Year 2022,
, 44 - 47, 01.01.2022
Özden Çobanoğlu
Sena Ardıclı
Project Number
- Ardicli S, Ustuner H, Arslan O. 2021. Association of the caprine calpastatin MspI polymorphism with growth and reproduction traits in Saanen goats. J Hellenic Vet Med Soc, 72: 3023-3030.
- Davis GH. 2004. Fecundity genes in sheep. Anim Reprod Sci, 82–83: 247–253.
- Dincel D, Ardicli S, Soyudal B, Er M, Alpay F, Samli H, Balci F. 2015. Analysis of FecB, BMP15, and CAST gene mutations in Sakiz sheep. J Fac Vet Med, Kafkas Univ, 21: 483-488.
- Doekes HP, Bijma P, Windig JJ. 2021. How depressing is inbreeding? A meta-analysis of 30 years of research on the effects of inbreeding in livestock. Genes, 12, 926.
- Galloway SM, McNatty KP, Cambridge LM, Laitinen MPE, Juengel JL, Jokiranta TS, McLaren RJ, Luiro K, Dodds KG, Montgomery GW, Beattie AE, Davis GH, Ritvos O. 2000. Mutations in an oocyte-derived growth factor gene (BMP15) cause increased ovulation rate and infertility in a dosage-sensitive manner. Nature Genet, 25: 279–283.
- Gedik Y. 2021. Screening for inverdale (FecXI) mutation in BMP15 gene in prolific Turkish awash sheep. BSJ Agri, 4: 130-132.
- Green MR, Sambrook J. 2012. Isolation of high-molecular-weight DNA from mammalian cells using proteinase K and phenol. In: Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA, 1st ed., pp. 47–48.
- Gurcan EK, Cobanoglu O, Almaz E. 2018. Determination of betalactoglobulin gene polymorphism in Kivircik Sheep. BSJ Agri, 1: 13-17.
- Gursel FE, Akis I, Durak H, Mengi A, Oztbak K. 2011. Determination of BMP-15, BMPR-1B and GDF-9 gene mutations of the indigenous sheep breeds in Turkey. J Fac Vet Med, Kafkas Univ, 17: 725–729.
- Hanrahan JP, Gregan SM, Mulsant P, Mullen M, Davis GH, Powell R, Galloway SM. 2004. Mutation in the genes for oocyte-derived growth factors GDF9 and BMP15 are associated with both increased ovulation rate and sterility in Cambridge and Belclare sheep (Ovis aries). Biol Reprod, 70: 900–909.
- Kumar S, Mishra AK, Kolte AP, Dash SK, Karim SA. 2008. Screening for Booroola (FecB) and Galway (FecXG) mutations in Indian sheep. Small Rumin Res, 80: 57-61.
- Mullen MP, Hanrahan JP, Howard DJ, Powell R. 2013. Investigation of Prolific Sheep from UK and Ireland for Evidence on Origin of the Mutations in BMP15 (FecXG, FecXB) and GDF9 (FecGH) in Belclare and Cambridge Sheep. PLoS ONE, 8(1): e53172.
- Niu Z-g, Qin J, Jiang Y, Ding X-D, Ding Y-g, Tang S, Shi H-c. 2021. The identification of mutation in BMP15 gene associated with litter size in Xinjiang Cele Black Sheep. Animals, 11, 668.
- Piper LR, Bindon BM, Davis GH. 1985. The single gene inheritance of the high litter size of the Booroola Merino. In: Land RB, Robinson DW, (Eds.), Genetics of Reproduction in Sheep. Butterworths, London, UK, 1st ed., pp. 115–125.
- Tao L, He X, Wang X, Di R, Chu M. 2021. Litter Size of Sheep (Ovis aries): Inbreeding depression and homozygous regions. Genes, 12: 109.
- Wilson T, Wu XY, Juengel JL, Ross IK, Lumsden JM, Lord EA, Dodds KG, Walling GA, McEwan JC, O’Connell AR, McNatty KP, Montgomery GW. 2001. Highly prolific Booroola sheep have a mutation in the intracellular kinase domain of bone morphogenetic protein 1B receptor (ALK-6) that is expressed in both oocytes and granulosa cells. Biol Reprod, 64: 1225–1235.
Screening for Galway Mutation (FecXG) in Kivircik Breed
Year 2022,
, 44 - 47, 01.01.2022
Özden Çobanoğlu
Sena Ardıclı
High litter size or twinning is an economically important trait that enhances sheep productivity. The FecXG has been influentially associated with the ovulation rate in various sheep breeds. However, there is limited information about this locus in the Kivircik sheep breed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of the Galway (FecXG) mutation in Kivircik sheep (n=91) raised in Kirklareli province. Genomic DNA was isolated from whole blood using the phenol-chloroform extraction method. The genotyping was performed by the PCR-RFLP method. Results revealed that all ewes had the Galway mutation (FecXGG) and the corresponding genotype was fixed in the studied population. The present analysis showed that the Galway mutation which is a nucleotide alteration (cytosine to thymine) at position 718 bp of the BMP15 (also known as FecX) gene may be considered in enhancing twinning in the Kivircik breed. However, further analyses with larger populations are needed to confirm the present results and to provide more detailed information before focusing on this genomic region in breeding programs for purebred Kivircik sheep.
Project Number
- Ardicli S, Ustuner H, Arslan O. 2021. Association of the caprine calpastatin MspI polymorphism with growth and reproduction traits in Saanen goats. J Hellenic Vet Med Soc, 72: 3023-3030.
- Davis GH. 2004. Fecundity genes in sheep. Anim Reprod Sci, 82–83: 247–253.
- Dincel D, Ardicli S, Soyudal B, Er M, Alpay F, Samli H, Balci F. 2015. Analysis of FecB, BMP15, and CAST gene mutations in Sakiz sheep. J Fac Vet Med, Kafkas Univ, 21: 483-488.
- Doekes HP, Bijma P, Windig JJ. 2021. How depressing is inbreeding? A meta-analysis of 30 years of research on the effects of inbreeding in livestock. Genes, 12, 926.
- Galloway SM, McNatty KP, Cambridge LM, Laitinen MPE, Juengel JL, Jokiranta TS, McLaren RJ, Luiro K, Dodds KG, Montgomery GW, Beattie AE, Davis GH, Ritvos O. 2000. Mutations in an oocyte-derived growth factor gene (BMP15) cause increased ovulation rate and infertility in a dosage-sensitive manner. Nature Genet, 25: 279–283.
- Gedik Y. 2021. Screening for inverdale (FecXI) mutation in BMP15 gene in prolific Turkish awash sheep. BSJ Agri, 4: 130-132.
- Green MR, Sambrook J. 2012. Isolation of high-molecular-weight DNA from mammalian cells using proteinase K and phenol. In: Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA, 1st ed., pp. 47–48.
- Gurcan EK, Cobanoglu O, Almaz E. 2018. Determination of betalactoglobulin gene polymorphism in Kivircik Sheep. BSJ Agri, 1: 13-17.
- Gursel FE, Akis I, Durak H, Mengi A, Oztbak K. 2011. Determination of BMP-15, BMPR-1B and GDF-9 gene mutations of the indigenous sheep breeds in Turkey. J Fac Vet Med, Kafkas Univ, 17: 725–729.
- Hanrahan JP, Gregan SM, Mulsant P, Mullen M, Davis GH, Powell R, Galloway SM. 2004. Mutation in the genes for oocyte-derived growth factors GDF9 and BMP15 are associated with both increased ovulation rate and sterility in Cambridge and Belclare sheep (Ovis aries). Biol Reprod, 70: 900–909.
- Kumar S, Mishra AK, Kolte AP, Dash SK, Karim SA. 2008. Screening for Booroola (FecB) and Galway (FecXG) mutations in Indian sheep. Small Rumin Res, 80: 57-61.
- Mullen MP, Hanrahan JP, Howard DJ, Powell R. 2013. Investigation of Prolific Sheep from UK and Ireland for Evidence on Origin of the Mutations in BMP15 (FecXG, FecXB) and GDF9 (FecGH) in Belclare and Cambridge Sheep. PLoS ONE, 8(1): e53172.
- Niu Z-g, Qin J, Jiang Y, Ding X-D, Ding Y-g, Tang S, Shi H-c. 2021. The identification of mutation in BMP15 gene associated with litter size in Xinjiang Cele Black Sheep. Animals, 11, 668.
- Piper LR, Bindon BM, Davis GH. 1985. The single gene inheritance of the high litter size of the Booroola Merino. In: Land RB, Robinson DW, (Eds.), Genetics of Reproduction in Sheep. Butterworths, London, UK, 1st ed., pp. 115–125.
- Tao L, He X, Wang X, Di R, Chu M. 2021. Litter Size of Sheep (Ovis aries): Inbreeding depression and homozygous regions. Genes, 12: 109.
- Wilson T, Wu XY, Juengel JL, Ross IK, Lumsden JM, Lord EA, Dodds KG, Walling GA, McEwan JC, O’Connell AR, McNatty KP, Montgomery GW. 2001. Highly prolific Booroola sheep have a mutation in the intracellular kinase domain of bone morphogenetic protein 1B receptor (ALK-6) that is expressed in both oocytes and granulosa cells. Biol Reprod, 64: 1225–1235.