Research Article
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Effects of Macroeconomic Factors and World Uncertainty Index on Current Account Balance in Turkey: A Time Series Analysis for after 1980

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 257 - 286, 28.02.2025


In studies conducted after the 2008 Crisis, there has been an increased interest in measuring and examining economic uncertainty. These studies, like many previous ones, agree that economic uncertainty is a significant factor in explaining business cycles. Considering the impact of economic uncertainty on business cycles, this study evaluates the extent to which economic uncertainty can be used as an indicator to explain the current account balance. In this context, time series analysis is applied for the periods from the second quarter of 1984 to the third quarter of 2023. The variables used in this study include Turkey's Current Account Balance, GDP Growth Rate, Real Exchange Rates, and the World Uncertainty Index for Turkey. Impulse-response analysis is employed to obtain information about the direction and magnitude of the dynamic relationship between these variables. ADF unit root tests are performed in multivariate time series analysis, and the Akaike information criterion is used to determine the lag length in the VAR model applied. As a result, the determining effect of changes in the GDP growth rate and Real Exchange Rate, which are the main determining variables on Turkey's Current Account Balance, is clearly observed in the examined period. However, the impact of the World Uncertainty Index for Turkey on the Current Account Balance could not be determined.
As a result, the determining effect of changes in the GDP growth rate and Real Exchange Rate, which are the main determining variables on Turkey's Current Account Balance, is clearly seen in the period we examine. However, the impact power of the World Uncertainty Index for Türkiye on the Current Account Balance could not be determined.

Ethical Statement

This study, which does not require ethics committee approval and/or legal/special permission, complies with research and publication ethics.


  • Ahiadorme, J. W. (2022). On the aggregate effects of global uncertainty: Evidence from an emerging economy. South African Journal of Economics. Advance online publication.
  • Ahir, H., Bloom, N., & Furceri, D. (2022). The world uncertainty index (NBER Working Paper Series 29763). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Akgül, İ., & Özdemir, S. (2014). Modelling and forecasting of Turkey current account imbalance with threshold autoregressive models. Journal of Business Economics and Finance, 3(2), 207–232.
  • Amiti, M., & Weinstein, D. E. (2011). Exports and financial shocks. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126(4), 1841–1877.
  • Aytaç, I. A., Rankin, B. H., & İbikoğlu, A. (2015). The social impact of the 2008 global economic crisis on neighborhoods, households, and individuals in Turkey. Social Indicators Research, 124(1), 1–19.
  • Bachmann, R., Elstner, S., & Sims, E. R. (2013). Uncertainty and economic activity: Evidence from business survey data. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 5(2), 217–249.
  • Baker, S. R., Bloom, N., & Davis, S. J. (2016). Measuring economic policy uncertainty. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131(4), 1593–1636.
  • Balcilar, M., Ozdemir, Z. A., & Arslanturk, Y. (2010). Economic growth and energy consumption causal nexus viewed through a bootstrap rolling window. Energy Economics, 32(6), 1398–1410.
  • Bernanke, B. S. (1983). Irreversibility, uncertainty, and cyclical investment. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 98(1), 85–106.
  • Birol, Ö. H. (2011). The effects of the global economic crisis on Turkey’s economy and the recent tilt in her international relations. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 3(2), 227–236.
  • Bloom, N. (2009). The impact of uncertainty shocks. Econometrica, 77(3), 623–685.
  • Born, B., Breuer, S., & Elstner, S. (2014). Uncertainty and the Great Recession (Arbeitspapier No. 04/2014). Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der Gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung.
  • Carriero, A., Clark, T. E., & Marcellino, M. (2016). Measuring uncertainty and its impact on the economy (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Working Paper No. 16-22).
  • Chinn, M. D., & Prasad, E. S. (2003). Medium-term determinants of current accounts in industrial and developing countries: An empirical exploration. Journal of International Economics, 59(1), 47–76.
  • Claveria, O. (2022). Modelling the dynamic interaction between economic uncertainty, growth, unemployment and suicide (Research Institute of Applied Economics Working Paper 09).
  • Cömert, H., & Uğurlu, E. N. (2016). The impacts of the 2008 global financial crisis on developing countries: The case of the 15 most affected countries. In The global south after the crisis (pp. 3–39). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Davis, S. J. (2016). An index of global economic policy uncertainty. Macroeconomic Review, October, 103–108.
  • Eaton, J., Kortum, S., Neiman, B., & Romalis, J. (2016). Trade and the global recession. American Economic Review, 106(11), 3401–3438.
  • Eren, O., & Tuzun, G. (2019). Cyclically adjusted current account balance of Turkey (Working Papers 1934). Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.
  • Girardi, A., & Reuter, A. (2017). New uncertainty measures for the Euro area using survey data. Oxford Economic Papers, 69(1), 278–300.
  • Gomez, V., & Maravall, A. (1997). Programs TRAMO and SEATS: Instructions for the user. Banco de España.
  • Gül, S. (2018). Türkiye’de reel kur hareketlerinin ihracat üzerindeki asimetrik etkileri. TCMB Araştırma Yayınları 18/12.
  • Güler, A. (2021). Reel döviz kuru şoklarının ihracat ve dış ticaret dengesi üzerindeki asimetrik etkileri: Türkiye için NARDL yaklaşımından kanıtlar. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10(2), 950–970.
  • Hossain, R., Das, S., & Roy, D. (2024). The world uncertainty index and the macroeconomic indicators: A case for India. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 5719–5731.
  • Istiak, K., & Serletis, A. (2018). Economic policy uncertainty and real output: Evidence from the G7 countries. Applied Economics, 50(39), 4222–4233.
  • Jiao, Y., & Wen, Y. (2012). Capital, finance, and trade collapse (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper No. 2012-003A).
  • Jurado, K., Ludvigson, S. C., & Ng, S. (2015). Measuring uncertainty. The American Economic Review, 105(3), 1177–1216.
  • Kara, H., & Sarıkaya, Ç. (2023). Current account balance and external adjustment in Türkiye (Koç University-TÜSİAD Economic Research Forum Working Paper Series No. 2306).
  • Knight, D. S., Portugal-Perez, A., & Nedeljkovic, M. (2019). Turkey: An empirical assessment of the determinants of the current account balance (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 8982).
  • Kozeniauskas, N., Orlik, A., & Veldkamp, L. (2018). What are uncertainty shocks? Journal of Monetary Economics, 100, 1–15.
  • Long, W., Li, N., Wang, H., & Cheng, S. (2012). Impact of US financial crisis on different countries: Based on the method of functional analysis of variance. Procedia Computer Science, 9, 1292–1298.
  • Mankiw, N. G. (2007). Macroeconomics (6th ed.). Worth Publishers.
  • Sadikua, L., Fetahi-Vehapia, M., Sadikub, M., & Berishac, N. (2015). The persistence and determinants of current account deficit of FYROM: An empirical analysis. Procedia Economics and Finance, 33, 90–102.
  • Schmitt-Grohé, S., Uribe, M., & Woodford, M. (2022). International macroeconomics: A modern approach. Princeton University Press.
  • Scotti, C. (2016). Surprise and uncertainty indexes: Real-time aggregation of real-activity macro surprises. Journal of Monetary Economics, 82, 1–19.
  • Sorić, P., & Lolić, I. (2017). Economic uncertainty and its impact on the Croatian economy. Public Sector Economics, 41(4), 443–477.
  • Shinohara, T., Okuda, T., & Nakajima, J. (2020). Characteristics of uncertainty indices in the macroeconomy (Bank of Japan Working Paper Series No. 20-E-6).
  • Terry, S., Bloom, N., Davis, S., & Baker, S. (2020). COVID-induced economic uncertainty and its consequences.
  • TCMB. (2003, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2017). Ödemeler dengesi raporu. Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası.
  • Tombak, F. (2024). Dünya belirsizlik indeksi altında Türkiye ticaret dengesi: Bir Markov rejim değişim analizi. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 20(3), 687–705.
  • Zanghieri, P. (2004). Current accounts dynamics in new EU members: Sustainability and policy issues (CEPII Working Paper No. 2004-07).

Türkiye'de Makroekonomik Faktörler ve Dünya Belirsizlik Endeksinin Cari Hesap Dengesine Etkileri: 1980 Sonrası için Bir Zaman Serisi Analizi

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 257 - 286, 28.02.2025


2008 Krizi sonrasında yapılan çalışmalarda, ekonomik belirsizliği ölçme ve inceleme konusundaki ilginin arttığı gözlemlenmektedir. Bu çalışmaların çoğu, önceki birçok çalışmada olduğu gibi, ekonomik belirsizliğin konjonktürel dalgalanmaları açıklayan önemli bir faktör olduğu konusunda hemfikirdir. Ekonomik belirsizliğin konjonktür üzerindeki etkisini göz önünde bulundurarak, bu çalışma, ekonomik belirsizliğin cari hesap dengesini açıklayan bir gösterge olarak ne ölçüde kullanılabileceğini değerlendirmektedir. Bu bağlamda, 1984'ün ikinci çeyreğinden 2023'ün üçüncü çeyreğine kadar olan dönem için zaman serisi analizi uygulanmıştır. Bu çalışmada kullanılan değişkenler arasında Türkiye'nin Cari Hesap Dengesi, GSYH Büyüme Oranı, Reel Döviz Kurları ve Türkiye için Dünya Belirsizlik Endeksi yer almaktadır. Değişkenler arasındaki dinamik ilişkinin yönü ve büyüklüğü hakkında bilgi edinmek için itki-tepki analizi kullanılmıştır. Çok değişkenli zaman serisi analizinde ADF birim kök testleri yapılmış ve uygulanan VAR modelinde gecikme uzunluğunu belirlemek için Akaike bilgi kriteri kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, Türkiye'nin Cari Hesap Dengesi üzerinde ana belirleyici değişkenler olan GSYH büyüme oranı ve Reel Döviz Kuru değişikliklerinin belirleyici etkisi incelenen dönemde açıkça gözlemlenmiştir. Ancak, Türkiye için Dünya Belirsizlik Endeksi'nin Cari Hesap Dengesi üzerindeki etkisi belirlenememiştir.
Sonuç olarak incelediğimiz dönem itibariyle Türkiye’nin Cari Hesap Dengesi üzerinde temel belirleyici değişkenler olan GDP büyüme oranı ve Reel Döviz Kur’undaki değişmelerin belirleyici etkisi açıkça görülmektedir. Ancak Cari Hesap Dengesi üzerinde Türkiye için Dünya Belirsizlik Endeksinin etkileme gücü tespit edilememiştir.

Ethical Statement

Etik komite onayı ve/veya yasal/özel izin gerektirmeyen bu çalışma, araştırma ve yayın etiğine uygundur.


  • Ahiadorme, J. W. (2022). On the aggregate effects of global uncertainty: Evidence from an emerging economy. South African Journal of Economics. Advance online publication.
  • Ahir, H., Bloom, N., & Furceri, D. (2022). The world uncertainty index (NBER Working Paper Series 29763). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Akgül, İ., & Özdemir, S. (2014). Modelling and forecasting of Turkey current account imbalance with threshold autoregressive models. Journal of Business Economics and Finance, 3(2), 207–232.
  • Amiti, M., & Weinstein, D. E. (2011). Exports and financial shocks. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126(4), 1841–1877.
  • Aytaç, I. A., Rankin, B. H., & İbikoğlu, A. (2015). The social impact of the 2008 global economic crisis on neighborhoods, households, and individuals in Turkey. Social Indicators Research, 124(1), 1–19.
  • Bachmann, R., Elstner, S., & Sims, E. R. (2013). Uncertainty and economic activity: Evidence from business survey data. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 5(2), 217–249.
  • Baker, S. R., Bloom, N., & Davis, S. J. (2016). Measuring economic policy uncertainty. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131(4), 1593–1636.
  • Balcilar, M., Ozdemir, Z. A., & Arslanturk, Y. (2010). Economic growth and energy consumption causal nexus viewed through a bootstrap rolling window. Energy Economics, 32(6), 1398–1410.
  • Bernanke, B. S. (1983). Irreversibility, uncertainty, and cyclical investment. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 98(1), 85–106.
  • Birol, Ö. H. (2011). The effects of the global economic crisis on Turkey’s economy and the recent tilt in her international relations. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 3(2), 227–236.
  • Bloom, N. (2009). The impact of uncertainty shocks. Econometrica, 77(3), 623–685.
  • Born, B., Breuer, S., & Elstner, S. (2014). Uncertainty and the Great Recession (Arbeitspapier No. 04/2014). Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der Gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung.
  • Carriero, A., Clark, T. E., & Marcellino, M. (2016). Measuring uncertainty and its impact on the economy (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Working Paper No. 16-22).
  • Chinn, M. D., & Prasad, E. S. (2003). Medium-term determinants of current accounts in industrial and developing countries: An empirical exploration. Journal of International Economics, 59(1), 47–76.
  • Claveria, O. (2022). Modelling the dynamic interaction between economic uncertainty, growth, unemployment and suicide (Research Institute of Applied Economics Working Paper 09).
  • Cömert, H., & Uğurlu, E. N. (2016). The impacts of the 2008 global financial crisis on developing countries: The case of the 15 most affected countries. In The global south after the crisis (pp. 3–39). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Davis, S. J. (2016). An index of global economic policy uncertainty. Macroeconomic Review, October, 103–108.
  • Eaton, J., Kortum, S., Neiman, B., & Romalis, J. (2016). Trade and the global recession. American Economic Review, 106(11), 3401–3438.
  • Eren, O., & Tuzun, G. (2019). Cyclically adjusted current account balance of Turkey (Working Papers 1934). Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.
  • Girardi, A., & Reuter, A. (2017). New uncertainty measures for the Euro area using survey data. Oxford Economic Papers, 69(1), 278–300.
  • Gomez, V., & Maravall, A. (1997). Programs TRAMO and SEATS: Instructions for the user. Banco de España.
  • Gül, S. (2018). Türkiye’de reel kur hareketlerinin ihracat üzerindeki asimetrik etkileri. TCMB Araştırma Yayınları 18/12.
  • Güler, A. (2021). Reel döviz kuru şoklarının ihracat ve dış ticaret dengesi üzerindeki asimetrik etkileri: Türkiye için NARDL yaklaşımından kanıtlar. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10(2), 950–970.
  • Hossain, R., Das, S., & Roy, D. (2024). The world uncertainty index and the macroeconomic indicators: A case for India. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 5719–5731.
  • Istiak, K., & Serletis, A. (2018). Economic policy uncertainty and real output: Evidence from the G7 countries. Applied Economics, 50(39), 4222–4233.
  • Jiao, Y., & Wen, Y. (2012). Capital, finance, and trade collapse (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper No. 2012-003A).
  • Jurado, K., Ludvigson, S. C., & Ng, S. (2015). Measuring uncertainty. The American Economic Review, 105(3), 1177–1216.
  • Kara, H., & Sarıkaya, Ç. (2023). Current account balance and external adjustment in Türkiye (Koç University-TÜSİAD Economic Research Forum Working Paper Series No. 2306).
  • Knight, D. S., Portugal-Perez, A., & Nedeljkovic, M. (2019). Turkey: An empirical assessment of the determinants of the current account balance (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 8982).
  • Kozeniauskas, N., Orlik, A., & Veldkamp, L. (2018). What are uncertainty shocks? Journal of Monetary Economics, 100, 1–15.
  • Long, W., Li, N., Wang, H., & Cheng, S. (2012). Impact of US financial crisis on different countries: Based on the method of functional analysis of variance. Procedia Computer Science, 9, 1292–1298.
  • Mankiw, N. G. (2007). Macroeconomics (6th ed.). Worth Publishers.
  • Sadikua, L., Fetahi-Vehapia, M., Sadikub, M., & Berishac, N. (2015). The persistence and determinants of current account deficit of FYROM: An empirical analysis. Procedia Economics and Finance, 33, 90–102.
  • Schmitt-Grohé, S., Uribe, M., & Woodford, M. (2022). International macroeconomics: A modern approach. Princeton University Press.
  • Scotti, C. (2016). Surprise and uncertainty indexes: Real-time aggregation of real-activity macro surprises. Journal of Monetary Economics, 82, 1–19.
  • Sorić, P., & Lolić, I. (2017). Economic uncertainty and its impact on the Croatian economy. Public Sector Economics, 41(4), 443–477.
  • Shinohara, T., Okuda, T., & Nakajima, J. (2020). Characteristics of uncertainty indices in the macroeconomy (Bank of Japan Working Paper Series No. 20-E-6).
  • Terry, S., Bloom, N., Davis, S., & Baker, S. (2020). COVID-induced economic uncertainty and its consequences.
  • TCMB. (2003, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2017). Ödemeler dengesi raporu. Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası.
  • Tombak, F. (2024). Dünya belirsizlik indeksi altında Türkiye ticaret dengesi: Bir Markov rejim değişim analizi. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 20(3), 687–705.
  • Zanghieri, P. (2004). Current accounts dynamics in new EU members: Sustainability and policy issues (CEPII Working Paper No. 2004-07).
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Applied Macroeconometrics, Time-Series Analysis
Journal Section Research Articles

Ömer Tanju Durusoy 0009-0009-1299-5600

Early Pub Date February 27, 2025
Publication Date February 28, 2025
Submission Date July 11, 2024
Acceptance Date January 7, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Durusoy, Ö. T. (2025). Türkiye’de Makroekonomik Faktörler ve Dünya Belirsizlik Endeksinin Cari Hesap Dengesine Etkileri: 1980 Sonrası için Bir Zaman Serisi Analizi. Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis, 10(1), 257-286.



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