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Being Home in the Shelter of Time: Gospodinov’s Time Shelter

Year 2024, , 72 - 80, 14.06.2024


In the context of contemporary culture, nostalgia is often linked to feelings of deep yearning for home. Human’s pathological home desire and traumatic state of most individuals due to modern life result in nostalgic feelings that are often associated with the safety and coziness of home. In order to maintain such state of protection, people not only yearn for the physical state of their home but also long for the time they spent in that protected world. Their memories of the past are anchored in such space and time where they can have self-continuity, increase attachment security and boost self-esteem. Such individual memories of the past function as a shield that neutralizes the threats of the unknown present and therefore, serves as “time shelter”. The same is also true for collective memory. People tend to prefer living in specific time periods in which they are secure and feel a sense of belonging. Though this kind of longing for a specific time period can be maintained via memories, Georgi Gospodinov, a Bulgarian writer, claims it can also be physically actualized through a strong, mainstream narrative. While focusing on both the biological and sociological reasons behind people’s need and motives to forget and live in nostalgia, Georgi Gospodinov, the winner of the International Booker Prize 2023, also sheds light on how socially constructed realities, particularly “time”, can become reality once accepted collectively in his novel, Time Shelter.


  • Burr, Vivien (1995), Social Constructionism, London and New York: Routledge.
  • Hepper, Erica G. et. al. (2011), “Odyssey’s end: Lay conceptions of Nostalgia reflect its original Homeric meaning”, Emotion, 12(1), 102-119.
  • Herz, Rachel S. and Jonathan W. Schooler (2002), “A naturalistic study of autobiographical memories evoked by olfactory and visual cues: Testing the Proustian hypothesis”, American Journal of Psychology, 115: 21–32.
  • Hirsch, Marianne (2012), The Generation of Postmemory: Writing and Visual Culture After the Holocaust, New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Gospodinov, Georgi (2022), Time Shelter, New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation.
  • Levitin, Mia (2023). ”The International Booker winners making Bulgariaproud”, May, 26, 2023, (date of access: 12.03.2024).
  • Potter, Jonathan (1996), Representing Reality: Discourse, Rhetoric and Social Construction, London: Sage Publication.
  • Shenk, David (2003), The Forgetting, London: Flamingo.
  • Srbinovska, Slavica (2019), “Memory, Time and Space in the hybrid structures: Marcel Proust and Orhan Pamouk”, Journal of Contemporary Philology, 2(2), 105-118.
  • Strand, Mattias (2023), “Food and Trauma: Anthropologies of Memory and Postmemory”, Cult Med Psychiatry, 47, 466-494.

Gospodinov’un Zaman Sığınağı Romanında Yuva Özlemi

Year 2024, , 72 - 80, 14.06.2024


Günümüz çağdaş kültüründe, nostalji çoğunlukla eve varabilme duygusu ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. İnsanın patolojik ev özlemi ve modern hayatın neden olduğu çoğu insanın tramvatik durumu, genellikle evin güvenliği ve sıcaklığı ile ilişkilendirilen nostaljik duygulara neden olur. Bu güveni ve korumayı sağlayan nostaljik hissi sürdürebilmek için, insanlar sadece fiziksel olarak evlerini aramamakta, aynı zamanda evlerinde geçirdikleri o kıymetli zamanın peşinde koşmaktadır. Geçmiş ile ilgili anıları kendi öz sürekliliklerini sağladıkları, aidiyet hislerinin ve öz saygılarının arttığı zaman ve mekanlarda sabitlenmiştir. Bu tür bireysel anılar, bilinmeyen ve ait olunamayan zamanın tehllikelerini etkisiz hale getirerek, bir zaman kapsülü oluşturmaktadır. Aynı durum kollektif bellek için de geçerlidir. İnsanlar ait olduklarını ve güvende olduklarını hissettikleri zamanlarda yaşama isteği eğilimi gösterir. Bu tür belirli bir zamana geri dönme arzusu anılar ile mümkün olsa da, Bulgar yazar Georgi Gospodinov, bunun ana akım güçlü bir üstanlatı ile fiziksel olarak da gerçekleşebileceğini kurgusu aracılığı ile iddia etmektedir. Gerek toplumsal, gerekse bireysel anılar çeşitli olası anlatılar ile şekillendirilebilirken, bu anlatıların sadece bir tanesi toplum tarafından benimsenir ve gerçeklik olarak kabul görür. Uluslararası Booker Prize 2023 ödülünü alan Georgi Gospodinov, Zaman Sığınağı isimli kitabında insanların hem biyolojik hem de sosyolojik nedenlerden kaynaklanan unutma isteğine odaklanırken, ayrıca onların sosyal olarak inşa edilen gerçekliğe, özellikle zaman kavramına, nasıl kollektif bir şekilde inandıklarına ışık tutar.


  • Burr, Vivien (1995), Social Constructionism, London and New York: Routledge.
  • Hepper, Erica G. et. al. (2011), “Odyssey’s end: Lay conceptions of Nostalgia reflect its original Homeric meaning”, Emotion, 12(1), 102-119.
  • Herz, Rachel S. and Jonathan W. Schooler (2002), “A naturalistic study of autobiographical memories evoked by olfactory and visual cues: Testing the Proustian hypothesis”, American Journal of Psychology, 115: 21–32.
  • Hirsch, Marianne (2012), The Generation of Postmemory: Writing and Visual Culture After the Holocaust, New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Gospodinov, Georgi (2022), Time Shelter, New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation.
  • Levitin, Mia (2023). ”The International Booker winners making Bulgariaproud”, May, 26, 2023, (date of access: 12.03.2024).
  • Potter, Jonathan (1996), Representing Reality: Discourse, Rhetoric and Social Construction, London: Sage Publication.
  • Shenk, David (2003), The Forgetting, London: Flamingo.
  • Srbinovska, Slavica (2019), “Memory, Time and Space in the hybrid structures: Marcel Proust and Orhan Pamouk”, Journal of Contemporary Philology, 2(2), 105-118.
  • Strand, Mattias (2023), “Food and Trauma: Anthropologies of Memory and Postmemory”, Cult Med Psychiatry, 47, 466-494.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects European Language, Literature and Culture, Modernist/Postmodernist Literature
Journal Section Research Articles

Sinem Türkel 0000-0003-2119-6471

Early Pub Date June 12, 2024
Publication Date June 14, 2024
Submission Date March 26, 2024
Acceptance Date May 9, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Türkel, S. (2024). Being Home in the Shelter of Time: Gospodinov’s Time Shelter. Bitig Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(7), 72-80.
AMA Türkel S. Being Home in the Shelter of Time: Gospodinov’s Time Shelter. bitig. June 2024;4(7):72-80. doi:10.69787/bitigefd.1458565
Chicago Türkel, Sinem. “Being Home in the Shelter of Time: Gospodinov’s Time Shelter”. Bitig Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 4, no. 7 (June 2024): 72-80.
EndNote Türkel S (June 1, 2024) Being Home in the Shelter of Time: Gospodinov’s Time Shelter. Bitig Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 4 7 72–80.
IEEE S. Türkel, “Being Home in the Shelter of Time: Gospodinov’s Time Shelter”, bitig, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 72–80, 2024, doi: 10.69787/bitigefd.1458565.
ISNAD Türkel, Sinem. “Being Home in the Shelter of Time: Gospodinov’s Time Shelter”. Bitig Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 4/7 (June 2024), 72-80.
JAMA Türkel S. Being Home in the Shelter of Time: Gospodinov’s Time Shelter. bitig. 2024;4:72–80.
MLA Türkel, Sinem. “Being Home in the Shelter of Time: Gospodinov’s Time Shelter”. Bitig Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 7, 2024, pp. 72-80, doi:10.69787/bitigefd.1458565.
Vancouver Türkel S. Being Home in the Shelter of Time: Gospodinov’s Time Shelter. bitig. 2024;4(7):72-80.
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