Writing Rules

1) Scope

Biosystem Engineering Journal publishes original research articles in agriculture and life sciences written in either Turkish or English. A maximum of 3 reviews may be included in each issue, including a synthesis, interpretation, and situation assessment made by experienced authors of scientific articles, studies, or current developments published in scientific journals.

2) General Rules

The articles submitted to the journal must not have been published before, have not been submitted for publication, and the publishing rights have not been transferred. The responsibility of the works published in the journal belongs to the author (s). The author (s) are also obliged to comply with the international and national scientific and scientific publication ethics (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and Committee on Publication Ethics). The journal is not responsible for these issues. The articles are published twice a year.
3) Presentation of Works

Articles should be submitted to the journal through Dergipark. The "Copyright Transfer Agreement" signed by all contributing authors must be uploaded to the online system. Ethics committee approval must be obtained separately for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision. This approval must be stated in the article. The document must be uploaded to the system when submitting the article.

The articles' similarity to be sent to the journal with the appropriate plagiarism software programs (iThenticate, Turnitin, etc.) should be specified first. Therefore, the articles/reviews submitted to the journal during the pre-evaluation process; Similarity rates should be determined through software such as iThenticate and Turnitin. Our Editorial Board accepts the similarity rate to be below 20%. Articles/reviews above this specified rate can be returned to the author (s).
4) Article Evaluation Processes

The International Journal of Biosystem Engineering uses the method of blind review and evaluation to evaluate the studies it receives. In this method, the author's and referee's identities are hidden, and they are not informed of each other.

The article submitted to the journal is subject to preliminary evaluation by the Journal Editorial Board. The Board has the right to return an article that it does not find suitable for publication in the journal in terms of spelling rules and content without sending it to the referees. The articles published in the journal are sent to three expert referees in the field they belong to for review.
5) Article Preparation Principles

The work submitted to the journal should consist of two main sections: cover page and article.

1. First Page: It should contain the article's Turkish and English titles and the author's name and full addresses. Also, the responsible author and all contact information should be given on the cover page.

2. Article: Articles should be written in MS Word program, on A4 size paper with 12 pt Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing. There should be 2 cm margins on the right, left, 2 cm, and 3 cm above and below the page. The pages of the article and the lines on each page should be numbered. The first line should be 1.25 cm as a paragraph head in the text.

The article should not be longer than 20 pages, including the "References" section (excluding figures and tables). Author name (s) should be written clearly, and the title should not be specified. The total number of Tables and Figures should not be more than 10.

Article Title: It should be short and inclusive, should not exceed fifteen words, and should be written in lowercase and bold, with the first word being capital. The English title should be written in the same format and with one blank line.

Abstract: Turkish "Abstract" and English "Abstract" should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should summarize the purpose, method, and results of the study.

Keywords: A maximum of 5 keywords that are not included in the title, are directly related to the study's content, and will facilitate indexing should be written under one line of the abstract.

1. Introduction: In this section; The subject of the study should be summarized, the existing information on the subject should be evaluated with the previous studies directly related, and the issues that need knowledge production should be emphasized and associated with the study. Finally, the purpose of the study should be stated clearly and clearly. All titles in the article, except the References title, should be numbered. The first letter of the title should be capital; the others should be in lowercase and bold.

2. Materials and Methods: In this section; The living and non-living materials used in the study, the methods applied, the criteria evaluated, the experimental designs or sampling methods applied, statistical analyzes, and confidence limits should be explained clearly and clearly supported by sources when necessary. For this purpose, subtitles should be used when necessary.

3. Findings: In this section, the study's findings should be presented clearly and clearly with the help of figures and tables and based on statistical analysis. The repetition of all data in figures and tables should be avoided in the text, highlighting points. The same data should not be given with both graphics and tables, the most appropriate tool should be chosen, and repetitive sentences and expressions should be avoided in the narration.

4. Discussion and Conclusion: The findings obtained in this section should be compared with previous studies in terms of coherence and contrast, the information gap it filled should be emphasized, and the repetition of the statements in the previous sections should be avoided. Finally, the final result is reached, and recommendations, if any, should be given.

The author is informed about the article that the referees find unanimously or mostly unsuitable for publication, and the documents of the work are not returned.

If the article is found suitable for publication presented by the referees, the author is informed that the work has been accepted for publication.

The article, which is found acceptable for publication by the referees, is sent to the author with the referees' suggestions for correction. The author must make corrections within thirty days and send the final form of the work to the Editor along with an original copy, a list of corrections, and the "Copyright Transfer Agreement." The author (s) must explain why the proposals they do not accept in corrections with scientific evidence and sources. The Editorial Board makes its final decision on the article, taking into account the referee reports and corrections, and the result is communicated to the author.

The article accepted for publication is sent to the responsible author to be checked for the last time before printing. The corresponding author must return the last-checked article within 10 days. Authors can access their published articles online at Dergipark.
In the article layout, it is possible to organize the sections as "Results and Discussion" and/or "Conclusion" and depends on the author (s).

Acknowledgment: If necessary, the people who contributed to the study or the article, supporting institutions (with project numbers, if any), should be specified in this section.

References: References in the text should be cited according to the "author's surname and year" method, and the following examples should be taken into consideration in writing: In articles written in Turkish; “…… is reported for works with one author (Kılıç, 2019).”, for works with two authors “…. (Kılıç & Boyacı, 2010). ”, and“ …… .. was revealed for works with three or more authors (Kılıç et al., 2000). ” It should be cited as in the examples. If more than one work is to be cited at the same point, the sources are in chronological order, and those with the same date are reported in alphabetical order as "… (Kılıç, 2017; Kılıç & Boyacı, 2018; Kılıç et al., 2019). It should be written as in the example. The references to the author report "According to Kılıç (2019) ...", "Kılıç and Boyacı (2019), ..." and "Kılıç et al., (2019) determined…." should be given as in the examples. If there is more than one publication of the same author with the same date, it should be defined in lowercase letters after the year as in the example of “… (Kılıç et al., 2019a, 2019b)”.

In the references section, all printed or accepted manuscripts cited in the article should be given alphabetically (according to the authors' surnames) and in their original language, and no abbreviations should be used in the source names. If there are no institution abbreviations instead of the words "Anonymous" or "Anonymous" in the resource specification, the full name should be given. Responsibility for incorrect citations and references in the article belongs to the author (s).

Kılıç, İ., 2019. Biosystem engineering journal article preparation principles. Journal of Biosystem Engineering, 1: 1-15.

Kılıç, İ., Boyacı, S., 2019. Biosystem engineering journal article preparation principles. Journal of Biosystem Engineering, 1: 1-15.


Kılıç, İ., Boyacı, S., 2019. Biosystem engineering journal article preparation principles. 2nd Edition, Aaaa Yayın Dağıtım, Bursa.

Kılıç, İ., Boyacı, S., 2019. Principles of article preparation in the journal of biosystem engineering. 1st Edition, Aaaa Associates, Paris.

Book chapter:

Boyacı, S., 2019. Biosystem engineering journal article preparation principles. (Ed: İlker K), Title of the book. AAAA Offset, Bursa, p. 1-20.

Boyacı, S., 2019. Principles of article preparation in the journal of biosystem engineering. In: Kılıç İ (Ed), book name. AAAA Academic Publishers, Paris, pp. 15-35.

Institutional publications with unspecified author and information from the internet:

TUIK, 2019. Agricultural Structure. T.R. Prime Ministry State Institute of Statistics, Publication No: 1579, Ankara.

FAO, 2010. Statistical database. http://faostat.fao.org/site/339/default.aspx. Accessed 01 January 2019.


Boyacı, S., 2014. K.S.Ü. Research and application farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, control of environmental conditions, and solution suggestions in broiler chickens. Master Thesis, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Institute of Science, Kahramanmaraş.

Boyacı, S., 2014. Determination of the suitable cooling system for plastic greenhouses in Kahramanmaraş region. PhD Thesis, The University of Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam, Kahramanmaraş.
Full-text congress/symposium book:

Boyacı, S., 2018. Determining the need for heating and cooling in greenhouses using the degree hour method. In: 1. International Agricultural Structures and Irrigation Congress, September 26-28, Antalya, Turkey, p. 292-299.

Boyacı, S., Filik, G., Filik, AG., 2018. Determination of the heating and cooling degree day values of laying quail henhouse by the degree-day method. 1st International Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation, September 26-28, Antalya, Turkey, p. 292-299.

Hawkes, J.G., 1998. Current status of genetic diversity in the world. In: Zencirci N, Kaya Z, Anikster Y, Adams WT (Eds), The Proceedings of International Symposium on In Stu Conservation of Plant Genetic Diversity. CRIFC, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 1-4.
Figures and Tables

The articles, photographs, graphics, figures, diagrams, and the like should be named "Figure" and numerical values as "Table." Table and figure titles and descriptions should be short, concise, and descriptive. All figures (Figure 1.) and tables (Table 1.) should be numbered and cited in the text and given after citing. Figure texts should be written at the bottom and centered, table texts should start from the beginning of the paragraph, and only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized. The others should be small, leaving a space between the top section and the top section. Vertical lines should not be used in the tables. Authors should check the printing quality of the figures they use in the article and use figures suitable for high-quality printing. If abbreviations are used in figures and tables, abbreviations should be explained just below. The font used in figures and tables should be Times New Roman and should not be less than 8 and larger than 10 points.

The articles should use the SI (Systeme International units) unit system. A period should be used as the decimal separator (like 1.25 instead of 1.25). Units should not use “/” and a gap should be left between units (for example: not 5.6 kg / ha, 5.6 kg ha-1; not 18.9 g / cm3, 18.9 g cm-3; not 1.8 µmol / s / m2, 1.8 µmol s- 1 m-2).

Abbreviations and Symbols

The article title and headings should not be abbreviated. Required abbreviations should be given in parentheses, where the concepts are mentioned first. It is mandatory to comply with the relevant field's universal rules in the use of abbreviations and symbols.
Latin Names and Chemicals

The author's name should not be used in the Latin names in the title of the article. In the abstract and article text, the Latin name should be given with the author's name, where it is first mentioned. Then internationally accepted abbreviations should be used where it is mentioned, Example: “Lupinus varius (L.)…”, “L. varius… is also grown. ”. All Latin names should be written in italics, but the relevant field's universal spelling rules should be followed in writing and notation. Chemicals used in studies should not be given by their trade names unless and unless the subject of study is required.


In the articles, the formulas should be called "Equations," they should be numbered when necessary; the number should be shown in parentheses aligned to the right next to the formula. The equations should be fitted on a single line as much as possible.