Research Article
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Year 2019, Issue: 3, 25 - 43, 27.12.2019



  • Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA):
  • TT, 26, ff. 1-57;
  • ТТ 77, ff. 459-542.
  • TT 370, ff. 67-77, ff. 327-330, ff. 335-342, ff. 358-359, f. 361, f. 523.
  • TT 439, ff. 322-328.
  • TT 494, ff. 421-514; BOA ТТ 498, ff. 30-39, f. 260, ff. 355-362, ff. 625-639.
  • Sts. Cyril and Methodius National Library, Oriental Department, Fond Hk 12/9, f. 39.
  • Fontes Turcici Historiae Iuris Bulgarici. Academia Litterarum Bulgarica. Institutum Iuris. V. 1, Sofia, 53, 319.----------Alexander, John. “Counting the Grains: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Reading the Ottoman Mufassal Tahrir Defters.“ Arab Historical Review for Ottoman Studies, Vol. 19-20 (1999): 57-58.
  • Asdrachas, Spiros. “Aux Balkans du XVe siècle producteurs directs et marches.” Etides Balkaniques, Vol. 3 (1970): 46.
  • Asdrachas, Spiros. “Sociétés rurales balkaniques aux XVe-XVIe siècles: Mouvements de la population et des revenues”, Études balkaniques, Vol. 13/2 (1977) : 49-66.
  • Barkan, Ömer Lütfi. “The Price Revolution of the Sixteenth Century: a Turning Point in the Economic History of the Near East”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 6 (1975): 9-28.
  • Balta, Evangelia. “Économie et espace rural en Eubeé aux XVe-XVI e s. : du document fiscal à la construction d’un modéle.” Probléms et approaches de l’histoire ottomanUn itinéraire scientifique de Kayseri à Egriboz. (Istanbul: The Isis Press, 1997), 21-96.
  • Balta, Evangelia. Les Vakifs de Serrès et de sa region aux XVe et XVIe siècles. Athènes: Centre de Recherches Néo-Hélleniqes F.N.R.S, 1995, 35-38.
  • Balta, Evangelia. L’Eubée a la fin du XVe siècle. Économie et Population. Les registres de l’année 1474. Athens. Athènes: Association des Études d'Eubée, 1989, 23-161.
  • Beldiceanu, Nicoara, Beldiceanu-Steinherr, Irene. “Règlement ottoman concernant le recensement (première moitiè du XVIe siècle).” Südost-Forschungen, Vol. 4 (1978): 1-40.
  • Beldiceanu-Steinherr, Irene. “Les registers ottomanes comme source pour l’histoire préottomane. Fiscalité et formes de possession de la terre arable dans Anatolie préottomane.” Journal of economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 19 (1976): 236-237.
  • Braudel, Fernand. Civilization and Capitalism. 15th-18th century. Vol. III. The Perspective of the World. University of California Press, 1982, 69.
  • Cook, Michael. Population Changes in Rural Anatolia, 1450-1600. London-New York: Oxford University Press, 1972, 23-89.
  • Frank, Andre Gunder. World-economies or [one] World Economy? A Critical Reading of Braudel’s Perspective of the World, 1993.
  • Darling, Linda. Revenue-raising and Legitimacy: Tax Collection and Finance Administration in the Ottoman Empire, 1560 – 1660. Leiden: New York: Köln, 1995, 35-39.
  • Demetriades, Vassilis. “Vakifs along the Via Egnatia.” The Via Egnatia under Ottoman Rule (1380 – 1699). Halcyon Days in Crete II: A Symposium Held in Rethymnon 9 – 11 January 1994. Ed. E. Zachariadou Rethymnon: Crete University Press, 1996, 85-95.
  • Duichev, Ivan. “Ot Chernomen do Kosovo pole. Kam istoriyata na turskoto zawoewanie v Trakia prez poslednoto desetiletie na XV vek [From Chernomen to Kosovo. Toward History of the Turkish Conquest of Thrace during the Last Decade of the 15th c.].” Izvestiya na Trakiyskiya nauchen institute, Vol. 2 (1970): 73-105.
  • Erder, Leyla, Faroqhi, Suraiya. “Population Rise and Fall in Anatolia 1550 – 1620.” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 15 (1979): 3.
  • Faroqhi, Suraiya. “Rural Society in Anatolia and the Balkans during the Sixteenth Century.” Turcica, Vol. 11 (1979): 136-141.
  • Faroqhi, Suraiya. “Taxation and Urban Activities in Sixteenth Century Anatolia”, International Journal of Turkish Studies, Vol. 1 (1979-1980): 19-53.
  • Faroqhi, Suraiya. “The Peasants of Saideli in the Late Sixteenth Century.” Archivum ottomanicum, Vol. 8 (1983): 215-250.
  • Gagova, Krasimira. Trakiya prez Balgarskoto Srednovekovie. Istoricheska geografiya [Thrace during the Bulgarian Medieval Period. Historical Geography.] Sofia: Universitetsko izdatelstvo “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, 2002, 141-143.
  • Georgieva, Tsvetana. Prostranstvo I prostranstva na balgarite XV-XVII vek [Space and Spaces of Bulgarians in the 15th – 17th Centuries]. Sofia: Imir, 1999, 71-165.
  • Gradeva, Rossitsa. “Administrative system and provincial government in the Central Balkan territoires of the Ottoman empire, 15th century.” The Turks, vol. 3, Ottomans, H. C. Guzel, C. C. Oguz, and O. Karatay (eds), 498-507.
  • İnalcık, Halil. “Empire and Population”, An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300 – 1914. Eds. İnalcık, H. & Quataert, D. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, 29-30.
  • İnalcık, Halil. “The Economic Mind. The Rural Landscape and the Settlement of Nomads”, An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300 – 1914. Eds. Inalcik, H. & Quataert, D. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, 158-161.
  • Halil İnalcık, The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age, 1300-1600. NewYork: Praeger Publishers, 1973, 23-114.
  • İnalcık, Halil. “State, Land and Peasant”,An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300 – 1914. Ed. İnalcık, H. & Quataert, D. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, 11-43, 143-154.
  • İnalcık, Halil. “A Case Study of the Village Microeconomy. Villages in the Bursa sancak, 1520-1573.” The Middle East and the Balkans under the Ottoman Empire. Essays on Economy and Society. Bloomington: Indiana University Turkish Studies, 1993, 162-173.
  • İnalcık, Halil. “The Ottoman Decline and Its Effects upon the Reaya.” IIe Congrès International des Etudes du Sud-est Européenes, III Histoire et literature. Athènes, 1970, 4-21.
  • İnalcık, Halil. “The Yörüks: Their Origins, Expansion and Economic Role.” The Middle East and the Balkans under the Ottoman Empire. Essays on Economy and Society. Bloomington: Indiana University Turkish Studies, 1993, 97-136.
  • İslamoĝlu – İnan, Huri. State and Peasant in the Ottoman Empire: Agrarian Power Relations and Regional Economic Development in Ottoman Anatolia during the 16th c. Leiden: Brill, 1994, 36-145.
  • Kalitsin, Maria, Krasimira. Mutafova. “Introduction”. Idem, Podbrani osmanski dokumenti za Tarnovo I Tarnovska kaza [Selected Ottoman Records on the City of Tarnovo and the Kaza of Tarnovo]. Veliko Tarnovo: Universitetsko izdatelstvo Sv. sv. Kiril i Metody, 2003, 26.
  • Kalyonski, Aleksei. Yurutsite [The Yörüks]. Sofia: Prosveta, 2011, 23-89.
  • Lowry, Heath. “The Ottoman Tahrir Defterleri as a Source of Social and Economic History: Pitfalls and Limitations”, Studies in Defterology. Ottoman Society in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, Istanbul: The Isis Press, 1992, 3-18.
  • McGowan, Bruce. Economic Life in Ottoman Europe. Taxation, Trade and Struggle for Land 1600-1800. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981, 121-173.
  • Mutafchieva, Vera. Osmanska sotcialno-ikonomicheska istoriya [Ottoman Social-economic History]. Sofia: Izdatelstvo Petar Beron, 1999, 64-89.
  • Mutafchieva, V. “Vidin i VIdinsko prez XV-XVI vek. Uvod” [Vidin and the Region of Vidin during 15th – 16th Centuries. Introduction.], Boyanich-Lukach, D. Vidin i Vidinskiat sancak prez XV-XVI vek [Vidin and the Sancak of Vidin during 15th-16th Centuries]. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, 1975, 30.
  • Nikov, Petar. “Balgari i tatari v Srednite vekove [Bulgarians and Tatars during the Middle Ages].” Balgarska istoricheska biblioteka, Vol. 3 (1929):109.
  • Nikov, Petar. “Turskoto zavladyavane na Balgaria sadbata na poslednite Shishmanovtsi [The Turkish conquest of Bulgaria and the Destiny of the Last Representatives of the Shishman Dynasty].” Izvestiya na Istoricheskoto Druzhestvo, Vol. 7-8 (1928): 41-112.
  • Pamuk, Şevket. A Monetary History of the Ottoman Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, 112-148.
  • Özel, Oktay. “Population Changes in Ottoman Anatolia during the 16th and 17th Centuries : The “Demographic Crisis” Reconsidered.” International Journal of Middle East Studies Vol. 36 (2004) : 183-205.
  • Pakalın, Mehmet Zeki. Osmanlı Deymleri ve Terimleri Sözlüğü, Cilt 1. İstanbul: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, 1946, 241.
  • Parveva, Stefka. “Rural Agrarian and Social Structure in the Edirne Region during the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century”, Village, Town and People in the Ottoman Balkans 16th-mid19th Century. Istanbul: The Isis Press, 2009, 11-61.
  • Petkova-Encheva, Milena. “Land Property in Ottoman Rumeli – Case Study on Land Possession System in Parts of Paşa Sancak, Ottoman Rumeli (Copies of Huccets and Sınırnames Preserved in Ottoman Tapu Tahrir Defters of XVIth Century,” 2. Uluslararası Osmanlı Coğrafyası Arşiv Kongresi. Bildiler. Cilt 1. eds. Hatice Oruç, Mehmet Yıldırır and Songül Kadıoğlu. Ankara: Ankara Medya Matbaa, 2019, 779-787.
  • Petkova-Encheva, Milena. “Registrations of Settlements in Eastern Upper Thrace during the 16th c. A Theory on the South Border Line of the Bulgarian Kingdom of Ivan Shishman Based on the Information of Ottoman Tax Registers of 16th c.”, Iz praktikata na osmanskata kantselariya [Practices of the Ottoman Chancellery]. Sofia: Izdatelstvo na Narodnata biblioteka “Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodi, 2011, 186-197.
  • Radushev, Evgeni. Pomatsite. Hristianstvo i Islam v Zapadnite Rodopi s dolinata na reka Mesta XV v. – 30te god. Na XVIII vek [The Pomaks. Christianity and Islam in the Western Rhodope Mountains and the valley of Mesta river, 15th c. to – 1730s] Part 1 Sofia: Izdatelstvo na Narodnata biblioteka “Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodiy”, 2008, 9-143;
  • Singer, Amy. Palestinian Peasants and Ottoman Officials. Rural Administration around Sixteenth Century Jerusalem. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, 18-65.
  • Şahin, İlhan. Osmanlı Döneminde Konar-Goöçeler. İstanbul: Eren, 2006, 35-40.

The Process of Sedentarization of Semi-nomadic Groups of theYörüks in Parts of 16th Century Ottoman Rumeli – Migration Control or Tax Control?

Year 2019, Issue: 3, 25 - 43, 27.12.2019


The present article is an attempt to reveal the process of adaption of
the colonized Muslim population in ottoman Rumeli – modern Eastern Upper
Thrace, where the majority of the migrated population were the semi-nomadic
groups of the yörüks. After the establishment of new settlement network in the
region at the end of the 15th and first half of the 16th centuries, the huge
pasturelands and swamps were converted to regular exploitations under the
çift-hane system by the semi-nomadic groups. Last led to the sedentarizaion of
some of the yörüks and changes in the settlement network. A role in the process
played the ottoman state by implementing special tax policy toward the yörük


  • Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA):
  • TT, 26, ff. 1-57;
  • ТТ 77, ff. 459-542.
  • TT 370, ff. 67-77, ff. 327-330, ff. 335-342, ff. 358-359, f. 361, f. 523.
  • TT 439, ff. 322-328.
  • TT 494, ff. 421-514; BOA ТТ 498, ff. 30-39, f. 260, ff. 355-362, ff. 625-639.
  • Sts. Cyril and Methodius National Library, Oriental Department, Fond Hk 12/9, f. 39.
  • Fontes Turcici Historiae Iuris Bulgarici. Academia Litterarum Bulgarica. Institutum Iuris. V. 1, Sofia, 53, 319.----------Alexander, John. “Counting the Grains: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Reading the Ottoman Mufassal Tahrir Defters.“ Arab Historical Review for Ottoman Studies, Vol. 19-20 (1999): 57-58.
  • Asdrachas, Spiros. “Aux Balkans du XVe siècle producteurs directs et marches.” Etides Balkaniques, Vol. 3 (1970): 46.
  • Asdrachas, Spiros. “Sociétés rurales balkaniques aux XVe-XVIe siècles: Mouvements de la population et des revenues”, Études balkaniques, Vol. 13/2 (1977) : 49-66.
  • Barkan, Ömer Lütfi. “The Price Revolution of the Sixteenth Century: a Turning Point in the Economic History of the Near East”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 6 (1975): 9-28.
  • Balta, Evangelia. “Économie et espace rural en Eubeé aux XVe-XVI e s. : du document fiscal à la construction d’un modéle.” Probléms et approaches de l’histoire ottomanUn itinéraire scientifique de Kayseri à Egriboz. (Istanbul: The Isis Press, 1997), 21-96.
  • Balta, Evangelia. Les Vakifs de Serrès et de sa region aux XVe et XVIe siècles. Athènes: Centre de Recherches Néo-Hélleniqes F.N.R.S, 1995, 35-38.
  • Balta, Evangelia. L’Eubée a la fin du XVe siècle. Économie et Population. Les registres de l’année 1474. Athens. Athènes: Association des Études d'Eubée, 1989, 23-161.
  • Beldiceanu, Nicoara, Beldiceanu-Steinherr, Irene. “Règlement ottoman concernant le recensement (première moitiè du XVIe siècle).” Südost-Forschungen, Vol. 4 (1978): 1-40.
  • Beldiceanu-Steinherr, Irene. “Les registers ottomanes comme source pour l’histoire préottomane. Fiscalité et formes de possession de la terre arable dans Anatolie préottomane.” Journal of economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 19 (1976): 236-237.
  • Braudel, Fernand. Civilization and Capitalism. 15th-18th century. Vol. III. The Perspective of the World. University of California Press, 1982, 69.
  • Cook, Michael. Population Changes in Rural Anatolia, 1450-1600. London-New York: Oxford University Press, 1972, 23-89.
  • Frank, Andre Gunder. World-economies or [one] World Economy? A Critical Reading of Braudel’s Perspective of the World, 1993.
  • Darling, Linda. Revenue-raising and Legitimacy: Tax Collection and Finance Administration in the Ottoman Empire, 1560 – 1660. Leiden: New York: Köln, 1995, 35-39.
  • Demetriades, Vassilis. “Vakifs along the Via Egnatia.” The Via Egnatia under Ottoman Rule (1380 – 1699). Halcyon Days in Crete II: A Symposium Held in Rethymnon 9 – 11 January 1994. Ed. E. Zachariadou Rethymnon: Crete University Press, 1996, 85-95.
  • Duichev, Ivan. “Ot Chernomen do Kosovo pole. Kam istoriyata na turskoto zawoewanie v Trakia prez poslednoto desetiletie na XV vek [From Chernomen to Kosovo. Toward History of the Turkish Conquest of Thrace during the Last Decade of the 15th c.].” Izvestiya na Trakiyskiya nauchen institute, Vol. 2 (1970): 73-105.
  • Erder, Leyla, Faroqhi, Suraiya. “Population Rise and Fall in Anatolia 1550 – 1620.” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 15 (1979): 3.
  • Faroqhi, Suraiya. “Rural Society in Anatolia and the Balkans during the Sixteenth Century.” Turcica, Vol. 11 (1979): 136-141.
  • Faroqhi, Suraiya. “Taxation and Urban Activities in Sixteenth Century Anatolia”, International Journal of Turkish Studies, Vol. 1 (1979-1980): 19-53.
  • Faroqhi, Suraiya. “The Peasants of Saideli in the Late Sixteenth Century.” Archivum ottomanicum, Vol. 8 (1983): 215-250.
  • Gagova, Krasimira. Trakiya prez Balgarskoto Srednovekovie. Istoricheska geografiya [Thrace during the Bulgarian Medieval Period. Historical Geography.] Sofia: Universitetsko izdatelstvo “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, 2002, 141-143.
  • Georgieva, Tsvetana. Prostranstvo I prostranstva na balgarite XV-XVII vek [Space and Spaces of Bulgarians in the 15th – 17th Centuries]. Sofia: Imir, 1999, 71-165.
  • Gradeva, Rossitsa. “Administrative system and provincial government in the Central Balkan territoires of the Ottoman empire, 15th century.” The Turks, vol. 3, Ottomans, H. C. Guzel, C. C. Oguz, and O. Karatay (eds), 498-507.
  • İnalcık, Halil. “Empire and Population”, An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300 – 1914. Eds. İnalcık, H. & Quataert, D. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, 29-30.
  • İnalcık, Halil. “The Economic Mind. The Rural Landscape and the Settlement of Nomads”, An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300 – 1914. Eds. Inalcik, H. & Quataert, D. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, 158-161.
  • Halil İnalcık, The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age, 1300-1600. NewYork: Praeger Publishers, 1973, 23-114.
  • İnalcık, Halil. “State, Land and Peasant”,An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300 – 1914. Ed. İnalcık, H. & Quataert, D. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, 11-43, 143-154.
  • İnalcık, Halil. “A Case Study of the Village Microeconomy. Villages in the Bursa sancak, 1520-1573.” The Middle East and the Balkans under the Ottoman Empire. Essays on Economy and Society. Bloomington: Indiana University Turkish Studies, 1993, 162-173.
  • İnalcık, Halil. “The Ottoman Decline and Its Effects upon the Reaya.” IIe Congrès International des Etudes du Sud-est Européenes, III Histoire et literature. Athènes, 1970, 4-21.
  • İnalcık, Halil. “The Yörüks: Their Origins, Expansion and Economic Role.” The Middle East and the Balkans under the Ottoman Empire. Essays on Economy and Society. Bloomington: Indiana University Turkish Studies, 1993, 97-136.
  • İslamoĝlu – İnan, Huri. State and Peasant in the Ottoman Empire: Agrarian Power Relations and Regional Economic Development in Ottoman Anatolia during the 16th c. Leiden: Brill, 1994, 36-145.
  • Kalitsin, Maria, Krasimira. Mutafova. “Introduction”. Idem, Podbrani osmanski dokumenti za Tarnovo I Tarnovska kaza [Selected Ottoman Records on the City of Tarnovo and the Kaza of Tarnovo]. Veliko Tarnovo: Universitetsko izdatelstvo Sv. sv. Kiril i Metody, 2003, 26.
  • Kalyonski, Aleksei. Yurutsite [The Yörüks]. Sofia: Prosveta, 2011, 23-89.
  • Lowry, Heath. “The Ottoman Tahrir Defterleri as a Source of Social and Economic History: Pitfalls and Limitations”, Studies in Defterology. Ottoman Society in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, Istanbul: The Isis Press, 1992, 3-18.
  • McGowan, Bruce. Economic Life in Ottoman Europe. Taxation, Trade and Struggle for Land 1600-1800. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981, 121-173.
  • Mutafchieva, Vera. Osmanska sotcialno-ikonomicheska istoriya [Ottoman Social-economic History]. Sofia: Izdatelstvo Petar Beron, 1999, 64-89.
  • Mutafchieva, V. “Vidin i VIdinsko prez XV-XVI vek. Uvod” [Vidin and the Region of Vidin during 15th – 16th Centuries. Introduction.], Boyanich-Lukach, D. Vidin i Vidinskiat sancak prez XV-XVI vek [Vidin and the Sancak of Vidin during 15th-16th Centuries]. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, 1975, 30.
  • Nikov, Petar. “Balgari i tatari v Srednite vekove [Bulgarians and Tatars during the Middle Ages].” Balgarska istoricheska biblioteka, Vol. 3 (1929):109.
  • Nikov, Petar. “Turskoto zavladyavane na Balgaria sadbata na poslednite Shishmanovtsi [The Turkish conquest of Bulgaria and the Destiny of the Last Representatives of the Shishman Dynasty].” Izvestiya na Istoricheskoto Druzhestvo, Vol. 7-8 (1928): 41-112.
  • Pamuk, Şevket. A Monetary History of the Ottoman Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, 112-148.
  • Özel, Oktay. “Population Changes in Ottoman Anatolia during the 16th and 17th Centuries : The “Demographic Crisis” Reconsidered.” International Journal of Middle East Studies Vol. 36 (2004) : 183-205.
  • Pakalın, Mehmet Zeki. Osmanlı Deymleri ve Terimleri Sözlüğü, Cilt 1. İstanbul: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, 1946, 241.
  • Parveva, Stefka. “Rural Agrarian and Social Structure in the Edirne Region during the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century”, Village, Town and People in the Ottoman Balkans 16th-mid19th Century. Istanbul: The Isis Press, 2009, 11-61.
  • Petkova-Encheva, Milena. “Land Property in Ottoman Rumeli – Case Study on Land Possession System in Parts of Paşa Sancak, Ottoman Rumeli (Copies of Huccets and Sınırnames Preserved in Ottoman Tapu Tahrir Defters of XVIth Century,” 2. Uluslararası Osmanlı Coğrafyası Arşiv Kongresi. Bildiler. Cilt 1. eds. Hatice Oruç, Mehmet Yıldırır and Songül Kadıoğlu. Ankara: Ankara Medya Matbaa, 2019, 779-787.
  • Petkova-Encheva, Milena. “Registrations of Settlements in Eastern Upper Thrace during the 16th c. A Theory on the South Border Line of the Bulgarian Kingdom of Ivan Shishman Based on the Information of Ottoman Tax Registers of 16th c.”, Iz praktikata na osmanskata kantselariya [Practices of the Ottoman Chancellery]. Sofia: Izdatelstvo na Narodnata biblioteka “Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodi, 2011, 186-197.
  • Radushev, Evgeni. Pomatsite. Hristianstvo i Islam v Zapadnite Rodopi s dolinata na reka Mesta XV v. – 30te god. Na XVIII vek [The Pomaks. Christianity and Islam in the Western Rhodope Mountains and the valley of Mesta river, 15th c. to – 1730s] Part 1 Sofia: Izdatelstvo na Narodnata biblioteka “Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodiy”, 2008, 9-143;
  • Singer, Amy. Palestinian Peasants and Ottoman Officials. Rural Administration around Sixteenth Century Jerusalem. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, 18-65.
  • Şahin, İlhan. Osmanlı Döneminde Konar-Goöçeler. İstanbul: Eren, 2006, 35-40.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Milena Petkova

Publication Date December 27, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 3


APA Petkova, M. (2019). The Process of Sedentarization of Semi-nomadic Groups of theYörüks in Parts of 16th Century Ottoman Rumeli – Migration Control or Tax Control?. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies(3), 25-43.
AMA Petkova M. The Process of Sedentarization of Semi-nomadic Groups of theYörüks in Parts of 16th Century Ottoman Rumeli – Migration Control or Tax Control?. BALKAR. December 2019;(3):25-43.
Chicago Petkova, Milena. “The Process of Sedentarization of Semi-Nomadic Groups of theYörüks in Parts of 16th Century Ottoman Rumeli – Migration Control or Tax Control?”. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, no. 3 (December 2019): 25-43.
EndNote Petkova M (December 1, 2019) The Process of Sedentarization of Semi-nomadic Groups of theYörüks in Parts of 16th Century Ottoman Rumeli – Migration Control or Tax Control?. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies 3 25–43.
IEEE M. Petkova, “The Process of Sedentarization of Semi-nomadic Groups of theYörüks in Parts of 16th Century Ottoman Rumeli – Migration Control or Tax Control?”, BALKAR, no. 3, pp. 25–43, December 2019.
ISNAD Petkova, Milena. “The Process of Sedentarization of Semi-Nomadic Groups of theYörüks in Parts of 16th Century Ottoman Rumeli – Migration Control or Tax Control?”. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies 3 (December 2019), 25-43.
JAMA Petkova M. The Process of Sedentarization of Semi-nomadic Groups of theYörüks in Parts of 16th Century Ottoman Rumeli – Migration Control or Tax Control?. BALKAR. 2019;:25–43.
MLA Petkova, Milena. “The Process of Sedentarization of Semi-Nomadic Groups of theYörüks in Parts of 16th Century Ottoman Rumeli – Migration Control or Tax Control?”. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, no. 3, 2019, pp. 25-43.
Vancouver Petkova M. The Process of Sedentarization of Semi-nomadic Groups of theYörüks in Parts of 16th Century Ottoman Rumeli – Migration Control or Tax Control?. BALKAR. 2019(3):25-43.