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God and the Law of Ethics in Duns Scotus

Year 2019, , 181 - 210, 28.03.2019


Scotus is an important figure in the maturation period of medieval Christian theology. In the center of almost all of Scotus's issues, there is also a problem of establishing the relationship between faith and reason, which is the subject of much debate in the Middle Ages. In matters relating to the relationship between reason and will, Scotus's thoughts bear the traces of the Augustinian-Franciscan tradition in many ways. Therefore, the moral and religious content of Christianity is more meaningful than the theoretical constructs of belief. Scotus sought to undermine the claim that everything was necessary and unchanging, with a strong theory of logic. In this context, he made a brilliant discovery which he conceptualized as 'simultaneous contingency'. The essence of this contingency theory, which deeply influences the classical Christian conception of Scotus, is based on the understanding that actual reality can be different from what actually is. The theory of contingent reality, in a sense, refers to the liberation of Christian thought from the ancient Greek thought. The essence of the theory of contingency of Scotus is the fact that opposites are possible at the same time. The systematic thought of Scotus is based on the main methodological distinction between the theology of necessity and the theology of contingency. In addition to the compulsory propositions, the knowledge of contingent propositions depends on this doctrine. In addition to the compulsory propositions, the knowledge of contingent propositions depends on this doctrine. In fact, contingent propositions constitute the largest part of theology. 


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  • Augustinus (1999). İtiraflar. (Çev. D. Pamir). İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Broadie, A. (1995). The Shadow of Scotus, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clarc.
  • Cevizci, A. (1999). Ortaçağ Felsefesi Tarihi. Bursa: Asa Kitabevi.
  • Copleston, F. (1954). A History of Philosophy. New York: Image Books.
  • Dekker, E. (1998). Scotus Freedom of the Will Revisited. John Duns Scotus: Renewal of Philosophy. (Ed. E. P. Bos). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Gilson, E. (1978). History of Christian Philolopy in the Middle Ages. New York: Random House.
  • Gilson, E. (2007). Ortaçağda Felsefe. (Çev. A. Meral). İstanbul: Kabalcı Yayınevi.
  • Jones, W. T. (2006). Batı Felsefesi Tarihi 2: Ortaçağ Düşüncesi. (Çev. H. Hünler). İstanbul: Paradigma Yayınları.
  • Küçükalay, A. M. (2017). Adil Fiyat: Antik Yunan’dan 16. Yüzyıla. İstanbul: Ötüken Yayınları.
  • Langston, D. C. (1986). Gods Willing Knowledge. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania State University Press.
  • Peterson, M. vd. (2006). Akıl ve İnanç: Din Felsefesine Giriş. (Çev. R. Acar). İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • Quinton, A. (1967). John Duns Scotus. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (Ed. P. Edwards). New York: Macmillan.
  • Sahakian, W. (1990). Felsefe Tarihi. (Çev. A. Yardımlı). İstanbul: İdea Yayınevi.
  • Scotus, D. (1975). God and Creatures: The Quodlibetal Questions. (Eds. F. Alluntis & A. B. Wolter). London: Princeton University Press.
  • Scotus, D. (1994). Contingency and Freedom (Lectura I 39). (Trans. A. vos Jaczn). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Scotus, J. D. (1986). Will and Morality. (Trans. & ed. A. B. Wolter). Washington: Catholic University of America Press.
  • Scotus, J. D. (1992). Scotus’ Early Oxford Lecture on Individuation. (Trans. & ed. A. B. Wolter). Santa Barbara: Old Mission.
  • Thilly, F. (2000). Bir Felsefe Tarihi. (Çev. N. Küçük & Y. Çevik). İstanbul: İdea Yayınevi.
  • Vorlander, K. (2004). Felsefe Tarihi. (Çev. M. İzzet vd.). İstanbul: Kitabevi.
  • Vos Jaczn, A. (2000). Scotus on Freedom and the Foundation of Ethics. Leiden: Brill.
  • Weber, A. (1998). Felsefe Tarihi. (Çev. H. V. Eralp). İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınlar.
  • Wolter, A. B. & O’Neill, B. (1993). John Duns Scotus: Mary’s Architect. New York: Franciscan Institute Publications.
  • Wikipedia, On Emir.
Year 2019, , 181 - 210, 28.03.2019



  • Altuner, İ. (2017). Some Remarks on Averroes’ Long Commentary on the Metaphysics Book Alpha Meizon. Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review, 1 (1-2), 1-17.
  • Augustinus (1999). İtiraflar. (Çev. D. Pamir). İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Broadie, A. (1995). The Shadow of Scotus, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clarc.
  • Cevizci, A. (1999). Ortaçağ Felsefesi Tarihi. Bursa: Asa Kitabevi.
  • Copleston, F. (1954). A History of Philosophy. New York: Image Books.
  • Dekker, E. (1998). Scotus Freedom of the Will Revisited. John Duns Scotus: Renewal of Philosophy. (Ed. E. P. Bos). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Gilson, E. (1978). History of Christian Philolopy in the Middle Ages. New York: Random House.
  • Gilson, E. (2007). Ortaçağda Felsefe. (Çev. A. Meral). İstanbul: Kabalcı Yayınevi.
  • Jones, W. T. (2006). Batı Felsefesi Tarihi 2: Ortaçağ Düşüncesi. (Çev. H. Hünler). İstanbul: Paradigma Yayınları.
  • Küçükalay, A. M. (2017). Adil Fiyat: Antik Yunan’dan 16. Yüzyıla. İstanbul: Ötüken Yayınları.
  • Langston, D. C. (1986). Gods Willing Knowledge. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania State University Press.
  • Peterson, M. vd. (2006). Akıl ve İnanç: Din Felsefesine Giriş. (Çev. R. Acar). İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • Quinton, A. (1967). John Duns Scotus. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (Ed. P. Edwards). New York: Macmillan.
  • Sahakian, W. (1990). Felsefe Tarihi. (Çev. A. Yardımlı). İstanbul: İdea Yayınevi.
  • Scotus, D. (1975). God and Creatures: The Quodlibetal Questions. (Eds. F. Alluntis & A. B. Wolter). London: Princeton University Press.
  • Scotus, D. (1994). Contingency and Freedom (Lectura I 39). (Trans. A. vos Jaczn). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Scotus, J. D. (1986). Will and Morality. (Trans. & ed. A. B. Wolter). Washington: Catholic University of America Press.
  • Scotus, J. D. (1992). Scotus’ Early Oxford Lecture on Individuation. (Trans. & ed. A. B. Wolter). Santa Barbara: Old Mission.
  • Thilly, F. (2000). Bir Felsefe Tarihi. (Çev. N. Küçük & Y. Çevik). İstanbul: İdea Yayınevi.
  • Vorlander, K. (2004). Felsefe Tarihi. (Çev. M. İzzet vd.). İstanbul: Kitabevi.
  • Vos Jaczn, A. (2000). Scotus on Freedom and the Foundation of Ethics. Leiden: Brill.
  • Weber, A. (1998). Felsefe Tarihi. (Çev. H. V. Eralp). İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınlar.
  • Wolter, A. B. & O’Neill, B. (1993). John Duns Scotus: Mary’s Architect. New York: Franciscan Institute Publications.
  • Wikipedia, On Emir.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Philosophy
Journal Section Articles

Fatih Özkan 0000-0002-3213-894X

Publication Date March 28, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Özkan, F. (2019). God and the Law of Ethics in Duns Scotus. Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy, 9(1), 181-210.