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Turkish Foreign Policy In A Changing World

Year 2022, Volume: 13 Issue: 24, 141 - 143, 21.11.2022


After the end of the Second World War Türk􏰁ye became embedded to the Euro-Atlant􏰁c 􏰁nst􏰁tut􏰁ons. It jo􏰁ned the Counc􏰁l of Europe, fought 􏰁n Korea and became a member of NATO where 􏰁t played a cruc􏰁al role as the Eastern Flank of the All􏰁ance. Nevertheless, dur􏰁ng the same per􏰁od 􏰁ts geo-strateg􏰁c locat􏰁on necess􏰁tated 􏰁t to have fr􏰁endly relat􏰁ons w􏰁th the USSR and further 􏰁ts t􏰁es w􏰁th the countr􏰁es 􏰁n the M􏰁ddle East.
W􏰁th the fall of the Berl􏰁n Wall the world entered a new era. Several theor􏰁es were put forth. D􏰁d democracy preva􏰁l? Was 􏰁t the end of h􏰁story? Would there be a clash of c􏰁v􏰁- l􏰁zat􏰁ons? After the turbulence of the 1990’s when all countr􏰁es b􏰁g and small, old and new were try􏰁ng to adapt to a major sh􏰁ft 􏰁n the 􏰁nternat􏰁onal world order, the US tr􏰁ed to establ􏰁sh 􏰁tself as the only superpower. The Russ􏰁an Federat􏰁on was 􏰁n the process of try􏰁ng to rega􏰁n 􏰁ts old strength and glory, wh􏰁le Ch􏰁na was grow􏰁ng 􏰁n double d􏰁g􏰁ts w􏰁th an a􏰁m to challenge the US by the beg􏰁nn􏰁ng of the 21st century.

Turkish Foreign Policy In A Changing World

Year 2022, Volume: 13 Issue: 24, 141 - 143, 21.11.2022


There are 0 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Relations
Journal Section Commentary

Gülrü Gezer This is me

Publication Date November 21, 2022
Submission Date October 1, 2022
Acceptance Date November 1, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 13 Issue: 24


APA Gezer, G. (2022). Turkish Foreign Policy In A Changing World. Bilge Strateji, 13(24), 141-143.