Investigation of Boro/Carbothermic and Carbothermic Reduction Synthesized Calcium Hexaborides
Year 2018,
, 103 - 108, 05.07.2018
Duygu Yılmaz
Umut Savacı
Nurşen Koç
Servet Turan
In this study, crystal structure and powder morphologies of
CaB6 synthesized via different synthesis methods were investigated
via Rietveld method and TEM studies. CaB6 powders were synthesized
via two different methods and to investigate the effect of the synthesis method
on the crystal structure, synthesis temperature and dwell time were kept as
constant for both method. In the first method, CaB6 was synthesized
via boro/carbothermal reduction of calcium carbonate by in-situ synthesized
boron carbide. In the second method, CaB6 powders were formed by
carbothermal reduction of calcium hexaborate penthydrate by carbon obtained
from pyrolysis of PVA in PVA-Borate gels. Phase analysis of powders were
studied via X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and crystal structure refinement was done
using Rietveld method via MaudTM software. Particle morphologies and
size were studied with Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and crystal
structure were analyzed via Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED).
- J.M. Lafferty, Boride cathodes, Journal of Applied Physics. 22 (1951) 299–309. doi:10.1063/1.1699946.
- S.Q. Zheng, G.H. Min, Z.D. Zou, H.S. Yu, H.D. Han, Synthesis of calcium hexaboride powder via the reaction of calcium carbonate with boron carbide and carbon, Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 84 (2001) 2725–2727. doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.2001.tb01083.x.
- V.I. Matkovich, Boron and Refractory Borides, 1977. doi:10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004.
- Z. Lin, M. Guanghui, Y. Huashun, Reaction mechanism and size control of CaB6 micron powder synthesized by the boroncarbide method, Ceramics International. 35 (2009) 3533–3536. doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2009.05.032.
- M. Takeda, M. Terui, N. Takahashi, N. Ueda, Improvement of thermoelectric properties of alkaline-earth hexaborides, Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 179 (2006) 2823–2826. doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2006.01.025.
- H. Yin, D. Tang, X. Mao, W. Xiao, D. Wang, Electrolytic calcium hexaboride for high capacity anode of aqueous primary batteries, J Mater Chem A. 3 (2015) 15184–15189. doi:10.1039/C5TA03728J.
- X. Huang, J. Zhong, L. Dou, K. Wang, Combustion synthesis of CaB6 powder from calcium hexaborate and Mg, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 28 (2010) 143–149. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2008.11.009.
- H. Razavi-zadeh, S.T. Mirdamadi, Deoxidizing Copper with CaB6, (1987).
- S. Hanagiri, T. Harada, S. Aso, S. Fujihara, H. Yasui, S. Takanaga, et al., Effect of the addition of metal and CaB6 to magnesia carbon bricks for convertor, Refractories(Tokyo). 44 (1992) 490–498.
- B.A. Galanov, V. V. Kartuzov, O.N. Grigoriev, L.M. Melakh, S.M. Ivanov, E. V. Kartuzov, et al., Penetration resistance of B4C-CaB6 based light-weight armor materials, Procedia Engineering. 58 (2013) 328–337. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2013.05.037.
- C.H. Chen, T. Aizawa, N. Iyi, A. Sato, S. Otani, Structural refinement and thermal expansion of hexaborides, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 366 (2004) 2003–2005. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(03)00735-7.
- M.V. Stackelberg, F. Neumann, Die Kristallstruktur der Boride der Zusammensetzung MeB6., Zeitschrift Für Physikalische Chemie. 19 (1932) 314–320.
- A. Akkoyunlu, R. Koç, J. Mawdsley, D. Carter, SYNTHESIS OF SUBMICRON-SIZE CaB6 POWDERS USING VARIOUS BORON SOURCES, in: M. Sanjay, S.S. Ray (Eds.), Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology V, The American Ceramic Society, 2011: pp. 127–135.
- Ö. Balci, D. Aǧaoǧullari, I. Duman, M.L. Öveçoǧlu, Synthesis of CaB 6 powders via mechanochemical reaction of Ca/B 2O 3 blends, Powder Technology. 225 (2012) 136–142. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2012.03.051.
- S. Angappan, M. Helan, A. Visuvasam, L.J. Berchmans, V. Ananth, Electrolytic preparation of CaB6 by molten salt technique, Ionics. 17 (2011) 527–533. doi:10.1007/s11581-011-0531-9.
- D. Yilmaz, N. Koç, S. Turan, Synthesis of Calcium Hexaboride Powder via Boro/ Carbothermal Reduction with a Gel Precursor, J Ceram Sci Tech. 356 (2016) 7–349. doi:10.4416/JCST2016-00044.
- D. Yilmaz, U. Savaci, N. Koç, S. Turan, Carbothermic reduction synthesis of calcium hexaboride using PVA-calcium hexaborate mixed gels, Ceramics International. (2017) 8–13. doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.11.050.
Boro/Karbotermik ve Karbotermik İndirgeme Yöntemiyle Sentezlenen Kalsiyum Hekzaborürlerin İncelenmesi
Year 2018,
, 103 - 108, 05.07.2018
Duygu Yılmaz
Umut Savacı
Nurşen Koç
Servet Turan
Bu çalışmada, iki farklı yöntemle sentezlenen CaB6
kristal yapısı ve toz morfolojisi incelenmiş ve sentez yönteminin, yapı
üzerindeki etkisi Rietveld metodu ve TEM yardımıyla incelenmiştir. CaB6
tozları iki farklı yöntem kullanılarak sentezlenmiş ve üretim yönteminin
kristal yapı üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi için sentez sıcaklığı ve süresi
her iki yöntem için sabit tutulmuştur. İlk yöntemde, CaB6 tozları,
kalsiyum karbonatın (CaCO3) boro/karbotermik olarak yerinde
indirgenmesiyle sentezlenmiştir. Diğer yöntemde ise kalsiyum pentaborat
hekzahidrat (CaB6O10.5H2O) tozları, PVA-Borat
içeren jelin pirolizinden elde edilen karbonun indirgeyici olarak rol oynamasıyla
ve boratın yerinde indirgenmesiyle sentezlenmiştir. Tozların faz analizi X-Işını
Kırınım (XRD) tekniği ile, kristal yapıya ait detayların belirlenmesi ise MaudTM
yazılımı kullanılarak Rietveld analizi ve Elektron Kırınımı (SAED) yöntemi ile
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Parçacık morfolojisi ve boyutu, geçirimli elektron
mikroskobu (GEM) kullanılarak incelenmiştir.
- J.M. Lafferty, Boride cathodes, Journal of Applied Physics. 22 (1951) 299–309. doi:10.1063/1.1699946.
- S.Q. Zheng, G.H. Min, Z.D. Zou, H.S. Yu, H.D. Han, Synthesis of calcium hexaboride powder via the reaction of calcium carbonate with boron carbide and carbon, Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 84 (2001) 2725–2727. doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.2001.tb01083.x.
- V.I. Matkovich, Boron and Refractory Borides, 1977. doi:10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004.
- Z. Lin, M. Guanghui, Y. Huashun, Reaction mechanism and size control of CaB6 micron powder synthesized by the boroncarbide method, Ceramics International. 35 (2009) 3533–3536. doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2009.05.032.
- M. Takeda, M. Terui, N. Takahashi, N. Ueda, Improvement of thermoelectric properties of alkaline-earth hexaborides, Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 179 (2006) 2823–2826. doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2006.01.025.
- H. Yin, D. Tang, X. Mao, W. Xiao, D. Wang, Electrolytic calcium hexaboride for high capacity anode of aqueous primary batteries, J Mater Chem A. 3 (2015) 15184–15189. doi:10.1039/C5TA03728J.
- X. Huang, J. Zhong, L. Dou, K. Wang, Combustion synthesis of CaB6 powder from calcium hexaborate and Mg, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 28 (2010) 143–149. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2008.11.009.
- H. Razavi-zadeh, S.T. Mirdamadi, Deoxidizing Copper with CaB6, (1987).
- S. Hanagiri, T. Harada, S. Aso, S. Fujihara, H. Yasui, S. Takanaga, et al., Effect of the addition of metal and CaB6 to magnesia carbon bricks for convertor, Refractories(Tokyo). 44 (1992) 490–498.
- B.A. Galanov, V. V. Kartuzov, O.N. Grigoriev, L.M. Melakh, S.M. Ivanov, E. V. Kartuzov, et al., Penetration resistance of B4C-CaB6 based light-weight armor materials, Procedia Engineering. 58 (2013) 328–337. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2013.05.037.
- C.H. Chen, T. Aizawa, N. Iyi, A. Sato, S. Otani, Structural refinement and thermal expansion of hexaborides, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 366 (2004) 2003–2005. doi:10.1016/S0925-8388(03)00735-7.
- M.V. Stackelberg, F. Neumann, Die Kristallstruktur der Boride der Zusammensetzung MeB6., Zeitschrift Für Physikalische Chemie. 19 (1932) 314–320.
- A. Akkoyunlu, R. Koç, J. Mawdsley, D. Carter, SYNTHESIS OF SUBMICRON-SIZE CaB6 POWDERS USING VARIOUS BORON SOURCES, in: M. Sanjay, S.S. Ray (Eds.), Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology V, The American Ceramic Society, 2011: pp. 127–135.
- Ö. Balci, D. Aǧaoǧullari, I. Duman, M.L. Öveçoǧlu, Synthesis of CaB 6 powders via mechanochemical reaction of Ca/B 2O 3 blends, Powder Technology. 225 (2012) 136–142. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2012.03.051.
- S. Angappan, M. Helan, A. Visuvasam, L.J. Berchmans, V. Ananth, Electrolytic preparation of CaB6 by molten salt technique, Ionics. 17 (2011) 527–533. doi:10.1007/s11581-011-0531-9.
- D. Yilmaz, N. Koç, S. Turan, Synthesis of Calcium Hexaboride Powder via Boro/ Carbothermal Reduction with a Gel Precursor, J Ceram Sci Tech. 356 (2016) 7–349. doi:10.4416/JCST2016-00044.
- D. Yilmaz, U. Savaci, N. Koç, S. Turan, Carbothermic reduction synthesis of calcium hexaboride using PVA-calcium hexaborate mixed gels, Ceramics International. (2017) 8–13. doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.11.050.