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The Effects of FGF-9 on In Vitro Embryonic Development

Year 2011, Volume: 2011 Issue: 1, 18 - 22, 01.01.2011


Objective: In vitro embryo culture techniques that include between the 9,5th and 11,5th days of the embryonic period could be suitable for studying the effects of growth factors on the embryo. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of fibroblast growth factor-9 (FGF-9) on in vitro embryonic development in rats. Material and Methods: The pregnant Wistar albino rats were killed by ether overdose at 9.5 days of gestation and the embryos (average of 10 embryos from each pregnant rat) were removed from the mother. In order to assess the effect of the FGF-9 on total embryonic growth, the embryos were divided into 4 groups. The control group (Group I) embryos were cultured in whole rat serum. Experimental groups (Group II-IV) were cultured in the presence of 1, 2 and 4 μg anti-FGF-9/per ml in whole rat serum. Results: Total morphologic score in the control and Groups II-IV were 59.6±0.51, 43.7±1.94, 42.4±13.52 and 29.2±10.97 respectively. There was a significant regression in the research group in the total morphologic score, yolk sac diameter, crown-rump lengths and somite number when compared to the control group. Conclusions: In the embryonic period, lack of FGF-9, which is produced by the embryo, could cause embryonic malformations. Turkish Başlık: FGF-9'un In Vitro Embriyonik Gelişim Üzerine Etkileri Anahtar Kelimeler: Sıçan, in vitro, embriyo kültürü, FGF-9, anti FGF-9 Amaç: In vitro embriyo kültürü tekniği (9.5 ve 11.5 günlük embriyonik periyodu kapsar) büyüme faktörlerinin embriyo üzerindeki etkilerinin çalışılabilmesi için uygun bir metottur. Bu çalışmada, fibroblast growth factor-9'un (FGF-9) in vitro sıçan embriyosu gelişimi üzerine etkilerini araştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Wistar albino türü sıçanlardan eter anestezisi altında gebelik sürecinin 9,5'inci gününde embriyolar (her gebe sıçandan ortalama 10 embriyo) alındı. FGF-9'un embriyonik gelişim üzerine etkisini incelemek için her bir grupta 10 embriyo olmak üzere embriyolar 4 gruba bölündü. Kontrol grubunda (Grup I) kültür ortamı olarak sadece sıçan serumu kullanılırken Grup II-IV'ün kültüre edildiği sıçan serumuna ilave olarak ml başına sırası ile 1, 2 ve 4 μgr anti-FGF-9 ilave edildi. Bulgular: Toplam morfolojik skor kontrol grubunda 59.6±0.51 iken deney gruplarında sırasıyla 43.7±1.94, 42.4±13.52 ve 29.2±10.97 olarak bulundu. Morfolojik skorlama sistemine göre toplam morfolojik skor, vitellus kesesi çapı, embriyo tepe-kıç uzunluğu ve somit sayısı karşılaştırıldığında deney gruplarında anlamlı bir gerilemenin olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuç: Embriyonik dönemde organizma tarafından üretilen FGF-9'un eksikliğinde embriyonik gelişim olumsuz yönde etkilenmektedir.


  • Heath JK. Growth factors. Oxford: Oxford University Pres; 1993.
  • McGee GS, Davidson JM, Buckley A, Sommer A, Woodward SC, Aquino AM, et al. Recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor ac- celerates wound healing. J Surg Res 1988;45:145-53. [CrossRef]
  • Ford-Perriss M, Abud H, Murphy M. Fibroblast growth factors in developing central nervous system. Clinical and Experimental Pharmocology 2001;28:493-503. [CrossRef]
  • Ortniz DM, Itoh N. Fibroblast growth factors. Genome Biology 2001;2:1-12.
  • Hossain WA, Morest DK. Fibroblast growth factors (FGF-1, FGF-2) promote migration and neurite growth of mouse cochlear gangli- on cells in vitro: Immunohistochemistry and antibody perturbation. Journal of Neuroscience Research 2000;62:40-55. [CrossRef]
  • Powers C J, McLeskey SW, Wellstein A. Fibroblast growth fac- tors, their receptors and signaling. Endocrine-Related Cancer 2000;7:165-97. [CrossRef]
  • Miyakava K, Hatsuzawa K, Kurokawa T, Asada M, Kuroiwa T, Imamura T. A hydrophobic region locating at the center of fibro- blast growth factor-9 iss crucial for its secretion. The Journal of Biologıcal Chemistry 1999;274:29352-7.
  • Santos-Ocampo S, Colvin JS, Chellaiah A, Ornitz DM. Expression and biological activity of mouse fibroblast growth factor-9. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1996;271:1726-31. [CrossRef]
  • Tsai SJ, Wu MH, Chen HM, Chuang PC, Wıng LYC. Fibroblast growth factor-9 is an endometrial stromal growth factor. Endocri- nology 2002;143:2715-21. [CrossRef]
  • Wing LYC, Chuang PC, Wu MH, Chen HM, Tsai SJ. Expression and mitogenic effect of fibroblast growth factor-9 in human endometriotic implant is regulated by aberrant production of estrogen. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology& Metabolism 2003;88:5547-54. [CrossRef]
  • Govindarajan V, Overbeek PA. FGF9 can induce endochondral ossification in cranial mesenchyme. BMC Developmental Biology 2006;6:1-14. [CrossRef]
  • Matsumoto-Yoshitomi S, Kuroshima K, Nomura C, Habashita J, Kuro- kawa T. Construction of a sensitive enzyme immunoassay for human fibroblast growth factor 9. Hybridoma. 1996;15:299-305. [CrossRef]
  • New DAT, Stein KF. Cultivation of post-implantation mouse and rat embryos on plasma clots. J Embryol Exp Morphol 1964;12:101-11.
  • New DAT. Whole embryo culture and the study of mammalian embryos during organogenesis. Biol. Rev. Camb. Philos. Soc. 1978;53:81-125. [CrossRef]
  • Ulger H, Pratten MK. The in vitro effects of low molecular weight serum fractions on embryonic wistar rat (Rattus norvegicus) de- velopment. Anat. Histol. Embryol 1999;28:265-9. [CrossRef]
  • Ulger H, Karabulut AK, Pratten MK. The growth promoting effects of bFGF, PD-ECGF and VEGF on cultured postim- plantation rat embryos deprived of serum fractions. J. Anat. 2000;197:207-21. [CrossRef]
  • Ülger H, Özdamar S, Unur E, Pratten MK. The effect of vascular endothelial growth factor on in vitro embryonic heart develop- ment in rats. Anat. Histol. Embryol. 2004;33:334-8.
  • Van Maele-Fabry G, Delhaise F, Picard JJ. Morphogenesis and quantification of the development of post-implantation mouse embryo. Toxicol. In Vitro 1990;4:149-56.
  • Böttcher RT, Niehrs C. Fibroblast growth factor signaling during early vertebrate development. Endocrine Reviews 2005;26:63-77.
  • Presta M, Dell’Era P, Mitola S, Moroni E, Ronca R, Rusnati M. Fibroblast growth factor/fibroblast growth factor receptor system in angiogenesis. Cytokine Growth Factor Reviews 2005;16:159-78. [CrossRef]
  • Goldfarb M. Functions of fibroblast growth factors in vertebrate development. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 1996;7:311-25. [CrossRef]
  • Dell’Era P, Ronca R, Coco L, Nicoli S, Metra M, Presta M. Fibro- blast growth receptor-1 is essential for in vıtro cardimyocyte De- velopment. Circulation Research 2003;5:414-20. [CrossRef]
  • Miyomato M, Nauro KI, Seko C, Matsumoto S, Kondo T, Kuro- kawa T. Moleculer cloning of a novel cytokine cDNA encoding the ninth member of the fibroblast growth factor family, which has a unique secretion property. Molecular and Cellular Biyology. 1993;13:4251-9.
  • Naruo KI, Seko C, Kuroshima KI, Matsutani E, Sasada R, Kondo T et al. Novel secretory heparin-binding factors from human glio- ma cells (glia-activating factors) involved in glial cell growth. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1993;268:2857-64.
  • Seo M, Noguchi K. Retinoic acid induces gene expression of fibro- blast growth factor-9 during induction of neuronal differentiation of mouse embryonal carcinoma P19 cells. FEBS Letters 1995;370:231-5.
  • Fakhry A, Ratisoontorn C, Vedhachalam C, Salhab I, Koyama E, Leboy P et al. Effects of FGF-2/-9 in calvarial bone cell cultures: Differentiation stage- dependent mitogenic effect, inverse regu- lation of BMP-2 and noggin, and enhancement of osteogenic potential. Bone 2005;36:254-66.
  • Brown NA, Fabro S. Quantitation of rat embryonic develop- ment in vitro: A morphological scoring system. Teratology 1981;24:65-78. [CrossRef]
  • Karabulut, AK, Ulger H, Pratten MK. Teratogenicity of endofer- on kappa A, a molecule derived from salicylate, in cultured rat embryos: Differences from salicylate and interaction with free oxygen radical scavenging enzymes. Anat. Histol. Embryol. 2000;29:363-70. [CrossRef]

FGF-9’un In Vitro Embriyonik Gelişim Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2011, Volume: 2011 Issue: 1, 18 - 22, 01.01.2011


Amaç: In vitro embriyo kültürü tekniği (9.5 ve 11.5 günlük embriyonik
periyodu kapsar) büyüme faktörlerinin embriyo üzerindeki etkilerinin
çalışılabilmesi için uygun bir metottur. Bu çalışmada, fibroblast growth
factor-9’un (FGF-9) in vitro sıçan embriyosu gelişimi üzerine etkilerini
araştırmayı amaçladık.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Wistar albino türü sıçanlardan eter anestezisi altında
gebelik sürecinin 9,5’inci gününde embriyolar (her gebe sıçandan ortalama
10 embriyo) alındı. FGF-9’un embriyonik gelişim üzerine etkisini incelemek
için her bir grupta 10 embriyo olmak üzere embriyolar 4 gruba
bölündü. Kontrol grubunda (Grup I) kültür ortamı olarak sadece sıçan
serumu kullanılırken Grup II-IV’ün kültüre edildiği sıçan serumuna ilave
olarak ml başına sırası ile 1, 2 ve 4 µgr anti-FGF-9 ilave edildi.
Bulgular: Toplam morfolojik skor kontrol grubunda 59.6±0.51 iken deney
gruplarında sırasıyla 43.7±1.94, 42.4±13.52 ve 29.2±10.97 olarak bulundu.
Morfolojik skorlama sistemine göre toplam morfolojik skor, vitellus
kesesi çapı, embriyo tepe-kıç uzunluğu ve somit sayısı karşılaştırıldığında
deney gruplarında anlamlı bir gerilemenin olduğu tespit edildi.
Sonuç: Embriyonik dönemde organizma tarafından üretilen FGF-9’un
eksikliğinde embriyonik gelişim olumsuz yönde etkilenmektedir.


  • Heath JK. Growth factors. Oxford: Oxford University Pres; 1993.
  • McGee GS, Davidson JM, Buckley A, Sommer A, Woodward SC, Aquino AM, et al. Recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor ac- celerates wound healing. J Surg Res 1988;45:145-53. [CrossRef]
  • Ford-Perriss M, Abud H, Murphy M. Fibroblast growth factors in developing central nervous system. Clinical and Experimental Pharmocology 2001;28:493-503. [CrossRef]
  • Ortniz DM, Itoh N. Fibroblast growth factors. Genome Biology 2001;2:1-12.
  • Hossain WA, Morest DK. Fibroblast growth factors (FGF-1, FGF-2) promote migration and neurite growth of mouse cochlear gangli- on cells in vitro: Immunohistochemistry and antibody perturbation. Journal of Neuroscience Research 2000;62:40-55. [CrossRef]
  • Powers C J, McLeskey SW, Wellstein A. Fibroblast growth fac- tors, their receptors and signaling. Endocrine-Related Cancer 2000;7:165-97. [CrossRef]
  • Miyakava K, Hatsuzawa K, Kurokawa T, Asada M, Kuroiwa T, Imamura T. A hydrophobic region locating at the center of fibro- blast growth factor-9 iss crucial for its secretion. The Journal of Biologıcal Chemistry 1999;274:29352-7.
  • Santos-Ocampo S, Colvin JS, Chellaiah A, Ornitz DM. Expression and biological activity of mouse fibroblast growth factor-9. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1996;271:1726-31. [CrossRef]
  • Tsai SJ, Wu MH, Chen HM, Chuang PC, Wıng LYC. Fibroblast growth factor-9 is an endometrial stromal growth factor. Endocri- nology 2002;143:2715-21. [CrossRef]
  • Wing LYC, Chuang PC, Wu MH, Chen HM, Tsai SJ. Expression and mitogenic effect of fibroblast growth factor-9 in human endometriotic implant is regulated by aberrant production of estrogen. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology& Metabolism 2003;88:5547-54. [CrossRef]
  • Govindarajan V, Overbeek PA. FGF9 can induce endochondral ossification in cranial mesenchyme. BMC Developmental Biology 2006;6:1-14. [CrossRef]
  • Matsumoto-Yoshitomi S, Kuroshima K, Nomura C, Habashita J, Kuro- kawa T. Construction of a sensitive enzyme immunoassay for human fibroblast growth factor 9. Hybridoma. 1996;15:299-305. [CrossRef]
  • New DAT, Stein KF. Cultivation of post-implantation mouse and rat embryos on plasma clots. J Embryol Exp Morphol 1964;12:101-11.
  • New DAT. Whole embryo culture and the study of mammalian embryos during organogenesis. Biol. Rev. Camb. Philos. Soc. 1978;53:81-125. [CrossRef]
  • Ulger H, Pratten MK. The in vitro effects of low molecular weight serum fractions on embryonic wistar rat (Rattus norvegicus) de- velopment. Anat. Histol. Embryol 1999;28:265-9. [CrossRef]
  • Ulger H, Karabulut AK, Pratten MK. The growth promoting effects of bFGF, PD-ECGF and VEGF on cultured postim- plantation rat embryos deprived of serum fractions. J. Anat. 2000;197:207-21. [CrossRef]
  • Ülger H, Özdamar S, Unur E, Pratten MK. The effect of vascular endothelial growth factor on in vitro embryonic heart develop- ment in rats. Anat. Histol. Embryol. 2004;33:334-8.
  • Van Maele-Fabry G, Delhaise F, Picard JJ. Morphogenesis and quantification of the development of post-implantation mouse embryo. Toxicol. In Vitro 1990;4:149-56.
  • Böttcher RT, Niehrs C. Fibroblast growth factor signaling during early vertebrate development. Endocrine Reviews 2005;26:63-77.
  • Presta M, Dell’Era P, Mitola S, Moroni E, Ronca R, Rusnati M. Fibroblast growth factor/fibroblast growth factor receptor system in angiogenesis. Cytokine Growth Factor Reviews 2005;16:159-78. [CrossRef]
  • Goldfarb M. Functions of fibroblast growth factors in vertebrate development. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 1996;7:311-25. [CrossRef]
  • Dell’Era P, Ronca R, Coco L, Nicoli S, Metra M, Presta M. Fibro- blast growth receptor-1 is essential for in vıtro cardimyocyte De- velopment. Circulation Research 2003;5:414-20. [CrossRef]
  • Miyomato M, Nauro KI, Seko C, Matsumoto S, Kondo T, Kuro- kawa T. Moleculer cloning of a novel cytokine cDNA encoding the ninth member of the fibroblast growth factor family, which has a unique secretion property. Molecular and Cellular Biyology. 1993;13:4251-9.
  • Naruo KI, Seko C, Kuroshima KI, Matsutani E, Sasada R, Kondo T et al. Novel secretory heparin-binding factors from human glio- ma cells (glia-activating factors) involved in glial cell growth. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1993;268:2857-64.
  • Seo M, Noguchi K. Retinoic acid induces gene expression of fibro- blast growth factor-9 during induction of neuronal differentiation of mouse embryonal carcinoma P19 cells. FEBS Letters 1995;370:231-5.
  • Fakhry A, Ratisoontorn C, Vedhachalam C, Salhab I, Koyama E, Leboy P et al. Effects of FGF-2/-9 in calvarial bone cell cultures: Differentiation stage- dependent mitogenic effect, inverse regu- lation of BMP-2 and noggin, and enhancement of osteogenic potential. Bone 2005;36:254-66.
  • Brown NA, Fabro S. Quantitation of rat embryonic develop- ment in vitro: A morphological scoring system. Teratology 1981;24:65-78. [CrossRef]
  • Karabulut, AK, Ulger H, Pratten MK. Teratogenicity of endofer- on kappa A, a molecule derived from salicylate, in cultured rat embryos: Differences from salicylate and interaction with free oxygen radical scavenging enzymes. Anat. Histol. Embryol. 2000;29:363-70. [CrossRef]
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

İlkim İlknur Tekinarslan This is me

Erdoğan Unur This is me

Harun Ülger This is me

Nihat Ekinci This is me

Tolga Ertekin This is me

Mehtap Hacıalioğulları This is me

Seda Arslan This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 2011 Issue: 1


APA Tekinarslan, İ. İ., Unur, E., Ülger, H., Ekinci, N., et al. (2011). FGF-9’un In Vitro Embriyonik Gelişim Üzerine Etkileri. Balkan Medical Journal, 2011(1), 18-22.
AMA Tekinarslan İİ, Unur E, Ülger H, Ekinci N, Ertekin T, Hacıalioğulları M, Arslan S. FGF-9’un In Vitro Embriyonik Gelişim Üzerine Etkileri. Balkan Medical Journal. January 2011;2011(1):18-22. doi:10.5174/tutfd.2009.02019.2
Chicago Tekinarslan, İlkim İlknur, Erdoğan Unur, Harun Ülger, Nihat Ekinci, Tolga Ertekin, Mehtap Hacıalioğulları, and Seda Arslan. “FGF-9’un In Vitro Embriyonik Gelişim Üzerine Etkileri”. Balkan Medical Journal 2011, no. 1 (January 2011): 18-22.
EndNote Tekinarslan İİ, Unur E, Ülger H, Ekinci N, Ertekin T, Hacıalioğulları M, Arslan S (January 1, 2011) FGF-9’un In Vitro Embriyonik Gelişim Üzerine Etkileri. Balkan Medical Journal 2011 1 18–22.
IEEE İ. İ. Tekinarslan, E. Unur, H. Ülger, N. Ekinci, T. Ertekin, M. Hacıalioğulları, and S. Arslan, “FGF-9’un In Vitro Embriyonik Gelişim Üzerine Etkileri”, Balkan Medical Journal, vol. 2011, no. 1, pp. 18–22, 2011, doi: 10.5174/tutfd.2009.02019.2.
ISNAD Tekinarslan, İlkim İlknur et al. “FGF-9’un In Vitro Embriyonik Gelişim Üzerine Etkileri”. Balkan Medical Journal 2011/1 (January 2011), 18-22.
JAMA Tekinarslan İİ, Unur E, Ülger H, Ekinci N, Ertekin T, Hacıalioğulları M, Arslan S. FGF-9’un In Vitro Embriyonik Gelişim Üzerine Etkileri. Balkan Medical Journal. 2011;2011:18–22.
MLA Tekinarslan, İlkim İlknur et al. “FGF-9’un In Vitro Embriyonik Gelişim Üzerine Etkileri”. Balkan Medical Journal, vol. 2011, no. 1, 2011, pp. 18-22, doi:10.5174/tutfd.2009.02019.2.
Vancouver Tekinarslan İİ, Unur E, Ülger H, Ekinci N, Ertekin T, Hacıalioğulları M, Arslan S. FGF-9’un In Vitro Embriyonik Gelişim Üzerine Etkileri. Balkan Medical Journal. 2011;2011(1):18-22.