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Rekreatif Amaçlı Fitness Yapan Bireylerin Geleneksel Kuvvet Antrenmanları ve Amrap Modeli Crossfit Antrenmanlarının Performans Parametrelerine Etkisinin Karşılaştırılması

Year 2024, , 129 - 146, 15.10.2024


Bu araştırmanın amacı; Rekreatif amaçlı geleneksel kuvvet ve AMRAP modeli Crossfit Antrenman uygulayan bireylerde bazı performans parametrelerine etkisinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmaya rekreasyon amaçlı fitness merkezlerinde crossfit (Crossfit AMRAP antrenman, n=30) veya geleneksel kuvvet (geleneksel kuvvet antrenman; n=30) programına dahil olan 60 erkek katılımcı gönüllü yer almışlardır. Araştırmada sekiz haftalık süreçte ilk ve son haftalarda 20 m. sürat, dikey sıçrama, 1 dak. mekik, 1 dak. şınav, 1 Maksimum tekrar kg (bench press, shoulder press, leg press, leg curl, lat pull down, barbel curl, triceps push down) ve vücut bileşimi (vücut ağırlığı, body mass index, vücut yağ yüzdesi; %, yağ kütlesi, kas kütlesi) değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Antrenman periyodu 8 hafta, haftada da üç gün olarak programlandı. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde SPSS (27.0) paket programında Karışık Ölçümlerde ANOVA uygulanmıştır (p<0.05). Veri analizi sonuçlarına göre gruplar arası son testler göz önünde bulundurulduğunda araştırmaya katılan grupların son test 20 metre sprint, dikey sıçrama, şınav testi, mekik testi, 1 TM (shoulder press, leg press, triceps push down) ve kas kütle değerleri istatistiksel farklılığa sahiptir. Grup içi ön test-son test değerleri karşılaştırıldığında AMRAP grubunda dikey sıçrama, şınav testi, mekik testi 1 TM (bench press, leg press, leg curl, lat pull down, barbel curl, triceps push down), yağ yüzdesi ve kas kütle değerlerindeki gelişimin istatistiksel olarak daha fazla olduğu belirlenmiştir. 20 m. sürat ve 1 TM shoulder press değerlerindeki farklılık geleneksel kuvvet uygulayanlar lehine daha etkin değerlere sahiptir. Sonuç olarak; elde edilen veriler ışığında, AMRAP modelinin rekreatif amaçlı fitness yapan bireylerde performans değerlerine katkı sağlama konusunda öne çıktığı görülmektedir.

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  • Ambroży, T., Rydzik, Ł., Kwiatkowski, A., Spieszny, M., Ambroży, D., Rejman, A., Koteja, A., Jaszczur-Nowicki, J., Duda, H., & Czarny, W. (2022). Effect of crossfit training on physical fitness of kickboxers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8), 4526.
  • Barfield, J. P., & Anderson, A. (2014). Effect of CrossFit™ on health-related physical fitness: A pilot study. Journal of Sport and Human Performance, 2(1), 24-28.
  • Başar, M. A., Bulgan, Ç., Odabaşı, S., & Aktüre, K. G. (2020). CrossFit antrenman yöntemine bütünsel yaklaşım. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 12(3), 434-445.
  • Beilke C, Hetzel L, Kreft B, Pan L, Schroeder J. (2012). CrossFit training improvements in sports performance and body composition in young healthy adults. Department of Kinesiology, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire.
  • Bilgin, Z., Dilber, A. O., & Murat, T. A. Ş. (2022). Sedanter kişilerde Crossfit antrenmanlarının bazı fiziksel parametrelere etkisi. Uluslararası Güncel Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 434-442.
  • Borras, A. P., Herrera, J., and Ponseti, J. F. (2017). Effects of CrossFit lessons in physical education on the aerobic capacity of young students. Journal of Physical Education and Health, 6(10): 5.
  • Brisebois, M. F., Rigby, B. R., & Nichols, D. L. (2018). Physiological and fitness adaptations after eight weeks of high-intensity functional training in physically inactive adults. Sports, 6(4), 146.
  • Butcher, S. J., Neyedly, T. J., Horvey, K. J., and Benko, C. R. (2015). Do physiological measures predict selected CrossFit benchmark perforamance? Journal of Sports Medicine, 6: 241-245.
  • Caloglu, M., & Yüksel, O. (2020). The Effect of Cross Fit Training on Anaerobic Power and Dynamic Balance of Greco-Roman and Freestyle Wrestlers. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 9(1), 122-132.
  • Claudino, G. J., Gabbett, J. T., Bourgeois, F., Souza Sa de, H., Miranda, C. R., Mezencio, B., Soncin, R., Filho, C. A. C., Bottaro, M., Hernandez, J. A., Amadio, C. A., and Serrao, C. J. (2018). CrossFit overview: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 4(11): 1-14.
  • Cohen, J. (1992). A primer power. Psychological Bulletin, 112(1), 155-159.
  • Cosgrove, S. J., Crawford, D. A., & Heinrich, K. M. (2019). Multiple fitness improvements found after 6-months of high intensity functional training. Sports, 7(9), 203.
  • Costa, F., Feye, A. S. P., & Magallanes, C. (2021). Efectos del entrenamiento de sobrecarga tradicional vs CrossFit sobre distintas expresiones de la fuerza. Retos: Nuevas Tendencias En Educación Física, Deporte Y Recreación, (42), 182-188.
  • Çalışkan, M. Y. (2020). Crossfit antrenmanlarının dikey sıçrama ve bacak kuvveti üzerine etkisi: kadın voleybolcular üzerine bir araştırma. Ulusal Kinesyoloji Dergisi, 1(1), 17–21.
  • De Sousa, A. F., dos Santos, G. B., dos Reis, T., Valerino, A. J., Del Rosso, S., & Boullosa, D. A. (2016). Differences in physical fitness between recreational CrossFit® and Resistance Trained Individuals. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 19(5), 112-122.
  • Dehghanzadeh Suraki, R., Mohsenzade, M., Tibana, R. A., & Ahmadizad, S. (2021). Effects of CrossFit training on lipid profiles, body composition and physical fitness in overweight men. Sport Sciences for Health, 1-8.
  • Dilber, A., and Doğru, Y. (2018). The effect of high intensity functional exercise on anthropometric and physiological characteristics in sedantery. International Journal of Sports Exercise and Training Science, 4(2): 64-69.
  • Dinucci, J., McCune, D., & Shows, D. (1990). Reliability of a modification of the health-related physical fitness test for use with physical education majors. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 61(1), 20-25.
  • Escobar, K. A., Morales, J., and VanDusseldorp, T. A. (2017). Metabolic profile of a CrossFit training bout. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 4(12): 1248-1255.
  • Eston, R., & Evans, H. J. L. (2009). The validity of submaximal ratings of perceived exertion to predict one repetition maximum. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 8(4), 567.
  • Feito, Y., Hoffstetter, W., Serafini, P., & Mangine, G. (2018). Changes in body composition, bone metabolism, strength, and skill-specific performance resulting from 16-weeks of HIFT. PloS one, 13(6), e0198324.
  • Ferraresi, C., de Brito Oliveira, T., de Oliveira Zafalon, L., de Menezes Reiff, R. B., Baldissera, V., de Andrade Perez, S. E., ... & Parizotto, N. A. (2011). Effects of low level laser therapy (808 nm) on physical strength training in humans. Lasers in Medical Science, 26, 349-358.
  • Gawda, P., Ginszt, M., Smołka, J., Paćko, M., Skublewska-Paszkowska, M., Łukasik, E., & Majcher, P. (2017). Difference in vertical jumping abilities, endurance and quickness of regeneration lower extremity muscle groups after physical effort between CrossFit and climbing athletes. Polish Journal of Public Health, 127(4).
  • Glassman, G. (2010). The CrossFit training guide. CrossFit Journal, 30(1), 1-115.
  • Goins, J. M. (2014). Physiological and performance effects of krosfit. The University of Alabama.
  • Hassan, S. (2018). The effects of push-up training on muscular strength and muscular endurance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11).
  • Hussain, J., Sundaraj, K., Subramaniam, I. D., & Lam, C. K. (2020). Muscle fatigue in the three heads of triceps brachii during intensity and speed variations of triceps push-down exercise. Frontiers in Physiology, 11, 112.
  • Karami, E., Arabzadeh, E., & Shirvani, H. (2024). The effect of four-weeks of CrossFit workouts on cardiovascular indicators and physical readiness in military forces. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 1(aop), 1-9.
  • Kartal, A., & Ergin, E. (2020). Investigation of the effect of 6-week CrossFit exercises on anaerobic endurance and anaerobic strength in male basketball players. African Educational Research Journal Special Issue, 08 (01); 62-68.
  • Kılıç, O., & Cinoğlu, M. (2008). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. İstanbul: Lisans Yayıncılık.
  • Kićanović, L., Živanović, B., Jurišić, M. V., & Obradović, J. (2022). Effects of CrossFit training program and traditional gym training on morphological characteristics of men. EQOL Journal, 4(2): 13-19
  • Kraemer, W. J., Adams, K., Cafarelli, E., Dudley, G. A., Dooly, C., Feigenbaum, M. S., ... & TriplettMcBride, T. (2002). American college of sports medicine position stand. progression models in resistance training for healthy adults.
  • Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 34(2), 364-380.
  • Lohman TG, Roche AF, Martorell R. (1988). Anthropometric standardization reference manual. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Books.
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  • Mangine, G. T., Stratton, M. T., Almeda, C. G., Roberts, M. D., Esmat, T. A., VanDusseldorp, T. A., & Feito, Y. (2020). Physiological differences between advanced CrossFit athletes, recreational CrossFit participants, and physically-active adults. PLoS One, 15(4), e0223548.
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  • Maté-Muñoz, J. L., Lougedo, J. H., Barba, M., Cañuelo-Márquez, A. M., Guodemar-Pérez, J., García-Fernández, P., Lozano-Estevan, M. D. C., Alonso-Melero, R., Sánchez-Calabuig, M. A., Ruíz-López, M., de Jesús, F., & Garnacho-Castaño, M. V. (2018). Cardiometabolic and Muscular Fatigue Responses to Different CrossFit® Workouts. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 17(4), 668–679.
  • Materko, W., Neves, C. E. B., & Santos, E. L. (2007). Prediction model of a maximal repetition (1RM) based on male and female anthropometrical characteristics. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, 13, 27-32.
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Year 2024, , 129 - 146, 15.10.2024



  • Ambroży, T., Rydzik, Ł., Kwiatkowski, A., Spieszny, M., Ambroży, D., Rejman, A., Koteja, A., Jaszczur-Nowicki, J., Duda, H., & Czarny, W. (2022). Effect of crossfit training on physical fitness of kickboxers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8), 4526.
  • Barfield, J. P., & Anderson, A. (2014). Effect of CrossFit™ on health-related physical fitness: A pilot study. Journal of Sport and Human Performance, 2(1), 24-28.
  • Başar, M. A., Bulgan, Ç., Odabaşı, S., & Aktüre, K. G. (2020). CrossFit antrenman yöntemine bütünsel yaklaşım. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 12(3), 434-445.
  • Beilke C, Hetzel L, Kreft B, Pan L, Schroeder J. (2012). CrossFit training improvements in sports performance and body composition in young healthy adults. Department of Kinesiology, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire.
  • Bilgin, Z., Dilber, A. O., & Murat, T. A. Ş. (2022). Sedanter kişilerde Crossfit antrenmanlarının bazı fiziksel parametrelere etkisi. Uluslararası Güncel Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 434-442.
  • Borras, A. P., Herrera, J., and Ponseti, J. F. (2017). Effects of CrossFit lessons in physical education on the aerobic capacity of young students. Journal of Physical Education and Health, 6(10): 5.
  • Brisebois, M. F., Rigby, B. R., & Nichols, D. L. (2018). Physiological and fitness adaptations after eight weeks of high-intensity functional training in physically inactive adults. Sports, 6(4), 146.
  • Butcher, S. J., Neyedly, T. J., Horvey, K. J., and Benko, C. R. (2015). Do physiological measures predict selected CrossFit benchmark perforamance? Journal of Sports Medicine, 6: 241-245.
  • Caloglu, M., & Yüksel, O. (2020). The Effect of Cross Fit Training on Anaerobic Power and Dynamic Balance of Greco-Roman and Freestyle Wrestlers. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 9(1), 122-132.
  • Claudino, G. J., Gabbett, J. T., Bourgeois, F., Souza Sa de, H., Miranda, C. R., Mezencio, B., Soncin, R., Filho, C. A. C., Bottaro, M., Hernandez, J. A., Amadio, C. A., and Serrao, C. J. (2018). CrossFit overview: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 4(11): 1-14.
  • Cohen, J. (1992). A primer power. Psychological Bulletin, 112(1), 155-159.
  • Cosgrove, S. J., Crawford, D. A., & Heinrich, K. M. (2019). Multiple fitness improvements found after 6-months of high intensity functional training. Sports, 7(9), 203.
  • Costa, F., Feye, A. S. P., & Magallanes, C. (2021). Efectos del entrenamiento de sobrecarga tradicional vs CrossFit sobre distintas expresiones de la fuerza. Retos: Nuevas Tendencias En Educación Física, Deporte Y Recreación, (42), 182-188.
  • Çalışkan, M. Y. (2020). Crossfit antrenmanlarının dikey sıçrama ve bacak kuvveti üzerine etkisi: kadın voleybolcular üzerine bir araştırma. Ulusal Kinesyoloji Dergisi, 1(1), 17–21.
  • De Sousa, A. F., dos Santos, G. B., dos Reis, T., Valerino, A. J., Del Rosso, S., & Boullosa, D. A. (2016). Differences in physical fitness between recreational CrossFit® and Resistance Trained Individuals. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 19(5), 112-122.
  • Dehghanzadeh Suraki, R., Mohsenzade, M., Tibana, R. A., & Ahmadizad, S. (2021). Effects of CrossFit training on lipid profiles, body composition and physical fitness in overweight men. Sport Sciences for Health, 1-8.
  • Dilber, A., and Doğru, Y. (2018). The effect of high intensity functional exercise on anthropometric and physiological characteristics in sedantery. International Journal of Sports Exercise and Training Science, 4(2): 64-69.
  • Dinucci, J., McCune, D., & Shows, D. (1990). Reliability of a modification of the health-related physical fitness test for use with physical education majors. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 61(1), 20-25.
  • Escobar, K. A., Morales, J., and VanDusseldorp, T. A. (2017). Metabolic profile of a CrossFit training bout. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 4(12): 1248-1255.
  • Eston, R., & Evans, H. J. L. (2009). The validity of submaximal ratings of perceived exertion to predict one repetition maximum. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 8(4), 567.
  • Feito, Y., Hoffstetter, W., Serafini, P., & Mangine, G. (2018). Changes in body composition, bone metabolism, strength, and skill-specific performance resulting from 16-weeks of HIFT. PloS one, 13(6), e0198324.
  • Ferraresi, C., de Brito Oliveira, T., de Oliveira Zafalon, L., de Menezes Reiff, R. B., Baldissera, V., de Andrade Perez, S. E., ... & Parizotto, N. A. (2011). Effects of low level laser therapy (808 nm) on physical strength training in humans. Lasers in Medical Science, 26, 349-358.
  • Gawda, P., Ginszt, M., Smołka, J., Paćko, M., Skublewska-Paszkowska, M., Łukasik, E., & Majcher, P. (2017). Difference in vertical jumping abilities, endurance and quickness of regeneration lower extremity muscle groups after physical effort between CrossFit and climbing athletes. Polish Journal of Public Health, 127(4).
  • Glassman, G. (2010). The CrossFit training guide. CrossFit Journal, 30(1), 1-115.
  • Goins, J. M. (2014). Physiological and performance effects of krosfit. The University of Alabama.
  • Hassan, S. (2018). The effects of push-up training on muscular strength and muscular endurance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11).
  • Hussain, J., Sundaraj, K., Subramaniam, I. D., & Lam, C. K. (2020). Muscle fatigue in the three heads of triceps brachii during intensity and speed variations of triceps push-down exercise. Frontiers in Physiology, 11, 112.
  • Karami, E., Arabzadeh, E., & Shirvani, H. (2024). The effect of four-weeks of CrossFit workouts on cardiovascular indicators and physical readiness in military forces. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 1(aop), 1-9.
  • Kartal, A., & Ergin, E. (2020). Investigation of the effect of 6-week CrossFit exercises on anaerobic endurance and anaerobic strength in male basketball players. African Educational Research Journal Special Issue, 08 (01); 62-68.
  • Kılıç, O., & Cinoğlu, M. (2008). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. İstanbul: Lisans Yayıncılık.
  • Kićanović, L., Živanović, B., Jurišić, M. V., & Obradović, J. (2022). Effects of CrossFit training program and traditional gym training on morphological characteristics of men. EQOL Journal, 4(2): 13-19
  • Kraemer, W. J., Adams, K., Cafarelli, E., Dudley, G. A., Dooly, C., Feigenbaum, M. S., ... & TriplettMcBride, T. (2002). American college of sports medicine position stand. progression models in resistance training for healthy adults.
  • Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 34(2), 364-380.
  • Lohman TG, Roche AF, Martorell R. (1988). Anthropometric standardization reference manual. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Books.
  • Maksimović, D., Vukadinović, M., Rakonjać, D., Obradović, J., & Barišić, V. (2016). Effects of heavy resistance training on morphological characteristics of young adults. Acta Kinesiologica, 10(1), 97-100.
  • Mangine, G. T., Stratton, M. T., Almeda, C. G., Roberts, M. D., Esmat, T. A., VanDusseldorp, T. A., & Feito, Y. (2020). Physiological differences between advanced CrossFit athletes, recreational CrossFit participants, and physically-active adults. PLoS One, 15(4), e0223548.
  • Martínez-Gómez, R., Valenzuela, P. L., Alejo, L. B., Gil-Cabrera, J., Montalvo-Pérez, A., Talavera, E., ... & Barranco-Gil, D. (2020). Physiological predictors of competition performance in CrossFit athletes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10), 3699.
  • Maté-Muñoz, J. L., Lougedo, J. H., Barba, M., Cañuelo-Márquez, A. M., Guodemar-Pérez, J., García-Fernández, P., Lozano-Estevan, M. D. C., Alonso-Melero, R., Sánchez-Calabuig, M. A., Ruíz-López, M., de Jesús, F., & Garnacho-Castaño, M. V. (2018). Cardiometabolic and Muscular Fatigue Responses to Different CrossFit® Workouts. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 17(4), 668–679.
  • Materko, W., Neves, C. E. B., & Santos, E. L. (2007). Prediction model of a maximal repetition (1RM) based on male and female anthropometrical characteristics. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, 13, 27-32.
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There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Science and Exercise (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Berke Katirci 0009-0005-2492-8836

Muhammet Vapur 0000-0002-3417-2156

Oğuzhan Yüksel 0000-0002-4172-8298

Publication Date October 15, 2024
Submission Date August 13, 2024
Acceptance Date September 11, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Katirci, B., Vapur, M., & Yüksel, O. (2024). Rekreatif Amaçlı Fitness Yapan Bireylerin Geleneksel Kuvvet Antrenmanları ve Amrap Modeli Crossfit Antrenmanlarının Performans Parametrelerine Etkisinin Karşılaştırılması. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Studies, 16(2), 129-146.