Year 2016,
Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 19 - 25, 01.10.2016
Cüneyt Tamam
Mustafa Evrensel
Yusuf Tamam
Günümüzde teknolojik gelişmeler ile hayatımızın bir vazgeçilmezi olan elektrikli aletler, hayatımıza katkısı olduğu oranda hayatımızı tehdit eder hale gelmiştir. Bu derlemede elektromanyetik alanların bünyemiz üzerindeki etkilerini ve korunma mekanizmalarını hakkında bilgi vermeye çalıştık
- 1. D. Halliday, R. Resnick, and J.Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, Part 3,
JohnWiley & Sons, New York, NY, USA, 2001
- 2. Nazlıkul H. Tamamlayıcı tıbbı keşfet. Nazlıkul H. (Editör): Hayatı keşfet anti
aging yaşam kılavuzu. Alfa basım yayım dağıtım, İstanbul, 2013: 457- 536
- 3. Özkan N, Manyetik Alan Tedavisi (Magnetoterapi), Barnat 2015;9(3)17-22.
- 4. BelyaevI, Dean A, Eger H, Hubmann G et al. EUROPAEM EMF Guideline
2015 for the prevention diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health
problems and illnesses. Rev Environ Health. 2015 Dec 1;30(4):337-71.
doi: 10.1515/reveh-2015-0033.
- 5. Simko M, Mattsson MO, Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields
as effectors of cellular responses in vitro: possible immune cell activation.
J CellBiochem.2004 Sep 1;93(1):83-92
- 6. Pall ML. Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltagegated calcium
channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects. J Cell Mol Med
- 7. Von Baehr V. Rationelle Labordiagnostik bei chronisch entzundlichen
Systemerkrankungen. umwelt medizin gesellschaft 2012;25(4):244-7.
- 8. Lai H, Singh NP. Melatonin and a spin-trap compound block radiofrequency
electromagnetic radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in rat brain
cells. Bioelectromagnetics 1997;18:446-54
- 9. Robison JG, Pendieton AR, Monson KO, Murray BK, O.neill KL. Decreased
DNA repairrates and protection from heat induced apoptosis mediated by
electromagnetic field exposure. Bioelectromagnetics 2002;23(2):106-12
- 10. Blank M, Soo L, Lin H, Henderson AS, Goodman R. Changesin transcription
in HL-60 cells following exposure to alternating currents from electric
fields. Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 1992;28:301-9
- 11. Blank M, Goodman R. Do electromagnetic fields interact directly with
DNA? 1997;18(2):111-5
- 12. Garaj-Vrhovac V, Fucic A, Horvat D. The correlation between the frequency
of micronuclei and specific chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes exposed to microwave radiation in vitro. Mutation Res
- 13. Maes A, Verschave L, Arroyo A, DeWagter C, Vercruyssen L. In vitro
cytogenetic effects of 2450 MHz waves on human peripheral blood
lymphocytes. Bioelectromagnetics 1993;14:495-501
- 14. Yasser M. Moustafa, Randa M. Moustafa, A. Belacy, Soad H. Abou-ElEla,
Fadel M. Ali. Effects of acute exposure to the radiofrequency fields
of cellular phones on plasma lipid peroxide and antioxidase activities in
human erythrocytes. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
- 15. Reiter RJ. Oxidative processes and antioxidative defense mechanisms in
the aging brain. FASEB Journal 1995;9(7):526-33
- 16. Reiter RJ. Melatonin in the context of the reported bioeffects of environmental
electromagnetic fields. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics
- 17. Liu DD, Ren Z, Yang G, Zhao QR, Mei YA. LiuDD, Melatonin protectsrat cerebellar
granule cells against electromagnetic field-induced increases in
Na(+) currentsthrough intracellular Ca(2+) release. J Cell Mol Med. 2014
- 18. Linet, M.S., Hatch, E.E., Kleinerman, R.A., Robison, L.L., Kaune, W.T., Friedman,
D.R., Severson, R.K., Haines, C.M., Hartsock, C.T., Niwa, S., Wacholder,
S., Tarone, R.E., Residential exposure to magnetic fields and acute
lymphoblastic leukemia in children. N. Engl. J. Med. 1997.337 (1), 1-7.
- 19. Coureau G, Bouvier G, Lebailly P, Fabbro-Peray P, et al. Mobile phone
use and brain tumours in the CERENAT case-control study.Occup Environ
Med. 2014 Jul;71(7):514-22.
- 20. Hardell L, Sage C. Biological effects from electromagnetic field exposure
and public exposure standards. Biomed Pharmacother. 2008
- 21. Vecchio F, Babiloni C, Ferreri F, Curcio G, Fini R, et al. Mobile phone
emission modulates interhemispheric functional couplingof EEG alpha
rhythms. Eur J Neurosci 2007;25(6):1908-13.
- 22. Vecchio F, Buffo P, Sergio S, Iacoviello D, Rossini PM, et al. Mobile phone
emission modulates event-related desynchronization of á rhythms
and cognitive-motor performance in healthy humans. Clin Neurophysiol
- 23. Tombini M, Pellegrino G, Pasqualetti P, Assenza G, Benvenga A, et al.
Mobile phone emissions modulate brain excitability inpatients with focal
epilepsy. Brain Stimul 2013;6(3):448-54.
- 24. Eric van Rongen, Rodney Croft, Jukka Juutilainen, Isabelle Lagroye, Junji
Miyakoshi, Richard Saunders, René de Seze, Thomas Tenforde, Luc Verschaeve,
Bernard Veyret & Zhengping Xu Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic
Fields on the Human Nervous System, Journal of Toxicology and
Environmental Health, Part B: Critical Reviews, (2009):12:8, 572-597
- 25. Agarwal A, Deepinder F, Sharma RK, Ranga G, Li J. Effect of cell phone
usage on semen analysis in men attending infertility clinic: an observational
study. Fertil Steril 2008;89(1):124-8.
- 26. Agarwal A, Desai NR, Makker K, Varghese A, Mouradi R, et al. Effect ofradiofrequency
electromagnetic waves (RF-EMF) from cellular phones on human
ejaculated semen: an in vitro study. Fertil Steril 2009;92(4):1318–25.
- 27. Lui K , Li Y Zhang G Liu J, Cao J, Ao L , Zhang S . Association between mobile
phone use and semen quality: a systemic review and meta-analysis.
Andrology 2014 Jul;2(4):491-501
- 28. Gye MC, Park CJ. Effect of electromagnetic field exposure on the reproductive
system.Clin Exp Reprod Med 2012 Mar;39(1):1-9.
- 29. Nazlıkul H. Magnetoterapi (Manyetik alan tedavisi). Nazlıkul H (Editör):
Detoksu keşfet. Alfa basım yayım dağıtım, İstanbul, 2012: 291-294
- 30. Gesundheit und Magnetfeldtherapie Biomag. www.ams-ag.de
- 31. http://www.who.int/peh-emf/meetings/archive/en/paper13klintestam.
- 32. Yılmaz R,Elektromanyetik kalkanlama özelliği olan malzemeler, Electronic
Journal of Vocational Colleges-May/Mayıs 2014,136-150
Year 2016,
Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 19 - 25, 01.10.2016
Cüneyt Tamam
Mustafa Evrensel
Yusuf Tamam
Nowadays, with technological advances, electrical appliances has become an indispensable part of our lives as well as a threat to our lives as much as their contribution. In this review, we aimed to provide information about the effects of electromagnetic fields on human body and mechanisms of protection from electromagnetic fields
- 1. D. Halliday, R. Resnick, and J.Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, Part 3,
JohnWiley & Sons, New York, NY, USA, 2001
- 2. Nazlıkul H. Tamamlayıcı tıbbı keşfet. Nazlıkul H. (Editör): Hayatı keşfet anti
aging yaşam kılavuzu. Alfa basım yayım dağıtım, İstanbul, 2013: 457- 536
- 3. Özkan N, Manyetik Alan Tedavisi (Magnetoterapi), Barnat 2015;9(3)17-22.
- 4. BelyaevI, Dean A, Eger H, Hubmann G et al. EUROPAEM EMF Guideline
2015 for the prevention diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health
problems and illnesses. Rev Environ Health. 2015 Dec 1;30(4):337-71.
doi: 10.1515/reveh-2015-0033.
- 5. Simko M, Mattsson MO, Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields
as effectors of cellular responses in vitro: possible immune cell activation.
J CellBiochem.2004 Sep 1;93(1):83-92
- 6. Pall ML. Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltagegated calcium
channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects. J Cell Mol Med
- 7. Von Baehr V. Rationelle Labordiagnostik bei chronisch entzundlichen
Systemerkrankungen. umwelt medizin gesellschaft 2012;25(4):244-7.
- 8. Lai H, Singh NP. Melatonin and a spin-trap compound block radiofrequency
electromagnetic radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in rat brain
cells. Bioelectromagnetics 1997;18:446-54
- 9. Robison JG, Pendieton AR, Monson KO, Murray BK, O.neill KL. Decreased
DNA repairrates and protection from heat induced apoptosis mediated by
electromagnetic field exposure. Bioelectromagnetics 2002;23(2):106-12
- 10. Blank M, Soo L, Lin H, Henderson AS, Goodman R. Changesin transcription
in HL-60 cells following exposure to alternating currents from electric
fields. Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 1992;28:301-9
- 11. Blank M, Goodman R. Do electromagnetic fields interact directly with
DNA? 1997;18(2):111-5
- 12. Garaj-Vrhovac V, Fucic A, Horvat D. The correlation between the frequency
of micronuclei and specific chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes exposed to microwave radiation in vitro. Mutation Res
- 13. Maes A, Verschave L, Arroyo A, DeWagter C, Vercruyssen L. In vitro
cytogenetic effects of 2450 MHz waves on human peripheral blood
lymphocytes. Bioelectromagnetics 1993;14:495-501
- 14. Yasser M. Moustafa, Randa M. Moustafa, A. Belacy, Soad H. Abou-ElEla,
Fadel M. Ali. Effects of acute exposure to the radiofrequency fields
of cellular phones on plasma lipid peroxide and antioxidase activities in
human erythrocytes. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
- 15. Reiter RJ. Oxidative processes and antioxidative defense mechanisms in
the aging brain. FASEB Journal 1995;9(7):526-33
- 16. Reiter RJ. Melatonin in the context of the reported bioeffects of environmental
electromagnetic fields. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics
- 17. Liu DD, Ren Z, Yang G, Zhao QR, Mei YA. LiuDD, Melatonin protectsrat cerebellar
granule cells against electromagnetic field-induced increases in
Na(+) currentsthrough intracellular Ca(2+) release. J Cell Mol Med. 2014
- 18. Linet, M.S., Hatch, E.E., Kleinerman, R.A., Robison, L.L., Kaune, W.T., Friedman,
D.R., Severson, R.K., Haines, C.M., Hartsock, C.T., Niwa, S., Wacholder,
S., Tarone, R.E., Residential exposure to magnetic fields and acute
lymphoblastic leukemia in children. N. Engl. J. Med. 1997.337 (1), 1-7.
- 19. Coureau G, Bouvier G, Lebailly P, Fabbro-Peray P, et al. Mobile phone
use and brain tumours in the CERENAT case-control study.Occup Environ
Med. 2014 Jul;71(7):514-22.
- 20. Hardell L, Sage C. Biological effects from electromagnetic field exposure
and public exposure standards. Biomed Pharmacother. 2008
- 21. Vecchio F, Babiloni C, Ferreri F, Curcio G, Fini R, et al. Mobile phone
emission modulates interhemispheric functional couplingof EEG alpha
rhythms. Eur J Neurosci 2007;25(6):1908-13.
- 22. Vecchio F, Buffo P, Sergio S, Iacoviello D, Rossini PM, et al. Mobile phone
emission modulates event-related desynchronization of á rhythms
and cognitive-motor performance in healthy humans. Clin Neurophysiol
- 23. Tombini M, Pellegrino G, Pasqualetti P, Assenza G, Benvenga A, et al.
Mobile phone emissions modulate brain excitability inpatients with focal
epilepsy. Brain Stimul 2013;6(3):448-54.
- 24. Eric van Rongen, Rodney Croft, Jukka Juutilainen, Isabelle Lagroye, Junji
Miyakoshi, Richard Saunders, René de Seze, Thomas Tenforde, Luc Verschaeve,
Bernard Veyret & Zhengping Xu Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic
Fields on the Human Nervous System, Journal of Toxicology and
Environmental Health, Part B: Critical Reviews, (2009):12:8, 572-597
- 25. Agarwal A, Deepinder F, Sharma RK, Ranga G, Li J. Effect of cell phone
usage on semen analysis in men attending infertility clinic: an observational
study. Fertil Steril 2008;89(1):124-8.
- 26. Agarwal A, Desai NR, Makker K, Varghese A, Mouradi R, et al. Effect ofradiofrequency
electromagnetic waves (RF-EMF) from cellular phones on human
ejaculated semen: an in vitro study. Fertil Steril 2009;92(4):1318–25.
- 27. Lui K , Li Y Zhang G Liu J, Cao J, Ao L , Zhang S . Association between mobile
phone use and semen quality: a systemic review and meta-analysis.
Andrology 2014 Jul;2(4):491-501
- 28. Gye MC, Park CJ. Effect of electromagnetic field exposure on the reproductive
system.Clin Exp Reprod Med 2012 Mar;39(1):1-9.
- 29. Nazlıkul H. Magnetoterapi (Manyetik alan tedavisi). Nazlıkul H (Editör):
Detoksu keşfet. Alfa basım yayım dağıtım, İstanbul, 2012: 291-294
- 30. Gesundheit und Magnetfeldtherapie Biomag. www.ams-ag.de
- 31. http://www.who.int/peh-emf/meetings/archive/en/paper13klintestam.
- 32. Yılmaz R,Elektromanyetik kalkanlama özelliği olan malzemeler, Electronic
Journal of Vocational Colleges-May/Mayıs 2014,136-150