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Primary Culture of Choroid Plexuses from Neonate Rats Containing Progenitor Cells Capable of Differentiation

Year 2013, Volume: 2013 Issue: 4, 350 - 354, 01.04.2013


Background: The choroid plexuses, which could secrete a number of neurotrophins, have recently been used in transplantation in central nervous system diseases. Aims: To study the mechanism of nerve regeneration in the central nervous system by grafting choroid plexus tissues. Study Design: Animal experimentation. Methods: The choroid plexuses from the lateral ventricles of neonatal rats were cultured in adherent culture, and immunocytochemical methods were used to analyse the progenitor cells on days 2, 6, and 10 after seeding. Results: Expression of both nestin and glial fibrillary acidic protein was observed in small cell aggregates on day 2 in primary culture. Most of the nestin-positive cells on day 6 were immunoreactive to glial fibrillary acidic protein antibody. No cells expressing nestin or glial fibrillary acidic protein were seen on day 10. Conclusion: These experimental results indicate that the choroid plexus contains a specific cell population – progenitor cells. Under in vitro experimental conditions, the progenitor cells differentiated into choroid plexus epithelial cells but did not form neurons or astrocytes. Turkish Başlık:Farklılaşma Kabiliyeti Olan Progenitör Hücreler İçeren Yenidoğan Ratların Koroid Pleksusunun Primer Kültürü Anahtar Kelimeler:Koroid pleksus, primer kültür, progenitör hücreler, farklılaşma, rat Arkaplan: Bir dizi nörotrofin salgılayabilen koroid pleksus, son zamanlarda merkezi sinir sistemi hastalıklarında transplantasyonda kullanılmaktadır. Amaç: Koroid pleksus dokularının greftlenmesi ile merkezi sinir sisteminde sinir rejenerasyonunun mekanizmasını incelemek. Çalışma Tasarımı: Hayvan deneyi Yöntemler: Yenidoğan ratların lateral ventrikülünden alınan koroid pleksuslar yapışık (adherent) kültür ile çoğaltıldı ve immünositokimyasal metotlar ekim sonrası 2., 6. ve 10. günlerde progenitör hücrelerin analizi için kullanıldı. Bulgular: Primer kültürde 2. günde küçük hücre kümelerinde hem nestin hem de glial fibriler asidik protein ekspresyonu gözlendi. 6. Günde nestin-pozitif hücrelerin çoğu, glial fibriler asidik protein antikoruna karşı immunoreaktif idi. 10. Günde nestin veya glial fibriler asidik protein eksprese eden hücre görülmedi. Sonuç: Bu deneysel sonuçlar, koroid pleksusun spesifik bir hücre popülasyonu-progenitör hücreleri içerdiğini göstermektedir. In vitro deneysel koşullar altında, progenitör hücreler koroid pleksus epitel hücrelerine farklılaşmış ancak nöronları veya astrositleri oluşturmamıştır.


  • Chodobski A, Szmydynger-Chodobska J. Choroid plexus: target for polypeptides and site of their synthesis. Microsc Res Tech 2001;52:65-82. [CrossRef]
  • Emerich DF, Vasconcellos AV, Elliott RB, Skinner SJM, Borlongan CV. The choroid plexus:function, pathology and therapeutic potential of its transplantation. Expert Opin Biol Ther 2004;4:1191-201. [CrossRef]
  • Emerich DF, Skinner SJM, Borlongan CV, Vasconcellos AV, Thanos CG. The choroid plexus in the rise, fall, and repair of the brain. Bioessays 2005;27:262-74. [CrossRef]
  • Ide C, Kitada M, Chakrabortty S, Taketomi M, Matsumoto N, Kikukawa S, et al. Grafting of choroid plexus ependymal cells promotes the growth of regenerating axons in the dorsal funiculus of rat spinal cord:a preliminary report. Exp Neurol 2001;167:242-51. [CrossRef]
  • Borlongan CV, Thanos CG, Skinner SJ, Geaney M, Emerich DF. Transplants of encapsulated rat choroid plexus cells exert neuroprotection in a rodent model of Huntington’s disease. Cell Transplant 2008;16:987-92. [CrossRef]
  • Emerich DF, Thanos CG, Goddard M, Skinner SJ, Geany MS, Bell WJ, et al. Extensive neuroprotection by choroid plexus transplants in excitotoxin lesioned monkeys. Neurobiol Dis 2006;23:471-80. [CrossRef]
  • Emerich DF, Thanos CG. In vitro culture duration does not impact the ability of encapsulated choroid plexus transplants to prevent neurological deficits in an excitotoxin-lesioned rat model of Huntington’s disease. Cell Transplant 2006;15:595-602. [CrossRef]
  • Borlongan CV, Skinner SJ, Geaney M, Vasconcellos AV, Elliott RB, Emerich DF. Neuroprotection by encapsulated choroid plexus in a rodent model of Huntington’s disease. Neuroreport 2004;15:2521-5. [CrossRef]
  • Borlongan CV, Skinner SJ, Geaney M, Vasconcellos AV, Elliott RB, Emerich DF. CNS grafts of rat choroid plexus protect against cerebral ischemia in adult rats. Neuroreport 2004;15:1543-7. [CrossRef] Borlongan CV, Skinner SJ, Geaney M, Vasconcellos AV, Elliott RB, Emerich DF. Intracerebral transplantation of porcine choroid plexus provides structural and functional neuroprotection in a rodent model of stroke. Stroke 2004;35:2206-10. [CrossRef]
  • Kitada M, Chakrabortty S, Matsumoto N, Taketomi M, Ide C. Differentiation of choroid plexus ependymal cells into astrocytes after grafting into the pre-lesioned spinal cord in mice. Glia 2001;36:364-74. [CrossRef]
  • Huang SL, He XJ, Li ZF, Yao L, Shi W. A novel primary culture method for rat choroidal epithelial cells. Neurosciences (Riyadh) 2013;18:27-32.
  • Huang SL, Shi W, Jiao Q, He XJ. Change of neural stem cells in the choroid plexuses of developing rat. Int J Neurosci 2011;121:350-5. [CrossRef]
  • Blass-Kampmann S, Kindler-Rohrborn A, Deissler H, D’Urso D, Rajewsky MF. In vitro differentiation of neural progenitor cells from prenatal rat brain: common cell surface glycoprotein on three glial cell subsets. J Neurosci Res 1997;48:95-111. [CrossRef]
  • Falk A, Frisen J. Amphiregulin is a mitogen for adult neural stem cells. J Neurosci Res 2002;69:757-62. [CrossRef]
  • Kotani M, Osanai T, Tajima Y, Kato H, Imada M, Kaneda H, et al. Identification of neuronal cell lineage-specific molecules in the neuronal differentiation of P19 EC cells and mouse central nervous system. J Neurosci Res 2002;67:595-606. [CrossRef]
  • Li Y, Chen J, Chopp M. Cell proliferation and differentiation from ependymal, subependymal and choroid plexus cells in response to stroke in rats. J Neurol Sci 2002;193:137-46. [CrossRef]
  • Chouaf-Lakhdar L, Fevre-Montange M, Brisson C, Strazielle N, Gamra H, Didier-Bazes M. Proliferative activity and nestin expression in periventricular cells of the adult rat brain. Neuroreport 2003;14:633-6. [CrossRef]
  • Irvin DK, Nakano I, Paucer A, Kornblum HI. Patterns of Jagged 1, Jagged 2, Delta-like 1 and Delta-like 3 expression during late embryonic and postnatal brain development suggest multiple functional roles in progenitors and differentiated cells. J Neurosci Res 2004;75:330-43. [CrossRef]
  • Lendahl U, Zimmerman LB, McKay RD. CNS stem cells express a new class of intermediate filament protein. Cell 1990;60:585-95. [CrossRef]
  • Emerich DF, Schneider P, Bintz BE, Hudak J, Thanos CG. Aging reduces the neuroprotective capacity, VEGF secretion, and metabolic activity of choroid plexus epithelial cells. Cell Transplant 2007;16:697-705.

Primary Culture of Choroid Plexuses from Neonate Rats Containing Progenitor Cells Capable of Differentiation

Year 2013, Volume: 2013 Issue: 4, 350 - 354, 01.04.2013



  • Chodobski A, Szmydynger-Chodobska J. Choroid plexus: target for polypeptides and site of their synthesis. Microsc Res Tech 2001;52:65-82. [CrossRef]
  • Emerich DF, Vasconcellos AV, Elliott RB, Skinner SJM, Borlongan CV. The choroid plexus:function, pathology and therapeutic potential of its transplantation. Expert Opin Biol Ther 2004;4:1191-201. [CrossRef]
  • Emerich DF, Skinner SJM, Borlongan CV, Vasconcellos AV, Thanos CG. The choroid plexus in the rise, fall, and repair of the brain. Bioessays 2005;27:262-74. [CrossRef]
  • Ide C, Kitada M, Chakrabortty S, Taketomi M, Matsumoto N, Kikukawa S, et al. Grafting of choroid plexus ependymal cells promotes the growth of regenerating axons in the dorsal funiculus of rat spinal cord:a preliminary report. Exp Neurol 2001;167:242-51. [CrossRef]
  • Borlongan CV, Thanos CG, Skinner SJ, Geaney M, Emerich DF. Transplants of encapsulated rat choroid plexus cells exert neuroprotection in a rodent model of Huntington’s disease. Cell Transplant 2008;16:987-92. [CrossRef]
  • Emerich DF, Thanos CG, Goddard M, Skinner SJ, Geany MS, Bell WJ, et al. Extensive neuroprotection by choroid plexus transplants in excitotoxin lesioned monkeys. Neurobiol Dis 2006;23:471-80. [CrossRef]
  • Emerich DF, Thanos CG. In vitro culture duration does not impact the ability of encapsulated choroid plexus transplants to prevent neurological deficits in an excitotoxin-lesioned rat model of Huntington’s disease. Cell Transplant 2006;15:595-602. [CrossRef]
  • Borlongan CV, Skinner SJ, Geaney M, Vasconcellos AV, Elliott RB, Emerich DF. Neuroprotection by encapsulated choroid plexus in a rodent model of Huntington’s disease. Neuroreport 2004;15:2521-5. [CrossRef]
  • Borlongan CV, Skinner SJ, Geaney M, Vasconcellos AV, Elliott RB, Emerich DF. CNS grafts of rat choroid plexus protect against cerebral ischemia in adult rats. Neuroreport 2004;15:1543-7. [CrossRef] Borlongan CV, Skinner SJ, Geaney M, Vasconcellos AV, Elliott RB, Emerich DF. Intracerebral transplantation of porcine choroid plexus provides structural and functional neuroprotection in a rodent model of stroke. Stroke 2004;35:2206-10. [CrossRef]
  • Kitada M, Chakrabortty S, Matsumoto N, Taketomi M, Ide C. Differentiation of choroid plexus ependymal cells into astrocytes after grafting into the pre-lesioned spinal cord in mice. Glia 2001;36:364-74. [CrossRef]
  • Huang SL, He XJ, Li ZF, Yao L, Shi W. A novel primary culture method for rat choroidal epithelial cells. Neurosciences (Riyadh) 2013;18:27-32.
  • Huang SL, Shi W, Jiao Q, He XJ. Change of neural stem cells in the choroid plexuses of developing rat. Int J Neurosci 2011;121:350-5. [CrossRef]
  • Blass-Kampmann S, Kindler-Rohrborn A, Deissler H, D’Urso D, Rajewsky MF. In vitro differentiation of neural progenitor cells from prenatal rat brain: common cell surface glycoprotein on three glial cell subsets. J Neurosci Res 1997;48:95-111. [CrossRef]
  • Falk A, Frisen J. Amphiregulin is a mitogen for adult neural stem cells. J Neurosci Res 2002;69:757-62. [CrossRef]
  • Kotani M, Osanai T, Tajima Y, Kato H, Imada M, Kaneda H, et al. Identification of neuronal cell lineage-specific molecules in the neuronal differentiation of P19 EC cells and mouse central nervous system. J Neurosci Res 2002;67:595-606. [CrossRef]
  • Li Y, Chen J, Chopp M. Cell proliferation and differentiation from ependymal, subependymal and choroid plexus cells in response to stroke in rats. J Neurol Sci 2002;193:137-46. [CrossRef]
  • Chouaf-Lakhdar L, Fevre-Montange M, Brisson C, Strazielle N, Gamra H, Didier-Bazes M. Proliferative activity and nestin expression in periventricular cells of the adult rat brain. Neuroreport 2003;14:633-6. [CrossRef]
  • Irvin DK, Nakano I, Paucer A, Kornblum HI. Patterns of Jagged 1, Jagged 2, Delta-like 1 and Delta-like 3 expression during late embryonic and postnatal brain development suggest multiple functional roles in progenitors and differentiated cells. J Neurosci Res 2004;75:330-43. [CrossRef]
  • Lendahl U, Zimmerman LB, McKay RD. CNS stem cells express a new class of intermediate filament protein. Cell 1990;60:585-95. [CrossRef]
  • Emerich DF, Schneider P, Bintz BE, Hudak J, Thanos CG. Aging reduces the neuroprotective capacity, VEGF secretion, and metabolic activity of choroid plexus epithelial cells. Cell Transplant 2007;16:697-705.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Sheng-li Huang This is me

Xi-jing He This is me

Zong-fang Li This is me

Lu Yao This is me

Guo-lian Yuan This is me

Wei Shi This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 2013 Issue: 4


APA Huang, S.-l., He, X.-j., Li, Z.-f., Yao, L., et al. (2013). Primary Culture of Choroid Plexuses from Neonate Rats Containing Progenitor Cells Capable of Differentiation. Balkan Medical Journal, 2013(4), 350-354.
AMA Huang Sl, He Xj, Li Zf, Yao L, Yuan Gl, Shi W. Primary Culture of Choroid Plexuses from Neonate Rats Containing Progenitor Cells Capable of Differentiation. Balkan Medical Journal. April 2013;2013(4):350-354. doi:10.5152/balkanmedj.2013.8259
Chicago Huang, Sheng-li, Xi-jing He, Zong-fang Li, Lu Yao, Guo-lian Yuan, and Wei Shi. “Primary Culture of Choroid Plexuses from Neonate Rats Containing Progenitor Cells Capable of Differentiation”. Balkan Medical Journal 2013, no. 4 (April 2013): 350-54.
EndNote Huang S-l, He X-j, Li Z-f, Yao L, Yuan G-l, Shi W (April 1, 2013) Primary Culture of Choroid Plexuses from Neonate Rats Containing Progenitor Cells Capable of Differentiation. Balkan Medical Journal 2013 4 350–354.
IEEE S.-l. Huang, X.-j. He, Z.-f. Li, L. Yao, G.-l. Yuan, and W. Shi, “Primary Culture of Choroid Plexuses from Neonate Rats Containing Progenitor Cells Capable of Differentiation”, Balkan Medical Journal, vol. 2013, no. 4, pp. 350–354, 2013, doi: 10.5152/balkanmedj.2013.8259.
ISNAD Huang, Sheng-li et al. “Primary Culture of Choroid Plexuses from Neonate Rats Containing Progenitor Cells Capable of Differentiation”. Balkan Medical Journal 2013/4 (April 2013), 350-354.
JAMA Huang S-l, He X-j, Li Z-f, Yao L, Yuan G-l, Shi W. Primary Culture of Choroid Plexuses from Neonate Rats Containing Progenitor Cells Capable of Differentiation. Balkan Medical Journal. 2013;2013:350–354.
MLA Huang, Sheng-li et al. “Primary Culture of Choroid Plexuses from Neonate Rats Containing Progenitor Cells Capable of Differentiation”. Balkan Medical Journal, vol. 2013, no. 4, 2013, pp. 350-4, doi:10.5152/balkanmedj.2013.8259.
Vancouver Huang S-l, He X-j, Li Z-f, Yao L, Yuan G-l, Shi W. Primary Culture of Choroid Plexuses from Neonate Rats Containing Progenitor Cells Capable of Differentiation. Balkan Medical Journal. 2013;2013(4):350-4.