Fama, E. F. ve French, K. R.. (1992). The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Re- turns. Journal of Finance, 47(2): 427-465.
Fama, E. F. ve French, K. R.. (1995). Size and Book-to-Market Factors in Ear- nings and Returns. Journal of Finance, 50(1): 131-155.
Faugere, C. ve Shawky, H. A.. (2003). .Volatility and Institutional Investor Hol- dings in a Declining Market: A Study of Nasdaq During the year 2000. Journal of Applied Finance, 13(2): 32-42.
Feibel, B. J.. (2003). Investment Performance Measurement. USA: John Wiley & Sons.
Grinstein, Y. ve Michaely, R.. (2005). Institutional Holdings and Payout Policy. Journal of Finance, 60(3): 1389-1426.
Gujarati, D. N.. (2003). Basic Econometrics. USA: McGraw-Hill.
Hansen, G. S. ve Hill, C. W. L.. (1991). Are Institutional Investors Myopic? A Ti- me-Series Study of Four Technology-Driven Industries. Strategic Management Journal, 12(1): 1-16.
Harris, R. J.. (2001). A Primer for Multivariate Statistics. USA: Lawrance Erlba- um Associates, Publishers.
İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası, http://www.imkb.gov.tr/malitablo.htm.
İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası Yıllık Bülteni, (2007) http://www.imkb.gov.tr/donemselbulten/veri/yillikraporxls.zip.
Jain, R.. (2007). Institutional and Individual Investor Preferences for Dividends and Share Repurchases. Journal of Economics and Business, 59(5): 406-429.
Ko, K., Kim, K. ve Cho, S. H.. (2007). Characteristics and Performance of Insti- tutional and Foreign Investors in Japanese and Korean Stock Markets. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 21(2): 195-213.
Kochhar, R. ve David, P.. (1996). Institutional Investors and Firm Innovation: A Test of Competing Hypotheses. Strategic Management Journal, 17(1): 73-84.
Lin, S., Wang, M. ve Khurshed, A.. (2007).Institutional Investment in UK firms: Do Corporate Internal control Mechanisms Matter?. SSRN Working Paper, No: 964682.
Ng, L. ve Wu, F.. (2006). Revealed Stock Preferences of Individual Investors: Evi- dence from Chinese Equity Markets. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 14(2): 175- 192.
Pinnuck, M.. (2004). Stock Preferences and Derivative Activities of Australian Fund Managers. Accounting and Finance, 44(1): 97-120.
Sias, R. W.. (1996). Volatility and the Institutional Investor. Financial Analysts Journal, 52(2): 13-20.
Strong, N. ve Xu, X. G.. (1997). Explaining the Cross-Section of UK Expected Stock Returns. British Accounting Review, 29(1): 1-23.
Tong, S. ve Ning, Y.. (2004). Does Capital Structure Affect Institutional Inves- tor Choices?. Journal of Investing, 13(4): 53–66.
Türkiye Kurumsal Yatırımcı Yöneticileri Derneği, http://www.kyd.org.tr/T/ku- rumsal_yatirimci.aspx.
Türkiye Sermaye Piyasası Aracı Kuruluflları Birliği, http://www.tspakb.org.tr/ve- riler/veribanka.htm.
Wahal, S. ve McConnell, J.. (2000). Do Institutional Investors Exacerbate Mana- gerial Myopia. Journal of Corporate Finance, 6(3): 307-329. 100
Abstract - Investigation of Prudent Investment Hypothesis in ISE
Year 2009,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 81 - 100, 01.06.2009
Fama, E. F. ve French, K. R.. (1992). The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Re- turns. Journal of Finance, 47(2): 427-465.
Fama, E. F. ve French, K. R.. (1995). Size and Book-to-Market Factors in Ear- nings and Returns. Journal of Finance, 50(1): 131-155.
Faugere, C. ve Shawky, H. A.. (2003). .Volatility and Institutional Investor Hol- dings in a Declining Market: A Study of Nasdaq During the year 2000. Journal of Applied Finance, 13(2): 32-42.
Feibel, B. J.. (2003). Investment Performance Measurement. USA: John Wiley & Sons.
Grinstein, Y. ve Michaely, R.. (2005). Institutional Holdings and Payout Policy. Journal of Finance, 60(3): 1389-1426.
Gujarati, D. N.. (2003). Basic Econometrics. USA: McGraw-Hill.
Hansen, G. S. ve Hill, C. W. L.. (1991). Are Institutional Investors Myopic? A Ti- me-Series Study of Four Technology-Driven Industries. Strategic Management Journal, 12(1): 1-16.
Harris, R. J.. (2001). A Primer for Multivariate Statistics. USA: Lawrance Erlba- um Associates, Publishers.
İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası, http://www.imkb.gov.tr/malitablo.htm.
İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası Yıllık Bülteni, (2007) http://www.imkb.gov.tr/donemselbulten/veri/yillikraporxls.zip.
Jain, R.. (2007). Institutional and Individual Investor Preferences for Dividends and Share Repurchases. Journal of Economics and Business, 59(5): 406-429.
Ko, K., Kim, K. ve Cho, S. H.. (2007). Characteristics and Performance of Insti- tutional and Foreign Investors in Japanese and Korean Stock Markets. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 21(2): 195-213.
Kochhar, R. ve David, P.. (1996). Institutional Investors and Firm Innovation: A Test of Competing Hypotheses. Strategic Management Journal, 17(1): 73-84.
Lin, S., Wang, M. ve Khurshed, A.. (2007).Institutional Investment in UK firms: Do Corporate Internal control Mechanisms Matter?. SSRN Working Paper, No: 964682.
Ng, L. ve Wu, F.. (2006). Revealed Stock Preferences of Individual Investors: Evi- dence from Chinese Equity Markets. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 14(2): 175- 192.
Pinnuck, M.. (2004). Stock Preferences and Derivative Activities of Australian Fund Managers. Accounting and Finance, 44(1): 97-120.
Sias, R. W.. (1996). Volatility and the Institutional Investor. Financial Analysts Journal, 52(2): 13-20.
Strong, N. ve Xu, X. G.. (1997). Explaining the Cross-Section of UK Expected Stock Returns. British Accounting Review, 29(1): 1-23.
Tong, S. ve Ning, Y.. (2004). Does Capital Structure Affect Institutional Inves- tor Choices?. Journal of Investing, 13(4): 53–66.
Türkiye Kurumsal Yatırımcı Yöneticileri Derneği, http://www.kyd.org.tr/T/ku- rumsal_yatirimci.aspx.
Türkiye Sermaye Piyasası Aracı Kuruluflları Birliği, http://www.tspakb.org.tr/ve- riler/veribanka.htm.
Wahal, S. ve McConnell, J.. (2000). Do Institutional Investors Exacerbate Mana- gerial Myopia. Journal of Corporate Finance, 6(3): 307-329. 100