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Seul Devlet Üniversitesi Kütüphanesinde Bir Huá-Yí-Yì-Yǔ Nüshasında Bulunan Uygurca Malzeme (II)

Year 2016, Volume: 64 Issue: 1, 7 - 30, 31.12.2017


Huá-yí-yì-yǔ (華夷譯語), Ming (明) Hanedanı’nın (1368~1644) başlagıcından
beri telif edilegelen Çince ve komşu dilleri arasındaki türlü lügatçelerin genel bir
adıdır. Genel olarak 4 farklı gruba ayrılır:
1. Huo Yuan-Jie (火源潔), Ma-sha-yi-hei (馬沙亦黑) vs. tarafından telif edilmiş
olan Çince-Moğolca lügatçe: Bu lügatçede Moğolca kelimeler Moğolların Gizli
Tarihi’ndeki harf çevirisi kurallarına göre yazılmıştır.
2. Si-yi-guan’da telif edilmiş, sürekli redaksiyonu yapılmış ve ekleme yapılmış /
kısaltılmış olan lügatçeler: Bu gruptaki lügatçelerde her yabancı dilin kelimeleri hem
Çin yazısı ile hem de söz konusu dilin asıl yazısı ile yazılmıştır.
3. Herhâlde Hui-tong-guan’da telif edilmiş olan lügatçeler: Bu gruptaki
lügatçelerde her yabancı dilin kelimeleri sadece Çin yazısı ile yazılmıştır ve söz
konusu dilin asıl yazısı ise kullanılmamıştır.
4. Hui-tong-si-yi-guan’da telif edilmiş olan lügatçeler: Hui-tong-si-yi-guan, Qing
(淸) Hanedanı’nın imparatoru Qian-long’un (乾隆) (1735~1795’te tahtta) 13. yılında
(1748) Hui-tong-guan ile Si-yi-guan’ın birleştirilmesiyle meydana gelmiştir.
Seul Devlet Üniversitesi Kütüphanesinin koleksiyonundaki nüsha da 3. gruba
aittir. Bu nüsha şu 8 ciltten oluşuyor: (1) Kore, (2) Ryukyu, (3) Japonya, (4) Annam
(Kuzey Vietnam), (5) Siam (Tayland), (6) Tatar (= Doğu Moğollar), (7) Uygur, (8)
Malakka. Uygur cildi 19 bölümü içeriyor. Bunların üçüncüsü 28 maddeli ‘Yer adları
Bölümü’ olup bu yazıda işlenmiştir.
Bu malzemenin redaktörünün/müstensihinin Çinceyi veya Uygurcayı iyi bilmediği
gözlemlenebildi. Çünkü çok sayıda istinsah ve gramer hatası vardır. Bu da şimdiye
kadar bu gruptaki Uygurca malzemenin iyi işlenmemesinin başlıca sebebi olabilir


  • Bibliography
  • CATP: Jarring, Gunnar, Central Asian Turkic Place-names - Lop Nor and Tarim Area. An Attempt at Classification and Explanation Based on Sven Hedin’s Diaries and Published Works, Stockholm 1997.
  • CPED: Steingass, F., A Comprehensive Persian-English Dictionary, Beirut 1975. (1st edition in 1892)
  • ED: Clauson, Sir Gerard, An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth Century Turkish, Oxford 1972.
  • ETED: Jarring, Gunnar, An Eastern Turki-English Dialect Dictionary, Lund 1964.
  • MED: Lessing, Ferdinand D. (general edit.), Mongolian-English Dictionary, Bloomington 1973. (1st edition in 1960)
  • MPDW: Moule, Arthur Christopher & Paul Pelliot, Marco Polo: The Description of the World, I, London 1938.
  • RTED: Alkim, U. Bahadır et al. (eds.), New Redhouse Turkish-English Dictionary, Istanbul 1968.
  • URS: Nadžip, Ė. N., Ujgursko-russkij slovar’, Moskva 1968.
  • WQ: Tamura, Jitsuzo, Shunju Imanishi & Hisashi Sato, Wu-T‘i Ch‘ing-Wên-Chien, Translated and Explained, Kyoto 1966. [田村 實造, 今西春秋 & 佐藤長 共編, 五體淸文 鑑譯解, 京都 1966.]
  • Aoyama, Sadao (ed.), Chūgokurekidaichimeiyōran, Tōkyō: 1965. [靑山定雄 編, 中國歷代 地名要覽, 東京: 1965.] 30 2016, 64 - 1 The Uighur Word Materials in a Manuscript of Huá-yí-yì-yǔ in the Library of Seoul National University (II) Chen, Hu & Hong-ling CHEN (eds.), Zhonghua Renmin Gonghe-guo Xingzhengquhua Yange Dituji, Beijing 2003. [陳湖 & 陳洪玲 (主編), 中華人民共和國行政區劃沿革 地圖集, 北京: 2003.]
  • Endo, Mitsuaki, Takashi Takekoshi, Shinichi Sarashina & Zheng Feng (eds.), “Bibliography concerning Hua-yi-yi-yu”, Contribution towards Research and Education of Language 13 (2007), pp. 197-228. [遠藤光曉, 竹越孝, 更科愼一 & 馮蒸 共編, “華夷譯 語關係文獻目錄”, 語學敎育 フォ一ラム ―第13號― (2007), 197-228頁.]
  • Fudan Daxue Lishidili Yanjiusuo «Zhongguo Lishidiming Cidian» bianweihui (ed.), Zhongguo Lishidiming Cidian, Nanchang 1988. [復旦大學歷史地理硏究所《中國歷 史地名辭典》編委會 [編], 中國歷 史地名辭典, 南昌 1988.]
  • Haenisch, Erich, Die Geheime Geschichte der Mongolen, Leipzig: 1948. Huo, Yuan-Jie (trans.) / DI, Bo-fu (ed.), Huaiyiyiyu, Taibei: 1979. [火源潔 譯 / 第伯符 輯, 華夷譯語, 臺北 1979.] (photographic edi-tion by 正文社 (Jeongmunsa) in Seoul 1982)
  • Kim, Ho-dong, Mareuko Pollo-eui Dongbang Gyeonmunrok, Paju 2005. [김호동, 마르코 폴로의 동방견문록, 파주 2005.]
  • Li, Yong-Sŏng, “The Uighur Word Materials in a Manuscript of Huá-yí-yì-yǔ (華夷譯語) in the Library of Seoul National University,” Altai Hakpo 16 (2006), pp. 143-176.
  • Li, Yong-Sŏng, “Der uigurische Tierzyklus nach einem Huá-yí-yì-yǔ—Manuskript,” Central Asiatic Journal 50/2 (2006), pp. 264-278.
  • Ligeti, Louis, “Un vocabulaire sino-ouigour des Ming. Le Kao-tch’ang-kouan yi-chou de Bureau des Traducteurs,” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19 (1966), pp. 117-199 & 257-316.
  • Ligeti, Louis, “Glossaire supplément au Vocabulaire sino-ouigour du Bureau des Traducteurs,” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 22 (1969), pp. 1-49 & 191- 243.
  • Mostaert, Antoine, Le matériel mongol du Hou I I Iu 華夷譯語 de Houng-Ou (1389), I, Bruxelles 1977.
  • Mostaert, Antoine & Igor de Rachelwiltz, Le matériel mongol du Hou I I Iu 華夷譯語 de Houng-Ou (1389), II: Commentaires, Bruxelles 1995.
  • Pulleyblank, Edwin G., Lexicon of Reconstructed Pronunciation in Early Middle Chinese, Late Middle Chinese, and Early Mandarin, Vancouver 1991.
  • Shōgaito, Masahiro, “A Study of the Chinese-Uigur Vocabulary Wei-wu-er-guan Yi-yu ─ The Reconstruction of the Uighur Spoken Language during the Ming Dynasty ─”, Studies on the Inner Asian Languages 1 (1984), pp. 51-172. [庄垣內正弘, “『畏兀兒 館譯語』の硏究─明代ウイ グル口語の再構─”, 內陸アジア語の硏究 1 (1984), pp. 51-172.]
  • Yu, Won-soo (translated and annotated by) (2004), Monggol Bisa, Paju: Sakyejul (유원수 역주 (2004), 몽골 비사, 파주: 사계절).

The Uighur Word Materials in a Manuscript of Huá-yí-yì-yǔ in the Library of Seoul National University-II

Year 2016, Volume: 64 Issue: 1, 7 - 30, 31.12.2017


The Huá-yí-yì-yǔ (華夷譯語) is a general name for the various glossaries between

the Chinese language and its neighbor languages compiled on from the beginning of

the Ming (明) dynasty (1368~1644). It has broadly 4 different classes:

1. The Sino-Mongolian glossary compiled by Huo Yuan-Jie (火源潔), Ma-sha-yihei

(馬沙亦黑), etc.: In this glossary the Mongolian words were written in Chinese

characters according to the transliteration rules in the Secret History of the Mongols.

2. The glossaries which were compiled, continually reedited and added / reduced

in Si-yi-guan: In the glossaries of this class the words of each foreign language were

not only transliterated in Chinese characters but written also in letters native to the

language in question.

3. The glossaries which were presumably compiled in Hui-tong-guan: In the

glossaries of this class the words of each foreign language were transliterated only in

Chinese characters and the letters native to the language in question were not used.

4. The glossaries which were compiled in the Hui-tong-si-yi-guan, which was

formed with the unification of Hui-tong-guan and Si-yi-guan in the 13th year (1748)

of the Qian-long (乾隆) Emperor (r. 1735~1795) of the Qing (淸) dynasty.

To the third class belongs also the manuscript in the collection of the library

of Seoul National University. It comprises the following 8 volumes: (1) Korea, (2)

Ryukyu, (3) Japan, (4) Annam (North Vietnam), (5) Siam (Thailand), (6) Tatar (= East

Mongols), (7) Uighur, (8) Malacca. The volume for Uighur contains 19 categories.

The third of them is ‘the category of place name’ with 28 entries treated in the present


It was possible to observe that the compiler/transcriber of these materials did not

have a good command of either Chinese or Uighur, for there are many scribal and

grammatical errors. This may be the main reason why the Uighur word materials in

the glossaries of this kind are not well treated up to the present.


  • Bibliography
  • CATP: Jarring, Gunnar, Central Asian Turkic Place-names - Lop Nor and Tarim Area. An Attempt at Classification and Explanation Based on Sven Hedin’s Diaries and Published Works, Stockholm 1997.
  • CPED: Steingass, F., A Comprehensive Persian-English Dictionary, Beirut 1975. (1st edition in 1892)
  • ED: Clauson, Sir Gerard, An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth Century Turkish, Oxford 1972.
  • ETED: Jarring, Gunnar, An Eastern Turki-English Dialect Dictionary, Lund 1964.
  • MED: Lessing, Ferdinand D. (general edit.), Mongolian-English Dictionary, Bloomington 1973. (1st edition in 1960)
  • MPDW: Moule, Arthur Christopher & Paul Pelliot, Marco Polo: The Description of the World, I, London 1938.
  • RTED: Alkim, U. Bahadır et al. (eds.), New Redhouse Turkish-English Dictionary, Istanbul 1968.
  • URS: Nadžip, Ė. N., Ujgursko-russkij slovar’, Moskva 1968.
  • WQ: Tamura, Jitsuzo, Shunju Imanishi & Hisashi Sato, Wu-T‘i Ch‘ing-Wên-Chien, Translated and Explained, Kyoto 1966. [田村 實造, 今西春秋 & 佐藤長 共編, 五體淸文 鑑譯解, 京都 1966.]
  • Aoyama, Sadao (ed.), Chūgokurekidaichimeiyōran, Tōkyō: 1965. [靑山定雄 編, 中國歷代 地名要覽, 東京: 1965.] 30 2016, 64 - 1 The Uighur Word Materials in a Manuscript of Huá-yí-yì-yǔ in the Library of Seoul National University (II) Chen, Hu & Hong-ling CHEN (eds.), Zhonghua Renmin Gonghe-guo Xingzhengquhua Yange Dituji, Beijing 2003. [陳湖 & 陳洪玲 (主編), 中華人民共和國行政區劃沿革 地圖集, 北京: 2003.]
  • Endo, Mitsuaki, Takashi Takekoshi, Shinichi Sarashina & Zheng Feng (eds.), “Bibliography concerning Hua-yi-yi-yu”, Contribution towards Research and Education of Language 13 (2007), pp. 197-228. [遠藤光曉, 竹越孝, 更科愼一 & 馮蒸 共編, “華夷譯 語關係文獻目錄”, 語學敎育 フォ一ラム ―第13號― (2007), 197-228頁.]
  • Fudan Daxue Lishidili Yanjiusuo «Zhongguo Lishidiming Cidian» bianweihui (ed.), Zhongguo Lishidiming Cidian, Nanchang 1988. [復旦大學歷史地理硏究所《中國歷 史地名辭典》編委會 [編], 中國歷 史地名辭典, 南昌 1988.]
  • Haenisch, Erich, Die Geheime Geschichte der Mongolen, Leipzig: 1948. Huo, Yuan-Jie (trans.) / DI, Bo-fu (ed.), Huaiyiyiyu, Taibei: 1979. [火源潔 譯 / 第伯符 輯, 華夷譯語, 臺北 1979.] (photographic edi-tion by 正文社 (Jeongmunsa) in Seoul 1982)
  • Kim, Ho-dong, Mareuko Pollo-eui Dongbang Gyeonmunrok, Paju 2005. [김호동, 마르코 폴로의 동방견문록, 파주 2005.]
  • Li, Yong-Sŏng, “The Uighur Word Materials in a Manuscript of Huá-yí-yì-yǔ (華夷譯語) in the Library of Seoul National University,” Altai Hakpo 16 (2006), pp. 143-176.
  • Li, Yong-Sŏng, “Der uigurische Tierzyklus nach einem Huá-yí-yì-yǔ—Manuskript,” Central Asiatic Journal 50/2 (2006), pp. 264-278.
  • Ligeti, Louis, “Un vocabulaire sino-ouigour des Ming. Le Kao-tch’ang-kouan yi-chou de Bureau des Traducteurs,” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19 (1966), pp. 117-199 & 257-316.
  • Ligeti, Louis, “Glossaire supplément au Vocabulaire sino-ouigour du Bureau des Traducteurs,” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 22 (1969), pp. 1-49 & 191- 243.
  • Mostaert, Antoine, Le matériel mongol du Hou I I Iu 華夷譯語 de Houng-Ou (1389), I, Bruxelles 1977.
  • Mostaert, Antoine & Igor de Rachelwiltz, Le matériel mongol du Hou I I Iu 華夷譯語 de Houng-Ou (1389), II: Commentaires, Bruxelles 1995.
  • Pulleyblank, Edwin G., Lexicon of Reconstructed Pronunciation in Early Middle Chinese, Late Middle Chinese, and Early Mandarin, Vancouver 1991.
  • Shōgaito, Masahiro, “A Study of the Chinese-Uigur Vocabulary Wei-wu-er-guan Yi-yu ─ The Reconstruction of the Uighur Spoken Language during the Ming Dynasty ─”, Studies on the Inner Asian Languages 1 (1984), pp. 51-172. [庄垣內正弘, “『畏兀兒 館譯語』の硏究─明代ウイ グル口語の再構─”, 內陸アジア語の硏究 1 (1984), pp. 51-172.]
  • Yu, Won-soo (translated and annotated by) (2004), Monggol Bisa, Paju: Sakyejul (유원수 역주 (2004), 몽골 비사, 파주: 사계절).
There are 24 citations in total.


Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Research Article

Yong-Song Li This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 64 Issue: 1


APA Li, Y.-S. (2017). Seul Devlet Üniversitesi Kütüphanesinde Bir Huá-Yí-Yì-Yǔ Nüshasında Bulunan Uygurca Malzeme (II). Türk Dili Araştırmaları Yıllığı - Belleten, 64(1), 7-30.