Publication Policy
Open Access and Free Submission Statement
Bilgesci is open access journal — all the manuscripts published in these journals are freely available online for anyone. There is no subscription or submission charges. Our journal operate under the Creative Commons Attribution license in International Version 4 (CC BY 4.0). This allows for the reproduction of articles free of charge with the appropriate citation information. All authors publishing with Bilgesci Journal accept these as the terms of publication.
Submission and Evaluation Process
1. Submission
Files required to be uploaded (You can access the templates of these files from the journal homepage)
a. Full-text manuscript
b. Copyright release form
c. Plagiarism report
d. Title page
2. First Control
a. Scope check
b. Preliminary language check and technical control
3. Scientific Evaluation
a. Editor-in-chief
b. Editor
c. Referee
4. Publication
a. Technical control
b. After acceptance language correction
c. Galley proof
d. Publication
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically via the Internet through the online system for BİLGESCİ at After selecting the journal, you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files.
Papers are accepted for evaluation on the understanding that:
• they have not been published,
• they are not being considered for publication simultaneously elsewhere,
• they are not going to be submitted for publication elsewhere.
After a manuscript has been submitted, it is not possible for authors to be added or removed or for the order of authors to be changed. If authors do so, their submission may be canceled.
All authors need to have their ORCID iDs so that the process of evaluation and publishing of the manuscripts can continue in accordance with our publishing policy.
Preparation of Manuscript
The form of the article should be as in the appendix. Articles that are not prepared in accordance with the template and rules are sent to the author in preliminary evaluation.
Langeuage: Bilge International Journal of Science and Technology Research accept only English manuscripts
Title section: Should contain the informative title of the manuscript (if possible, abbreviations should be avoided), not exceeding 15 words, first name and surname of the authors, the name of institution, its address, corresponding author’s e-mail address.
Abstract: Should state the purpose of the research, the main methods, and results and should not exceed 300 words. It should not contain references.
Keywords: Maximum 6 words, in alphabetical order, separated by commas. If possible, avoid abbreviations.
Introduction: Background and significance of the problem by using the most recent publications should be provided. The aim of the study should be clearly stated at the end of the introduction.
Materials and methods: Authors should provide a concise description of experimental site, design, materials and analytical methods and statistical procedures used. This part should be as clear as possible to enable other scientists to repeat the research presented.
Results: The numbers from the tables or figures should not be repeated extensively in the text and long explanations of the tables and figures are not acceptable. The same information given in the table should not be repeated in the figure or vice versa. Relevant statistical information should be provided in tables and figures. Statistical significance should be clearly indicated where applicable.
Discussion: Interpretation of data, related to previous research, should be presented. Results and discussion sections may be combined.
Conclusion: Main significant results of the study should be presented in a clear and concise way and should be numbered.
Acknowledgements (optional): Acknowledgements of funds, grants, etc. may be placed.
Ethics Committee Approval: If ethics committee approval is required, an ethics committee approval document should be attached to the end of the article. If not required, N/A should be written.
Peer-review: Since the articles published in the journal are subject to the peer-review process, the statement "Externally peer-reviewed" should be written in this part.
Author Contributions: The points that each author contributed to the article should be stated. (Example: Conceptualization: H.S.; Investigation: H.S.; Material and Methodology: H.S., S.Ö.; Supervision: H.S., E.T.E.; Visualization: S.Ö.; Writing-Original Draft: H.S., D.A.; Writing-review & Editing: D.A., S.Ö.; Other: All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.)
Conflict of Interest: It should be noted whether there are any conflicts between the authors (Example: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.)
Funding: If financial support was received during the preparation of the article, it should be stated in this section. (Example: The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.)
References: The list should include more recent items – peer-reviewed scientific articles, scientific books and monographs, and other scientific publications, except for textbooks, manuals, or training materials. References to abstracts or proceedings are acceptable only in exceptional cases.
All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references. In the text, references should be cited by author and year of publication, for example: Özdemir (2018), Özkan and Gülsoy (2015). If a reference is made in the text to a publication written by more than two authors the name of the first author should be used followed by “et al.” (Beram et al., 2020). References cited together in the text should be arranged chronologically.
The list of references should be arranged alphabetically by authors’ names, and chronologically per author. Publications by the same author(s) in the same year should be listed as 2021a, 2021b, etc. All authors of each publication should be included in the reference list. Titles of scientific journals, conference proceedings etc. should not be abbreviated.
Journal articles:
Özkan, K. (2009a). Environmental factors as ınfluencing vegetation communities in Acipayam district of Turkey. Journal Environmental Biology, 30(5), 741-746.
Janisova, M. (2005). Vegetation-environment relationships in dry calcareous grassland. Ekologia, 24(1), 25-44.
Fontaine, M., Aerts, R., Özkan, K., Mert, A., Gülsoy, S., Süel, H., Waelkens, M., Muys, B. (2007). Elevation and exposition rather than soil types determine communities and site suitability in mediterranean mountain forests of southern anatolia, Turkey. Forest Ecology and Management, 247(1-3), 18-25.
Pritchard, N.M., Anderson, A.J.B (1971). Observation on the use of cluster analysis in botany with an ecological example. The Journal of Ecology, 59(3), 727-747.
Steel, R.G.D., Torrie, J.H. (1980). Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. 2. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Publ. Company.
Chapter in Books:
Ouyang, J. (1986). Induction of pollen plants in Triticum aestivum. In: Haploids of Higher Plant in Vitro, ed. Hu, M. and Yang, M., 26-41, Academic Press, Beijing.
Online References:
Holsinger, K. (2008). The genetics of natural selections, lecture-notes/selection/selection.html, (Accessed January 20, 2010)
Manuscript Types
Original research articles, review articles, research notes/short communications, case studies/case reports, and letters to the editor are welcome.
You can get help with sample writing of the titles from the manuscript template.