Writing Rules

1. Manuscripts submitted to the BLR must not have been published or sent for publication elsewhere. Authors will be asked to confirm this prior to publication.
2. Manuscripts must be submitted via DergiPark in Microsoft Word format, and in accordance with these guidelines.
3. The author's full name and title must be placed below the title of the article and right-aligned on the first page of the manuscript. The e-mail address and institutional affiliation of the author must be provided in an asterisked footnote. Authors must also include their correspondence address and telephone number in the e-mail.
4. The BLR accepts manuscripts in English and Turkish. Each manuscript should contain an abstract of 300 words, as well as 5 to 10 keywords in either English or Turkish (according to the language of the paper). Turkish articles should also have an extended abstract in English of 600 to 1000 words. Manuscripts submitted for publication as a research article must not be longer than 12,000 words, including footnotes, but excluding the abstract and keywords.
5. All manuscripts should be in Times New Roman. The body text should be in 12 font size with 1.5 line spacing, and footnotes should be in 10 font size with single line spacing.
6. Quotations should be placed in inverted commas (quotation marks) and italicised. Quotations exceeding 4 lines should be begin on a new line.
7. The method below should be followed in titling the manuscript in terms of capitalization and list bullets:
    1.1.1. Third Degree Subdivision Fourth Degree Subdivision”
8. Citations and explanations should be provided in the footnotes. The Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities ('OSCOLA') should be used for citations. Linguistic conventions used in citations should be selected according to the language of the article. For example, when displaying the access date of online resources, "Erişim Tarihi" should be used for Turkish articles and "accessed" for English ones. Non-compliant manuscripts shall be sent back to the author for correction.
9. At the end of the manuscript, there should be a bibliography in which sources cited are listed in alphabetical order, by last name of the author of the respective source. The bibliography should also comply with OSCOLA norms.
10. The authors of the manuscripts accepted for publication are deemed to transfer their right to reproduction, their right to create derivative works (including translations), their right to distribute, and their right to communicate to the public in any manner to Boğaziçi University indefinitely and without any compensation in accordance with Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works Law No. 5846.
11. Manuscripts submitted for publication in BLR shall be subjected to a preliminary examination in terms of compliance with these guidelines before being sent to referees. Manuscripts that contravene the ethical principles or the publication policy of the BLR, which contain unacceptable errors of language or inappropriate style, or lack sufficient academic contribution shall be rejected without being sent to the referees.
12. Manuscripts submitted for publication will be subjected to similarity test through online plagiarism tools (Turnitin and iThenticate) before the appointment of the referees. Any manuscript exceeding the similarity score of [20%] will be subjected to a further originality review by the journal board. The journal board rejects the manuscript or requests revision from the author where the submission’s degree of originality is insufficient. If plagiarism is detected at any stage of the review, the manuscript will be rejected and a revised or similar work from the author will not be accepted.
13. Those manuscripts accepted in the initial sift shall be anonymised and be sent to referees for substantive peer-review of the content. The authors shall not be informed of the identity of the referees. The decision as to whether a manuscript is accepted for publication shall be made according to the reports and feedback received from the referees. There is no defined time-limit for the peer-review period.
14. The Editor-in-Chief will take the final decision as to whether a manuscript will be published and the timing of the latter. Authors should be aware that a single negative referee report may be sufficient for the article to be rejected.