Experimental determination of the energy levels of 159Gd via photonuclear reaction
Year 2016,
Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 13 - 15, 30.06.2016
Murat Aygün
Alp Cesur
Mahmut Doğru
İsmail Boztosun
Muhammed Kanarya
Muhammed Fatih Kuluöztürk
Sultan Şahin Bal
Şule Karatepe
In this study, the energy levels of 159Gd are measured within the framework of the photonuclear reaction. For this aim, bremsstrahlung photons of 18 MeV endpoint energy produced by a clinical linear accelerator are used. The gamma photons emitted from the unstable 159Gd nucleus are counted by using a high purity Germanium detector. The energy levels are determined with gf3 and ROOT spectrum analysis programs. Finally, all the results are compared with the literature results.
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Year 2016,
Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 13 - 15, 30.06.2016
Murat Aygün
Alp Cesur
Mahmut Doğru
İsmail Boztosun
Muhammed Kanarya
Muhammed Fatih Kuluöztürk
Sultan Şahin Bal
Şule Karatepe
- Abdullaeva G, Djuraeva G, Kim A, Koblik Y, Kulabdullaev G, Rakhmonov T, Saytjanov S (2015). Evaluation of absorbed dose in Gadolinium neutron capture therapy. Open Phys. 13, 183–187.
- Boztosun I, Dapo H, Özmen SF, Çeçen Y, Karakoç M, Çoban A, Cesur A, Caner T, Bayram E, Keller GB, Küçük B, Güvendi A, Derman M, Kaya D (2014). The results of the first photonuclear reaction performed in Turkey: the zinc example. Turk. J. Phys. 38, 1.
- Boztosun I, Dapo H, Karakoç M, Özmen SF, Çeçen Y, Çoban A, Caner T, Bayram E, Saito TR, Akdoğan T, Bozkurt V, Kuçuk Y, Kaya D, Harekeh MN (2015). Photonuclear reactions with zinc: A case for clinical linacs. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 130, 185.
- Cantone MC, Cornolti E, de Bartolo D, Giussani A, Tsipenyuk Yu M, Firsov VI, Gorbunov AV (2000). Proton, Photon and Neutron Activation Analysis for the Determination of Stable Isotopes of Gadolinium in Human Blood Plasma. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 243, 707-714.
- Elekta Digital Accelerator (2003). Technical Training Guide, (unpublished).
- Granja C, Pospíšil S, Aprahamian A, Börner H, Lehmann H, von Egidy T, Wirth H-F, Graw G, Hertenberger R, Eisermann Y, Nosek D, Rubáček L, Telezhnikov SA (2004). Nuclear structure of 159Gd. Phys. Rev. C 70, 034316.
- Maestro (2012). http://www.ortec-online.com/download/A65-B32-MAESTRO-32-Emulation-Software.pdf.
- Mohr P, Brieger S, Witucki G, Maetz M (2007). Photoactivation at a
- clinical LINAC: The 197Au(γ,n)196Au reaction slightly above threshold. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 580, 1201-1208.
- Moralles M, Pascholati PR, Vanin VR, Helene O (1995). Decay of 159Gd. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 46, 133-138.
- Muljadi P (2011). Gadolinium, (Unpublished).
- NUDAT, http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/nudat2/
- Radford DC (2000). http://radware.phy.ornl.gov/gf3/gf3.html.
- Reich CW (2012) . Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 159. Nuclear Data Sheets 113, 157-363.
- Soares DCF, Menezes MA de BC, dos Santos RG, Ramaldes GA (2010). 159Gd: preparation and preliminary evaluation as a potential antitumoral radionuclide. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 284, 315-320.