Year 2023,
Volume: 01 Issue: 01, 83 - 103, 31.01.2023
Leyla Bilen Kazancık
Ömer Bilen
Ayşe Bilen Acar
Achieving a well-balanced distribution of welfare across the country can only be accomplished through the use of comprehensive and complementary spatial plans that consider the spatial characteristics of the structure. The main determinants for these plans are functional areas and interregional relations. Central place and network theories have advantages relative to each other when applied to horizontal and hierarchical relations This study aims to put forward functional regions, regional centers, and hierarchical relations of provinces in Türkiye through an algorithm that synthesizes these advantages based on inter-provincial trade data. Although network models can reveal general characteristics of the inter-provincial network relations, importance of a specific province in the network, and horizontal relations and clusters; they are inefficient in determining regional centers and their hinterlands. To address this deficiency of network models is relieved through developing a rule-based hybrid algorithm with central places approach. The algorithm transforms the trade relations into a one-way structure, as in central places theory according to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and geographic proximity of the provinces. This algorithm is convenient to apply and can be developed with additional constraints and different data for the spatial studies, such as rulebased functional regions and network models.
- Abbate, A., De Benedictis, L., Fagiolo, G. and Tajoli, L. (2018). Distance-varying assortativity and clustering of the international trade network. Network Science, 6(4), 517-544.
- Acar, S., Kazancık, L., B., Meydan, M.C. and Işık M. (2019). İllerin ve Bölgelerin Sosyo-Ekonomik Gelişmişlik Sıralaması Araştırması SEGE-2017. Ministry of Industry and Technology, General Directorate of Development
Agencies, Ankara.
- Barabási, A. L. (2016). Network Science. Cambridge University Press.
- Batten, D. F. (1995). Network Cities: Creative Urban Agglomerations for the 21st Century. Urban Studies, 32(2), 313–327.
- Batty, D. (2006). Hierarchy in Cities and City Systems Hierarchy in Natural and Social Sciences edited by Denise Pumain, Methodos Series Volume 3, 143-169.
- Bender-de Moll, S. (2008). Network Analysis and Mapping Report, American Association for the Advancement of Science (Translate:Fırat Genç), Washington, USA.
- Beyhan, B. (2019). The Delimitation of Planning Regions on The Basis of Functional Regions: An Algorithm and Its Implementation in Turkey. Moravian Geographical Reports, 27 (1), 15–30.
- Bilen Kazancık, L. (2013). Bölgesel Büyüme Odakları Belirleme Çalışması. Uluslararası 8. İstatistik Kongresi, Antalya, 233 – 234.
- Bilen Kazancık, L. and Bilen Ö. (2020). Türkiye’de İllerin Hiyerarşik ve Yatay İlişkilerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Yöntem Denemesi. Journal of Turkish Court of Accounts, 31 (119), 99-128.
- Boussauw, K., Van Meeteren, M. and Witlox, F. (2014). Short trips and central places: The home-school distances in the Flemish primary education system (Belgium). Applied Geography, 53 (2014), 311-322.
- Brown, L. A. and Holmes, J. (1971). “The delimitation of functional regions, nodal regions, and hierarchies by functional distance approaches”. Journal of Regional Science, 11(1), pp: 57–72.
- Burger, M., J., Meijers, E. J. and Van Oort, F. G. (2014). Regional Spatial Structure and Retail Amenities in the Netherlands. Regional Studies, 48(12), 1972-1992.
- Camagni, R. P. (1993). From City Hierarchy to City Network: Reflections About an Emerging Paradigm. Structure and Change in the Space Economy Festschrift in Honor of Martin J.Backmann, Prepared by: Lakshmanan, T. R. ve Nijkamp, P., Springer-Verlag, New York, 66–87.
- Capello, R. (2000). The City Network Paradigm: Measuring Urban Network Externalities. Urban Studies, 37(11), 1925-1945.
- Cattan, N. (2002). Part I: A Synthesis of Definitions and Usage. In: Redefining territories: The functional regions. Paris, OECD Publications Service, 8–23.
- Chaney, T. (2014). The Network Structure of International Trade. American Economic Review, 104 (11), 3600-3634.
Coombes, M. G., Green, A. E. and Openshaw, S. (1986). An Efficient Algorithm to Generate Official Statistical Reporting Areas: The Case of the1984 Travel-to Work Areas Revision in Britain. The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 37(10), 943–953.
- Coombes, M. G. (2000). Defining locality boundaries with synthetic data. Environment and Planning A, 32(8), 1499– 1518.
- Çöteli, M. G. and Yenen, Z. (2012). Kentsel Sistem Araştırmalarında Merkezi Yerler Kuramından Şehirsel Ağ Sistemine Geçiş. Sigma, (4), 45-63.
- Çöteli, M.G. (2001). 19. Yüzyıl Anadolu Şehirsel Ağı ve Hinterland İlişkileri, Kayseri Örneği, PhD thesis, Yıldız Technical University Graduate School of Sciences, İstanbul.
- Çubukçu, C. and Özbay, B. (2016). Ülkelerin İhracat İlişkilerine Göre İlişkisel Ağ Analizi. Uluslararası Bilgisayar Müh. Konferansı (UBMK), Tekirdağ, Türkiye.
- Dale, B. and Sjøholt, P. (2007). The changing structure of the central place system in Trøndelag, Norway, over the past 40 years – viewed in the light of old and recent theories and trends. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 89(1), 13-30.
- Davies, W. K. D. (1967). Centrality and The Central Place Hierarchy. Urban Studies, 4, 61-79.
- Demirgil, H., Ünlü, H., Sezgin, A., Sungur, O. and Dulupcu, M. A. (2016). Alanya Turizm Sektöründe Kümelenme ve Ağyapı Analizi. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1), 2541.
- Dessemontet, P., Kaufmann, V. and Jemelin, C. (2010) Switzerland as a Single Metropolitan Area, A Study of its Commuting Network. Urban Studies, 47(13) 2785–2802.
- Drobne, S. (2017). Functional Regions and Areas: Literature Review According to Application Fields. Geodetski Vestnik, 61(1), 35-57.
- Franconi, L., D’Alò, M. and Ichim, D. (2016). ISTAT Implementation of the Algorithm to Develop Labour Market Areas Technical Report Eurostat Grant on “EU-TTWA method: improvements, documentation and sharing knowledge activities, ISTAT, available at: https://www. istat. it/en/files/2016/03/ Description-of-the-LabourMarketAreas-algorithm. pdf, (28November 2022).
- González, J.A. and Cascone M. H. (2014). Geodesic Distribution in Graph Theory: Kullback-Leibler-Symmetri. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 21(2): 249–260 Cimpa – Ucr Issn: 1409-2433 /pdf/rmta/ v21n2/ a05v21n2.pdf), Retrieved (16.01.2023)
- Graham, S. and Marvin, S., (1996) Telecommunications and the City: Electronic Spaces. Urban Places London: Routledge.
- Grubesic, T. H., Matisziw T.C. and Zook, M. A. (2008). Global airline networks and nodal regions. GeoJournal, 71(1), 53–66
- Haggett, P. and Chorley, R. J. (1969). Network Analysis in Geography. New York, St. Martin’s Press.
- Hall, P. (1998). Cities in Civilization: Culture, Technology and Urban Order. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
- Hanousek, M. (2014). International Trade Network. Master Thesis, Charles University Faculty of Social Sciences, Prague.
- Ichim, D., Franconi, L., D’Alo’, M. and Heuvel, G. (2020). Identification, Tuning, Visualisation and Analysis of Labour Market Areas, Package ‘Labour Market Areas’, https:// cran.r LabourMarketAreas.pdf. Malczewski, J., in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2009
- Meijers, E. J., (2007a). “From Central Place to Network Model: Theory and Evıdence of a Paradıgm Change”. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 98(2):245-259.
- Karlsson, C. and Olsson, M. (2015). Functional Economic Regions, Accessibility and Regional Development. The Royal Institute of technology Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies (CESIS).
- Kervankıran, İ., Sert Eteman, F. and Çuhadar, M. (2018). Türkiye’de İç Turizm Hareketlerinin Sosyal Ağ Analizi İle İncelenmesi. Turizm Akademik Dergisi,5(1),28-49
- Khrazzi, A., Rovenskaya, E. and Fath, B. D. (2017). Network Structure and impacts global commodity trade growth and resilience. PloS one, 12(2), pone.0171184.
- Klapka, P., Frantál, B., Halás, M. and Kunc, J. (2010). Spatial Organisation: Development, Structure and Approximation of Geographical Systems. Moravian Geographical Reports, 18 (3), 53-66.
- Marin, A. and Wellman, B. (2011). Social network analysis: An introduction in Scott, J. and Carrington, P.J. (Eds), The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis. Sage Publications, London, 11-25.
- Morril, R. L. (1974). The Spatial Organization of Society. Duxbury Press, North Scituate, 267
- Ministry of Industry and Technology. (2020). Türkiye’de Kentsel ve Kırsal Hizmet Merkezleri Raporu (YER-SIS). Ankara: T.C. Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı. Ministry of Industry and Technology. (2020). Trade Data Between Provinces, [] Retrieved (10.01.2020)
- Nystuen, J. D. and Dacey, M. F. (1961). A Graph Theory Interpretation of Nodal Regions. Papers of Regional Science Association, 7(1), 29–42.
- OECD (2002). Redefining territories – The functional region, Paris, OECD Publishing: 132 pp. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1787/9789264196179-en.
- OECD, (2020). Delineating Functional Areas in All Territories. Paris: OECD Publishing.
- Öztürk, A. (2009). Homojen ve Fonksiyonel Bölgelerin Tespiti ve Türkiye için İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Önerisi, Planning Expertise Thesis, Ankara, DPT.
- Pálóczi, G., Pénzes, J., Hurbánek, P., Halás, M. and Klapka, P. (2016). Attempts to delineate functional regions in Hungary based on commuting data. Regional Statistics, 6(1), 23-41.
- Parr, J. B. (2017). Central Place Theory: An evaluation. Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 29(3). [https//doi. org/10.1111/rurd.12066] Retrieved (22.01.2020)
- Pumain, D. (2006). Alternative Explanations Of Hierarchical Differentiation In Urban Systems. Hierarchy in Natural and Social Sciences, Springer, Dordrecht, 169-222.
- Research Gate,, Retrieved (16.01.2023)
- Serrano, M. Á. and Boguñá, M. (2003). Topology of The World Trade Web. Physical Review E, 68(1), 015101.
- Sert, F., Tüzüntürk, S. and Gürsakal, N. (2014). Node XL ile Sosyal Ağ Analizi: #akademikzam Örneği. 15. Uluslararası Ekonometri, Yöneylem Araştırmaları ve İstatistik Sempozyumu, Isparta, 464-482.
- Soyyiğit, S. and Boz, Ç. (2017). Küresel Girdi-Çıktı Analizi: Ağ Yaklaşımı. Yildiz Social Science Review, 3(2), 89-102. [https://] Retrieved
- State Planning Organization. (1982). Türkiye’de Yerleşme Merkezlerinin Kademelenmesi. Kalkınmada Öncelikli Yöreler Başkanlığı, DPT:1806, KÖYB:27, Ankara.
- Traag, V. A., Waltman L. and Van Eck N. J. (2019). From Louvain to Leiden: Guaranteeing Well-Connected Communities. Scientific Report, 9(1), 1-12. [ articles/s41598-019-41695-z.pdf.] Retrieved (20.03.2020)
- Turkish Statistical Institute. (2020). GDP data [https://biruni.tuik.] Retrieved (20.04.2020).
Year 2023,
Volume: 01 Issue: 01, 83 - 103, 31.01.2023
Leyla Bilen Kazancık
Ömer Bilen
Ayşe Bilen Acar
Refahın ülke sathında dengeli dağılımı ancak mekansal özellikleri kapsayıcı ve tamamlayıcı bir şekilde ele alan mekansal planlarla sağlanabilir. Bu planlar için işlevsel bölgeler ve bölgeler arası ilişkiler temel belirleyicilerdir. Yatay ve kademeli ilişkilerin belirlenmesinde kullanılan merkezi yerler ve ağ kuramlarının birbirilerine göre üstünlükleri vardır. Bu çalışma, bu üstünlükleri sentezleyen bir algoritmayı iller arası ticaret verilerine uygulayarak Türkiye’nin işlevsel bölgelerinin, bölge merkezlerinin ve illerinin kademeli ilişkilerini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Ağ modeli, iller arası ilişki ağının genel özelliklerini, illerin ağdaki önemini, yatay ilişkileri ve kümeleri ortaya koyabilmekte ancak bölgesel merkezleri ve bunların etki alanını belirleme konusunda yetersiz kalmaktadır. Bu makalede ağ modellerinin söz konusu eksikliği, merkezi yerler yaklaşımıyla kural tabanlı hibrit bir algoritma geliştirilerek giderilmiştir. Algoritma, illerin Gayrı Safi Yurtiçi Hasıla (GSYH) ve coğrafi yakınlıklarına göre ticari ilişkileri merkezi yerler kuramında olduğu gibi tek yönlü bir yapıya dönüştürmektedir. Bu algoritma, kural tabanlı işlevsel bölgeler ve ağ modelleri gibi mekansal çalışmalar için ilave kısıtlar ve farklı verilerle kullanılmaya ve geliştirilmeye elverişlidir.
- Abbate, A., De Benedictis, L., Fagiolo, G. and Tajoli, L. (2018). Distance-varying assortativity and clustering of the international trade network. Network Science, 6(4), 517-544.
- Acar, S., Kazancık, L., B., Meydan, M.C. and Işık M. (2019). İllerin ve Bölgelerin Sosyo-Ekonomik Gelişmişlik Sıralaması Araştırması SEGE-2017. Ministry of Industry and Technology, General Directorate of Development
Agencies, Ankara.
- Barabási, A. L. (2016). Network Science. Cambridge University Press.
- Batten, D. F. (1995). Network Cities: Creative Urban Agglomerations for the 21st Century. Urban Studies, 32(2), 313–327.
- Batty, D. (2006). Hierarchy in Cities and City Systems Hierarchy in Natural and Social Sciences edited by Denise Pumain, Methodos Series Volume 3, 143-169.
- Bender-de Moll, S. (2008). Network Analysis and Mapping Report, American Association for the Advancement of Science (Translate:Fırat Genç), Washington, USA.
- Beyhan, B. (2019). The Delimitation of Planning Regions on The Basis of Functional Regions: An Algorithm and Its Implementation in Turkey. Moravian Geographical Reports, 27 (1), 15–30.
- Bilen Kazancık, L. (2013). Bölgesel Büyüme Odakları Belirleme Çalışması. Uluslararası 8. İstatistik Kongresi, Antalya, 233 – 234.
- Bilen Kazancık, L. and Bilen Ö. (2020). Türkiye’de İllerin Hiyerarşik ve Yatay İlişkilerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Yöntem Denemesi. Journal of Turkish Court of Accounts, 31 (119), 99-128.
- Boussauw, K., Van Meeteren, M. and Witlox, F. (2014). Short trips and central places: The home-school distances in the Flemish primary education system (Belgium). Applied Geography, 53 (2014), 311-322.
- Brown, L. A. and Holmes, J. (1971). “The delimitation of functional regions, nodal regions, and hierarchies by functional distance approaches”. Journal of Regional Science, 11(1), pp: 57–72.
- Burger, M., J., Meijers, E. J. and Van Oort, F. G. (2014). Regional Spatial Structure and Retail Amenities in the Netherlands. Regional Studies, 48(12), 1972-1992.
- Camagni, R. P. (1993). From City Hierarchy to City Network: Reflections About an Emerging Paradigm. Structure and Change in the Space Economy Festschrift in Honor of Martin J.Backmann, Prepared by: Lakshmanan, T. R. ve Nijkamp, P., Springer-Verlag, New York, 66–87.
- Capello, R. (2000). The City Network Paradigm: Measuring Urban Network Externalities. Urban Studies, 37(11), 1925-1945.
- Cattan, N. (2002). Part I: A Synthesis of Definitions and Usage. In: Redefining territories: The functional regions. Paris, OECD Publications Service, 8–23.
- Chaney, T. (2014). The Network Structure of International Trade. American Economic Review, 104 (11), 3600-3634.
Coombes, M. G., Green, A. E. and Openshaw, S. (1986). An Efficient Algorithm to Generate Official Statistical Reporting Areas: The Case of the1984 Travel-to Work Areas Revision in Britain. The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 37(10), 943–953.
- Coombes, M. G. (2000). Defining locality boundaries with synthetic data. Environment and Planning A, 32(8), 1499– 1518.
- Çöteli, M. G. and Yenen, Z. (2012). Kentsel Sistem Araştırmalarında Merkezi Yerler Kuramından Şehirsel Ağ Sistemine Geçiş. Sigma, (4), 45-63.
- Çöteli, M.G. (2001). 19. Yüzyıl Anadolu Şehirsel Ağı ve Hinterland İlişkileri, Kayseri Örneği, PhD thesis, Yıldız Technical University Graduate School of Sciences, İstanbul.
- Çubukçu, C. and Özbay, B. (2016). Ülkelerin İhracat İlişkilerine Göre İlişkisel Ağ Analizi. Uluslararası Bilgisayar Müh. Konferansı (UBMK), Tekirdağ, Türkiye.
- Dale, B. and Sjøholt, P. (2007). The changing structure of the central place system in Trøndelag, Norway, over the past 40 years – viewed in the light of old and recent theories and trends. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 89(1), 13-30.
- Davies, W. K. D. (1967). Centrality and The Central Place Hierarchy. Urban Studies, 4, 61-79.
- Demirgil, H., Ünlü, H., Sezgin, A., Sungur, O. and Dulupcu, M. A. (2016). Alanya Turizm Sektöründe Kümelenme ve Ağyapı Analizi. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1), 2541.
- Dessemontet, P., Kaufmann, V. and Jemelin, C. (2010) Switzerland as a Single Metropolitan Area, A Study of its Commuting Network. Urban Studies, 47(13) 2785–2802.
- Drobne, S. (2017). Functional Regions and Areas: Literature Review According to Application Fields. Geodetski Vestnik, 61(1), 35-57.
- Franconi, L., D’Alò, M. and Ichim, D. (2016). ISTAT Implementation of the Algorithm to Develop Labour Market Areas Technical Report Eurostat Grant on “EU-TTWA method: improvements, documentation and sharing knowledge activities, ISTAT, available at: https://www. istat. it/en/files/2016/03/ Description-of-the-LabourMarketAreas-algorithm. pdf, (28November 2022).
- González, J.A. and Cascone M. H. (2014). Geodesic Distribution in Graph Theory: Kullback-Leibler-Symmetri. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 21(2): 249–260 Cimpa – Ucr Issn: 1409-2433 /pdf/rmta/ v21n2/ a05v21n2.pdf), Retrieved (16.01.2023)
- Graham, S. and Marvin, S., (1996) Telecommunications and the City: Electronic Spaces. Urban Places London: Routledge.
- Grubesic, T. H., Matisziw T.C. and Zook, M. A. (2008). Global airline networks and nodal regions. GeoJournal, 71(1), 53–66
- Haggett, P. and Chorley, R. J. (1969). Network Analysis in Geography. New York, St. Martin’s Press.
- Hall, P. (1998). Cities in Civilization: Culture, Technology and Urban Order. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
- Hanousek, M. (2014). International Trade Network. Master Thesis, Charles University Faculty of Social Sciences, Prague.
- Ichim, D., Franconi, L., D’Alo’, M. and Heuvel, G. (2020). Identification, Tuning, Visualisation and Analysis of Labour Market Areas, Package ‘Labour Market Areas’, https:// cran.r LabourMarketAreas.pdf. Malczewski, J., in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2009
- Meijers, E. J., (2007a). “From Central Place to Network Model: Theory and Evıdence of a Paradıgm Change”. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 98(2):245-259.
- Karlsson, C. and Olsson, M. (2015). Functional Economic Regions, Accessibility and Regional Development. The Royal Institute of technology Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies (CESIS).
- Kervankıran, İ., Sert Eteman, F. and Çuhadar, M. (2018). Türkiye’de İç Turizm Hareketlerinin Sosyal Ağ Analizi İle İncelenmesi. Turizm Akademik Dergisi,5(1),28-49
- Khrazzi, A., Rovenskaya, E. and Fath, B. D. (2017). Network Structure and impacts global commodity trade growth and resilience. PloS one, 12(2), pone.0171184.
- Klapka, P., Frantál, B., Halás, M. and Kunc, J. (2010). Spatial Organisation: Development, Structure and Approximation of Geographical Systems. Moravian Geographical Reports, 18 (3), 53-66.
- Marin, A. and Wellman, B. (2011). Social network analysis: An introduction in Scott, J. and Carrington, P.J. (Eds), The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis. Sage Publications, London, 11-25.
- Morril, R. L. (1974). The Spatial Organization of Society. Duxbury Press, North Scituate, 267
- Ministry of Industry and Technology. (2020). Türkiye’de Kentsel ve Kırsal Hizmet Merkezleri Raporu (YER-SIS). Ankara: T.C. Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı. Ministry of Industry and Technology. (2020). Trade Data Between Provinces, [] Retrieved (10.01.2020)
- Nystuen, J. D. and Dacey, M. F. (1961). A Graph Theory Interpretation of Nodal Regions. Papers of Regional Science Association, 7(1), 29–42.
- OECD (2002). Redefining territories – The functional region, Paris, OECD Publishing: 132 pp. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1787/9789264196179-en.
- OECD, (2020). Delineating Functional Areas in All Territories. Paris: OECD Publishing.
- Öztürk, A. (2009). Homojen ve Fonksiyonel Bölgelerin Tespiti ve Türkiye için İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Önerisi, Planning Expertise Thesis, Ankara, DPT.
- Pálóczi, G., Pénzes, J., Hurbánek, P., Halás, M. and Klapka, P. (2016). Attempts to delineate functional regions in Hungary based on commuting data. Regional Statistics, 6(1), 23-41.
- Parr, J. B. (2017). Central Place Theory: An evaluation. Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 29(3). [https//doi. org/10.1111/rurd.12066] Retrieved (22.01.2020)
- Pumain, D. (2006). Alternative Explanations Of Hierarchical Differentiation In Urban Systems. Hierarchy in Natural and Social Sciences, Springer, Dordrecht, 169-222.
- Research Gate,, Retrieved (16.01.2023)
- Serrano, M. Á. and Boguñá, M. (2003). Topology of The World Trade Web. Physical Review E, 68(1), 015101.
- Sert, F., Tüzüntürk, S. and Gürsakal, N. (2014). Node XL ile Sosyal Ağ Analizi: #akademikzam Örneği. 15. Uluslararası Ekonometri, Yöneylem Araştırmaları ve İstatistik Sempozyumu, Isparta, 464-482.
- Soyyiğit, S. and Boz, Ç. (2017). Küresel Girdi-Çıktı Analizi: Ağ Yaklaşımı. Yildiz Social Science Review, 3(2), 89-102. [https://] Retrieved
- State Planning Organization. (1982). Türkiye’de Yerleşme Merkezlerinin Kademelenmesi. Kalkınmada Öncelikli Yöreler Başkanlığı, DPT:1806, KÖYB:27, Ankara.
- Traag, V. A., Waltman L. and Van Eck N. J. (2019). From Louvain to Leiden: Guaranteeing Well-Connected Communities. Scientific Report, 9(1), 1-12. [ articles/s41598-019-41695-z.pdf.] Retrieved (20.03.2020)
- Turkish Statistical Institute. (2020). GDP data [https://biruni.tuik.] Retrieved (20.04.2020).