Research Article
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A Discussion On The Effects Of Blockchain Technology Within The Context Of Sustainable Development

Year 2021, , 243 - 262, 24.12.2021


The solutions made possible by blockchain technology, and crypto assets, are changing the dynamics of many industries. Blockchain technology, which is the subject of discussion with the constructive destruction and energy consumption it triggers, offers a global and inclusive vision that serves sustainability. In this article, a discussion is presented on the effects of blockchain technology, on the environment, economy and society, which are the three main areas of sustainable development. It can be said that blockchain technology has positive and negative effects on these three main areas. Providing the opportunity to create collective value and support social impact projects with a focus on sustainable society, this technology also enables the democratic management of data. Blockchain technology, which allows the development of new business models with a focus on sustainable economy, has the potential to increase financial inclusion. While blockchains working with proof-of-work method have the potential to harm the environment with high energy consumption, blockchains working with different methods can reduce energy consumption. At the same time, studies that will increase the use of renewable energy resources in mining continue, and it is foreseen that the negative effects of this technology on the sustainable environment can be eliminated.

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  • Adams, R., Kewell, B., & Parry, G. (2017). Blockchain for Good. Digital Ledger Technology and Sustainable Development Goals. Handbook of Sustainability and Social Science Research, Springer International Publishing. 127-138.
  • Bano, S., Sonnino, A., Al-Bassam, M., Azouvi, S., McCorry, P., Meiklejohn, S., & Danezis, G. (2017). SoK: Consensus in the Age of Blockchains. University College London, United Kingdom.
  • Barral, V. (2012). Sustainable Development in International Law: Nature and Operation of an Evolutive Legal Norm, The European Journal of International Law, 23(2), 377-400.
  • Blockchainhub Berlin (2018). Blockchain and sustainability. Retrieved from, 26/04/2021
  • BTC Haber (2021). Röportaj: Refik Anadol, dijital sanat ve NFT’ler üzerine. Interview: Refik Anadol, digital art and NFTs. Retrieved from, 19.04.2021
  • Cambridge Alternative Finance Center (2021). Cambridge Bitcoin electricity consumption index. Retrieved from , 04/02/2021
  • Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management Smart Partners’ Hub (CPTM) (2016). Brief on Adaptive Flexibility Approaches to Financial Inclusion in Digital Age: Recommendations and Poposals. London.
  • Cohen, B., Amorós, J. E., & Lundyd, L. (2017). The generative potential of emerging technology to support startups and new ecosystems, Business Horizons, 60(6), 741–745.
  • Coin Market Cap (CMC) (2021). Top collectibles & NFTs tokens by market capitalization. Retrieved from, 05.05.2021
  • Coin Market Cap (CMC) (2021). Cryptos, Exchanges, Dominance. Retrieved from, 21.12.2021
  • Corbet, S., Lucey, B. M., & Yarovaya, L. (2019). The Financial Market Effects of Cryptocurrency Energy Usage.
  • Crutzen, P. J. (2006). The Anthropocene. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Crypto Climate Accord (2021). What is Crypto climate Accord? Retrieved from, 12/04/2021
  • Diesendorf, M. (2000). Sustainability and sustainable development. Sustainability: The corporate challenge of the 21stcentury, Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 2, 19-37.
  • Digiconomist (2021). Bitcoin energy consumption index. Retrieved from, 4/2/2021
  • Edie (2021). Crypto climate accord aims for 100% renewables and net-zero digital currency by 2040. Retrieved from renewables -and-net- zero - digital - currency - by - 2040 /, 12.04.2021
  • Elmandjra, Y. (2020). Debunking Common Bitcoin Myths. Retrieved from https://ark-, 23.02.2021
  • Ethereum (2021). Proof Of Work. Retrieved from, 21.12.2021
  • EU (2020). Blockchain Technologies, Shaping Europe's Digital Future. Retrieved from, 25.05.2021.
  • Fawcett, S. E., & Jones, S. L. (2013). Supply chain trust: The catalyst for collaborative innovation. Business Ho-rizons. 55(2), 163-178.
  • Gedik, Y. (2020). Sosyal, ekonomik ve çevresel boyutlarla sürdürülebilirlik ve sürdürülebilir kalkınma. Uluslararası Ekonomi Siyaset İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(3), 196-215.
  • Glaser, F. (2017). Pervasive Decentralization of Digital Infrastructures: A Framework for Blockchain enabled System and Use Case Analysis. doi: 10.24251 / HICSS.2017.186.
  • Güleç, O. F., Çevik, E., & Bahadır, N. (2018). Bitcoin İle Finansal Göstergeler Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi [Examining the Relationship Between Bitcoin and Financial Indicators]. Kırklareli University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 7(2), 18-37.
  • Halpin, H., & Piekarska, M. (2017). Introduction to Security and Privacy on the Blockchain. IEEE, Security and Privacy Workshops, IEEE European Symposium, 1-3.
  • Holden, E., Linnerud, K., & Banister, D. (2017). The Imperatives of Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development. 25(3), May-June, 213-226,
  • Honohan, P. (2007). Cross-Country Variation in Household Access to Financial Services, Proceeding of Access to Finance Conference, Washington DC. 1-38.
  • Iansiti, M. & Lakhani, R. K. (2017). The Truth About Blockchain, Harvard Business Review, January-February, 1-17.
  • IEEE (2016). Your phone costs energy - Even before you turn it on. Retrieved from, 02.04.2021
  • Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK) (2017). Toplum 5.0. [Society 5.0] Retrieved from https: // conversion -general-information, 18.04.2021
  • Johnson, W. (2021). Is Bitcoin ESG Friendly for Equity Investors? AllianceBernstein. Retrieved from , 21.03.2021
  • Kaygın, E., Zengin, Y., & Topçuoğlu, E. (2019). Endüstri 4.0’a Akademik Bakış. [Academic Perspective on Industry 4.0]. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 33(4), 1065.
  • Kotob, F. (2011). What Is Sustainability? Retrieved from 21.12.2021
  • Li, J., Li, N., Haijiao, C., & Zhibin, W. (2018). Energy consumption of cryptocurrency mining: A study of electricity consumption in mining cryptocurrencies. Energy. DOI:10.1016/
  • Majchrzak, A. & Markus, M. L. (2014). Technology Affordances and Constraints in Management Information Sytems. Encyclopedia of Management Theory. Chapter: Technology Affordances and Constraints Theory. Sage Publications.
  • Martine, G. & Alves, J. E. D. (2015). Economy, society and environment in the 21st century: three pillars or trilemma of sustainability. 32 (3), 433-460, DOI: 10.1590 / S0102 -3098201500000027
  • Mensah, J. (2019). Sandra Ricart Casadevall (Reviewing editor) Sustainable development: Meaning, history, principles, pillars, and implications for human action: Literature Review, Cogent Social Sciences, 5 (1), 2019. DOI: 10.1080 / 23311886.2019.1653531
  • McLuhan, M. (1964). Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, The Medium is the Message. Retrieved from, 17.05.2021
  • Nakamoto, S. (2008). Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Retrieved from , 12.04.2021
  • Nakicenovic, N., Rockström, J., Gaffney, O., & Zimm, C. (2016). Global Commons in the Anthropocene: World Development a Stable and Resilient Planet. IIASA WorkingReport. International Institute of Applied Sys-tems Analysis. Austria, 2016
  • Narayanan, A. & Clark, J. (2017). Association for Computing Machinery. Retrieved from, 04.04.2021
  • Nguyen, Q. K. (2016). Blockchain- A Financial Technology For Future Sustainable Development. 3rd International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development. DOI: 10.1109/GTSD.2016.22
  • OECD, (2021). Advancing the digital financial inclusion of youth. Retrieved from, 11.03.2021
  • Sedlmeir, J., Buhl, H. U., & Fridgen, G. (2020). The Energy Consumption of Blockchain Technology: Beyond Myth. Bus Inf Syst En. 62, 599-608.
  • Seven, Ü., Duhan, A., & Yılmaz, Y.F., (2020). CBRT, Economic Notes, Financial Inclusion: Turkey and the World Comparison. 2020-04.
  • Singhal, B., Dhameja, G., & Panda, P. (2018). Beginning Blockchain. 1-29. 10.1007 / 978-1-4842-3444-0
  • Statista (2021). Bitcoin average energy consumption per transaction compared to that of VISA as of October 21, 2021. Retrieved from , 27.03.2021
  • Steffen, W., Crutzen, P., & McNeill, J. (2007). The Anthropecene: Are Humans Now Overwhelming The Great Forces of Nature. Ambio, 36 (8), 614-621.
  • Tapscott, D. & Tapscott, A. (2016). The Impact of the Blockchain Goes Beyond Financial Services, Harvard Business Review, 10, 7.
  • The World Bank (2021). Financial inclusion. Overview. Retrieved from, 11.04.2021
  • Thomsen, C. (2013). Sustainability (World Commission on Environment and Development Definition) Encyclopedia of Corporate Responsibility. 2358-2363, 2013 DOI: 10.1007 / 978-3-642-28036-8_531.
  • UN (2021). The SDGs in action. Retrieved from https:// 03.04.2021
  • UNDP Turkey (2021). Sürdürülebilir kalkınma amaçları nelerdir? [What are the sustainable development goals?] Retrieved from, 12.03.2021
  • Uzsoki, D. & Guerdat, P. (2019). Impact Tokens: A blockchain-based solution for impact investing. The International Institute for Sustainable Development.
  • Viriyasitavat, W. & Hoonsopon, D. (2018). Blockchain Characteristics and Consensus in Modern Business Processes. Journal of Industrial Information Integration. 13.
  • Waters, C. N., Zalasiewicz, J., Summerhayes, C., Barnosky, A.D., Poirier, C., Gałuszk, A., Cearret, A., Edgeworth, M., Ellis, E. C., Ellis, M., Jeandel, C., leinfeld, R., McNeill, J.R., Richter, D. B., Steffen, W., Syvitski, J., Vidas, D., Wagreich, M., Williams, M., Zhisheng, A., Grinevald, J., Odada, E., Oreskes, N., & Wolfe, A.D. (2016) The Anthropocene is functionally and stratigraphically distinct from the Ho-locene. Science, 351 (6269). DOI: 10.1126 / science.aad2622
  • WCED (1987). World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Retrieved from
  • WEF (2021). What is blockchain and what can it do? Retrieved from 09.04.2021
  • Yeşilorman, M., & Koç, F. (2014). Bilgi Toplumunun Teknolojik temelleri Üzerine Eleştirel Bir Bakış [A Critical Perspective on the Technological Foundations of the Information Society]. Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences, 24 (1), 117-133.
  • Zhao, J. L., Fan, S., & Side, J. (2016). Overview of Business Innovations and Research Opportunities in Blockchain and Introduction to the Special Issue Finance, Innovation, 2, 28.
  • Zheng, Z., Xie, S., Dai, H., Chen, X., & Wang, H. (2017, June). An overview of blockchain technology: Architecture, consensus, and future trends. In 2017 IEEE international congress on big data (BigData congress) (pp. 557-564). IEEE.

Blokzincir Teknolojisinin Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Bağlamında Etkileri Üzerine Bir Tartışma

Year 2021, , 243 - 262, 24.12.2021


Güvenli, şeffaf ve merkezi olmayan bir veri yönetimi altyapısı sunan blokzincir teknolojisinin mümkün kıldığı çözümler ve kullanımı hızla yaygınlaşan kripto varlıklar, birçok endüstrinin dinamiklerini değiştirmektedir. Çok fazla endüstride tetiklediği yapıcı yıkım ve enerji tüketimi ile tartışma konusu olan blokzincir teknolojisi aynı zamanda sürdürülebilirliğe hizmet eden küresel ve kapsayıcı bir vizyon sunmaktadır. Bu makalede, nüfus artışının ve ekonomik büyümenin en yüksek oranda gerçekleştiği Antroposen çağının en yeni teknolojilerinden biri olan blokzincir teknolojisinin sürdürülebilir kalkınmanın üç ana alanı olan çevre, ekonomi ve topluma etkileri üzerine bir tartışma sunulmaktadır. Blokzincir teknolojisinin, bu üç temel alan üzerinde olumlu ve olumsuz etkileri olduğu söylenebilir. Sürdürülebilir toplum odağında kollektif değer yaratma ve sosyal etki projelerini destekleme imkânı sunan teknoloji, verilerin demokratik yönetimine de imkân vermektedir. Sürdürülebilir ekonomi odağında yeni iş modellerinin gelişmesine ve çok kısa sürelerde aracısız, limitsiz, düşük maliyetli bir sistem ile kripto paraların transfer edilmesine olanak sağlayan blokzincir teknolojisi finansal kapsayıcılığı artırmaya adaydır. İş kanıtı yöntemi ile çalışan blokzincirler yüksek enerji tüketimi ile çevreye zarar verme potansiyeli taşırken, farklı yöntemlerle çalışan blokzincirler enerji tüketimini düşürebilmektedir. Aynı zamanda yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının madencilikte kullanımını artıracak çalışmalar da bir yandan devam etmekte ve bu teknolojinin sürdürülebilir çevre odağındaki olumsuz etkilerinin ortadan kaldırılabileceği öngörülmektedir.

Project Number



  • Adams, R., Kewell, B., & Parry, G. (2017). Blockchain for Good. Digital Ledger Technology and Sustainable Development Goals. Handbook of Sustainability and Social Science Research, Springer International Publishing. 127-138.
  • Bano, S., Sonnino, A., Al-Bassam, M., Azouvi, S., McCorry, P., Meiklejohn, S., & Danezis, G. (2017). SoK: Consensus in the Age of Blockchains. University College London, United Kingdom.
  • Barral, V. (2012). Sustainable Development in International Law: Nature and Operation of an Evolutive Legal Norm, The European Journal of International Law, 23(2), 377-400.
  • Blockchainhub Berlin (2018). Blockchain and sustainability. Retrieved from, 26/04/2021
  • BTC Haber (2021). Röportaj: Refik Anadol, dijital sanat ve NFT’ler üzerine. Interview: Refik Anadol, digital art and NFTs. Retrieved from, 19.04.2021
  • Cambridge Alternative Finance Center (2021). Cambridge Bitcoin electricity consumption index. Retrieved from , 04/02/2021
  • Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management Smart Partners’ Hub (CPTM) (2016). Brief on Adaptive Flexibility Approaches to Financial Inclusion in Digital Age: Recommendations and Poposals. London.
  • Cohen, B., Amorós, J. E., & Lundyd, L. (2017). The generative potential of emerging technology to support startups and new ecosystems, Business Horizons, 60(6), 741–745.
  • Coin Market Cap (CMC) (2021). Top collectibles & NFTs tokens by market capitalization. Retrieved from, 05.05.2021
  • Coin Market Cap (CMC) (2021). Cryptos, Exchanges, Dominance. Retrieved from, 21.12.2021
  • Corbet, S., Lucey, B. M., & Yarovaya, L. (2019). The Financial Market Effects of Cryptocurrency Energy Usage.
  • Crutzen, P. J. (2006). The Anthropocene. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Crypto Climate Accord (2021). What is Crypto climate Accord? Retrieved from, 12/04/2021
  • Diesendorf, M. (2000). Sustainability and sustainable development. Sustainability: The corporate challenge of the 21stcentury, Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 2, 19-37.
  • Digiconomist (2021). Bitcoin energy consumption index. Retrieved from, 4/2/2021
  • Edie (2021). Crypto climate accord aims for 100% renewables and net-zero digital currency by 2040. Retrieved from renewables -and-net- zero - digital - currency - by - 2040 /, 12.04.2021
  • Elmandjra, Y. (2020). Debunking Common Bitcoin Myths. Retrieved from https://ark-, 23.02.2021
  • Ethereum (2021). Proof Of Work. Retrieved from, 21.12.2021
  • EU (2020). Blockchain Technologies, Shaping Europe's Digital Future. Retrieved from, 25.05.2021.
  • Fawcett, S. E., & Jones, S. L. (2013). Supply chain trust: The catalyst for collaborative innovation. Business Ho-rizons. 55(2), 163-178.
  • Gedik, Y. (2020). Sosyal, ekonomik ve çevresel boyutlarla sürdürülebilirlik ve sürdürülebilir kalkınma. Uluslararası Ekonomi Siyaset İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(3), 196-215.
  • Glaser, F. (2017). Pervasive Decentralization of Digital Infrastructures: A Framework for Blockchain enabled System and Use Case Analysis. doi: 10.24251 / HICSS.2017.186.
  • Güleç, O. F., Çevik, E., & Bahadır, N. (2018). Bitcoin İle Finansal Göstergeler Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi [Examining the Relationship Between Bitcoin and Financial Indicators]. Kırklareli University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 7(2), 18-37.
  • Halpin, H., & Piekarska, M. (2017). Introduction to Security and Privacy on the Blockchain. IEEE, Security and Privacy Workshops, IEEE European Symposium, 1-3.
  • Holden, E., Linnerud, K., & Banister, D. (2017). The Imperatives of Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development. 25(3), May-June, 213-226,
  • Honohan, P. (2007). Cross-Country Variation in Household Access to Financial Services, Proceeding of Access to Finance Conference, Washington DC. 1-38.
  • Iansiti, M. & Lakhani, R. K. (2017). The Truth About Blockchain, Harvard Business Review, January-February, 1-17.
  • IEEE (2016). Your phone costs energy - Even before you turn it on. Retrieved from, 02.04.2021
  • Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK) (2017). Toplum 5.0. [Society 5.0] Retrieved from https: // conversion -general-information, 18.04.2021
  • Johnson, W. (2021). Is Bitcoin ESG Friendly for Equity Investors? AllianceBernstein. Retrieved from , 21.03.2021
  • Kaygın, E., Zengin, Y., & Topçuoğlu, E. (2019). Endüstri 4.0’a Akademik Bakış. [Academic Perspective on Industry 4.0]. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 33(4), 1065.
  • Kotob, F. (2011). What Is Sustainability? Retrieved from 21.12.2021
  • Li, J., Li, N., Haijiao, C., & Zhibin, W. (2018). Energy consumption of cryptocurrency mining: A study of electricity consumption in mining cryptocurrencies. Energy. DOI:10.1016/
  • Majchrzak, A. & Markus, M. L. (2014). Technology Affordances and Constraints in Management Information Sytems. Encyclopedia of Management Theory. Chapter: Technology Affordances and Constraints Theory. Sage Publications.
  • Martine, G. & Alves, J. E. D. (2015). Economy, society and environment in the 21st century: three pillars or trilemma of sustainability. 32 (3), 433-460, DOI: 10.1590 / S0102 -3098201500000027
  • Mensah, J. (2019). Sandra Ricart Casadevall (Reviewing editor) Sustainable development: Meaning, history, principles, pillars, and implications for human action: Literature Review, Cogent Social Sciences, 5 (1), 2019. DOI: 10.1080 / 23311886.2019.1653531
  • McLuhan, M. (1964). Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, The Medium is the Message. Retrieved from, 17.05.2021
  • Nakamoto, S. (2008). Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Retrieved from , 12.04.2021
  • Nakicenovic, N., Rockström, J., Gaffney, O., & Zimm, C. (2016). Global Commons in the Anthropocene: World Development a Stable and Resilient Planet. IIASA WorkingReport. International Institute of Applied Sys-tems Analysis. Austria, 2016
  • Narayanan, A. & Clark, J. (2017). Association for Computing Machinery. Retrieved from, 04.04.2021
  • Nguyen, Q. K. (2016). Blockchain- A Financial Technology For Future Sustainable Development. 3rd International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development. DOI: 10.1109/GTSD.2016.22
  • OECD, (2021). Advancing the digital financial inclusion of youth. Retrieved from, 11.03.2021
  • Sedlmeir, J., Buhl, H. U., & Fridgen, G. (2020). The Energy Consumption of Blockchain Technology: Beyond Myth. Bus Inf Syst En. 62, 599-608.
  • Seven, Ü., Duhan, A., & Yılmaz, Y.F., (2020). CBRT, Economic Notes, Financial Inclusion: Turkey and the World Comparison. 2020-04.
  • Singhal, B., Dhameja, G., & Panda, P. (2018). Beginning Blockchain. 1-29. 10.1007 / 978-1-4842-3444-0
  • Statista (2021). Bitcoin average energy consumption per transaction compared to that of VISA as of October 21, 2021. Retrieved from , 27.03.2021
  • Steffen, W., Crutzen, P., & McNeill, J. (2007). The Anthropecene: Are Humans Now Overwhelming The Great Forces of Nature. Ambio, 36 (8), 614-621.
  • Tapscott, D. & Tapscott, A. (2016). The Impact of the Blockchain Goes Beyond Financial Services, Harvard Business Review, 10, 7.
  • The World Bank (2021). Financial inclusion. Overview. Retrieved from, 11.04.2021
  • Thomsen, C. (2013). Sustainability (World Commission on Environment and Development Definition) Encyclopedia of Corporate Responsibility. 2358-2363, 2013 DOI: 10.1007 / 978-3-642-28036-8_531.
  • UN (2021). The SDGs in action. Retrieved from https:// 03.04.2021
  • UNDP Turkey (2021). Sürdürülebilir kalkınma amaçları nelerdir? [What are the sustainable development goals?] Retrieved from, 12.03.2021
  • Uzsoki, D. & Guerdat, P. (2019). Impact Tokens: A blockchain-based solution for impact investing. The International Institute for Sustainable Development.
  • Viriyasitavat, W. & Hoonsopon, D. (2018). Blockchain Characteristics and Consensus in Modern Business Processes. Journal of Industrial Information Integration. 13.
  • Waters, C. N., Zalasiewicz, J., Summerhayes, C., Barnosky, A.D., Poirier, C., Gałuszk, A., Cearret, A., Edgeworth, M., Ellis, E. C., Ellis, M., Jeandel, C., leinfeld, R., McNeill, J.R., Richter, D. B., Steffen, W., Syvitski, J., Vidas, D., Wagreich, M., Williams, M., Zhisheng, A., Grinevald, J., Odada, E., Oreskes, N., & Wolfe, A.D. (2016) The Anthropocene is functionally and stratigraphically distinct from the Ho-locene. Science, 351 (6269). DOI: 10.1126 / science.aad2622
  • WCED (1987). World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Retrieved from
  • WEF (2021). What is blockchain and what can it do? Retrieved from 09.04.2021
  • Yeşilorman, M., & Koç, F. (2014). Bilgi Toplumunun Teknolojik temelleri Üzerine Eleştirel Bir Bakış [A Critical Perspective on the Technological Foundations of the Information Society]. Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences, 24 (1), 117-133.
  • Zhao, J. L., Fan, S., & Side, J. (2016). Overview of Business Innovations and Research Opportunities in Blockchain and Introduction to the Special Issue Finance, Innovation, 2, 28.
  • Zheng, Z., Xie, S., Dai, H., Chen, X., & Wang, H. (2017, June). An overview of blockchain technology: Architecture, consensus, and future trends. In 2017 IEEE international congress on big data (BigData congress) (pp. 557-564). IEEE.
There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

İnci Çağla Gül Şenkardeş 0000-0002-3109-3268

Project Number -
Publication Date December 24, 2021
Submission Date November 10, 2021
Acceptance Date December 23, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Gül Şenkardeş, İ. Ç. (2021). A Discussion On The Effects Of Blockchain Technology Within The Context Of Sustainable Development. Bilgi Ve İletişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 3(2), 243-262.

2365323652 23655 23656

Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Dergisi (BİTED)

Journal of Information and Communication Technologies