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Borojips Endüstriyel Atığının Bor İçerikli Diamonyum Fosfat Üretiminde Kullanılabilirliğinin İncelenmesi

Year 2018, , 87 - 92, 05.07.2018


çalışmada endüstriyel atık olan borojipsin diamonyum fosfat üretiminde
değerlendirilerek bor içerikli gübre elde edilmesi incelenmiştir.. Laboratuvar
koşullarında diamonyum fosfat, borojips atığı ile 1,00:0,25; 1,00:0,50; 1,00:0,75;
1,00:1,00; 1,00:1,25; 1,00:1,50 mol oranlarında karıştırılmıştır. Karışma
esnasında K/S oranı 1,5, sıcaklık 35°C, karışma süresi 60 dakika, pulpun başlangıç
karışma pH’ı 5,5 ve karışma hızı 600 devir/dak. tutuldu. İncelemeler sonucunda
diamonyum fosfatın borojips atığı ile 1,00:0,25; 1,00:0,50; 1,00:0,75
oranlarında karıştırılmasının uygun olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak bor
içerikli diamonyum fosfat üretiminde, borik asit üretiminin atığı olan
borojipsin kullanımı uygun görülmüştür.


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  • [9] Hajiboland R.,Bahrami-rad S.,Bastani S.,Poschenrieder L.C., Boron re-translocation in tea Camellia sinensis L.,Kuntze O., plants acta physiologiae plantatum,35,8,2373-2381, 2013.
  • [10] Ganie M.A.,Akhter F.,Bhat M.A.,Malik A.R.,Junaid J.,Shah A.M., Bhat A.H.,Bhat T., Boron-a critical nutrient element for plant ggowth and productivity with reference to temperate fruits,Current Scıence,104,1,10, 2013.
  • [11] Silva A.P.,Rosa E.,Haneklaus S.H., İnfluence of foliar boron application on fruit set and yield of Hazelnut.Journal of Plant Nutrition,26,561-569, 2003. [12] Wojcik P., Wojcik M., Effect of boron fertilization on sweet cherry tree yield and fruit quality, Journal of Plant Nutrition,26,10, 2006. [13] Huang J-Sh, Snapp S.S., The effect of boron, calcium,surface moisture on shoulder check, a quality defect in fresh-market tomato, Journal Amer.Soc.Hort.Scı, 129(4),599-607, 2004.
  • [14] Xuan H., Streif J., Pfeffer H.,Dannel F, Römheld H., Bangerth F., Effect of pre-harvest boron application on the incidence of CA-storage related disorders in Conference pears, The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology,76,2,133-137, 2001. [15] Demirtaş A., Bor bileşikleri ve tarımda kullanımı,Atatürk üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi,37,111-115, 2006.
  • [16] Mauhammad T., Ali A., Lataf-Ul-Hak Amanullah K.,Comparing application methods for boron fertilizer on the yield and quality of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 41,1525–1537, 2010.
  • [17] Mauhammad A.,Nıaz., Asghar A., Muhammad A.C., Jamıl H., Influence of soil-applied boron on yield, fiber quality and leaf boron contents of cotton (gossypium hirsutum l.) Journal of Agrıculture & Socıal Scıences,1,7-10, 2007.
  • [18] Poslü K., Çebi H.,Özel bor kimyasalları ve bor dünyasındaki gelişmeler ,Madencilik Bülteni/25 [19]
  • [20] Gupta U.C., Boron nutrition of crops,Adv.Agronomy,31,273-307, 1979.
  • [21] Guliyev R., An investigation of borogypsum utilization for the production of triple superphosphate containing boron fertilizers, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 24(3), 748-754, 2015.
  • [22] Pozin M., Rukovodstvok praktıceskim zanyatiyam po teknologii neorganiceskiy veşest, Lelingrad, 1980.
  • [23] Kacar B., Temel Laboratuvar Bilgisi 1 - Bitki, Toprak ve Gübre Analizleri, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 2012.
  • [24] Ün, R., Organik Kimya, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Yayın No:3617, 233-282, İstanbul, 1990.
  • [25] Pozin M.,Technologiya mineralnık udobrenii, Lelingrad, 1983.
  • [26] Sadykov B.B.,Volynskova N.N.,namazov Sh.,Beglov B.M.,Technology for manufacturing fertilizer superfos containing nitrogen,phosphorus,Sulfur and Calciu, Russian Journal of Applied Chmistry 81,9,1667-1672, 2008.

Investigation of the availability of borojipsindustrial waste the boron-containing diammonium phosphate the production

Year 2018, , 87 - 92, 05.07.2018


this study, borogypsum, an industrial waste, evaluated in the production of
diammonium phosphate and boron content fertilizer was investigated.  In laboratory conditions 1: 0.25 with
diammonium phosphate borogypsum; 1.00:0,25; 1.00:0.50; 1.00:0.75; 1.00:1.00; 1.00:1.25;
1.00:1.50 was used. During mixing, the K / S ratio is 1.5, the temperature is
35 ° C, the mixing time is 60 minutes, the pulp initial mixing pH is 5.5-6.5
and the mixing speed is 600 rpm. The results were as follows: 1.00: 0.25 with
diammonium phosphate, borogypsum; 1.00: 0.50; 1.00: 0.75. The possibility of
the use of borogypsum as a waste of boric acid production in the production of boron-containing
diammonium phosphate has been determined.


  • [1]
  • [2] Boncukçuoğlu R.,Yılmaz T.M., Kocakerim M.M., Tosunoğlu V., Utilization of trommel sieve waste as an additive in Portıand cement production,Cement and Concrete Research 32,35-39, 2002.
  • [3] Metin T.,Kimyasal atık alçılarının zemin stabilizasyonunda kullanılabilirliğinin araştırılması, Yüksek Lisans tezi,Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen bilimler Enstitüsu.,Balıkesir, 2007.
  • [4] Buluttekin B.,Bor madeni ekonomisi,Türkiye’nin Dünya Bor piyasasındaki yeri,2.Ulusal iktisat kongresi, 20-22 Şubat, 2008. [5] Kıhç A.M.,Bor madenin türkiye aksından önemi ve gelecekteki yeri, II. Uluslararası Bor Sempozyumu, 23-25Eylül, 2004.
  • [6] Göçmen B,,Çöl B.,Taşkın V.,Küçükakyüz K., Tarımsal üretimde bor toksisitesinin biyolojik açıdan değerlendirilmesi, 2.Ulusal Bor Çalıştayı,17-18 Nisan, 2008.
  • [7] Blevins D.G.,Lukaszewski K.M.,Boron in plant structure and function, Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, 49,481-500, 1998.
  • [8] Brown P.H.,Bellaloui N.,Wimmer M.A.,Bassil E.S.,Ruiz J.,Hu H.,Pfeffer H.,Dannel F, Römheld V., Boron in plant biology,Plant biology,4,203-223, 2002.
  • [9] Hajiboland R.,Bahrami-rad S.,Bastani S.,Poschenrieder L.C., Boron re-translocation in tea Camellia sinensis L.,Kuntze O., plants acta physiologiae plantatum,35,8,2373-2381, 2013.
  • [10] Ganie M.A.,Akhter F.,Bhat M.A.,Malik A.R.,Junaid J.,Shah A.M., Bhat A.H.,Bhat T., Boron-a critical nutrient element for plant ggowth and productivity with reference to temperate fruits,Current Scıence,104,1,10, 2013.
  • [11] Silva A.P.,Rosa E.,Haneklaus S.H., İnfluence of foliar boron application on fruit set and yield of Hazelnut.Journal of Plant Nutrition,26,561-569, 2003. [12] Wojcik P., Wojcik M., Effect of boron fertilization on sweet cherry tree yield and fruit quality, Journal of Plant Nutrition,26,10, 2006. [13] Huang J-Sh, Snapp S.S., The effect of boron, calcium,surface moisture on shoulder check, a quality defect in fresh-market tomato, Journal Amer.Soc.Hort.Scı, 129(4),599-607, 2004.
  • [14] Xuan H., Streif J., Pfeffer H.,Dannel F, Römheld H., Bangerth F., Effect of pre-harvest boron application on the incidence of CA-storage related disorders in Conference pears, The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology,76,2,133-137, 2001. [15] Demirtaş A., Bor bileşikleri ve tarımda kullanımı,Atatürk üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi,37,111-115, 2006.
  • [16] Mauhammad T., Ali A., Lataf-Ul-Hak Amanullah K.,Comparing application methods for boron fertilizer on the yield and quality of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 41,1525–1537, 2010.
  • [17] Mauhammad A.,Nıaz., Asghar A., Muhammad A.C., Jamıl H., Influence of soil-applied boron on yield, fiber quality and leaf boron contents of cotton (gossypium hirsutum l.) Journal of Agrıculture & Socıal Scıences,1,7-10, 2007.
  • [18] Poslü K., Çebi H.,Özel bor kimyasalları ve bor dünyasındaki gelişmeler ,Madencilik Bülteni/25 [19]
  • [20] Gupta U.C., Boron nutrition of crops,Adv.Agronomy,31,273-307, 1979.
  • [21] Guliyev R., An investigation of borogypsum utilization for the production of triple superphosphate containing boron fertilizers, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 24(3), 748-754, 2015.
  • [22] Pozin M., Rukovodstvok praktıceskim zanyatiyam po teknologii neorganiceskiy veşest, Lelingrad, 1980.
  • [23] Kacar B., Temel Laboratuvar Bilgisi 1 - Bitki, Toprak ve Gübre Analizleri, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 2012.
  • [24] Ün, R., Organik Kimya, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Yayın No:3617, 233-282, İstanbul, 1990.
  • [25] Pozin M.,Technologiya mineralnık udobrenii, Lelingrad, 1983.
  • [26] Sadykov B.B.,Volynskova N.N.,namazov Sh.,Beglov B.M.,Technology for manufacturing fertilizer superfos containing nitrogen,phosphorus,Sulfur and Calciu, Russian Journal of Applied Chmistry 81,9,1667-1672, 2008.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Rövşen Guliyev

Publication Date July 5, 2018
Acceptance Date March 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Guliyev, R. (2018). Investigation of the availability of borojipsindustrial waste the boron-containing diammonium phosphate the production. Journal of Boron, 3(2), 87-92.