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Multiculturalism in the Governance of the European Union and Contrıbutıons of Turkey’s Accession

Year 2010, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 145 - 164, 01.12.2010


Since 1920s Turkey and Europe have been in a continuous interaction. This active relationship has become more dynamic with the beginning of the accession process in the early 1990s. In this modern world where national borders are almost abolished with the impact of rising globalism the EU must show its authority as a consolidative power. In this respect EU can benefit from Turkey in many ways. In this article these benefits are discussed in terms of Turkey’s Muslim identity, population, energy and security. The benefits that will be provided by Turkey if it enters into the Union are handled on a socio-cultural basis.


  • Accessed: 10 December 2010. obal-home.
  • Armesto, F. F. “A European Civilization: Is There Any Such Thing?” European Review Vol 10 No 1 (Cambridge University Press, 2002): 3 – 13.
  • Aydın, S. Possible Contributions of Turkey’s EU Membership to the Union. (2002).
  • Benhabib, S. “Borders, Boundaries, and Citizenship.” American Political Science Association Vol 38 No 4 (Oct.2005): 673-677.
  • Bunzl, M. “Between anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: Some thoughts on the new Europe.” American Ethnologist Vol 32 No 4 (2005): 499 – 508.
  • Carr, M. “You Are Now entering Eurabia.” Race and Class Vol 48 No 1 (2006): 3-23.
  • Crepaz, M. and R. Damron. “Constructing Tolerance: How the Welfare State Shapes Attitudes About Immigrants.” Comparative Political Studies (2008).
  • Domaniç, S. The Turkish Accession to European Union: Mutually Beneficial? Mutually Possible? Institute of Public Affairs, 2007. Elver, H. Reluctant Partners Turkey and the European Union. 2005.
  • Esen, Absorption Capacity of the EU and Turkish Accession: Definitions and Comments 2007.
  • Huntington, S. P. The Clash of Civilizations and Remaking the World Order, USA: Touchstone, 1996.
  • Kahraman, B. Kitle Kültürü Kitlelerin Afyonu. Agora Kitaplığı, 2007.
  • Karlsson, I. “Turkey in Europe but not of Europe?” (TESEV Foreign Policy Program-Lund University Centre for European Studies Joint Report, 2009, Conference paper presented at an international conference on 27 May 2009 at Lund University)
  • Main Contributions of Turkey’s Membership to the EU. TÜSİAD. Accessed: 8 April 2010.
  • Öniş, Z. “Domestic Politics, International Norms and Challenges to the State: Turkey-EU Relations in the Post-Helsinki Era” Turkish Studies Vol 4 No. 1 (2003). (Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, Washington D.C., November 23-26, 2002).
  • Rosado, C. Toward a Definition of Multiculturalism. 1996
  • Türkiye Üyeliğinin AB’ye Muhtemel Etkileri. Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Müsteşarlığı, Kasım 2004.
  • Uğur. “Freedom of Movement vs. Exclusion: A Reinterpretation of the `Insider'- `Outsider' Divide in the European Union.” International Migration Review Vol 29 No 4 (The Center for Migration Studies of New York, Inc: 1995): 964-999.
  • Verkuyten and Zaremba. “Interethnic Relations in a Changing Political Context.” Social Psychology Quarterly Vol 68 No 4 (Dec. 2005): 375- 386.

Avrupa Birliği Yönetişiminde Çokkültürlülük ve Türkiye’nin Katılımının Sağlayacağı Katkılar

Year 2010, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 145 - 164, 01.12.2010


1920’lerden beri Türkiye ve Avrupa devamlı bir etkileşim içindedir. Bu aktif ilişki Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği’ne giriş sürecinin başlayışıyla 1990’ların başında daha dinamik hale gelmiştir. Ulusal sınırların artan küreselleşmenin etkisiyle neredeyse ortadan kalktığı modern dünyada Avrupa Birliği, otoritesini birleştirici bir güç olarak göstermelidir. Bu bağlamda AB, Türkiye’den pek çok şekilde faydalanabilir. Bu makalede söz konusu faydalar Türkiye’nin Müslüman kimliği, nüfusu, enerji ve güvenlik konuları üzerinden ele alınacaktır. Türkiye’nin AB’ye girmesi durumunda Birlik'e sağlayacağı faydalar sosyo-kültürel bir zeminde ele alınmıştır.


  • Accessed: 10 December 2010. obal-home.
  • Armesto, F. F. “A European Civilization: Is There Any Such Thing?” European Review Vol 10 No 1 (Cambridge University Press, 2002): 3 – 13.
  • Aydın, S. Possible Contributions of Turkey’s EU Membership to the Union. (2002).
  • Benhabib, S. “Borders, Boundaries, and Citizenship.” American Political Science Association Vol 38 No 4 (Oct.2005): 673-677.
  • Bunzl, M. “Between anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: Some thoughts on the new Europe.” American Ethnologist Vol 32 No 4 (2005): 499 – 508.
  • Carr, M. “You Are Now entering Eurabia.” Race and Class Vol 48 No 1 (2006): 3-23.
  • Crepaz, M. and R. Damron. “Constructing Tolerance: How the Welfare State Shapes Attitudes About Immigrants.” Comparative Political Studies (2008).
  • Domaniç, S. The Turkish Accession to European Union: Mutually Beneficial? Mutually Possible? Institute of Public Affairs, 2007. Elver, H. Reluctant Partners Turkey and the European Union. 2005.
  • Esen, Absorption Capacity of the EU and Turkish Accession: Definitions and Comments 2007.
  • Huntington, S. P. The Clash of Civilizations and Remaking the World Order, USA: Touchstone, 1996.
  • Kahraman, B. Kitle Kültürü Kitlelerin Afyonu. Agora Kitaplığı, 2007.
  • Karlsson, I. “Turkey in Europe but not of Europe?” (TESEV Foreign Policy Program-Lund University Centre for European Studies Joint Report, 2009, Conference paper presented at an international conference on 27 May 2009 at Lund University)
  • Main Contributions of Turkey’s Membership to the EU. TÜSİAD. Accessed: 8 April 2010.
  • Öniş, Z. “Domestic Politics, International Norms and Challenges to the State: Turkey-EU Relations in the Post-Helsinki Era” Turkish Studies Vol 4 No. 1 (2003). (Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, Washington D.C., November 23-26, 2002).
  • Rosado, C. Toward a Definition of Multiculturalism. 1996
  • Türkiye Üyeliğinin AB’ye Muhtemel Etkileri. Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Müsteşarlığı, Kasım 2004.
  • Uğur. “Freedom of Movement vs. Exclusion: A Reinterpretation of the `Insider'- `Outsider' Divide in the European Union.” International Migration Review Vol 29 No 4 (The Center for Migration Studies of New York, Inc: 1995): 964-999.
  • Verkuyten and Zaremba. “Interethnic Relations in a Changing Political Context.” Social Psychology Quarterly Vol 68 No 4 (Dec. 2005): 375- 386.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Cansu Arısoy This is me

Cansu Arısoy This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2010
Submission Date November 21, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


APA Arısoy, C., & Arısoy, C. (2010). Avrupa Birliği Yönetişiminde Çokkültürlülük ve Türkiye’nin Katılımının Sağlayacağı Katkılar. Bilge Strateji, 2(3), 145-164.