Research Article
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Social Anxiety in İstanbul Heavy Metal Bar Patrons

Year 2011, Volume: 2011 Issue: 3, 307 - 312, 01.03.2011


Objective: We aimed to examine the heavy metal bar patrons in Istanbul by means of self-reported questionnaires for psychiatric disorder symptoms. Material and Methods: Seventy-one volunteers from 4 popular heavy metal bars were included to the study. The Beck Depression Inventory, the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), the Adult Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) Scale and the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST) were administered to the participants. Results: One fourth of the participants (25.4%) were under high risk for a depressive episode (BDI>17), 22 (32.3%) reported significant social anxiety (LSAS>30), and 41 (57.7%) showed moderate ADHD symptoms (Adult ADD/ADHD scale: 20-59). According to BDI score participants who were under the risk for depression showed higher scores in Adult ADD/ADHD scale scores than that of participants who were not under a risk for depression (p=0.001 for attention deficit; p=0.003 for hyperactivity; p=0.002 for impulsivity; p=0.001 for total score). In the study group, ADD/ADHD scale attention deficit score was positively correlated with the total fear, total avoidence and the total scores of LSAS (r=.359 p<0.01; r=.332 p<0.01; r=.358 p<0.01, respectively). Conclusion: Heavy metal bar patrons appear to be a particular social group with an increased risk of psychopathology.


  • Le’Vine M. Heavy metal Islam. New York: Three Rivers Press; 2008.
  • Baker F, Bor W. Can music preference indicate mental health status in young people? Australas Psychiatry 2008;16:284-8. [CrossRef]
  • Traeen B, Nordlund S. Visiting public drinking places in Oslo: an application of the theory of planned behavior. Addiction 1993;88:1215-24.
  • Knibbe RA, Drop MJ, Muytens A. Correlates of stages in the progression from everyday drinking to problem drinking. Soc Sci Med 1987;24:463-73. [CrossRef]
  • Traeen B, Rossow I. Social characteristics of urban cafe guests in Norway. Addiction 1994;89:999-1006. [CrossRef]
  • Oldenburg R. The great good place: cafes, coffee shops, commu- nity centers, beauty parlors, general stores, bars, hangouts and how they get you through the day. New York: Paragon House; 1989.
  • Whitaker B. Middle East Dispatch: Highway to hell. June 2003. brianwhitaker. Last accessed in 06 January 2011.
  • Warraq I, Ismail R. Islam & Music, Heavy Metal Islam. Novem- ber frm/27867/sec_id/27867. Last accessed in 06 January 2011.
  • Beck AT. An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psy- chiatry 1961;4:561-71.
  • Hisli N. Validity and reliability of Beck Depression Inventory in university students. Psikoloji Dergisi 1989;7:3-13.
  • Mennin DS, Fresco DM, Heimberg RG, Schneier FR, Davies SO, Liebowitz MR. Screening for social anxiety disorder in the clinical setting: using the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale. J Anxiety Dis- ord 2002;16:661-73. [CrossRef]
  • Soykan C, Ozguven HD, Gencoz T. Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale: the Turkish version. Psychol Rep 2003;93:1059-69.
  • Gunay S, Savran C, Aksoy UM, Maner F, Turgay A, Yargıç I. The norm study, transliteral equivalence, validity, reliability of Adult Hyperactivity Scale in Turkish adult population. Psychiatry in Tur- key 2006;8:98-107.
  • Coskunol H, Bagdiken I, Sorias S et al. Validity of Michigan Alco- holism Screening Test. Ege Tip Dergisi 1995;34:15-8.
  • Lester D, Whipple M. Music preference, suicidal preoccupation, and personality: comment on Stack and Gundlach’s papers. Sui- cide Life Threat Behav 1996;26:68-70.
  • artin G, Clarke M, Pearce C. Adolescent suicide: music prefer- ence as an indicator of vulnerability. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1993;32:530-5.
  • Recours R, Aussaguel F, Trujillo N. Metal Music and Mental Health in France. Cult Med Psychiatry 2009;33:473-88. [CrossRef]
  • Swartz KD, Fouts GT. Music preference, personality style, and devel- opment of issues of adolescents. J Youth Adolesc 2003;32:205-13.
  • Scheel KR, Westefeld JS. Heavy metal music and adolescent sui- cidality: an empirical investigation. Adolescence 1999;34:253-73.
  • Took KJ, Weiss DS. The relationship between heavy metal and rap music and adolescent turmoil: Real or artifact? Adolescence 1994;29:613-21.
  • Barkley RA, Brown TE. Unrecognized attention-deficit/hyperac- tivity disorder in adults presenting with other psychiatric disor- ders. CNS Spectr 2008;13:977-84.
  • Sobanski E. Psychiatric comorbidity in adults with attention defi- cit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neu- rosci 2006;256:26-31.
  • Ballenger JC, Davidson JR, Lecrubier Y, Nutt DJ, Bobes J, Beidel DC, et al. Consensus statement on social anxiety disorder from the International Consensus Group on Anxiety and Depression. J Clin Psychiatry 1996;59:54-60.
  • Wells A, Hakanen EA. The emotional use of popular music by adolescents. Journalism Quarterly 1991;68:445-54.
  • Jensen PS, Hinshaw SP, Kraemer HC Lenora N, Newcorn JH, Abikoff HB, et al. ADHD comorbidity findings from the MTA study: comparing comorbid subgroups. J Am Acad Child Ado- lesc Psychiatry 2001;40:147-58. [CrossRef]
  • Newcorn JH, Halperin JM, Jensen PS, Abikoff HB, Arnold LE, Cantwell DP, et al. Symptom profiles in children with ADHD: ef- fects of comorbidity and gender. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psy- chiatry 2001;40:137-46. [CrossRef]
  • Mancini C, Van Ameringen M, Oakman JM, Figueiredo D. Child- hood attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults with anxi- ety disorders. Psychol Med 1999;29:515-25. [CrossRef]
  • Kessler RC, Adler L, Barkley R, Biederman J, Conners CK, Dem- ler O et al. The prevalence and correlates of adult ADHD in the United States: results from the National Comorbidity Survey Rep- lication. Am J Psychiatry 2006;163:716-23. [CrossRef]
  • Adler L.A, Liebowitz M, Kronenberger W, Qiao M, Rubin R, Hol- landbeck M et al. Atomoxetine treatment in adults with atten- tion-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and comorbid social anxiety disorder. Depress Anxiety 2009;26:212-21. [CrossRef]
  • Solanto MV, Pope-Boyd SA, Tryon WW, Stepak B. Social func- tioning in predominantly inattentive and combined subtypes of children with ADHD. J Attent Disord 2009;13:27-35. [CrossRef]

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Social Anxiety in İstanbul Heavy Metal Bar Patrons

Year 2011, Volume: 2011 Issue: 3, 307 - 312, 01.03.2011



  • Le’Vine M. Heavy metal Islam. New York: Three Rivers Press; 2008.
  • Baker F, Bor W. Can music preference indicate mental health status in young people? Australas Psychiatry 2008;16:284-8. [CrossRef]
  • Traeen B, Nordlund S. Visiting public drinking places in Oslo: an application of the theory of planned behavior. Addiction 1993;88:1215-24.
  • Knibbe RA, Drop MJ, Muytens A. Correlates of stages in the progression from everyday drinking to problem drinking. Soc Sci Med 1987;24:463-73. [CrossRef]
  • Traeen B, Rossow I. Social characteristics of urban cafe guests in Norway. Addiction 1994;89:999-1006. [CrossRef]
  • Oldenburg R. The great good place: cafes, coffee shops, commu- nity centers, beauty parlors, general stores, bars, hangouts and how they get you through the day. New York: Paragon House; 1989.
  • Whitaker B. Middle East Dispatch: Highway to hell. June 2003. brianwhitaker. Last accessed in 06 January 2011.
  • Warraq I, Ismail R. Islam & Music, Heavy Metal Islam. Novem- ber frm/27867/sec_id/27867. Last accessed in 06 January 2011.
  • Beck AT. An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psy- chiatry 1961;4:561-71.
  • Hisli N. Validity and reliability of Beck Depression Inventory in university students. Psikoloji Dergisi 1989;7:3-13.
  • Mennin DS, Fresco DM, Heimberg RG, Schneier FR, Davies SO, Liebowitz MR. Screening for social anxiety disorder in the clinical setting: using the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale. J Anxiety Dis- ord 2002;16:661-73. [CrossRef]
  • Soykan C, Ozguven HD, Gencoz T. Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale: the Turkish version. Psychol Rep 2003;93:1059-69.
  • Gunay S, Savran C, Aksoy UM, Maner F, Turgay A, Yargıç I. The norm study, transliteral equivalence, validity, reliability of Adult Hyperactivity Scale in Turkish adult population. Psychiatry in Tur- key 2006;8:98-107.
  • Coskunol H, Bagdiken I, Sorias S et al. Validity of Michigan Alco- holism Screening Test. Ege Tip Dergisi 1995;34:15-8.
  • Lester D, Whipple M. Music preference, suicidal preoccupation, and personality: comment on Stack and Gundlach’s papers. Sui- cide Life Threat Behav 1996;26:68-70.
  • artin G, Clarke M, Pearce C. Adolescent suicide: music prefer- ence as an indicator of vulnerability. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1993;32:530-5.
  • Recours R, Aussaguel F, Trujillo N. Metal Music and Mental Health in France. Cult Med Psychiatry 2009;33:473-88. [CrossRef]
  • Swartz KD, Fouts GT. Music preference, personality style, and devel- opment of issues of adolescents. J Youth Adolesc 2003;32:205-13.
  • Scheel KR, Westefeld JS. Heavy metal music and adolescent sui- cidality: an empirical investigation. Adolescence 1999;34:253-73.
  • Took KJ, Weiss DS. The relationship between heavy metal and rap music and adolescent turmoil: Real or artifact? Adolescence 1994;29:613-21.
  • Barkley RA, Brown TE. Unrecognized attention-deficit/hyperac- tivity disorder in adults presenting with other psychiatric disor- ders. CNS Spectr 2008;13:977-84.
  • Sobanski E. Psychiatric comorbidity in adults with attention defi- cit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neu- rosci 2006;256:26-31.
  • Ballenger JC, Davidson JR, Lecrubier Y, Nutt DJ, Bobes J, Beidel DC, et al. Consensus statement on social anxiety disorder from the International Consensus Group on Anxiety and Depression. J Clin Psychiatry 1996;59:54-60.
  • Wells A, Hakanen EA. The emotional use of popular music by adolescents. Journalism Quarterly 1991;68:445-54.
  • Jensen PS, Hinshaw SP, Kraemer HC Lenora N, Newcorn JH, Abikoff HB, et al. ADHD comorbidity findings from the MTA study: comparing comorbid subgroups. J Am Acad Child Ado- lesc Psychiatry 2001;40:147-58. [CrossRef]
  • Newcorn JH, Halperin JM, Jensen PS, Abikoff HB, Arnold LE, Cantwell DP, et al. Symptom profiles in children with ADHD: ef- fects of comorbidity and gender. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psy- chiatry 2001;40:137-46. [CrossRef]
  • Mancini C, Van Ameringen M, Oakman JM, Figueiredo D. Child- hood attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults with anxi- ety disorders. Psychol Med 1999;29:515-25. [CrossRef]
  • Kessler RC, Adler L, Barkley R, Biederman J, Conners CK, Dem- ler O et al. The prevalence and correlates of adult ADHD in the United States: results from the National Comorbidity Survey Rep- lication. Am J Psychiatry 2006;163:716-23. [CrossRef]
  • Adler L.A, Liebowitz M, Kronenberger W, Qiao M, Rubin R, Hol- landbeck M et al. Atomoxetine treatment in adults with atten- tion-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and comorbid social anxiety disorder. Depress Anxiety 2009;26:212-21. [CrossRef]
  • Solanto MV, Pope-Boyd SA, Tryon WW, Stepak B. Social func- tioning in predominantly inattentive and combined subtypes of children with ADHD. J Attent Disord 2009;13:27-35. [CrossRef]
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Özalp Ekinci This is me

Yasin Bez This is me

Volkan Topçuoglu This is me

Serdar Nurmedow This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 2011 Issue: 3


APA Ekinci, Ö., Bez, Y., Topçuoglu, V., Nurmedow, S. (2011). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Social Anxiety in İstanbul Heavy Metal Bar Patrons. Balkan Medical Journal, 2011(3), 307-312.
AMA Ekinci Ö, Bez Y, Topçuoglu V, Nurmedow S. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Social Anxiety in İstanbul Heavy Metal Bar Patrons. Balkan Medical Journal. March 2011;2011(3):307-312. doi:10.5152/balkanmedj.2011.24
Chicago Ekinci, Özalp, Yasin Bez, Volkan Topçuoglu, and Serdar Nurmedow. “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Social Anxiety in İstanbul Heavy Metal Bar Patrons”. Balkan Medical Journal 2011, no. 3 (March 2011): 307-12.
EndNote Ekinci Ö, Bez Y, Topçuoglu V, Nurmedow S (March 1, 2011) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Social Anxiety in İstanbul Heavy Metal Bar Patrons. Balkan Medical Journal 2011 3 307–312.
IEEE Ö. Ekinci, Y. Bez, V. Topçuoglu, and S. Nurmedow, “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Social Anxiety in İstanbul Heavy Metal Bar Patrons”, Balkan Medical Journal, vol. 2011, no. 3, pp. 307–312, 2011, doi: 10.5152/balkanmedj.2011.24.
ISNAD Ekinci, Özalp et al. “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Social Anxiety in İstanbul Heavy Metal Bar Patrons”. Balkan Medical Journal 2011/3 (March 2011), 307-312.
JAMA Ekinci Ö, Bez Y, Topçuoglu V, Nurmedow S. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Social Anxiety in İstanbul Heavy Metal Bar Patrons. Balkan Medical Journal. 2011;2011:307–312.
MLA Ekinci, Özalp et al. “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Social Anxiety in İstanbul Heavy Metal Bar Patrons”. Balkan Medical Journal, vol. 2011, no. 3, 2011, pp. 307-12, doi:10.5152/balkanmedj.2011.24.
Vancouver Ekinci Ö, Bez Y, Topçuoglu V, Nurmedow S. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Social Anxiety in İstanbul Heavy Metal Bar Patrons. Balkan Medical Journal. 2011;2011(3):307-12.