Year 2016,
Volume: 33 Issue: 1, 1 - 5, 01.01.2016
Cristian Barsu
- 1. Manta I. Introducere (Introduction). In: Manta I, Ciplea Al,
editors. Metodele Laboratorului Clinic (The Methods of the
Clinical Laboratory). Sibiu: Cartea Romaneasca din Cluj
(Romanian Book from Cluj) Publ. House; 1944:V.
- 2. Hatieganu I. Prefata (Preface). In: Manta I, Ciplea Al, editors.
Metodele Laboratorului Clinic (The Methods of the Clinical
Laboratory). Sibiu: Cartea Romaneasca din Cluj (Romanian
Book from Cluj) Publ. House; 1944:VI.
- 3. Thomas P. Manuel de Bichimie (Biochemistry Textbook). Paris:
Masson et Cie Éditeurs; 1936:866.
- 4. Desgrez A. Précis de Chimie Médicale (Textbook of Medical
Chemistry). Paris: Librairie J.-B. Baillière et fils; 1921:442-5.
- 5. Goia I. Ficatul. Notiuni anatomo-morfo-clinice The Liver.
Anatomo-morpho-physiological notions. In: Hatieganu I,
Goia I, Hanganut M, Sparchez T, editors. Tratat Elementar de
Semiologie si Patologie Medicala (The Medical Semiology
and Pathology Elementary Treatise), vol. III. Cluj: Cartea
Romaneasca (Romanian Book) Publ. House; 1938.
- 6. Barsu C. Testimonials about the life of Prof. Ion Manta (1900-
1979), a victim of communist regime. Cj Med 2013;86:388-9.
- 7. Mircioiu C. Alexandru Ciplea. In: Simiti I, editor. Figuri
Reprezentative ale Medicinii si Farmaciei Clujene
(Representative Figures of Cluj Medicine and Pharmacy), vol.
IV. Cluj-Napoca: IMF Printing House 1988:17-24.
The Significance of a Neglected Romanian Book – “The Methods of the Clinical Laboratory”, by Ioan Manta and Alexandru Ciplea
Year 2016,
Volume: 33 Issue: 1, 1 - 5, 01.01.2016
Cristian Barsu
- 1. Manta I. Introducere (Introduction). In: Manta I, Ciplea Al,
editors. Metodele Laboratorului Clinic (The Methods of the
Clinical Laboratory). Sibiu: Cartea Romaneasca din Cluj
(Romanian Book from Cluj) Publ. House; 1944:V.
- 2. Hatieganu I. Prefata (Preface). In: Manta I, Ciplea Al, editors.
Metodele Laboratorului Clinic (The Methods of the Clinical
Laboratory). Sibiu: Cartea Romaneasca din Cluj (Romanian
Book from Cluj) Publ. House; 1944:VI.
- 3. Thomas P. Manuel de Bichimie (Biochemistry Textbook). Paris:
Masson et Cie Éditeurs; 1936:866.
- 4. Desgrez A. Précis de Chimie Médicale (Textbook of Medical
Chemistry). Paris: Librairie J.-B. Baillière et fils; 1921:442-5.
- 5. Goia I. Ficatul. Notiuni anatomo-morfo-clinice The Liver.
Anatomo-morpho-physiological notions. In: Hatieganu I,
Goia I, Hanganut M, Sparchez T, editors. Tratat Elementar de
Semiologie si Patologie Medicala (The Medical Semiology
and Pathology Elementary Treatise), vol. III. Cluj: Cartea
Romaneasca (Romanian Book) Publ. House; 1938.
- 6. Barsu C. Testimonials about the life of Prof. Ion Manta (1900-
1979), a victim of communist regime. Cj Med 2013;86:388-9.
- 7. Mircioiu C. Alexandru Ciplea. In: Simiti I, editor. Figuri
Reprezentative ale Medicinii si Farmaciei Clujene
(Representative Figures of Cluj Medicine and Pharmacy), vol.
IV. Cluj-Napoca: IMF Printing House 1988:17-24.
There are 7 citations in total.