures on health behaviours and weight gain among adults in Belgium. Arch Public Health. 2021;79(1):22. Epub 2021/02/24. doi: 10.1186/s13690-021-00542-2. PubMed PMID: 33618770; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC7897894.
  • Jackson SE, Garnett C, Shahab L, Oldham M, Brown J. Association of the COVID-19 lockdown with smoking, drinking and attempts to quit in England: an analysis of 2019-20 data. Addiction. 2020. Epub 2020/10/23. doi: 10.1111/add.15295. PubMed PMID: 33089562.
  • Brown S. Changes in the aesthetic industry and the impact of lockdown on body image. Journal of Aesthetic Nursing. 2020;9(9):388-9. doi: 10.12968/joan.2020.9.9.388.
  • Robertson M, Duffy F, Newman E, Prieto Bravo C, Ates HH, Sharpe H. Exploring changes in body image, eating and exercise during the COVID-19 lockdown: A UK survey. Appetite. 2021;159:105062. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2020.105062.
  • Fırın S, Tunçer Helvacioğlu E. X Ve Y Kuşağı Çalışanlarının Motivasyon Araçlarının Karşılaştırılması. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2019;29(2):203-10. doi: 10.18069/firatsbed.542875.
  • Ciarniene R, Vienazindiene M. Flexible Work Arrangements from Generation and Gender Perspectives: Evidence from Lithuania. Engineering Economics. 2018;29(1). doi: 10.5755/
  • Setiyani A, Djumarno D, Riyanto S, Nawangsari L. The Effect of Work Environment on Flexible Working Hours, Employee Engagement and Employee Motivation. International Review of Management and Marketing. 2019;9(3):112-6. PubMed PMID: 2288759657.
  • Ali W. Online and remote learning in higher education institutes: A necessity in light of COVID-19 pandemic. Higher Education Studies. 2020;10(3):16-25.
  • Brady M, Devitt A, Kiersey RA. Academic staff perspectives on technology for assessment (TfA) in higher education: A systematic literature review. British Journal of Educational Technology. 2019;50(6):3080-98. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12742.
  • Ślaski P, Grzelak M, Rykała M. Higher Education–Related Problems During Covid-19 Pandemic. European Research Studies Journal. 2020;23(3):167-86.

Turkish Academics’ Activities of Daily Living During Early in The Pandemic

Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 46 - 57, 13.02.2023


Aim: Academicians are required to be available to students and act as role models. In extraordinary situations, more is expected from academicians in terms of knowledge and behaviour. Due to the restrictions applied during the pandemic academics switched to distance education. This study aimed to examine the changes in the daily life activities of academics who have experienced the lockdown and the flexible working model for the first time. Methods: In the e-survey form had 46 questions, 10 about the socio-demographic characteristics, 4 about the residence, 32 about their ADL and their perceptions of FWM. Results: Approximately 1/3 of the participants stated that they had problems while urinating and defecating. Most participants reported a change in their sleep schedule, and half said changes were attributed to going to bed later. The asynchrony in the daily routines, called “social jetlag”, was revealed among academics. 34.3% of the participants stated they were confused about which day of the week they were on. Academics' aesthetic concerns were assessed, 42.9% had a decrease in hair care, and %56 had a decrease in face and body care. 34.8% of the participating academicians stated that they did not want to continue in the flexible working model. It was found statistically significant that the relatively young academicians wanted the flexible working model. Conclusions: In similar situations in academics, it is recommended that they stick to their sleep routines, reduce their caffeine consumption, not disrupt their daily exercises, and continue their care as much as possible.

Project Number



  • Guan W-j, Ni Z-y, Hu Y, Liang W-h, Ou C-q, He J-x, et al. Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China. New England Journal of Medicine. 2020;382(18):1708-20. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2002032.
  • Yıldırım M, Güler A. COVID-19 severity, self-efficacy, knowledge, preventive behaviors, and mental health in Turkey. Death Studies. 2020:1-8. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2020.1793434.
  • Di Renzo L, Gualtieri P, Pivari F, Soldati L, Attinà A, Cinelli G, et al. Eating habits and lifestyle changes during COVID-19 lockdown: an Italian survey. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2020;18(1):229. doi: 10.1186/s12967-020-02399-5.
  • Kantermann T. Behavior: How a Global Social Lockdown Unlocks Time for Sleep. Current Biology. 2020;30(14):R822-R3. doi:
  • Majumdar P, Biswas A, Sahu S. COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown: cause of sleep disruption, depression, somatic pain, and increased screen exposure of office workers and students of India. Chronobiology International. 2020;37(8):10.
  • Sahu P. Closure of universities due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): impact on education and mental health of students and academic staff. Cureus. 2020;12(4). doi: 10.7759/cureus.7541.
  • Van D, McLaws M-L, Crimmins J, MacIntyre CR, Seale H. University life and pandemic influenza: Attitudes and intended behaviour of staff and students towards pandemic (H1N1) 2009. BMC Public Health. 2010;10(1):130. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-130.
  • Vijaya R. Awareness of Disaster Management among Teachers of Higher Education. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. 2014;2(2):92-6.
  • Blume C, Schmidt MH, Cajochen C. Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on human sleep and rest-activity rhythms. Current Biology. 2020;30(14):R795-R7. doi:
  • Kumar M, Dwivedi S. Impact of Coronavirus Imposed Lockdown on Indian Population and Their Habits. International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research. 2020;2(2):10. doi: 10.4444/ijshr.1003/433.
  • Karagöz N, Ağadayı E. Behaviors and problems of a medical school students’ related to distance education in pandemic medical education in the pandemic process. The Journal of Turkish Family Physician. 2020;11(4):149-58. doi: 10.15511/tjtfp.20.00449.
  • Serçemeli M, Kurnaz E. COVID-19 Pandemi Döneminde Öğrencilerin Uzaktan Eğitim Ve Uzaktan Muhasebe Eğitimine Yönelik Bakış Açıları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi. 2020;4(1):40-53.
  • Cerci PA, Dumludag D. Life Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction among University Faculty: The Impact of Working Conditions, Academic Performance and Relative Income. Social Indicators Research. 2019;144(2):785-806. doi: 10.1007/s11205-018-02059-8.
  • Seyahi E, Poyraz BC, Sut N, Akdogan S, Hamuryudan V. The psychological state and changes in the routine of the patients with rheumatic diseases during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Turkey: a web-based cross-sectional survey. Rheumatology International. 2020;40(8):1229-38. doi: 10.1007/s00296-020-04626-0.
  • Li W, Zhang B, Lu J, Liu S, Chang Z, Peng C, et al. Characteristics of Household Transmission of COVID-19. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2020;71(8):1943-6. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa450.
  • Cellini N, Canale N, Mioni G, Costa S. Changes in sleep pattern, sense of time and digital media use during COVID-19 lockdown in Italy. Journal of Sleep Research. 2020;29(4):5. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13074.
  • Borgio JG, Louzada FM. The mediating effect of conscientiousness on the academic consequences of social jetlag. Chronobiol Int. 2021:1-5. Epub 2021/01/22. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2021.1873800. PubMed PMID: 33472445.
  • Borisenkov MF, Vetosheva VI, Kuznetsova YS, Khodyrev GN, Shikhova AV, Popov SV, et al. Chronotype, social jetlag, and time perspective. Chronobiol Int. 2019;36(12):1772-81. Epub 2019/10/30. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2019.1683858. PubMed PMID: 31658823.
  • Önder İ, Beşoluk Ş, İskender M, Masal E, Demirhan E. Circadian preferences, sleep quality and sleep patterns, personality, academic motivation and academic achievement of university students. Learning and Individual Differences. 2014;32:184-92.
  • Wittmann M, Dinich J, Merrow M, Roenneberg T. Social Jetlag: Misalignment of Biological and Social Time. Chronobiology International. 2006;23(1-2):497-509. doi: 10.1080/07420520500545979.
  • Ammar A, Brach M, Trabelsi K, Chtourou H, Boukhris O, Masmoudi L, et al. Effects of COVID-19 Home Confinement on Eating Behaviour and Physical Activity: Results of the ECLB-COVID19 International Online Survey. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1583. doi: 10.3390/nu12061583.
  • Brancaccio M, Mennitti C, Gentile A, Correale L, Buzzachera CF, Ferraris C, et al. Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Job Activity, Dietary Behaviours and Physical Activity Habits of University Population of Naples, Federico II-Italy. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4). Epub 2021/02/11. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18041502. PubMed PMID: 33562476.
  • Rodríguez-Pérez C, Molina-Montes E, Verardo V, Artacho R, García-Villanova B, Guerra-Hernández EJ, et al. Changes in Dietary Behaviours during the COVID-19 Outbreak Confinement in the Spanish COVIDiet Study. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1730. doi: 10.3390/nu12061730.
  • Bakır B, Çalapkorur S. Akademisyenlerin Uyku Süresi ve Kalitesinin Beslenme Durumlarına Etkisi. Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2020:1-10. doi: 10.33076/2020.bdd.1340.
  • Karahan Yılmaz S, Eskici G. Evaluation of emotional (depression) and behavioural (nutritional, physical activity and sleep) status of Turkish adults during the COVID-19 pandemic period. Public Health Nutr. 2020:1-8. Epub 2020/12/10. doi: 10.1017/S136898002000498X. PubMed PMID: 33292903; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC7804078.
  • Daly M, Robinson E. High-Risk Drinking in Midlife Before Versus During the COVID-19 Crisis: Longitudinal Evidence From the United Kingdom. Am J Prev Med. 2020. Epub 2020/11/26. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2020.09.004. PubMed PMID: 33234355; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC7680033.
  • Drieskens S, Berger N, Vandevijvere S, Gisle L, Braekman E, Charafeddine R, et al. Short-term impact of the COVID-19 confinement measures on health behaviours and weight gain among adults in Belgium. Arch Public Health. 2021;79(1):22. Epub 2021/02/24. doi: 10.1186/s13690-021-00542-2. PubMed PMID: 33618770; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC7897894.
  • Jackson SE, Garnett C, Shahab L, Oldham M, Brown J. Association of the COVID-19 lockdown with smoking, drinking and attempts to quit in England: an analysis of 2019-20 data. Addiction. 2020. Epub 2020/10/23. doi: 10.1111/add.15295. PubMed PMID: 33089562.
  • Brown S. Changes in the aesthetic industry and the impact of lockdown on body image. Journal of Aesthetic Nursing. 2020;9(9):388-9. doi: 10.12968/joan.2020.9.9.388.
  • Robertson M, Duffy F, Newman E, Prieto Bravo C, Ates HH, Sharpe H. Exploring changes in body image, eating and exercise during the COVID-19 lockdown: A UK survey. Appetite. 2021;159:105062. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2020.105062.
  • Fırın S, Tunçer Helvacioğlu E. X Ve Y Kuşağı Çalışanlarının Motivasyon Araçlarının Karşılaştırılması. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2019;29(2):203-10. doi: 10.18069/firatsbed.542875.
  • Ciarniene R, Vienazindiene M. Flexible Work Arrangements from Generation and Gender Perspectives: Evidence from Lithuania. Engineering Economics. 2018;29(1). doi: 10.5755/
  • Setiyani A, Djumarno D, Riyanto S, Nawangsari L. The Effect of Work Environment on Flexible Working Hours, Employee Engagement and Employee Motivation. International Review of Management and Marketing. 2019;9(3):112-6. PubMed PMID: 2288759657.
  • Ali W. Online and remote learning in higher education institutes: A necessity in light of COVID-19 pandemic. Higher Education Studies. 2020;10(3):16-25.
  • Brady M, Devitt A, Kiersey RA. Academic staff perspectives on technology for assessment (TfA) in higher education: A systematic literature review. British Journal of Educational Technology. 2019;50(6):3080-98. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12742.
  • Ślaski P, Grzelak M, Rykała M. Higher Education–Related Problems During Covid-19 Pandemic. European Research Studies Journal. 2020;23(3):167-86.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

İlker Murat Avcıbaşı 0000-0001-7475-6220

Project Number yok
Publication Date February 13, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


Vancouver Avcıbaşı İM. Turkish Academics’ Activities of Daily Living During Early in The Pandemic. Balkan Health Sci J. 2023;1(2):46-57.

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