Balıkesir Atatürk City Hospital Medical Journal, original research paper, case reports, review, letter to the editor and types of articles related to education are published. The articles submitted for publication in the journal will be accepted after a double-blind peer-reviewed evaluation.
The article evaluation process of the journal is carried out in accordance with the rules of the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the Council of Science Editors (CSE), the Committee on Editorial Ethics (COPE) and the European Association of Science Editors (EASE). The journal started its publication life with the principle of transparency within the framework of ethical rules (
All articles submitted for publication in the journal must comply with the principles set out in the Helsinki declaration( Principles of Medical Research involving human subjects 2013). In order to be published, the articles submitted to our journal must be approved by the relevant ethics committees. The name of the institution that gives the approval of the ethics committee and the approval number of the ethics committee should be indicated in the material method section in the article as written in the ethics committee documents received. If deemed necessary, the official certificate of ethics committee approval of the relevant article may be requested by the Editor. The information note that the Intervention to be applied to the volunteers participating in the human studies are explained in detail and that informed consent is obtained from the volunteers should be written in the article. In animal studies, it should be stated in the article that the Intervention to be applied is arranged in such a way that the animals do not suffer. It is entirely the author's responsibility to keep the identity of the patients confidential. If photos of patients are used, permission must be obtained from the patient or his legal heiful.
The writing language of the journal is Turkish and English. Articles written in both languages are accepted. For all articles, it is mandatory to write both Turkish and English Title, Abstract, keyword.
Article Format
All articles submitted to the journal for publication must be in Microsoft Word format. The preferred font is Times New Roman and the font size is 12 points. There should be a margin of 2.5 cm on both sides. The references should be numbered in the order of citation in the article.
Preparing An Article
Articles should be prepared in accordance with the Recommendations for the Execution, Reporting, Regulation and Publication of Scientific Studies in ICMJE-Medical Journals (update December 2017 - for publication in the journal. Articles should be prepared in accordance with CONSORT (Randomized studies), STROBE (observational studies), STARD (diagnostic verification studies), PRISMA (review and meta-analysis studies), ARRIVE (experimental animal studies), TREND (for general non-randomized code of conduct). If there is a person or institution that sponsors the articles submitted to the journal, this should be explained in detail. People who contributed to the preparation of the article but did not meet the criteria for being an author should be acknowledged.
Articles can only be uploaded to our journal through the Dergipark system. Authors who submit to the journal should also upload the following forms.
Publication Copyright Transfer Form: It is the form stating that the copyright of the publication related to the copyright transfer form has been transferred to “Balıkesir Atatürk City Hospital Medical Journal". You can access the sample form on the page of our journal in the Dergipark system.
Author Contribution Form: It is a form that describes the contribution made by the authors who contributed to the article. You can access the sample form on the page of our journal in the Dergipark system.
Title page: in this form
• Article title,
• Names of authors, titles of authors, names of institutions in which the authors work,
• Responsible author name, responsible author title, responsible author working institution, responsible author address, work, fax and mobile phone number, responsible author e-mail address.
Conflict of interest form: It is a form that indicates to the authors that there is no conflict of interest between them. This form must be signed wet by all authors with blue pen.
Article content
Abstract: There should be a summary part in other types of articles except for Letters to the Editor.
Keywords: At least three keywords should be added after the abstract section of the articles.
The keywords written must be according to MeSH- Index Medicus: PubMed MeSH Browser standards. Abbreviations should not be used for keywords.
Reference specification guide
Care should be taken to cite current publications. The authors of the articles are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the cited articles. Articles that have not been given volumes, numbers and page numbers can be referred to provided that they are DOI numbers. Journal abbreviations Index Medicus / Medline / PubMed should be used. If the number of authors of the articles cited is 7 or more, the first 6 authors should be indicated with their names and last name,s authors after the 6th author should be indicated as et al.
Referenced source;
Original research article: Author surname (first letter uppercase letter continuation should be written in lowercase letter)-initial (capital letter), article name, journal name, year of publication, volume-sequence number no, page no,
Palmblad, K., Schierbeck, H., Sundberg, E., Horne, A.C., Harris, H. E., Henter, J. I., et all. Therapeutic administration of etoposide coincides with reduced systemic HMGB1 levels in macrophage activation syndrome. Molecular Medicine, 2021, 27(1), 1-13.
Articles in the printing phase: Author surname (first letter uppercase other letters should be written in lowercase letter)-initial (capital letter should be written), article name, journal name, DOİ Number
Book Chapter: Author surname,name all (first letter uppercase other letters should be written in lowercase letter)-last name should be written in uppercaseletter, Book title, Book Editor (Last name, name should be written in full) Chapter name, publisher, year of publication, page numbers
Ayça ÇALBAY, Cander Acil Tıp Temel Basvuru Kitabı, Editör Prof. Dr. Başar CANDER, Serebrovasküler Olaylar İskemik Inme, Geçici İskemik Inme, Hemorajik İnme, İstanbul Kitapevi, 2020, ss1829-1850
Abstract: Author last naem (first letter uppercase letter other letters should be written in lowercase letter)-initial (capital letter), article name, Congress, symposium name, city of country information, year of congress symposium, paper page number
Akbaş İ, Anterıor Omuz Çıkığının Nadır Bır Etıyolojık Nedenı: Elektrık Çarpması, XVII National Emergency Medicine Congress & 8th Intercontinental Emergency Medicine Congress & 8th International Critical Care and Emergency Medicine Congress Antalya, Türkiye, 2021, ss665
Thesis: Thesis owner last name all ((first letter uppercase other letters should be written in lowercase letter)-initial name (should be written in capital letters), Thesis name, year of thesis publication
Şengün E. Tıp uzmanlık tezi, Akut myofasiyal bel ağrısı ile acil servise başvuran hastaların tedavisinde tetik nokta enjeksiyonu ile kuru iğne tedavisinin etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması, 2020
Tables should be in the main text and after the reference list when uploading to the journal system. Reference numbering should be done in order within the text. In addition to the names of the tables, there should also be text that describes the tables. The abbreviations used in the table should be defined as footnotes just below the table. Tables must be prepared in Word format. The information given in the main text should not be repeated in the table. Prepared tables should be legible, and tables of a very small or large size should be avoided.
The shapes, graphics and photos requested to be included in the article should be uploaded as separate files (JPEG, JPG, PNP). Shapes, photos or graphics should not be in the main text. Descriptive shapes (such as arrows, asterisks) can be placed on the photos. It should be noted that there is no data in the images that can point to the author (such as the hospital name in a radiological image). The resolution of the photos must be at least 300 DPI. Titles related(figure legends) to figures, photographs or graphics should be given before the table section after the main text reference section. In particular, the resolution of the photos must be high in order to be suitable for evaluation.
Abbreviations should be indicated in the text where they were first used. It can then be used as an acronym. Abbreviations should not be used in abstracts and titles.
Article Download list
• Title page
• Text (abstracts and tables)
• Figures
• Author Contribution Form
• Copyright Transfer Form
-Complete author information (name-last name, institution name, address, phone, e-mail)
-Resolutions of figures, graphics and photos
-Article writing and grammar check
-Proper preparation of the reference list, all references should be ensured that they are in the text
- It must be ensured that permission is obtained for use of Copyrighted materials (such as photos, graphics, websites).
-The conflict of interest must be signed.
Article Type | Article Type | Case reports | Review article | Letter to the Editor |
Abstract Word Limit (Turkish and English) | 300 | 200 | 500 | - |
Main Text Word Count Limit (Including References and Tables) | 5000 words | 2000 words | 6000 words | 1000 words |
Sections (Subheadings) | Introduction, Material and Method, Result, Discussion, Conclusion | Introduction, Case reports , Discussion and Conclusion | - | - |
Reference Count Limit | 40 | 20 | 60 | 10 |
Number of Pictures Limit | 5 | 3 | 10 | 1 |
Table Count Limit | 5 | 3 | 10 | 1 |