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Dikkat ve tenis the master key of tennis

Year 1991, Volume: 2 Issue: 7, 59 - 64, 01.07.1991


Teniste vuruş + koşuş + hedefleme aiming gibi birçok işin task 2 sn. içinde etkili ve karakterli bir biçimde yapma sporunda dikkat en önemli unsurdur Başarı, tenisçinin dikkat kalitesine bağlıdır, dikkatsiz bir tenisçi ne belli bir tekniği uygulayabilir, ne de bellek, transfer anticipation konularında başarılı olabilir.Aşağıda fakülte hatta kulüp koşullarında dikkat egzersizi ilkelerini anlatmaya çalıştım. Bu küçük yazımla teniste bilimsel düşüncenin pratik tenis yönergenliğinde bir kullanılma örneğini vermek istedim.


  • Gottdanker, R. (1980), Steilmach & Requin, Ortak Çalışması. Tutorualis in Motor Behavior (pp. 355-371).
  • Kelso, J., A., S. (1984), Cognitif Physchology (pp. 201-214).
  • Koelega, H., S. & Brinkman, J., A. (1986), Notice and Vigilance Human Factors (28, 465-481).
  • Pisner, M., I. (1987), Chonometric explorations of Mind, Chapter 1.
  • Rosebaum, D., A. (1983), Memory and control of action (pp. 231-274).
  • Allport, A. (1987), Perspectives on Perception and Action (pp. 395-419).
  • Kahneman, D. (1973), Attention and Effort, Chapter 1.
  • Kantovvitz, B., H. (1985), Journal of Mathematical Psycology, 29. 135-174. Channels and Stages in
  • Human information Processing. Logan, G., D. (1985), Skill and Automaticy, Canadian Journal of Psycology, 39. 367-386.
  • Posner, M., I. (1980), Attention and Control of Movement Tutorials in Motor Behavior. pp. 243-257.
  • Steilmach, G., E. & Hughes, B. (1983), Does Motor Skill Automation Require a Theory of Attention.
  • Memory and control of Action (pp. 67-92). Keele, S., W. (1973), Attention and Human Performans.
  • Nissen, M., J. & Bullemer, P. (1987), Attentional Requirements I Learning : Evidence From
  • Performans Measures. Conitive Psycology, 19.1-32. Rotella, Bungert. Mind, Set and Match. Jim Loehr (1990).
  • Timoty Gallovvay. The inner tennis, (1986).
  • George H. Sage, Introduction to motorbehavior. A neuro-psbychological approach, 1971, 1976.
Year 1991, Volume: 2 Issue: 7, 59 - 64, 01.07.1991



  • Gottdanker, R. (1980), Steilmach & Requin, Ortak Çalışması. Tutorualis in Motor Behavior (pp. 355-371).
  • Kelso, J., A., S. (1984), Cognitif Physchology (pp. 201-214).
  • Koelega, H., S. & Brinkman, J., A. (1986), Notice and Vigilance Human Factors (28, 465-481).
  • Pisner, M., I. (1987), Chonometric explorations of Mind, Chapter 1.
  • Rosebaum, D., A. (1983), Memory and control of action (pp. 231-274).
  • Allport, A. (1987), Perspectives on Perception and Action (pp. 395-419).
  • Kahneman, D. (1973), Attention and Effort, Chapter 1.
  • Kantovvitz, B., H. (1985), Journal of Mathematical Psycology, 29. 135-174. Channels and Stages in
  • Human information Processing. Logan, G., D. (1985), Skill and Automaticy, Canadian Journal of Psycology, 39. 367-386.
  • Posner, M., I. (1980), Attention and Control of Movement Tutorials in Motor Behavior. pp. 243-257.
  • Steilmach, G., E. & Hughes, B. (1983), Does Motor Skill Automation Require a Theory of Attention.
  • Memory and control of Action (pp. 67-92). Keele, S., W. (1973), Attention and Human Performans.
  • Nissen, M., J. & Bullemer, P. (1987), Attentional Requirements I Learning : Evidence From
  • Performans Measures. Conitive Psycology, 19.1-32. Rotella, Bungert. Mind, Set and Match. Jim Loehr (1990).
  • Timoty Gallovvay. The inner tennis, (1986).
  • George H. Sage, Introduction to motorbehavior. A neuro-psbychological approach, 1971, 1976.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Osman Kermen This is me

Publication Date July 1, 1991
Published in Issue Year 1991 Volume: 2 Issue: 7


APA Kermen, O. (1991). Dikkat ve tenis the master key of tennis. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Studies, 2(7), 59-64.