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İvesi Irkı Koyunlarda Gebelik Muayenesi Amacıyla Dorsal Transrektal ve Transabdominal Yolla Yapılan Ultrasonografik Muayenenin Etkinliği

Year 2020, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 7 - 12, 15.09.2020


Sunulan çalışmada entansif ivesi koyun yetiştiriciliği yapılan özel bir işletmede; gebelik muayenesi amacıyla ayakta dorsal ve sırt üstü ventral transrektal muayene ile transabdominal yolla yapılan real-time ultrasonografik muayenenin sonuçları değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın materyalini en az bir doğum yapmış, 2-4 yaşlı, 1 Nisan-1 Mayıs tarihleri arasında koç katımı yapılmış sürü içerisinden rastgele seçilen 50 baş İvesi ırkı koyun oluşturdu. Koyunların ultrasonografik muayeneleri 1 Haziran tarihinde gerçekleştirildi ve muayenelerden önce yem ve su rejiminde herhangi bir değişiklik yapılmadı. Muayeneler 6 MHz frekansta, linear array prob ile gerçekleştirildi. Zapt-ı raptı yapılmış koyunların dorsal transrektal ve transabdominal muayenesi ayakta, ventral transrektal muayenesi sırtüstü pozisyonda yapıldı. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre transabdominal ve sırtüstü ventral transrektal muayenelerde 8; ayakta dorsal transrektal muayenelerde ise 1 hayvanda gebelik belirlendi. Sonuç olarak; dorsal transrektal muayenenin gebelik günü ilerlemiş hayvanlarda uygulanan frekansa bağlı olarak güvenilirliği düşük sonuçlar verebileceği tespit edildi. Buna karşın saha şartlarında daha pratik ve daha seri muayenelerin transabdominal yolla yapılabileceği kanısına varıldı.


  • Aziz, D. M., Lazim, E. H. (2012). Transabdominal ultrasonography in standing position for pregnancy diagnosis in Awassi ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 107(2-3): 131–135. /10.1016/ j.smallrumres.2012.05.007.
  • Barbagianni, M. S., Ioannidi, K. I., Vasileiou, N. G. C., Mavrogianni, V. S., Orfanou, D. C., Fthenakis, G. C., Valasi, I. (2017). Ultrasonographic examination of pregnant ewes: From early diagnosis of pregnancy to early prediction of dystocia. Small Rum. Res, 152, 41-55.
  • Bretzlaff, K., Edwards, J., Forrest, B., Nuti, L. (1993). Ultrasonographic determination of pregnancy in small ruminants. Vet Med, 1, 12-24.
  • Buckrell, B. C., Bonnet, B. N., Johnson, W. H. (1986). The use of real-time ultrasound rectally for early diagnosis in sheep. Theriogenology, 25, 5, 665-673.
  • Dinç, D. A., Erdem, H., Taşal, İ., Semacan, A., Ergin, A. (2001). Early pregnancy diagnosis in ewes by means of transrectal real-time ultrasonography. Arch Tierz, 44, 1, 65-69.
  • Doizé, F., Vaillancourt, D., Carabin, H., Bélanger, D. (1997). Determination of gestational age in sheep and goats using transrectal ultrasonographic measurement of placentomes. Theriogenology, 48, 3, 449-460.
  • Erdem, H., Sarıbay, M. K.., Tekeli,T. (2006). Aşım sezononda östrüsleri senkronize edilen Konya Merinosu koyunlarda embriyonik ölümlerin real-time ultrason ile belirlenmesi. Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi. 16, 1, 14-18.
  • Erdem, H., Sarıbay, M. K., Tekeli, T. (2008). Geç embriyonal ve erken fötal dönemde Konya Merinosu koyunlarda gebelik tanısı ve fötal sayım amacıyla transabdominal ultrasonografik muayene tekniğinin etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Vet Bil Derg, 24, 1, 15-20.
  • Erdem, H., Sarıbay, M. K. (2015). Gebelik ve Tanı Yöntemleri. In: Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Eds. Ahmet Semacan, Mustafa Kaymaz, Murat Fındık, Ali Rişvanlı, Afşin Köker, Medipres, Malatya, 507-521.
  • Fowler, D. G., Wilkins, J. F. (1984). Diagnosis of pregnancy and number of foetuses in sheep by real-time ultrasoning imaging. I. Effect of number foetuses, satge od gestation, operator and breed of ewe on accuracy of diagnosis. Livest Prod Sci, 11, 437-450.
  • Ganaie, B. A., Khan, M. Z., Islam, R., Makhdoomi, D. M., Qureshi, S., Wani, G. M. (2009). Evaluation of different techniques for pregnancy diagnosis in sheep. Smal Rum Res, 85, 135-141.
  • Gonzales de Bulnes, A., Santiago Moreno, J., Lopez Sebastian, A. (1998). Estimation of fetal development in Manchega dairy ewes by transrectal ultrasonographic measurements. Small Rum Res, 27, 243-250.
  • Ishwar, A. K. (1995). Pregnancy diagnosis in sheep and goats : a review. Small Rum Res, 17, 37-44.
  • Jones, A. K., Reed, S. A. (2017). Benefits of ultrasound scanning during gestation in the small ruminant. Small Rum Res, 149, 163-171.
  • Kahn, W. (1992). Ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool in female animal reproduction. Anim Reprod Sci, 28, 1-10.
  • Karen, A., Kovacs, P., Beckers, J. F., Szenci, O. (2001). Pregnancy diagnosis in sheep : review of the most practical methods. ACTA Vet Brno, 70, 115-126.
  • Karen, A., Beckers, J. F., Sulon, J., Amiri, B., Szabados, K., Ismail, S., Reiczigel, J., Szenci, O. (2003). Evaluation of false transrectal ultrasonographic pregnancy dignoses in sheep by measuring the plasma level of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins. Rerod Nutr Dev, 43, 577-586.
  • Karen, A., El Amiri, B., Beckers, J. F., Sulon, J., Taverne, M. A. M., Szenci, O. (2006). Comparison of accuracy of transabdominal ultrasonography, progesterone and pregnacy-associated glycoproteins test for discrimination between single and multiple pregnancy in sheep. Theriogenology, 66, 314-322.
  • Meinecke-Tillmann, S. (2017). Basic of ultrasonographic examination in sheep. Small Rum. Res. 152, 10-21.
  • Sarıbay, M. K., Erdem, H. (2007). Koyunlarda real-time ultrasonografi ile embriyonik ölümlerin insidansının belirlenmesi. Vet Bil Derg, 23, 3-4, 19-25.
  • Scott, P. R. (2012). Applications of diagnostic ultrasonography in small ruminant reproductive management. Anim Reprod Sci, 130, 3-4, 184-86.
  • Slosarz, P., Frankowska, A., Mis, M. (2003). Transrectal ultrasonography in diagnosing the ovulation rate in sheep. Anim Sci and Reports, 21, 3, 183-189.
  • Strmsnik, L., Pogacnik, M., Cebulj-Kadunc N., Kosec, M. (2002). Examination of oestrus cycle and early pregnancy in sheep using transrectal ultrasonography. Slov Vet Res, 39, 1, 47-58.

Effectiveness of Ultrasound Examination with Dorsal Transrectal and Transabdominal Method for Pregnancy Examination in Awassi Breed Ewes

Year 2020, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 7 - 12, 15.09.2020


In this study, in a private operation where intensive Awassi breed sheep are raised; the results of the real-time ultrasonographic examination performed by the transabdominal method with a standing dorsal and supine posion and ventral transrectal examination for pregnancy examination were evaluated.The materials of the study consisted of at least one birth, 2-4 years old, 50 Awassi breed sheep randomly selected from the flock with the ram participation between 1 April and 1 May. Ultrasonographic examinations of the sheep were performed on June 1 and no changes were made in the feed and water regime before the examinations. The examinations were carried out with a linear array probe at a frequency of 6 MHz. The dorsal transrectal and transabdominal examination was performed a standing dorsal, and the ventral transrectal examination was performed in the supine position. According to the results obtained, pregnancy was determined in 8 animals in transabdominal and supine transral transrectal examinations and 1 animal in standing dorsal transrectal examinations. Consequently, it was found that dorsal transrectal examination may give low reliability results depending on the applied frequency in advanced pregnant animals. However, the more practical and serial examination under field conditions can be made via transabdominal approach.


  • Aziz, D. M., Lazim, E. H. (2012). Transabdominal ultrasonography in standing position for pregnancy diagnosis in Awassi ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 107(2-3): 131–135. /10.1016/ j.smallrumres.2012.05.007.
  • Barbagianni, M. S., Ioannidi, K. I., Vasileiou, N. G. C., Mavrogianni, V. S., Orfanou, D. C., Fthenakis, G. C., Valasi, I. (2017). Ultrasonographic examination of pregnant ewes: From early diagnosis of pregnancy to early prediction of dystocia. Small Rum. Res, 152, 41-55.
  • Bretzlaff, K., Edwards, J., Forrest, B., Nuti, L. (1993). Ultrasonographic determination of pregnancy in small ruminants. Vet Med, 1, 12-24.
  • Buckrell, B. C., Bonnet, B. N., Johnson, W. H. (1986). The use of real-time ultrasound rectally for early diagnosis in sheep. Theriogenology, 25, 5, 665-673.
  • Dinç, D. A., Erdem, H., Taşal, İ., Semacan, A., Ergin, A. (2001). Early pregnancy diagnosis in ewes by means of transrectal real-time ultrasonography. Arch Tierz, 44, 1, 65-69.
  • Doizé, F., Vaillancourt, D., Carabin, H., Bélanger, D. (1997). Determination of gestational age in sheep and goats using transrectal ultrasonographic measurement of placentomes. Theriogenology, 48, 3, 449-460.
  • Erdem, H., Sarıbay, M. K.., Tekeli,T. (2006). Aşım sezononda östrüsleri senkronize edilen Konya Merinosu koyunlarda embriyonik ölümlerin real-time ultrason ile belirlenmesi. Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi. 16, 1, 14-18.
  • Erdem, H., Sarıbay, M. K., Tekeli, T. (2008). Geç embriyonal ve erken fötal dönemde Konya Merinosu koyunlarda gebelik tanısı ve fötal sayım amacıyla transabdominal ultrasonografik muayene tekniğinin etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Vet Bil Derg, 24, 1, 15-20.
  • Erdem, H., Sarıbay, M. K. (2015). Gebelik ve Tanı Yöntemleri. In: Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Eds. Ahmet Semacan, Mustafa Kaymaz, Murat Fındık, Ali Rişvanlı, Afşin Köker, Medipres, Malatya, 507-521.
  • Fowler, D. G., Wilkins, J. F. (1984). Diagnosis of pregnancy and number of foetuses in sheep by real-time ultrasoning imaging. I. Effect of number foetuses, satge od gestation, operator and breed of ewe on accuracy of diagnosis. Livest Prod Sci, 11, 437-450.
  • Ganaie, B. A., Khan, M. Z., Islam, R., Makhdoomi, D. M., Qureshi, S., Wani, G. M. (2009). Evaluation of different techniques for pregnancy diagnosis in sheep. Smal Rum Res, 85, 135-141.
  • Gonzales de Bulnes, A., Santiago Moreno, J., Lopez Sebastian, A. (1998). Estimation of fetal development in Manchega dairy ewes by transrectal ultrasonographic measurements. Small Rum Res, 27, 243-250.
  • Ishwar, A. K. (1995). Pregnancy diagnosis in sheep and goats : a review. Small Rum Res, 17, 37-44.
  • Jones, A. K., Reed, S. A. (2017). Benefits of ultrasound scanning during gestation in the small ruminant. Small Rum Res, 149, 163-171.
  • Kahn, W. (1992). Ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool in female animal reproduction. Anim Reprod Sci, 28, 1-10.
  • Karen, A., Kovacs, P., Beckers, J. F., Szenci, O. (2001). Pregnancy diagnosis in sheep : review of the most practical methods. ACTA Vet Brno, 70, 115-126.
  • Karen, A., Beckers, J. F., Sulon, J., Amiri, B., Szabados, K., Ismail, S., Reiczigel, J., Szenci, O. (2003). Evaluation of false transrectal ultrasonographic pregnancy dignoses in sheep by measuring the plasma level of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins. Rerod Nutr Dev, 43, 577-586.
  • Karen, A., El Amiri, B., Beckers, J. F., Sulon, J., Taverne, M. A. M., Szenci, O. (2006). Comparison of accuracy of transabdominal ultrasonography, progesterone and pregnacy-associated glycoproteins test for discrimination between single and multiple pregnancy in sheep. Theriogenology, 66, 314-322.
  • Meinecke-Tillmann, S. (2017). Basic of ultrasonographic examination in sheep. Small Rum. Res. 152, 10-21.
  • Sarıbay, M. K., Erdem, H. (2007). Koyunlarda real-time ultrasonografi ile embriyonik ölümlerin insidansının belirlenmesi. Vet Bil Derg, 23, 3-4, 19-25.
  • Scott, P. R. (2012). Applications of diagnostic ultrasonography in small ruminant reproductive management. Anim Reprod Sci, 130, 3-4, 184-86.
  • Slosarz, P., Frankowska, A., Mis, M. (2003). Transrectal ultrasonography in diagnosing the ovulation rate in sheep. Anim Sci and Reports, 21, 3, 183-189.
  • Strmsnik, L., Pogacnik, M., Cebulj-Kadunc N., Kosec, M. (2002). Examination of oestrus cycle and early pregnancy in sheep using transrectal ultrasonography. Slov Vet Res, 39, 1, 47-58.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Zootechny (Other), Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research Article

Hüseyin Erdem This is me

Hasan Alkan This is me

M. Buğra Kıvrak This is me

Fatma Satılmış This is me

Muhammed Alabban This is me

Publication Date September 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Erdem, H., Alkan, H., Kıvrak, M. B., Satılmış, F., et al. (2020). İvesi Irkı Koyunlarda Gebelik Muayenesi Amacıyla Dorsal Transrektal ve Transabdominal Yolla Yapılan Ultrasonografik Muayenenin Etkinliği. Bahri Dağdaş Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi, 9(1), 7-12.