Research Article
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On the Relation between Technê and Ethical Sphere in Ancient Greek

Year 2018, , 191 - 213, 21.07.2018


This study tries to show
the relation between technê and the ethical sphere in the Ancient Greek
through mythology and the philosophical literature. Both in mythology
and in the philosophical framework the benefits of technê and the power
provided by technê for humanity are emphasized. And technê is considered
as competence increases the control of human beings in practical areas.
However, the ambiguous character of the human experience related to
technê and the morally problematic character of this field is also
pointed out in the literature. Because, if not controlled, technê has a
potential to turn easily against humanity and to produce things that
would harm human beings. At this point, ethical values have a crucial
role in the control of technê. Technê as a type of knowledge which gives
how to do things and how to control the environment but does not give
why something is to be done and cannot give an ultimate goal should be
subject to higher spheres in the philosophical framework. Therefore
technê is subject to ethical and ultimately metaphysical sphere.


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  • Agizza, R. (2001). Antik Yunan’da Mitoloji, Masallar ve Söylenceler. (Çev. Z. İlkgelen). İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Aiskhylos (2000). Zincire Vurulmuş Prometheus. (Çev. A. Erhat & S. Eyuboğlu). İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Angier, T. P. S. (2008). Aristotle’s Ethics and the Crafts: A Critique. PhD Thesis. Toronto: University of Toronto.
  • Anonymous (1914). The Homeric Hymns and Homerica. (Trans & ed. H. G. Evelyn-White). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Aristotle (1989). Metaphysics. (trans. H. Tredennick). Aristotle in 23 Volumes, vol. 17-18. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Aristotle (1934). Nicomachean Ethics. (Trans. H. Rackham). Aristotle in 23 Volumes, vol.19. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Caws, P. (1979). Praxis and Tekhnê. The History and Philosophy of Technology. (Eds. G. Bugliarello & D. B. Doner). Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 227-237.
  • Cuomo, S. (2007). Technology and Culture in Greek and Roman Antiquity. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Çınar, A. (2010). Felsefeye Giriş: Mitolojiden Kuramlara. Bursa: Emin Yayınları.
  • De Oliveira, R. (2000). The Question Concerning Technology: The Relevance of Thomas Aquinas’ Elaboration of Aristotle’s Description of the Virtues of TEXNH and ΦPONHΣIΣ, PhD Thesis. Boston: Boston College.
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  • Hood, W.F. (1983). The Aristotelian versus the Heideggerian Approach to the Problem of Technology. Philosophy and Technology: Readings in the Philosophical Problems of Technology. (Eds. C. Mitcham & R. Mackey). New York: Free Press, 347-363.
  • İnam, A. (2005a). Tekhnê Kavramı Üstüne Bir Araştırma. Teknoloji Benim Neyim Oluyor? Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık, 77-134.
  • İnam, A. (2005b). Teknoloji-Gönül Bağı. Teknoloji Benim Neyim Oluyor? Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık, 5-40.
  • Liddell & Scott. (1883). Greek-English Lexicon. New York: Harper.
  • Mitcham, C. (1979). Philosophy and the History of Technology. The History and Philosophy of Technology. (Eds. G. Bugliarello & D. B. Doner). Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 163-201.
  • Mitcham, C. (1994). Thinking Through Technology: The Path Between Engineering and Philosophy. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Ogden, E. & Çevik, M. (2011). Platon’un Gorgias İsimli Eserinde Technē Hakkında Düşünceler ve Günümüz İçin Anlamı. Antik Yunan’da Felsefe ve Çağımıza Etkileri. (Ed. Y. Kılıç). Ankara: Doğu Batı Yayınları, 449-462.
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  • Parry, R. (2014). Episteme and Techne. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2014 Edition Ed. E. N. Zalta).
  • Peters, F. (2004). Antik Yunan Felsefesi Terimleri Sözlüğü. (Çev. H. Hünler). İstanbul: Paradigma Yayınları.
  • Plato (1967a). Euthydemus. (Trans. W. R. M. Lamb). Plato in Twelve Volumes, vol. 3. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Plato (1967b). Gorgias. (Trans. W. R. M. Lamb). Plato in Twelve Volumes, vol. 3. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Plato (1967c). Protagoras. (Trans. W. R. M. Lamb). Plato in Twelve Volumes, vol. 3. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Plato (1969). Republic. (Trans. P. Shorey). Plato in Twelve Volumes, vol. 5-6. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Schadewaldt, W. (1979). The Concepts of Nature and Technique According to the Greeks. (Trans. W. Carroll, C. Mitcham & R. Mackey). Research in Philosophy & Technology, 2, 159-171.
  • Sennett, R. (2003). Zanaatkar. (Çev. Melih Pekdemir). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Tannenbaum, D. & David, S. (2013). Siyasî Düşünce Tarihi: Filozoflar ve Fikirleri. (Çev. F. Demirci). Ankara: Adres Yayınları.
  • Winner, L. (1983). Techne and Politeia: The Technical Constitution of Society. Philosophy and Technology. (Eds. P. T. Durbin & F. Rapp). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 97-111.
  • Xenophon (1979). Economics. (Trans. E. C. Marchant). Xenophon in Seven Volumes, vol. 4. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Year 2018, , 191 - 213, 21.07.2018



  • Agazzi, E. (1998). From Technique to Technology: The Role of Modern Science. Phil & Tech, 4 (2), 80-85.
  • Agizza, R. (2001). Antik Yunan’da Mitoloji, Masallar ve Söylenceler. (Çev. Z. İlkgelen). İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Aiskhylos (2000). Zincire Vurulmuş Prometheus. (Çev. A. Erhat & S. Eyuboğlu). İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Angier, T. P. S. (2008). Aristotle’s Ethics and the Crafts: A Critique. PhD Thesis. Toronto: University of Toronto.
  • Anonymous (1914). The Homeric Hymns and Homerica. (Trans & ed. H. G. Evelyn-White). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Aristotle (1989). Metaphysics. (trans. H. Tredennick). Aristotle in 23 Volumes, vol. 17-18. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Aristotle (1934). Nicomachean Ethics. (Trans. H. Rackham). Aristotle in 23 Volumes, vol.19. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Caws, P. (1979). Praxis and Tekhnê. The History and Philosophy of Technology. (Eds. G. Bugliarello & D. B. Doner). Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 227-237.
  • Cuomo, S. (2007). Technology and Culture in Greek and Roman Antiquity. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Çınar, A. (2010). Felsefeye Giriş: Mitolojiden Kuramlara. Bursa: Emin Yayınları.
  • De Oliveira, R. (2000). The Question Concerning Technology: The Relevance of Thomas Aquinas’ Elaboration of Aristotle’s Description of the Virtues of TEXNH and ΦPONHΣIΣ, PhD Thesis. Boston: Boston College.
  • Dusek, V. (2006). Philosophy of Technology: An Introduction. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Ferre, F. (1995). Philosophy of Technology. Athens: The University of Georgia Press.
  • Heidegger, M. (1977). The Question Concerning Technology. The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays. (Trans. W. Lovitt). New York: Harper & Row, 3-35.
  • Hesiodos (2012). İşler ve Günler, Tanrıların Doğuşu. (Çev. F. Akderin). İstanbul: Say Yayınları.
  • Hood, W.F. (1983). The Aristotelian versus the Heideggerian Approach to the Problem of Technology. Philosophy and Technology: Readings in the Philosophical Problems of Technology. (Eds. C. Mitcham & R. Mackey). New York: Free Press, 347-363.
  • İnam, A. (2005a). Tekhnê Kavramı Üstüne Bir Araştırma. Teknoloji Benim Neyim Oluyor? Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık, 77-134.
  • İnam, A. (2005b). Teknoloji-Gönül Bağı. Teknoloji Benim Neyim Oluyor? Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık, 5-40.
  • Liddell & Scott. (1883). Greek-English Lexicon. New York: Harper.
  • Mitcham, C. (1979). Philosophy and the History of Technology. The History and Philosophy of Technology. (Eds. G. Bugliarello & D. B. Doner). Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 163-201.
  • Mitcham, C. (1994). Thinking Through Technology: The Path Between Engineering and Philosophy. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Ogden, E. & Çevik, M. (2011). Platon’un Gorgias İsimli Eserinde Technē Hakkında Düşünceler ve Günümüz İçin Anlamı. Antik Yunan’da Felsefe ve Çağımıza Etkileri. (Ed. Y. Kılıç). Ankara: Doğu Batı Yayınları, 449-462.
  • Özturan, H. (2013). Akıl ve Ahlak: Aristoteles ve Farabi’de Ahlakın Kaynağı. İstanbul: Klasik Yayınları.
  • Parry, R. (2014). Episteme and Techne. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2014 Edition Ed. E. N. Zalta).
  • Peters, F. (2004). Antik Yunan Felsefesi Terimleri Sözlüğü. (Çev. H. Hünler). İstanbul: Paradigma Yayınları.
  • Plato (1967a). Euthydemus. (Trans. W. R. M. Lamb). Plato in Twelve Volumes, vol. 3. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Plato (1967b). Gorgias. (Trans. W. R. M. Lamb). Plato in Twelve Volumes, vol. 3. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Plato (1967c). Protagoras. (Trans. W. R. M. Lamb). Plato in Twelve Volumes, vol. 3. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Plato (1969). Republic. (Trans. P. Shorey). Plato in Twelve Volumes, vol. 5-6. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Schadewaldt, W. (1979). The Concepts of Nature and Technique According to the Greeks. (Trans. W. Carroll, C. Mitcham & R. Mackey). Research in Philosophy & Technology, 2, 159-171.
  • Sennett, R. (2003). Zanaatkar. (Çev. Melih Pekdemir). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Tannenbaum, D. & David, S. (2013). Siyasî Düşünce Tarihi: Filozoflar ve Fikirleri. (Çev. F. Demirci). Ankara: Adres Yayınları.
  • Winner, L. (1983). Techne and Politeia: The Technical Constitution of Society. Philosophy and Technology. (Eds. P. T. Durbin & F. Rapp). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 97-111.
  • Xenophon (1979). Economics. (Trans. E. C. Marchant). Xenophon in Seven Volumes, vol. 4. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Philosophy
Journal Section Articles

Tuba Nur Umut

Publication Date July 21, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Umut, T. N. (2018). On the Relation between Technê and Ethical Sphere in Ancient Greek. Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy, 8(1), 191-213.