Research Article
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Year 2022, , 69 - 100, 02.12.2022



  • Aksan, D. (1998). Her yönüyle dil. Ana çizgileriyle dilbilim. Türk Dil Kurumu.
  • Austin, P. (2021). Theory of language: A taxonomy. SN Social Sciences, 1(3), 1–24.
  • Barker, G., & Kitcher, P. (2014). Philosophy of science: A new introduction. Oxford University Press.
  • Benítez-Burraco, A., & Nikolsky, A. (2022). The (co)evolution of language and music under human self-domestication. PsyArXiv. 10.31234/
  • Berwick, R. C., & Chomsky, N. (2016). Why only us: Language and evolution. The MIT Press.
  • Berwick, R. C., Chomsky, N., & Piattelli - Palmarini, M. (2013). Poverty of thestimulus stands: Why recent challenges fail. M. Piattelli - Palmarini & R. C. Berwick (Ed.), Rich Languages From Poor Inputs içinde (s. 19–42). Oxford University Press.
  • Berwick, R. C., Pietroski, P., Yankama, B., & Chomsky, N. (2011). Poverty of the stimulus revisited. Cognitive Science, 35(7), 1207–1242.
  • Blažek, V. (2019). Altaic languages. History of research, survey, classification and a sketch of comparative grammar. Masaryk University Press.
  • Chomsky, N. (2012). Poverty of stimulus: Unfinished business. Studies in Chinese Linguistics, 33(1), 3–16.
  • Chomsky, N. (2013). Poverty of stimulus. Willingness to be puzzled. R. C. Berwick & M. Piattelli - Palmarini (Ed.), Rich Languages From Poor Inputs içinde (s. 61–67). Oxford University Press.
  • Chomsky, N. (2019). Dil ve zihin incelemelerinde yeni ufuklar (Çev.: A. F. Aydar). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Chomsky, N. (2020). The UCLA lectures. lingbuzz/005485, 1–77.
  • Clauson, G. (2004). Altay teorisinin leksikoistatistiksel bir değerlendirmesi (Çev.: İ. Ulutaş). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(10), 153–174.
  • Clauson, G. (2017). Türkçe-Moğolca çalışmaları (Çev.: F. Kömürcü). Türk Dil Kurumu.
  • Croft, W. (2015). Functional approaches to grammar. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences içinde (s. 470–475). Elsevier.
  • Çüçen, A. K. (2012). Bilim felsefesine giriş. Sentez.
  • Dąbrowska, E. (2015). What exactly is Universal Grammar, and has anyone seenit? Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
  • de Rachewiltz, I., & Rybatzki, V. (2010). Introduction to Altaic philology: Turkic, Mongolian, Manchu. Brill.
  • de Saussure, F. (1998). Genel dilbilim dersleri (Çev.: B. Vardar). Multilingual.
  • Doerfer, G. (1983). Temel sözcükler ve Altay dilleri sorunu. Türk Dili Araştımaları Yıllığı-Belleten, 28–29, 1–16.
  • Eberhard, D. M., Simons, G. F., & Fennig, C. D. (Ed.). (2021). Ethnologue: Languages of the world (24. baskı). SIL International.
  • Evans, N., & Dench, A. (2006). Introduction: Catching language. F. K. Ameka, N. Evans, & A. C. Dench (Ed.), Catching language: The standing challenge of grammar writing içinde (s. 1–40). De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Evans, V. (2020). Dil miti. Dil neden bir içgüdü değildir (Çev.: Mehmet Doğan). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
  • Everett, D. (2005). Cultural constraints on grammar and cognition in Pirahã. Current Anthropology, 76(4), 621-646.
  • Everett, D. (2009). Pirahã culture and grammar: A response to some criticisms. Language, 85(2), 405–442.
  • Feyerabend, P. K. (1999). Yönteme karşı (Çev.: E. Başer). Ayrıntı.
  • Fitch, W. T. (2013). Musical protolanguage: Darwin’s theory of language evolution revisited. J. J. Bolhuis & M. B. H. Everaert (Ed.), Birdsong, speech and language: Exploring the evolution of mind and brain içinde (s. 489–504). MIT Press.
  • Gemalmaz, E. (2010). Dil bilimi ve dil bilgisi. C. Alyılmaz ve O. Mert (Haz.), Türkçenin derin yapısı içinde (s. 53-57).
  • Gökdayı, H. (2008). Dil kullanımının değerlendirilmesinde doğru ve yanlış. Erdem, 51, 91–109.
  • Güzel, C. (2013). Bilim felsefesi. Bilgesu.
  • Hammarström, H. (2016). Linguistic diversity and language evolution. Journal of Language Evolution, 1(1), 19–29.
  • Haspelmath, M. (2020). Zeroes and transformations: Good for p-analyses, useless for g-linguistics? Diversity Linguistics Comment.
  • Haspelmath, M., & Tadmor, U. (Ed.). (2009). Loanwords in the world’s languages: A comparative handbook. De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Hauser, M. D., Chomsky, N., & Fitch, W. T. (2002). The faculty of language: What is it, who has it, and how did it evolve? Science, 298, 1569–1579.
  • Hitchcock, C. (Ed.). (2004). Contemporary debates in philosophy of science. Blackwell Pub.
  • Hockett, C. F. (1960). The origin of speech. Scientific American, 203, 89–96.
  • Janhunen, J., Peltomaa, M., Sandman, E., & Dongzhou, X. (2008). Wutun (Languages of the World Materials). Lincom Europa.
  • Katz, J. J., & Postal, P. M. (1991). Realism vs. conceptualism in linguistics. Linguistics and Philosophy, 14(5), 515–554.
  • Kerimoğlu, C. (2014). Türkiye Türkçesi gramerindeki düzensizlikler ve eş zamanlı gramer yazımı. Dil Araştırmaları, 14, 75–96.
  • Kerimoğlu, C. (2021a). Chomsky Darwin’e karşı: Evrensel dilbilgisi, dilin kökeni ve evrim. Varyant.
  • Kerimoğlu, C. (2021b). Chomsky’nin problemi: Dilin evrimi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Türkoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 598–614.
  • Kuhn, T. S. (2014). Bilimsel devrimlerin yapısı (Çev.: N. Kuyaş). Kırmızı Yayınları.
  • Lakatos, I. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma programlarının metodolojisi (Çev.: D. Uygun). Alfa.
  • Levelt, W. J. M. (2008). Formal grammars in linguistics and psycholinguistics. John Benjamins .
  • Lieberman, P. (2015). Evolution of language. M. P. Muehlenbein (Ed.), Basics in Human Evolution içinde (s. 493–503). Elsevier Inc.
  • Maxwell, N. (2005). Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Aim-Oriented Empiricism. Philosophia, 32, 181–239.
  • Mithen, S. J. (2006). The singing Neanderthals : The origin of music, language, mind and body. Phoenix.
  • Okasha, S. (2016). Philosophy of science: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press.
  • Okrent, A. (2017). Is the study of language a science? Aeon Essays.
  • Pagel, M. (2000). The history, rate and pattern of world linguistic evolution. C.
  • Knight, M. Studdert-Kennedy, & J. Hurford (Ed.), The Evolutionary Emergence of Language içinde (s. 391–416). Cambridge University Press.
  • Penke, M., & Rosenbach, A. (2007a). What counts as evidence in linguistics: Introduction. M. Penke & A. Rosenbach (Ed.), What counts as evidence in linguistics: The case of innateness içinde (s. 1–50). John Benjamins.
  • Penke, M., & Rosenbach, A. (Ed.). (2007b). What counts as evidence in linguistics: The case of innateness. John Benjamins.
  • Pitt, D. (2018). What kind of science is linguistics? C. Behme & M. Neef (Ed.), Essays on Linguistic Realism içinde (s. 7–20). John Benjamins.
  • Popper, K. R. (1998). Bilimsel araştırmanın mantığı (Çev.: İ. Aka ve İ. Tuna). Yapı Kredi.
  • Postal, P. M. (2018). The ontology of natural language. C. Behme & M. Neef (Ed.), Essays on Linguistic Realism içinde (s. 1–6). John Benjamins.
  • Preston, J., Munévar, G., & Lamb, D. (2000). The worst enemy of science?: Essays in memory of Paul Feyerabend. Oxford University Press.
  • Putnam, H. (1975). Mind, language and reality. Cambridge University Press.
  • Ramachandran, V. (2015). Öykücü beyin. Bir nöroloğun bizi insan kılanın ne olduğuna dair arayışı (Çev.: A. C. Çevik). Alfa.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1922). Zur frage nach der stellung des tschuwassischen. Journal de la Societe Finno-Ougrienne, 38(3), 3–34.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1952). Einfuhrung in die Altaische sprachwissenschaft 2: Formenlehre. Suomalais Ugrilainen Seura.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1957). Einführung in die altaische Sprachwissenschaft 1: Lautlehre. Suomalais-ugrilainen seura.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1966). Einführung in die altaische Sprachwissenschaft 3: Register. Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • Robbeets, M., & Savelyev, A. (Ed.). (2020). The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages. Oxford University Press.
  • Rosenberg, A., & McIntyre, L. C. (2020). Philosophy of science: A contemporary introduction. Routledge.
  • Sampson, G. (2001). Empirical linguistics. Continuum.
  • Sampson, G. (2002). Exploring the richness of the stimulus. Linguistic Review, 18(1–2), 73–104.
  • Sampson, G. (2017). The linguistics delusion. Equinox Publishing.
  • Sandman, E. (2016). A grammar of Wutun [Doktora Tezi]. University of Helsinki.
  • Sapir, E. (1929). The status of linguistics as a science. Language, 5(4), 207.
  • Scholz, B. C., Pelletier, F. J., & Pullum, G. K. (2021). Philosophy of linguistics. E. Zanka (Ed.), Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Stanford University.
  • Schott, W. (1841). De lingua Tschuwaschorum. Veitii & socii sumpt.
  • Seržant, I. A., & Moroz, G. (2022). Universal attractors in language evolution provide evidence for the kinds of efficiency pressures involved. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 1–9.
  • Seuren, P. (2013). From Whorf to Montague explorations in the theory of language. Oxford University Press.
  • Staley, K. W. (2014). An introduction to the philosophy of science. Cambridge University Press.
  • Starostin, S. A., Dybo, A. V, & Mudrak, O. A. (2003). An etymological dictionary of Altaic languages. Brill.
  • Swadesh, M. (1952). Lexico-statistic dating of prehistoric ethnic contacts: Withspecial reference to North American Indians and Eskimos. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Studies of Historical Documents in the Library of the American Philosophical Society , 96(4), 452–463.
  • Swadesh, M. (1955). Towards greater accuracy in lexicostatistic dating. International Journal of American Linguistics, 21(2), 121–137.
  • Swadesh, M., Sherzer, J., & Hymes, D. H. (1971). The origin and diversification of language. Aldine Atherton.
  • Tekin, T. (2003). Makaleler 1: Altayistik. Grafiker.
  • Tremblay, P., & Dick, A. S. (2016). Broca and Wernicke are dead, or moving past the classic model of language neurobiology. Brain and Language, 162, 60–71.
  • Tuna, O. N. (1992). Altay dilleri teorisi . Türk dünyası el kitabı içinde (C 2, s. 7-58), TKAE.
  • Wacewicz, S., & Żywiczyński, P. (2015). Language evolution: Why Hockett’s design features are a non-starter. Biosemiotics, 8(1), 29–46.
  • Wiedemann, F. (1838). Ueber die früheren Sitze der tschudischen Völker und ihre Sprachverwandtschaft mit den Völkern Mittelhochasiens : Einladung zur öffentlichen Prüfung im hiesigen Gymnasium am 27sten und 28sten Juni 1838. Gedruckt bei Lindfors Erben.
  • Yıldırım, C. (1991). Bilim felsefesi. Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Zuberbühler, K. (2020). Syntax and compositionality in animal communication. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 375(1789), 20190062.
Year 2022, , 69 - 100, 02.12.2022



  • Aksan, D. (1998). Her yönüyle dil. Ana çizgileriyle dilbilim. Türk Dil Kurumu.
  • Austin, P. (2021). Theory of language: A taxonomy. SN Social Sciences, 1(3), 1–24.
  • Barker, G., & Kitcher, P. (2014). Philosophy of science: A new introduction. Oxford University Press.
  • Benítez-Burraco, A., & Nikolsky, A. (2022). The (co)evolution of language and music under human self-domestication. PsyArXiv. 10.31234/
  • Berwick, R. C., & Chomsky, N. (2016). Why only us: Language and evolution. The MIT Press.
  • Berwick, R. C., Chomsky, N., & Piattelli - Palmarini, M. (2013). Poverty of thestimulus stands: Why recent challenges fail. M. Piattelli - Palmarini & R. C. Berwick (Ed.), Rich Languages From Poor Inputs içinde (s. 19–42). Oxford University Press.
  • Berwick, R. C., Pietroski, P., Yankama, B., & Chomsky, N. (2011). Poverty of the stimulus revisited. Cognitive Science, 35(7), 1207–1242.
  • Blažek, V. (2019). Altaic languages. History of research, survey, classification and a sketch of comparative grammar. Masaryk University Press.
  • Chomsky, N. (2012). Poverty of stimulus: Unfinished business. Studies in Chinese Linguistics, 33(1), 3–16.
  • Chomsky, N. (2013). Poverty of stimulus. Willingness to be puzzled. R. C. Berwick & M. Piattelli - Palmarini (Ed.), Rich Languages From Poor Inputs içinde (s. 61–67). Oxford University Press.
  • Chomsky, N. (2019). Dil ve zihin incelemelerinde yeni ufuklar (Çev.: A. F. Aydar). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Chomsky, N. (2020). The UCLA lectures. lingbuzz/005485, 1–77.
  • Clauson, G. (2004). Altay teorisinin leksikoistatistiksel bir değerlendirmesi (Çev.: İ. Ulutaş). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(10), 153–174.
  • Clauson, G. (2017). Türkçe-Moğolca çalışmaları (Çev.: F. Kömürcü). Türk Dil Kurumu.
  • Croft, W. (2015). Functional approaches to grammar. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences içinde (s. 470–475). Elsevier.
  • Çüçen, A. K. (2012). Bilim felsefesine giriş. Sentez.
  • Dąbrowska, E. (2015). What exactly is Universal Grammar, and has anyone seenit? Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
  • de Rachewiltz, I., & Rybatzki, V. (2010). Introduction to Altaic philology: Turkic, Mongolian, Manchu. Brill.
  • de Saussure, F. (1998). Genel dilbilim dersleri (Çev.: B. Vardar). Multilingual.
  • Doerfer, G. (1983). Temel sözcükler ve Altay dilleri sorunu. Türk Dili Araştımaları Yıllığı-Belleten, 28–29, 1–16.
  • Eberhard, D. M., Simons, G. F., & Fennig, C. D. (Ed.). (2021). Ethnologue: Languages of the world (24. baskı). SIL International.
  • Evans, N., & Dench, A. (2006). Introduction: Catching language. F. K. Ameka, N. Evans, & A. C. Dench (Ed.), Catching language: The standing challenge of grammar writing içinde (s. 1–40). De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Evans, V. (2020). Dil miti. Dil neden bir içgüdü değildir (Çev.: Mehmet Doğan). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
  • Everett, D. (2005). Cultural constraints on grammar and cognition in Pirahã. Current Anthropology, 76(4), 621-646.
  • Everett, D. (2009). Pirahã culture and grammar: A response to some criticisms. Language, 85(2), 405–442.
  • Feyerabend, P. K. (1999). Yönteme karşı (Çev.: E. Başer). Ayrıntı.
  • Fitch, W. T. (2013). Musical protolanguage: Darwin’s theory of language evolution revisited. J. J. Bolhuis & M. B. H. Everaert (Ed.), Birdsong, speech and language: Exploring the evolution of mind and brain içinde (s. 489–504). MIT Press.
  • Gemalmaz, E. (2010). Dil bilimi ve dil bilgisi. C. Alyılmaz ve O. Mert (Haz.), Türkçenin derin yapısı içinde (s. 53-57).
  • Gökdayı, H. (2008). Dil kullanımının değerlendirilmesinde doğru ve yanlış. Erdem, 51, 91–109.
  • Güzel, C. (2013). Bilim felsefesi. Bilgesu.
  • Hammarström, H. (2016). Linguistic diversity and language evolution. Journal of Language Evolution, 1(1), 19–29.
  • Haspelmath, M. (2020). Zeroes and transformations: Good for p-analyses, useless for g-linguistics? Diversity Linguistics Comment.
  • Haspelmath, M., & Tadmor, U. (Ed.). (2009). Loanwords in the world’s languages: A comparative handbook. De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Hauser, M. D., Chomsky, N., & Fitch, W. T. (2002). The faculty of language: What is it, who has it, and how did it evolve? Science, 298, 1569–1579.
  • Hitchcock, C. (Ed.). (2004). Contemporary debates in philosophy of science. Blackwell Pub.
  • Hockett, C. F. (1960). The origin of speech. Scientific American, 203, 89–96.
  • Janhunen, J., Peltomaa, M., Sandman, E., & Dongzhou, X. (2008). Wutun (Languages of the World Materials). Lincom Europa.
  • Katz, J. J., & Postal, P. M. (1991). Realism vs. conceptualism in linguistics. Linguistics and Philosophy, 14(5), 515–554.
  • Kerimoğlu, C. (2014). Türkiye Türkçesi gramerindeki düzensizlikler ve eş zamanlı gramer yazımı. Dil Araştırmaları, 14, 75–96.
  • Kerimoğlu, C. (2021a). Chomsky Darwin’e karşı: Evrensel dilbilgisi, dilin kökeni ve evrim. Varyant.
  • Kerimoğlu, C. (2021b). Chomsky’nin problemi: Dilin evrimi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Türkoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 598–614.
  • Kuhn, T. S. (2014). Bilimsel devrimlerin yapısı (Çev.: N. Kuyaş). Kırmızı Yayınları.
  • Lakatos, I. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma programlarının metodolojisi (Çev.: D. Uygun). Alfa.
  • Levelt, W. J. M. (2008). Formal grammars in linguistics and psycholinguistics. John Benjamins .
  • Lieberman, P. (2015). Evolution of language. M. P. Muehlenbein (Ed.), Basics in Human Evolution içinde (s. 493–503). Elsevier Inc.
  • Maxwell, N. (2005). Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Aim-Oriented Empiricism. Philosophia, 32, 181–239.
  • Mithen, S. J. (2006). The singing Neanderthals : The origin of music, language, mind and body. Phoenix.
  • Okasha, S. (2016). Philosophy of science: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press.
  • Okrent, A. (2017). Is the study of language a science? Aeon Essays.
  • Pagel, M. (2000). The history, rate and pattern of world linguistic evolution. C.
  • Knight, M. Studdert-Kennedy, & J. Hurford (Ed.), The Evolutionary Emergence of Language içinde (s. 391–416). Cambridge University Press.
  • Penke, M., & Rosenbach, A. (2007a). What counts as evidence in linguistics: Introduction. M. Penke & A. Rosenbach (Ed.), What counts as evidence in linguistics: The case of innateness içinde (s. 1–50). John Benjamins.
  • Penke, M., & Rosenbach, A. (Ed.). (2007b). What counts as evidence in linguistics: The case of innateness. John Benjamins.
  • Pitt, D. (2018). What kind of science is linguistics? C. Behme & M. Neef (Ed.), Essays on Linguistic Realism içinde (s. 7–20). John Benjamins.
  • Popper, K. R. (1998). Bilimsel araştırmanın mantığı (Çev.: İ. Aka ve İ. Tuna). Yapı Kredi.
  • Postal, P. M. (2018). The ontology of natural language. C. Behme & M. Neef (Ed.), Essays on Linguistic Realism içinde (s. 1–6). John Benjamins.
  • Preston, J., Munévar, G., & Lamb, D. (2000). The worst enemy of science?: Essays in memory of Paul Feyerabend. Oxford University Press.
  • Putnam, H. (1975). Mind, language and reality. Cambridge University Press.
  • Ramachandran, V. (2015). Öykücü beyin. Bir nöroloğun bizi insan kılanın ne olduğuna dair arayışı (Çev.: A. C. Çevik). Alfa.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1922). Zur frage nach der stellung des tschuwassischen. Journal de la Societe Finno-Ougrienne, 38(3), 3–34.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1952). Einfuhrung in die Altaische sprachwissenschaft 2: Formenlehre. Suomalais Ugrilainen Seura.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1957). Einführung in die altaische Sprachwissenschaft 1: Lautlehre. Suomalais-ugrilainen seura.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1966). Einführung in die altaische Sprachwissenschaft 3: Register. Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • Robbeets, M., & Savelyev, A. (Ed.). (2020). The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages. Oxford University Press.
  • Rosenberg, A., & McIntyre, L. C. (2020). Philosophy of science: A contemporary introduction. Routledge.
  • Sampson, G. (2001). Empirical linguistics. Continuum.
  • Sampson, G. (2002). Exploring the richness of the stimulus. Linguistic Review, 18(1–2), 73–104.
  • Sampson, G. (2017). The linguistics delusion. Equinox Publishing.
  • Sandman, E. (2016). A grammar of Wutun [Doktora Tezi]. University of Helsinki.
  • Sapir, E. (1929). The status of linguistics as a science. Language, 5(4), 207.
  • Scholz, B. C., Pelletier, F. J., & Pullum, G. K. (2021). Philosophy of linguistics. E. Zanka (Ed.), Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Stanford University.
  • Schott, W. (1841). De lingua Tschuwaschorum. Veitii & socii sumpt.
  • Seržant, I. A., & Moroz, G. (2022). Universal attractors in language evolution provide evidence for the kinds of efficiency pressures involved. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 1–9.
  • Seuren, P. (2013). From Whorf to Montague explorations in the theory of language. Oxford University Press.
  • Staley, K. W. (2014). An introduction to the philosophy of science. Cambridge University Press.
  • Starostin, S. A., Dybo, A. V, & Mudrak, O. A. (2003). An etymological dictionary of Altaic languages. Brill.
  • Swadesh, M. (1952). Lexico-statistic dating of prehistoric ethnic contacts: Withspecial reference to North American Indians and Eskimos. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Studies of Historical Documents in the Library of the American Philosophical Society , 96(4), 452–463.
  • Swadesh, M. (1955). Towards greater accuracy in lexicostatistic dating. International Journal of American Linguistics, 21(2), 121–137.
  • Swadesh, M., Sherzer, J., & Hymes, D. H. (1971). The origin and diversification of language. Aldine Atherton.
  • Tekin, T. (2003). Makaleler 1: Altayistik. Grafiker.
  • Tremblay, P., & Dick, A. S. (2016). Broca and Wernicke are dead, or moving past the classic model of language neurobiology. Brain and Language, 162, 60–71.
  • Tuna, O. N. (1992). Altay dilleri teorisi . Türk dünyası el kitabı içinde (C 2, s. 7-58), TKAE.
  • Wacewicz, S., & Żywiczyński, P. (2015). Language evolution: Why Hockett’s design features are a non-starter. Biosemiotics, 8(1), 29–46.
  • Wiedemann, F. (1838). Ueber die früheren Sitze der tschudischen Völker und ihre Sprachverwandtschaft mit den Völkern Mittelhochasiens : Einladung zur öffentlichen Prüfung im hiesigen Gymnasium am 27sten und 28sten Juni 1838. Gedruckt bei Lindfors Erben.
  • Yıldırım, C. (1991). Bilim felsefesi. Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Zuberbühler, K. (2020). Syntax and compositionality in animal communication. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 375(1789), 20190062.

Dilin bilimi mümkün müdür?

Year 2022, , 69 - 100, 02.12.2022


Dil, insanı diğer canlılardan ayıran bilişsel kapasitelerden biridir. Bu kapasitenin bilim içinde nasıl inceleneceği hep tartışma konusu olmuştur. G. Sampson gibi bazı araştırmacılara göre dil, bilimsel yöntemlerle incelenemeyeceği için dil bilimi bir bilim dalı değildir. Başını N. Chomsky’nin çektiği başka bir grup bilim insanı ise dilin doğa bilimlerinin yöntemleriyle incelenmesi gerektiğini savunur. Bu makalede ilk olarak bilim olgusuyla ilgili tartışmalar değerlendirilmektedir. Karl Popper, Thomas Kuhn, Imre Lakatos ve Paul Feyerabend gibi düşünürlerin bilimsel yöntemlere dair görüşleri dil araştırmalarındaki bazı tartışmalarla ilişkilendirilmektedir. “Dilin tanımı”, “dilin edinimi”, “dil bilgisi yazımı”, “Altay dilleri teorisi”, “sıfır biçim birimi” gibi dil araştırmalarının yöntemlerden adlandırmalara varıncaya değin tartışılan konuları bilim felsefesindeki teorilere göre değerlendirilmektedir. Popper’in geliştirdiği ve bilimsel çalışmalarda nirengi noktalarından biri olan “yanlışlanabilirlik” ölçütünün dil incelemelerindeki yaklaşımlara ne oranda uyduğu ve bu ölçütün uygulanabilirliği tartışılmaktadır. Makalede dilin bilim dışında bırakılmasının dil ile ilgili soruların çözümüne katkı sağlamayacağı savunulmaktadır. Dil incelemelerinde kullanılan bazı yöntemlerin eleştiriye açık olduğu; ancak bunun dil bilimini bilim dışı olarak etiketlemek için yeterli olmadığı ifade edilmektedir. Bilimin yöntemler de dâhil olmak üzere her şeyin eleştirilmesiyle ilerlediği; eleştirilen yöntemlerin yeniden düzenlenmesiyle ilerlemelerin gerçekleştiği vurgulanmaktadır. Makalede varılan sonuç şudur: Dil hem doğa bilimleri hem formel bilimler hem de sosyal bilimlerin yöntemleriyle incelenebilecek çok yönlü bir olgudur. Bu alanlardan gelecek veriler dile dair bilgilerimizin derinleşmesini sağlayacaktır.


  • Aksan, D. (1998). Her yönüyle dil. Ana çizgileriyle dilbilim. Türk Dil Kurumu.
  • Austin, P. (2021). Theory of language: A taxonomy. SN Social Sciences, 1(3), 1–24.
  • Barker, G., & Kitcher, P. (2014). Philosophy of science: A new introduction. Oxford University Press.
  • Benítez-Burraco, A., & Nikolsky, A. (2022). The (co)evolution of language and music under human self-domestication. PsyArXiv. 10.31234/
  • Berwick, R. C., & Chomsky, N. (2016). Why only us: Language and evolution. The MIT Press.
  • Berwick, R. C., Chomsky, N., & Piattelli - Palmarini, M. (2013). Poverty of thestimulus stands: Why recent challenges fail. M. Piattelli - Palmarini & R. C. Berwick (Ed.), Rich Languages From Poor Inputs içinde (s. 19–42). Oxford University Press.
  • Berwick, R. C., Pietroski, P., Yankama, B., & Chomsky, N. (2011). Poverty of the stimulus revisited. Cognitive Science, 35(7), 1207–1242.
  • Blažek, V. (2019). Altaic languages. History of research, survey, classification and a sketch of comparative grammar. Masaryk University Press.
  • Chomsky, N. (2012). Poverty of stimulus: Unfinished business. Studies in Chinese Linguistics, 33(1), 3–16.
  • Chomsky, N. (2013). Poverty of stimulus. Willingness to be puzzled. R. C. Berwick & M. Piattelli - Palmarini (Ed.), Rich Languages From Poor Inputs içinde (s. 61–67). Oxford University Press.
  • Chomsky, N. (2019). Dil ve zihin incelemelerinde yeni ufuklar (Çev.: A. F. Aydar). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Chomsky, N. (2020). The UCLA lectures. lingbuzz/005485, 1–77.
  • Clauson, G. (2004). Altay teorisinin leksikoistatistiksel bir değerlendirmesi (Çev.: İ. Ulutaş). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(10), 153–174.
  • Clauson, G. (2017). Türkçe-Moğolca çalışmaları (Çev.: F. Kömürcü). Türk Dil Kurumu.
  • Croft, W. (2015). Functional approaches to grammar. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences içinde (s. 470–475). Elsevier.
  • Çüçen, A. K. (2012). Bilim felsefesine giriş. Sentez.
  • Dąbrowska, E. (2015). What exactly is Universal Grammar, and has anyone seenit? Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
  • de Rachewiltz, I., & Rybatzki, V. (2010). Introduction to Altaic philology: Turkic, Mongolian, Manchu. Brill.
  • de Saussure, F. (1998). Genel dilbilim dersleri (Çev.: B. Vardar). Multilingual.
  • Doerfer, G. (1983). Temel sözcükler ve Altay dilleri sorunu. Türk Dili Araştımaları Yıllığı-Belleten, 28–29, 1–16.
  • Eberhard, D. M., Simons, G. F., & Fennig, C. D. (Ed.). (2021). Ethnologue: Languages of the world (24. baskı). SIL International.
  • Evans, N., & Dench, A. (2006). Introduction: Catching language. F. K. Ameka, N. Evans, & A. C. Dench (Ed.), Catching language: The standing challenge of grammar writing içinde (s. 1–40). De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Evans, V. (2020). Dil miti. Dil neden bir içgüdü değildir (Çev.: Mehmet Doğan). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
  • Everett, D. (2005). Cultural constraints on grammar and cognition in Pirahã. Current Anthropology, 76(4), 621-646.
  • Everett, D. (2009). Pirahã culture and grammar: A response to some criticisms. Language, 85(2), 405–442.
  • Feyerabend, P. K. (1999). Yönteme karşı (Çev.: E. Başer). Ayrıntı.
  • Fitch, W. T. (2013). Musical protolanguage: Darwin’s theory of language evolution revisited. J. J. Bolhuis & M. B. H. Everaert (Ed.), Birdsong, speech and language: Exploring the evolution of mind and brain içinde (s. 489–504). MIT Press.
  • Gemalmaz, E. (2010). Dil bilimi ve dil bilgisi. C. Alyılmaz ve O. Mert (Haz.), Türkçenin derin yapısı içinde (s. 53-57).
  • Gökdayı, H. (2008). Dil kullanımının değerlendirilmesinde doğru ve yanlış. Erdem, 51, 91–109.
  • Güzel, C. (2013). Bilim felsefesi. Bilgesu.
  • Hammarström, H. (2016). Linguistic diversity and language evolution. Journal of Language Evolution, 1(1), 19–29.
  • Haspelmath, M. (2020). Zeroes and transformations: Good for p-analyses, useless for g-linguistics? Diversity Linguistics Comment.
  • Haspelmath, M., & Tadmor, U. (Ed.). (2009). Loanwords in the world’s languages: A comparative handbook. De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Hauser, M. D., Chomsky, N., & Fitch, W. T. (2002). The faculty of language: What is it, who has it, and how did it evolve? Science, 298, 1569–1579.
  • Hitchcock, C. (Ed.). (2004). Contemporary debates in philosophy of science. Blackwell Pub.
  • Hockett, C. F. (1960). The origin of speech. Scientific American, 203, 89–96.
  • Janhunen, J., Peltomaa, M., Sandman, E., & Dongzhou, X. (2008). Wutun (Languages of the World Materials). Lincom Europa.
  • Katz, J. J., & Postal, P. M. (1991). Realism vs. conceptualism in linguistics. Linguistics and Philosophy, 14(5), 515–554.
  • Kerimoğlu, C. (2014). Türkiye Türkçesi gramerindeki düzensizlikler ve eş zamanlı gramer yazımı. Dil Araştırmaları, 14, 75–96.
  • Kerimoğlu, C. (2021a). Chomsky Darwin’e karşı: Evrensel dilbilgisi, dilin kökeni ve evrim. Varyant.
  • Kerimoğlu, C. (2021b). Chomsky’nin problemi: Dilin evrimi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Türkoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 598–614.
  • Kuhn, T. S. (2014). Bilimsel devrimlerin yapısı (Çev.: N. Kuyaş). Kırmızı Yayınları.
  • Lakatos, I. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma programlarının metodolojisi (Çev.: D. Uygun). Alfa.
  • Levelt, W. J. M. (2008). Formal grammars in linguistics and psycholinguistics. John Benjamins .
  • Lieberman, P. (2015). Evolution of language. M. P. Muehlenbein (Ed.), Basics in Human Evolution içinde (s. 493–503). Elsevier Inc.
  • Maxwell, N. (2005). Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Aim-Oriented Empiricism. Philosophia, 32, 181–239.
  • Mithen, S. J. (2006). The singing Neanderthals : The origin of music, language, mind and body. Phoenix.
  • Okasha, S. (2016). Philosophy of science: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press.
  • Okrent, A. (2017). Is the study of language a science? Aeon Essays.
  • Pagel, M. (2000). The history, rate and pattern of world linguistic evolution. C.
  • Knight, M. Studdert-Kennedy, & J. Hurford (Ed.), The Evolutionary Emergence of Language içinde (s. 391–416). Cambridge University Press.
  • Penke, M., & Rosenbach, A. (2007a). What counts as evidence in linguistics: Introduction. M. Penke & A. Rosenbach (Ed.), What counts as evidence in linguistics: The case of innateness içinde (s. 1–50). John Benjamins.
  • Penke, M., & Rosenbach, A. (Ed.). (2007b). What counts as evidence in linguistics: The case of innateness. John Benjamins.
  • Pitt, D. (2018). What kind of science is linguistics? C. Behme & M. Neef (Ed.), Essays on Linguistic Realism içinde (s. 7–20). John Benjamins.
  • Popper, K. R. (1998). Bilimsel araştırmanın mantığı (Çev.: İ. Aka ve İ. Tuna). Yapı Kredi.
  • Postal, P. M. (2018). The ontology of natural language. C. Behme & M. Neef (Ed.), Essays on Linguistic Realism içinde (s. 1–6). John Benjamins.
  • Preston, J., Munévar, G., & Lamb, D. (2000). The worst enemy of science?: Essays in memory of Paul Feyerabend. Oxford University Press.
  • Putnam, H. (1975). Mind, language and reality. Cambridge University Press.
  • Ramachandran, V. (2015). Öykücü beyin. Bir nöroloğun bizi insan kılanın ne olduğuna dair arayışı (Çev.: A. C. Çevik). Alfa.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1922). Zur frage nach der stellung des tschuwassischen. Journal de la Societe Finno-Ougrienne, 38(3), 3–34.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1952). Einfuhrung in die Altaische sprachwissenschaft 2: Formenlehre. Suomalais Ugrilainen Seura.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1957). Einführung in die altaische Sprachwissenschaft 1: Lautlehre. Suomalais-ugrilainen seura.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1966). Einführung in die altaische Sprachwissenschaft 3: Register. Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • Robbeets, M., & Savelyev, A. (Ed.). (2020). The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages. Oxford University Press.
  • Rosenberg, A., & McIntyre, L. C. (2020). Philosophy of science: A contemporary introduction. Routledge.
  • Sampson, G. (2001). Empirical linguistics. Continuum.
  • Sampson, G. (2002). Exploring the richness of the stimulus. Linguistic Review, 18(1–2), 73–104.
  • Sampson, G. (2017). The linguistics delusion. Equinox Publishing.
  • Sandman, E. (2016). A grammar of Wutun [Doktora Tezi]. University of Helsinki.
  • Sapir, E. (1929). The status of linguistics as a science. Language, 5(4), 207.
  • Scholz, B. C., Pelletier, F. J., & Pullum, G. K. (2021). Philosophy of linguistics. E. Zanka (Ed.), Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Stanford University.
  • Schott, W. (1841). De lingua Tschuwaschorum. Veitii & socii sumpt.
  • Seržant, I. A., & Moroz, G. (2022). Universal attractors in language evolution provide evidence for the kinds of efficiency pressures involved. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 1–9.
  • Seuren, P. (2013). From Whorf to Montague explorations in the theory of language. Oxford University Press.
  • Staley, K. W. (2014). An introduction to the philosophy of science. Cambridge University Press.
  • Starostin, S. A., Dybo, A. V, & Mudrak, O. A. (2003). An etymological dictionary of Altaic languages. Brill.
  • Swadesh, M. (1952). Lexico-statistic dating of prehistoric ethnic contacts: Withspecial reference to North American Indians and Eskimos. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Studies of Historical Documents in the Library of the American Philosophical Society , 96(4), 452–463.
  • Swadesh, M. (1955). Towards greater accuracy in lexicostatistic dating. International Journal of American Linguistics, 21(2), 121–137.
  • Swadesh, M., Sherzer, J., & Hymes, D. H. (1971). The origin and diversification of language. Aldine Atherton.
  • Tekin, T. (2003). Makaleler 1: Altayistik. Grafiker.
  • Tremblay, P., & Dick, A. S. (2016). Broca and Wernicke are dead, or moving past the classic model of language neurobiology. Brain and Language, 162, 60–71.
  • Tuna, O. N. (1992). Altay dilleri teorisi . Türk dünyası el kitabı içinde (C 2, s. 7-58), TKAE.
  • Wacewicz, S., & Żywiczyński, P. (2015). Language evolution: Why Hockett’s design features are a non-starter. Biosemiotics, 8(1), 29–46.
  • Wiedemann, F. (1838). Ueber die früheren Sitze der tschudischen Völker und ihre Sprachverwandtschaft mit den Völkern Mittelhochasiens : Einladung zur öffentlichen Prüfung im hiesigen Gymnasium am 27sten und 28sten Juni 1838. Gedruckt bei Lindfors Erben.
  • Yıldırım, C. (1991). Bilim felsefesi. Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Zuberbühler, K. (2020). Syntax and compositionality in animal communication. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 375(1789), 20190062.
Year 2022, , 69 - 100, 02.12.2022



  • Aksan, D. (1998). Her yönüyle dil. Ana çizgileriyle dilbilim. Türk Dil Kurumu.
  • Austin, P. (2021). Theory of language: A taxonomy. SN Social Sciences, 1(3), 1–24.
  • Barker, G., & Kitcher, P. (2014). Philosophy of science: A new introduction. Oxford University Press.
  • Benítez-Burraco, A., & Nikolsky, A. (2022). The (co)evolution of language and music under human self-domestication. PsyArXiv. 10.31234/
  • Berwick, R. C., & Chomsky, N. (2016). Why only us: Language and evolution. The MIT Press.
  • Berwick, R. C., Chomsky, N., & Piattelli - Palmarini, M. (2013). Poverty of thestimulus stands: Why recent challenges fail. M. Piattelli - Palmarini & R. C. Berwick (Ed.), Rich Languages From Poor Inputs içinde (s. 19–42). Oxford University Press.
  • Berwick, R. C., Pietroski, P., Yankama, B., & Chomsky, N. (2011). Poverty of the stimulus revisited. Cognitive Science, 35(7), 1207–1242.
  • Blažek, V. (2019). Altaic languages. History of research, survey, classification and a sketch of comparative grammar. Masaryk University Press.
  • Chomsky, N. (2012). Poverty of stimulus: Unfinished business. Studies in Chinese Linguistics, 33(1), 3–16.
  • Chomsky, N. (2013). Poverty of stimulus. Willingness to be puzzled. R. C. Berwick & M. Piattelli - Palmarini (Ed.), Rich Languages From Poor Inputs içinde (s. 61–67). Oxford University Press.
  • Chomsky, N. (2019). Dil ve zihin incelemelerinde yeni ufuklar (Çev.: A. F. Aydar). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Chomsky, N. (2020). The UCLA lectures. lingbuzz/005485, 1–77.
  • Clauson, G. (2004). Altay teorisinin leksikoistatistiksel bir değerlendirmesi (Çev.: İ. Ulutaş). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(10), 153–174.
  • Clauson, G. (2017). Türkçe-Moğolca çalışmaları (Çev.: F. Kömürcü). Türk Dil Kurumu.
  • Croft, W. (2015). Functional approaches to grammar. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences içinde (s. 470–475). Elsevier.
  • Çüçen, A. K. (2012). Bilim felsefesine giriş. Sentez.
  • Dąbrowska, E. (2015). What exactly is Universal Grammar, and has anyone seenit? Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
  • de Rachewiltz, I., & Rybatzki, V. (2010). Introduction to Altaic philology: Turkic, Mongolian, Manchu. Brill.
  • de Saussure, F. (1998). Genel dilbilim dersleri (Çev.: B. Vardar). Multilingual.
  • Doerfer, G. (1983). Temel sözcükler ve Altay dilleri sorunu. Türk Dili Araştımaları Yıllığı-Belleten, 28–29, 1–16.
  • Eberhard, D. M., Simons, G. F., & Fennig, C. D. (Ed.). (2021). Ethnologue: Languages of the world (24. baskı). SIL International.
  • Evans, N., & Dench, A. (2006). Introduction: Catching language. F. K. Ameka, N. Evans, & A. C. Dench (Ed.), Catching language: The standing challenge of grammar writing içinde (s. 1–40). De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Evans, V. (2020). Dil miti. Dil neden bir içgüdü değildir (Çev.: Mehmet Doğan). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
  • Everett, D. (2005). Cultural constraints on grammar and cognition in Pirahã. Current Anthropology, 76(4), 621-646.
  • Everett, D. (2009). Pirahã culture and grammar: A response to some criticisms. Language, 85(2), 405–442.
  • Feyerabend, P. K. (1999). Yönteme karşı (Çev.: E. Başer). Ayrıntı.
  • Fitch, W. T. (2013). Musical protolanguage: Darwin’s theory of language evolution revisited. J. J. Bolhuis & M. B. H. Everaert (Ed.), Birdsong, speech and language: Exploring the evolution of mind and brain içinde (s. 489–504). MIT Press.
  • Gemalmaz, E. (2010). Dil bilimi ve dil bilgisi. C. Alyılmaz ve O. Mert (Haz.), Türkçenin derin yapısı içinde (s. 53-57).
  • Gökdayı, H. (2008). Dil kullanımının değerlendirilmesinde doğru ve yanlış. Erdem, 51, 91–109.
  • Güzel, C. (2013). Bilim felsefesi. Bilgesu.
  • Hammarström, H. (2016). Linguistic diversity and language evolution. Journal of Language Evolution, 1(1), 19–29.
  • Haspelmath, M. (2020). Zeroes and transformations: Good for p-analyses, useless for g-linguistics? Diversity Linguistics Comment.
  • Haspelmath, M., & Tadmor, U. (Ed.). (2009). Loanwords in the world’s languages: A comparative handbook. De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Hauser, M. D., Chomsky, N., & Fitch, W. T. (2002). The faculty of language: What is it, who has it, and how did it evolve? Science, 298, 1569–1579.
  • Hitchcock, C. (Ed.). (2004). Contemporary debates in philosophy of science. Blackwell Pub.
  • Hockett, C. F. (1960). The origin of speech. Scientific American, 203, 89–96.
  • Janhunen, J., Peltomaa, M., Sandman, E., & Dongzhou, X. (2008). Wutun (Languages of the World Materials). Lincom Europa.
  • Katz, J. J., & Postal, P. M. (1991). Realism vs. conceptualism in linguistics. Linguistics and Philosophy, 14(5), 515–554.
  • Kerimoğlu, C. (2014). Türkiye Türkçesi gramerindeki düzensizlikler ve eş zamanlı gramer yazımı. Dil Araştırmaları, 14, 75–96.
  • Kerimoğlu, C. (2021a). Chomsky Darwin’e karşı: Evrensel dilbilgisi, dilin kökeni ve evrim. Varyant.
  • Kerimoğlu, C. (2021b). Chomsky’nin problemi: Dilin evrimi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Türkoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 598–614.
  • Kuhn, T. S. (2014). Bilimsel devrimlerin yapısı (Çev.: N. Kuyaş). Kırmızı Yayınları.
  • Lakatos, I. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma programlarının metodolojisi (Çev.: D. Uygun). Alfa.
  • Levelt, W. J. M. (2008). Formal grammars in linguistics and psycholinguistics. John Benjamins .
  • Lieberman, P. (2015). Evolution of language. M. P. Muehlenbein (Ed.), Basics in Human Evolution içinde (s. 493–503). Elsevier Inc.
  • Maxwell, N. (2005). Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Aim-Oriented Empiricism. Philosophia, 32, 181–239.
  • Mithen, S. J. (2006). The singing Neanderthals : The origin of music, language, mind and body. Phoenix.
  • Okasha, S. (2016). Philosophy of science: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press.
  • Okrent, A. (2017). Is the study of language a science? Aeon Essays.
  • Pagel, M. (2000). The history, rate and pattern of world linguistic evolution. C.
  • Knight, M. Studdert-Kennedy, & J. Hurford (Ed.), The Evolutionary Emergence of Language içinde (s. 391–416). Cambridge University Press.
  • Penke, M., & Rosenbach, A. (2007a). What counts as evidence in linguistics: Introduction. M. Penke & A. Rosenbach (Ed.), What counts as evidence in linguistics: The case of innateness içinde (s. 1–50). John Benjamins.
  • Penke, M., & Rosenbach, A. (Ed.). (2007b). What counts as evidence in linguistics: The case of innateness. John Benjamins.
  • Pitt, D. (2018). What kind of science is linguistics? C. Behme & M. Neef (Ed.), Essays on Linguistic Realism içinde (s. 7–20). John Benjamins.
  • Popper, K. R. (1998). Bilimsel araştırmanın mantığı (Çev.: İ. Aka ve İ. Tuna). Yapı Kredi.
  • Postal, P. M. (2018). The ontology of natural language. C. Behme & M. Neef (Ed.), Essays on Linguistic Realism içinde (s. 1–6). John Benjamins.
  • Preston, J., Munévar, G., & Lamb, D. (2000). The worst enemy of science?: Essays in memory of Paul Feyerabend. Oxford University Press.
  • Putnam, H. (1975). Mind, language and reality. Cambridge University Press.
  • Ramachandran, V. (2015). Öykücü beyin. Bir nöroloğun bizi insan kılanın ne olduğuna dair arayışı (Çev.: A. C. Çevik). Alfa.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1922). Zur frage nach der stellung des tschuwassischen. Journal de la Societe Finno-Ougrienne, 38(3), 3–34.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1952). Einfuhrung in die Altaische sprachwissenschaft 2: Formenlehre. Suomalais Ugrilainen Seura.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1957). Einführung in die altaische Sprachwissenschaft 1: Lautlehre. Suomalais-ugrilainen seura.
  • Ramstedt, G. J. (1966). Einführung in die altaische Sprachwissenschaft 3: Register. Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • Robbeets, M., & Savelyev, A. (Ed.). (2020). The Oxford guide to the Transeurasian languages. Oxford University Press.
  • Rosenberg, A., & McIntyre, L. C. (2020). Philosophy of science: A contemporary introduction. Routledge.
  • Sampson, G. (2001). Empirical linguistics. Continuum.
  • Sampson, G. (2002). Exploring the richness of the stimulus. Linguistic Review, 18(1–2), 73–104.
  • Sampson, G. (2017). The linguistics delusion. Equinox Publishing.
  • Sandman, E. (2016). A grammar of Wutun [Doktora Tezi]. University of Helsinki.
  • Sapir, E. (1929). The status of linguistics as a science. Language, 5(4), 207.
  • Scholz, B. C., Pelletier, F. J., & Pullum, G. K. (2021). Philosophy of linguistics. E. Zanka (Ed.), Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Stanford University.
  • Schott, W. (1841). De lingua Tschuwaschorum. Veitii & socii sumpt.
  • Seržant, I. A., & Moroz, G. (2022). Universal attractors in language evolution provide evidence for the kinds of efficiency pressures involved. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 1–9.
  • Seuren, P. (2013). From Whorf to Montague explorations in the theory of language. Oxford University Press.
  • Staley, K. W. (2014). An introduction to the philosophy of science. Cambridge University Press.
  • Starostin, S. A., Dybo, A. V, & Mudrak, O. A. (2003). An etymological dictionary of Altaic languages. Brill.
  • Swadesh, M. (1952). Lexico-statistic dating of prehistoric ethnic contacts: Withspecial reference to North American Indians and Eskimos. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Studies of Historical Documents in the Library of the American Philosophical Society , 96(4), 452–463.
  • Swadesh, M. (1955). Towards greater accuracy in lexicostatistic dating. International Journal of American Linguistics, 21(2), 121–137.
  • Swadesh, M., Sherzer, J., & Hymes, D. H. (1971). The origin and diversification of language. Aldine Atherton.
  • Tekin, T. (2003). Makaleler 1: Altayistik. Grafiker.
  • Tremblay, P., & Dick, A. S. (2016). Broca and Wernicke are dead, or moving past the classic model of language neurobiology. Brain and Language, 162, 60–71.
  • Tuna, O. N. (1992). Altay dilleri teorisi . Türk dünyası el kitabı içinde (C 2, s. 7-58), TKAE.
  • Wacewicz, S., & Żywiczyński, P. (2015). Language evolution: Why Hockett’s design features are a non-starter. Biosemiotics, 8(1), 29–46.
  • Wiedemann, F. (1838). Ueber die früheren Sitze der tschudischen Völker und ihre Sprachverwandtschaft mit den Völkern Mittelhochasiens : Einladung zur öffentlichen Prüfung im hiesigen Gymnasium am 27sten und 28sten Juni 1838. Gedruckt bei Lindfors Erben.
  • Yıldırım, C. (1991). Bilim felsefesi. Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Zuberbühler, K. (2020). Syntax and compositionality in animal communication. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 375(1789), 20190062.

Is the science of language possible?

Year 2022, , 69 - 100, 02.12.2022



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  • Zuberbühler, K. (2020). Syntax and compositionality in animal communication. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 375(1789), 20190062.
There are 86 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Research Article

Caner Kerimoğlu 0000-0002-8514-8578

Publication Date December 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Kerimoğlu, C. (2022). Dilin bilimi mümkün müdür?. Türk Dili Araştırmaları Yıllığı - Belleten(74), 69-100.