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ERP Projelerinin Yönetiminde Proje Yöneticisinin Rolü ve Kültürün Etkisi

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 135 - 148, 30.10.2024


Bu çalışma, ERP (Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama) projelerinin yönetiminde proje yöneticisinin rolünü ve organizasyonel kültürün etkisini kapsamlı bir şekilde ele almaktadır. ERP projeleri, genellikle büyük ölçekli ve karmaşık olmaları nedeniyle, başarılı bir uygulama süreci için proje yöneticisinin stratejik yönetim becerileri ve organizasyonel kültürle uyumu kritik öneme sahiptir. Çalışma, proje yöneticisinin çeşitli rollerini ve kültürel faktörlerin projelere etkilerini ayrıntılı olarak incelemektedir. Proje yöneticisinin iletişim ve paydaş yönetimi süreçlerindeki kritik rolünü vurgulamakta; ayrıca risk yönetimi, performans izleme, değerlendirme ve sürekli iyileştirme konularında detaylar sunmaktadır. ERP projelerinin maliyetli ve uzun süreli doğası göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, proje performansının izlenmesi ve değerlendirilmesi de önemli bir konu olarak ele alınmaktadır. Bu çalışma, kültürel uyumun ERP projelerinin başarısındaki önemini ve proje yöneticisinin bu süreci etkin bir şekilde yönetmedeki rolünü kapsamlı bir biçimde incelemektedir. Kültürel engellerin proje dinamikleri üzerindeki etkileri, değişim kültürü, adaptasyon, kültürel duyarlılık ve kültürel farklılıkların yönetimi gibi kavramlar çalışmanın temel odak noktalarını oluşturmaktadır. Bu kapsamlı inceleme, ERP projelerinin başarılı bir şekilde yönetilmesi için gerekli stratejileri ve kültürel faktörleri anlamak isteyen araştırmacılar, uygulayıcılar ve yöneticiler için değerli bilgiler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışmanın tarafımdan hazırlandığını ve akademik etik kurallara uyduğumu beyan ederim.


  • Aaltonen, K., & Kujala, J. (2016). A project lifecycle perspective on stakeholder influence strategies. International Journal of Project Management, 34(5), 786-798.
  • Adler, N. J. (2002). International dimensions of organizational behavior (4th ed.). Thomson South-Western.
  • Al-Mashari, M., & Zairi, M. (2000). Information and business process alignment: An empirical investigation. International Journal of Production Economics, 65(2), 273-287.
  • Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational leadership (2nded.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Bourne, M., & Walker, D. H. T. (2005). Visualising and mapping stakeholder influence. Management Decision, 43(5), 649-660.
  • Bradley, J. (2008). Management insights: ERP implementation and the alignment of business processes. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Burke, W. W. (2017). Organization change: Theory and practice (4th ed.). SAGE Publications.
  • Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2011). Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on the competing values framework (3rd ed.). Jossey-Bass.
  • Chapman, C., & Ward, S. (2003). Project risk management: Processes, techniques and insights (2nd ed.). Wiley.
  • Chen, I. J., Paulraj, A., & Lado, A. A. (2004). Strategic purchasing, supply management, and firm performance. Journal of Operations Management, 22(5), 505-523.
  • Davenport, T. H. (1998). Putting information to work: How to use enterprise systems to create business value. Harvard Business Review, 76(3), 121-132.
  • Eskerod, P., & Huemann, M. (2013). Sustainability in project management: A review of current research. International Journal of Project Management, 31(6), 769-781.
  • Freeman, R. E. (1984). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Pitman Publishing Inc.
  • Harrison, F., & Lock, D. (2004). Advanced project management: A structured approach. Gower Publishing Limited.
  • Hiatt, J. (2006). ADKAR: A model for change in business, government, and our community. Prosci Research.
  • Hillson, D., & Murray-Webster, R. (2017). Understanding and managing risk attitude (3rd ed.). Routledge.
  • Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture's consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations (2nd ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Huang, Z. (2002). The role of ERP in customer service: A conceptual framework. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 15(1), 36-48.
  • Jiang, J. J., Klein, G., & Hwang, H. G. (2004). An exploration of the relationship between project management practices and project success. International Journal of Project Management, 22(8), 587-593.
  • Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling (11th ed.). Wiley.
  • Klaus, H., Rosemann, M., & Gable, G. G. (2000). What is ERP? Information Systems Frontiers, 2(2), 141-162.
  • Kotter, J. P. (1996). Leading change. Harvard Business Review Press.
  • Kumar, K., & Van Hillegersberg, J. (2000). ERP experiences and evolution. Communications of the ACM, 43(4), 22-26.
  • Lewin, K. (1947). Frontiers in group dynamics: Concept, method, and reality in social science; Social equilibria and social change. Human Relations, 1(1), 5-41.
  • Monk, E. F., & Wagner, B. J. (2013). Concepts in enterprise resource planning (3rd ed.). Cengage Learning.
  • Morris, P. W. G., & Pinto, J. K. (2004). The two sides of project management: The relevance of strategy and planning. In P. W. G.
  • Morris & J. K. Pinto (Eds.), The Wiley guide to managing projects (pp. 3-22). Wiley.
  • Motiwalla, L. F., & Thompson, J. (2012). Enterprise systems for management (2nd ed.). Pearson.
  • Nah, F. F. H., Lau, J. L. S., & Kuang, J. (2001). Critical factors for successful implementation of enterprise systems. Business Process Management Journal, 7(3), 285-296.
  • O’Leary, D. E. (2000). Enterprise resource planning systems: Systems, life cycle, electronic commerce, and risk. Cambridge University Press.
  • PMI. (2017). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (6th ed.). Project Management Institute. Robinson, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2013). Organizational behavior (15th ed.). Pearson.
  • Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass.
  • Schwalbe, K. (2018). Information technology project management (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.
  • Somers, T. M., & Nelson, K. G. (2004). A taxonomy of players and activities across the ERP project life cycle. Information & Management, 41(3), 257-270.
  • Trompenaars, F., & Hampden-Turner, C. (1998). Riding the waves of culture: Understanding diversity in global business (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill.

The Role of Project Managers and the Impact of Organizational Culture in ERP Project Management

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 135 - 148, 30.10.2024


This study comprehensively addresses the role of project managers and the impact of organizational culture in managing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) projects. Given that ERP projects are generally large-scale and complex, the strategic management skills of the project manager and alignment with organizational culture are critical for successful implementation. The study examines the various roles of the project manager and the effects of cultural factors on projects in detail. It highlights the project manager's critical role in communication and stakeholder management processes and provides insights into risk management, performance monitoring, evaluation, and continuous improvement. Considering the costly and long-term nature of ERP projects, the monitoring and evaluation of project performance are also addressed as important topics. This study thoroughly examines the significance of cultural alignment in the success of ERP projects and the role of the project manager in effectively managing this process. Concepts such as the impact of cultural barriers on project dynamics, change culture, adaptation, cultural sensitivity, and management of cultural differences form the core focus of the study. This comprehensive analysis aims to provide valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and managers seeking to understand the necessary strategies and cultural factors for the successful management of ERP projects.


  • Aaltonen, K., & Kujala, J. (2016). A project lifecycle perspective on stakeholder influence strategies. International Journal of Project Management, 34(5), 786-798.
  • Adler, N. J. (2002). International dimensions of organizational behavior (4th ed.). Thomson South-Western.
  • Al-Mashari, M., & Zairi, M. (2000). Information and business process alignment: An empirical investigation. International Journal of Production Economics, 65(2), 273-287.
  • Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational leadership (2nded.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Bourne, M., & Walker, D. H. T. (2005). Visualising and mapping stakeholder influence. Management Decision, 43(5), 649-660.
  • Bradley, J. (2008). Management insights: ERP implementation and the alignment of business processes. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Burke, W. W. (2017). Organization change: Theory and practice (4th ed.). SAGE Publications.
  • Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2011). Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on the competing values framework (3rd ed.). Jossey-Bass.
  • Chapman, C., & Ward, S. (2003). Project risk management: Processes, techniques and insights (2nd ed.). Wiley.
  • Chen, I. J., Paulraj, A., & Lado, A. A. (2004). Strategic purchasing, supply management, and firm performance. Journal of Operations Management, 22(5), 505-523.
  • Davenport, T. H. (1998). Putting information to work: How to use enterprise systems to create business value. Harvard Business Review, 76(3), 121-132.
  • Eskerod, P., & Huemann, M. (2013). Sustainability in project management: A review of current research. International Journal of Project Management, 31(6), 769-781.
  • Freeman, R. E. (1984). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Pitman Publishing Inc.
  • Harrison, F., & Lock, D. (2004). Advanced project management: A structured approach. Gower Publishing Limited.
  • Hiatt, J. (2006). ADKAR: A model for change in business, government, and our community. Prosci Research.
  • Hillson, D., & Murray-Webster, R. (2017). Understanding and managing risk attitude (3rd ed.). Routledge.
  • Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture's consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations (2nd ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Huang, Z. (2002). The role of ERP in customer service: A conceptual framework. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 15(1), 36-48.
  • Jiang, J. J., Klein, G., & Hwang, H. G. (2004). An exploration of the relationship between project management practices and project success. International Journal of Project Management, 22(8), 587-593.
  • Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling (11th ed.). Wiley.
  • Klaus, H., Rosemann, M., & Gable, G. G. (2000). What is ERP? Information Systems Frontiers, 2(2), 141-162.
  • Kotter, J. P. (1996). Leading change. Harvard Business Review Press.
  • Kumar, K., & Van Hillegersberg, J. (2000). ERP experiences and evolution. Communications of the ACM, 43(4), 22-26.
  • Lewin, K. (1947). Frontiers in group dynamics: Concept, method, and reality in social science; Social equilibria and social change. Human Relations, 1(1), 5-41.
  • Monk, E. F., & Wagner, B. J. (2013). Concepts in enterprise resource planning (3rd ed.). Cengage Learning.
  • Morris, P. W. G., & Pinto, J. K. (2004). The two sides of project management: The relevance of strategy and planning. In P. W. G.
  • Morris & J. K. Pinto (Eds.), The Wiley guide to managing projects (pp. 3-22). Wiley.
  • Motiwalla, L. F., & Thompson, J. (2012). Enterprise systems for management (2nd ed.). Pearson.
  • Nah, F. F. H., Lau, J. L. S., & Kuang, J. (2001). Critical factors for successful implementation of enterprise systems. Business Process Management Journal, 7(3), 285-296.
  • O’Leary, D. E. (2000). Enterprise resource planning systems: Systems, life cycle, electronic commerce, and risk. Cambridge University Press.
  • PMI. (2017). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (6th ed.). Project Management Institute. Robinson, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2013). Organizational behavior (15th ed.). Pearson.
  • Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass.
  • Schwalbe, K. (2018). Information technology project management (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.
  • Somers, T. M., & Nelson, K. G. (2004). A taxonomy of players and activities across the ERP project life cycle. Information & Management, 41(3), 257-270.
  • Trompenaars, F., & Hampden-Turner, C. (1998). Riding the waves of culture: Understanding diversity in global business (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Leadership
Journal Section Review Article

Deniz Çınar 0009-0000-0373-901X

Early Pub Date October 31, 2024
Publication Date October 30, 2024
Submission Date September 2, 2024
Acceptance Date October 9, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Çınar, D. (2024). ERP Projelerinin Yönetiminde Proje Yöneticisinin Rolü ve Kültürün Etkisi. Bucak İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2), 135-148.