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Morphometric Assessment of Corpus Callosum and Cerebral Hemispheres with Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Year 2010, Volume: 2010 Issue: 5, 378 - 384, 01.05.2010


Objective: In this study, our purpose was to assess the relationship between handedness, footedness and the morphological differences of certain intracranial structures on MR images. Material and Methods: 63 healthy male and 52 healthy female individuals were included in the study. In each subject, 16 measurements of intracranial structures were taken on MR images. Area of corpus callosum, also left and right cerebral hemispheres, length of CC, width of genu (r1), truncus (r2), isthmus (r3) and splenium of CC (r4) and width of corresponding cerebral hemisphere were measured. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in R3 (width of the corresponding cerebral hemisphere to r3) distance between those using their right feet and those using their left feet. Angle of genu in right-handed people was greater in males than in females. Angle of genu in cases using the left foot was greater in females than in males for standing on one leg. Conclusion: Morphometric assessment of CC with MR imaging related to handedness and footedness may be useful in demonstrating the relationship between callosal morphology, gender differences and extremity preference in neuroscience. Turkish Başlık: Corpus Callosum ve Hemispherium Cerebri'lerin MRI ile Morfometrik Değerlendirmesi Anahtar Kelimeler: Corpus callosum; el tercih edilirliği; ayak tercih edilirliği; manyetik rezonans görüntüleme Amaç: Bu çalışmada amacımız, MR görüntülerinde çeşitli intrakranyal yapıların morfolojik farklılıkları ile el ve ayak tercih edilirliği arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmekti. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışma 63 erkek ve 52 kadın sağlıklı bireyi kapsıyordu. Her bir bireyde intrakranyal yapıların 16 ölçümü Manyetik Rezonans görüntülerinde yapıldı. Corpus callosum (CC), sol ve sağ hemispherium cerebri alanları, CC uzunluğu, CC'un genu (r1), truncus (r2), isthmus (r3) ve splenium (r4) kısımlarının genişliği ve bu kısımlara uyan hemispherium cerebri'lerin genişliğini ölçtük. Bulgular: Sağ ile sol ayağını tercih edenler arasında R3 (r3'e uyan hemispherium cerebri'lerin genişliği) mesafesinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık vardı. Sağ elini tercih edenlerde genu açısı erkeklerde kadınlardan daha büyüktü. Tek ayak üzerinde durma için sol ayağını kullanan vakalarda genu açısı kadınlarda erkeklerden daha büyüktü. Sonuç: El ve ayak tercih edilirliğine ilişkin MR görüntüleriyle CC'un morfometrik değerlendirmesi sinir biliminde CC'un morfolojisi, cinsiyet farklılıkları ve ekstremite tercihi arasındaki ilişkiyi göstermede yararlı olabilir.


  • Baumgardner TL, Singer HS, Denckla MB, Rubin MA, Abrams MT, Colli MJ, et al. Corpus callosum morphology in children with Tourette syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neurology 1996;47:477-82.
  • Stancak AJ, Carl HL, Rumyana KF. Lateralization of movement-related potentials and the size of corpus callosum. Neuroreport 2000;11:329-32.
  • Bell AD, Variend S. Failure to demonsrate sexual dimorphism of the corpus callosum in childhood. Journal of Anatomy 1985;143:143-7.
  • Bishop KM, Wahlsten D. Sex differences in the human corpus callosum: Myth or reality? Neuroscience 1997;21:581-601.
  • Clarke S, Kraftsik R, Van der Loos H, Innocenti G M. Forms and easures of adult and developing human corpus callosum: is there sexual dimorphism? The Journal of Comparative Neurology 1989;280:213-30.
  • Hoff AL, Nea C, Kushner M, DeLisi LE. Gender differences in corpus callosum size in first-episode schizophrenics. Biological Psychiatry 1994;35:913-9.
  • Suganthy J, Raghuram L, Antonisamy B, Vettivel S, Madhavi C, Koshi R. Gender- and age-related differences in the morphology of the corpus callosum. Clinical Anatomy 2003;16:396-403.
  • Witelson SF Hand and sex differences in the isthmus and genu of the human corpus callosum. Brain 1989; 112: 799-835.
  • Hebbal GV, Mysorekar VR. Anatomical and behavioural asymmetries in right and left handers from India. Annals of Anatomy 2003;185:267-75.
  • Koshi R, Koshi T, Jeyaseelan L, Vettivel, S. Morphology of the corpus callosum in human fetuses. Clinical Anatomy 1997;10:22-6.
  • Williams PL, Bannister LH, Berry MM, Standring SM, (editors). Gray’s Anatomy. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1995.
  • Mazziotta JC, Toga AW, Evans AC, Fox B, Lancester J. Probabilistic atlas of human brain. Theory rationale for its development. Neuroimage 1995;2:89-101.
  • Allen LS, Riche MF, Chai YM, Gorski RAJ . Sex differenced in the corpus callosum of the living human being. Neuroscience 1991;11:933-42.
  • Hardan AY, Minshew NJ, Keshavan MS. Corpus callosum size in autism. Neurology 2000; 55:1033-6.
  • Kertesz A, Polk M, Howell J, Black SE. Cerebral dominance, sex, and callosal size in MRI. Neurology 1987;37:1385-8.
  • Laissy JP, Patrux B, Duchateau C, Hannequin D, Hugonet P, Ait-Yahia H et al. Midsagittal MR measurements of the corpus callosum in healthy subjects and diseased patients: a prospective survey. AJNR American Journal of Neuroradiology 1993;14:145-54.
  • Oka S, Miyamoto O, Janjua NA, Honjo-Fujiwara N, Ohkawa M, Nagao S, et al. Re-evaluation of sexual dimorphism in human corpus callosum. Neuroreport 1999;10:937-40.
  • Pujol J, Vendrell P, Junque C, Marti-Vilalta JL, Capdevila A. When does human brain development end? Evidence of corpus callosum growth up to adulthood. Annals of Neurology 1993;34:71-5.
  • Schmitt JE, Eliez S, Warsofsky IS, Bellugi U,Reiss AL. Corpus callosum morphology of Williams syndrome: relation to genetics and behavior. Developmental Medicine Child Neurology 2001;43:155-9.
  • Hopper KD, Patel S, Cann TS, WilcoxT, Schaeffer JM. The relationship of age, gender, handedness, and sidedness to the size of the corpus callosum. Academic Radiology 1994;1:243-8.
  • DeLacoste-Utamsing C, Holloway RL. Sexual dimorphism in the human corpus callosum. Science 1982;216:1431-2.
  • Pozzilli C, Bastianello S, Bozzao A, Pierallini A, Giubilei F, Argentino C, Bozzao L. No differences in corpus callosum size by sex and aging. A quantitative study using magnetic resonance imaging J Neuroimaging 1994;4:218-21.
  • Weis S, Kimbacher M, Wenger E, Neuhold A. Morphometric analysis of the corpus callosum using MR: correlation of measurements with aging in healthy individuals. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1993;14:637-45.
  • Parashos IA, Wilkinson WE, Coffey CE. Magnetic resonance imaging of the corpus callosum: predictors of size in normal adults. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 1995;7:35-41.
  • Takeda S, Hirashima Y, Ikeda H, Yamamoto H, Sugino M, Endo S. Determination of indices of the corpus callosum associated with normal aging in Japanese individuals. Neuroradiology 2003;45:513-8.
  • Peterson BS, Leckman JF, Duncan CS, Wetzles R, Riddle MA, Hardin MT, et al. Corpus callosum morphology from magnetic resonance images in Tourette’s syndrome. Psychiatry Research 1994;55:85-99.
  • Denenberg VH, Kertesz A, Cowell PE. A factor analysis of the human’s corpus callosum. Brain Research 1991;548:126-32.
  • Mostofsky SH, Wendlandt JBS, Cutting L, Denckla MB, Singer HS. Corpus callosum measurements in girls with Tourette syndrome. Neurology 1999;53:1345-7.
  • Cowell PE, Allen LS, Zalatimo NS, Denenberg VH. A developmental study of sex and age interactions in the human corpus callosum. Brain Research Developmental Brain Research 1992;66:187-92.
  • Clarke JM, Zaidel E. Anatomical-behavioral relationships corpus callosum morphometry and hemispheric specialization. Behavioural Brain Research 1994;64:185-202.
  • Dunham LA, Hopkins WD. Sex and Handedness Effects on Corpus Callosum Morphology in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Behavioral Neuroscience 2006;120:1025-32.

Corpus Callosum ve Hemispherium Cerebri’lerin MRI ile Morfometrik Değerlendirmesi

Year 2010, Volume: 2010 Issue: 5, 378 - 384, 01.05.2010


Amaç: Bu çalışmada amacımız, MR görüntülerinde çeşitli intrakranyal yapıların morfolojik farklılıkları ile el ve ayak tercih edilirliği arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmekti. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışma 63 erkek ve 52 kadın sağlıklı bireyi kapsıyordu. Her bir bireyde intrakranyal yapıların 16 ölçümü Manyetik Rezonans görüntülerinde yapıldı. Corpus callosum (CC), sol ve sağ hemispherium cerebri alanları, CC uzunluğu, CC'un genu (r1), truncus (r2), isthmus (r3) ve splenium (r4) kısımlarının genişliği ve bu kısımlara uyan hemispherium cerebri'lerin genişliğini ölçtük. Bulgular: Sağ ile sol ayağını tercih edenler arasında R3 (r3'e uyan hemispherium cerebri'lerin genişliği) mesafesinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık vardı. Sağ elini tercih edenlerde genu açısı erkeklerde kadınlardan daha büyüktü. Tek ayak üzerinde durma için sol ayağını kullanan vakalarda genu açısı kadınlarda erkeklerden daha büyüktü. Sonuç: El ve ayak tercih edilirliğine ilişkin MR görüntüleriyle CC'un morfometrik değerlendirmesi sinir biliminde CC'un morfolojisi, cinsiyet farklılıkları ve ekstremite tercihi arasındaki ilişkiyi göstermede yararlı olabilir.


  • Baumgardner TL, Singer HS, Denckla MB, Rubin MA, Abrams MT, Colli MJ, et al. Corpus callosum morphology in children with Tourette syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neurology 1996;47:477-82.
  • Stancak AJ, Carl HL, Rumyana KF. Lateralization of movement-related potentials and the size of corpus callosum. Neuroreport 2000;11:329-32.
  • Bell AD, Variend S. Failure to demonsrate sexual dimorphism of the corpus callosum in childhood. Journal of Anatomy 1985;143:143-7.
  • Bishop KM, Wahlsten D. Sex differences in the human corpus callosum: Myth or reality? Neuroscience 1997;21:581-601.
  • Clarke S, Kraftsik R, Van der Loos H, Innocenti G M. Forms and easures of adult and developing human corpus callosum: is there sexual dimorphism? The Journal of Comparative Neurology 1989;280:213-30.
  • Hoff AL, Nea C, Kushner M, DeLisi LE. Gender differences in corpus callosum size in first-episode schizophrenics. Biological Psychiatry 1994;35:913-9.
  • Suganthy J, Raghuram L, Antonisamy B, Vettivel S, Madhavi C, Koshi R. Gender- and age-related differences in the morphology of the corpus callosum. Clinical Anatomy 2003;16:396-403.
  • Witelson SF Hand and sex differences in the isthmus and genu of the human corpus callosum. Brain 1989; 112: 799-835.
  • Hebbal GV, Mysorekar VR. Anatomical and behavioural asymmetries in right and left handers from India. Annals of Anatomy 2003;185:267-75.
  • Koshi R, Koshi T, Jeyaseelan L, Vettivel, S. Morphology of the corpus callosum in human fetuses. Clinical Anatomy 1997;10:22-6.
  • Williams PL, Bannister LH, Berry MM, Standring SM, (editors). Gray’s Anatomy. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1995.
  • Mazziotta JC, Toga AW, Evans AC, Fox B, Lancester J. Probabilistic atlas of human brain. Theory rationale for its development. Neuroimage 1995;2:89-101.
  • Allen LS, Riche MF, Chai YM, Gorski RAJ . Sex differenced in the corpus callosum of the living human being. Neuroscience 1991;11:933-42.
  • Hardan AY, Minshew NJ, Keshavan MS. Corpus callosum size in autism. Neurology 2000; 55:1033-6.
  • Kertesz A, Polk M, Howell J, Black SE. Cerebral dominance, sex, and callosal size in MRI. Neurology 1987;37:1385-8.
  • Laissy JP, Patrux B, Duchateau C, Hannequin D, Hugonet P, Ait-Yahia H et al. Midsagittal MR measurements of the corpus callosum in healthy subjects and diseased patients: a prospective survey. AJNR American Journal of Neuroradiology 1993;14:145-54.
  • Oka S, Miyamoto O, Janjua NA, Honjo-Fujiwara N, Ohkawa M, Nagao S, et al. Re-evaluation of sexual dimorphism in human corpus callosum. Neuroreport 1999;10:937-40.
  • Pujol J, Vendrell P, Junque C, Marti-Vilalta JL, Capdevila A. When does human brain development end? Evidence of corpus callosum growth up to adulthood. Annals of Neurology 1993;34:71-5.
  • Schmitt JE, Eliez S, Warsofsky IS, Bellugi U,Reiss AL. Corpus callosum morphology of Williams syndrome: relation to genetics and behavior. Developmental Medicine Child Neurology 2001;43:155-9.
  • Hopper KD, Patel S, Cann TS, WilcoxT, Schaeffer JM. The relationship of age, gender, handedness, and sidedness to the size of the corpus callosum. Academic Radiology 1994;1:243-8.
  • DeLacoste-Utamsing C, Holloway RL. Sexual dimorphism in the human corpus callosum. Science 1982;216:1431-2.
  • Pozzilli C, Bastianello S, Bozzao A, Pierallini A, Giubilei F, Argentino C, Bozzao L. No differences in corpus callosum size by sex and aging. A quantitative study using magnetic resonance imaging J Neuroimaging 1994;4:218-21.
  • Weis S, Kimbacher M, Wenger E, Neuhold A. Morphometric analysis of the corpus callosum using MR: correlation of measurements with aging in healthy individuals. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1993;14:637-45.
  • Parashos IA, Wilkinson WE, Coffey CE. Magnetic resonance imaging of the corpus callosum: predictors of size in normal adults. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 1995;7:35-41.
  • Takeda S, Hirashima Y, Ikeda H, Yamamoto H, Sugino M, Endo S. Determination of indices of the corpus callosum associated with normal aging in Japanese individuals. Neuroradiology 2003;45:513-8.
  • Peterson BS, Leckman JF, Duncan CS, Wetzles R, Riddle MA, Hardin MT, et al. Corpus callosum morphology from magnetic resonance images in Tourette’s syndrome. Psychiatry Research 1994;55:85-99.
  • Denenberg VH, Kertesz A, Cowell PE. A factor analysis of the human’s corpus callosum. Brain Research 1991;548:126-32.
  • Mostofsky SH, Wendlandt JBS, Cutting L, Denckla MB, Singer HS. Corpus callosum measurements in girls with Tourette syndrome. Neurology 1999;53:1345-7.
  • Cowell PE, Allen LS, Zalatimo NS, Denenberg VH. A developmental study of sex and age interactions in the human corpus callosum. Brain Research Developmental Brain Research 1992;66:187-92.
  • Clarke JM, Zaidel E. Anatomical-behavioral relationships corpus callosum morphometry and hemispheric specialization. Behavioural Brain Research 1994;64:185-202.
  • Dunham LA, Hopkins WD. Sex and Handedness Effects on Corpus Callosum Morphology in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Behavioral Neuroscience 2006;120:1025-32.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Necdet Kocabıyık This is me

Barış Baykal This is me

Cenk Kılıç This is me

Selçuk Tunalı This is me

Bülent Yalçın This is me

Nail Bulakbaşı This is me

Hasan Ozan This is me

Mesut Akyol This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 2010 Issue: 5


APA Kocabıyık, N., Baykal, B., Kılıç, C., Tunalı, S., et al. (2010). Corpus Callosum ve Hemispherium Cerebri’lerin MRI ile Morfometrik Değerlendirmesi. Balkan Medical Journal, 2010(5), 378-384.
AMA Kocabıyık N, Baykal B, Kılıç C, Tunalı S, Yalçın B, Bulakbaşı N, Ozan H, Akyol M. Corpus Callosum ve Hemispherium Cerebri’lerin MRI ile Morfometrik Değerlendirmesi. Balkan Medical Journal. May 2010;2010(5):378-384. doi:10.5174/tutfd.2009.01514.2
Chicago Kocabıyık, Necdet, Barış Baykal, Cenk Kılıç, Selçuk Tunalı, Bülent Yalçın, Nail Bulakbaşı, Hasan Ozan, and Mesut Akyol. “Corpus Callosum Ve Hemispherium Cerebri’lerin MRI Ile Morfometrik Değerlendirmesi”. Balkan Medical Journal 2010, no. 5 (May 2010): 378-84.
EndNote Kocabıyık N, Baykal B, Kılıç C, Tunalı S, Yalçın B, Bulakbaşı N, Ozan H, Akyol M (May 1, 2010) Corpus Callosum ve Hemispherium Cerebri’lerin MRI ile Morfometrik Değerlendirmesi. Balkan Medical Journal 2010 5 378–384.
IEEE N. Kocabıyık, “Corpus Callosum ve Hemispherium Cerebri’lerin MRI ile Morfometrik Değerlendirmesi”, Balkan Medical Journal, vol. 2010, no. 5, pp. 378–384, 2010, doi: 10.5174/tutfd.2009.01514.2.
ISNAD Kocabıyık, Necdet et al. “Corpus Callosum Ve Hemispherium Cerebri’lerin MRI Ile Morfometrik Değerlendirmesi”. Balkan Medical Journal 2010/5 (May 2010), 378-384.
JAMA Kocabıyık N, Baykal B, Kılıç C, Tunalı S, Yalçın B, Bulakbaşı N, Ozan H, Akyol M. Corpus Callosum ve Hemispherium Cerebri’lerin MRI ile Morfometrik Değerlendirmesi. Balkan Medical Journal. 2010;2010:378–384.
MLA Kocabıyık, Necdet et al. “Corpus Callosum Ve Hemispherium Cerebri’lerin MRI Ile Morfometrik Değerlendirmesi”. Balkan Medical Journal, vol. 2010, no. 5, 2010, pp. 378-84, doi:10.5174/tutfd.2009.01514.2.
Vancouver Kocabıyık N, Baykal B, Kılıç C, Tunalı S, Yalçın B, Bulakbaşı N, Ozan H, Akyol M. Corpus Callosum ve Hemispherium Cerebri’lerin MRI ile Morfometrik Değerlendirmesi. Balkan Medical Journal. 2010;2010(5):378-84.