Research Article
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Evaluation of Seedling Development and Physical Characteristics, Viability and Germination of Seeds in Some Lamiaceae Taxa

Year 2022, , 200 - 207, 01.07.2022


The Flora of Türkiye is very rich in the members of the Lamiaceae family. This study, it was aimed to investigate some physical characteristics, viability, germination performance of their seeds, and initial seedling development of 16 taxa belonging to the Lamiaceae family collected from the natural area. According to the results, the highest and lowest viability value was recorded in S. aethiopis (82.86%) and in S.yosgadensis (10.71%), respectively. The root length values of the taxa changed between 25.57mm (T.sipyleus)-66.82mm (S.aethiopis) at the end of the 21st day. The shoot lengths of the seedlings were determined to vary between 3.12mm (T.sipyleus)-22.41 mm (P.armeniaca). The seed width and length values of taxa varied between 0.911-2.788mm and 0.999-5.055mm, respectively. Values varying between 0.432-0.865 were calculated according to the geometric properties determined by proportioning the width and length dimensions of the seeds. The obtained results will be useful for studies on the cultivation of these taxa.


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  • Baydar H. 2013. Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler bilimi ve teknolojisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Yayınları, Isparta, 4th ed, pp. 424.
  • Bayram M, Yilar M, Ozgoz E, Kadioglu I. 2016. Adaçayı (Salvia virgata Jacq.) tohumlarının bazı fiziksel özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Nevşehir Bilim Teknol Derg, TARGID, 325-331.
  • Coşkuner Y, Karababa E. 2007. Some physical properties of flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). J Food Eng, 78: 1067–1073.
  • Dadach M, Mehdadi Z, Latreche A. 2015. Germination responses of Marrubium vulgare L. under various water stress conditions. J Appl Environ Biol Sci 5: 28-33.
  • Dumanoglu Z, Ozkan SS, Demiroglu Topcu G. 2019. İtalyan çimi (Lolium multiflorum L.) çeşitlerine ait tohumların fiziksel özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Uluslararası Tarım Yaban Hayatı Bilim Derg, 5(2): 292-298.
  • Elias SG, Copeland LO, McDonald MB, Baalbaki RZ. 2012. Seed testing principles and practices. Michigan State University Press, USA, 1st ed, pp. 59-231.
  • Finkelstein R, Reeves W, Ariizumi T, Steber C. 2008. Molecular aspects of seed dormancy. Annu Rev Plant Biol, 59: 387-415.
  • Galmés J, Medrano H, Flexas J. 2006. Germination capacity and temperature dependence in Mediterranean species of the Balearic Islands. Invest Agrar Sist Recur For, 15: 88-95.
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  • Guner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babac MT. 2012. Türkiye bitkileri listesi (Damarlı bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını, İstanbul, 1st ed, pp. 1290.
  • Hampton JG. 2002. What is seed quality? Seed Sci Technol, 30: 1–10.
  • ISTA. 2003. ISTA Working Sheets on Tetrazolium Testing. ISTA, Switzerland, 1st ed, pp. 153.
  • Ixtaina VY, Nolasco SM, Tomas MC. 2008. Physical properties of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) seeds, Ind Crops Prod, 28: 286-293.
  • Joshi SC, Pant SC. 2010. Physical purity analysis and germination of Salvia sclarea L. a medicinal plant. Nature and Science, 8: 68-69.
  • Karpiński TM. 2020. Essential oils of Lamiaceae family plants as antifungals. Biomolecules, 10: 103.
  • Lorestani AN. 2012. Some physical and mechanical properties of caper. J Agric Sci Technol, 8: 1199-1206.
  • McDonald MB, Contreras S. 2002. Seeds: trade, production, and technology. Intern. Seminar proceedings. Pontifica Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile.
  • Nalbandi H, Ghassemzadeh HR, Seiiedlou S. 2010. Seed moisture dependent on physical properties of Turgenialatifolia: criteria for sorting. J Agric Technol, 6: 1-10.
  • Nieto G. 2017. Biological activities of three essential oils of the Lamiaceae family. Medicines, 4: 63.
  • Ozcan II, Arabaci O, Ogretmen GN. 2014. Bazı adaçayı türlerinde farklı tohum çimlendirme uygulamalarının belirlenmesi. TURJAF, 2: 203-207.
  • Rajjou L, Duval M, Galardo K, Catusse J, Bally J, Job C, Job D 2012. Seed germination and vigor. Annu Rev Plant Biol, 63: 507-533.
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  • Santos MAO, Novembre ADLC, Marcos-Filho J. 2007. Tetrazolium test to assess viability and vigour of tomato seeds. Seed Sci Technol, 35: 213-223.
  • Singh KK, Goswami TK. 1996. Physical properties of cumin seed. J Agric Eng Res, 64(2): 93–98.
  • Sonmez C, Gokgol A, Simsek Soysal AO, Bayram E, Celen AE 2019. Adaçayı (Salvia spp.) türlerinde çimlenme ve çıkış performansını arttırıcı uygulamalar. Turjaf, 7: 504-510.
  • Subaşı U, Guvensen A 2010. Seed germination studies on rare endemic Salvia smyrnaea Boiss. (Lamiaceae). Biodivers Conserv, 3: 126-132.
  • Sun Q, Wang JH, Sun BQ 2007. Advances on seed vigor physiological and genetic mechanisms. Agr Sci China, 6: 1060-1066.
  • Tavakoli M, Naghdi Badi H, Rafiee H, Labbafi MR, Ghorbani Nohooji M, Zand E, Mehrafarin A. 2014. Physico-chemical properties of seeds in valuable medicinal species of the genus Salvia L. J Med Plant Res, 51: 71-83.
  • Tursun AO. 2020. The effects of low temperature applications on dormancy of Salvia verticillate L. and Rumex crispus L. seeds. Pak J Bot, 52: 1885-1890.
  • Yilar M, Altuntas E. 2017. Tek yıllık ve çok yıllık adaçayı (Salvia viridis L., Salvia cryptantha Montbret et Aucher) tohumlarının bazı fiziksel özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Mediterr Agric Sci, 30: 137-141.
  • Yucel E, Yilmaz G 2009. Effects of different alkaline metal salts (NaCl, KNO3), acid concentrations (H2SO4) and growth regulator (GA3) on the germination of Salvia cyanescens Boiss. & Bal. seeds. G U J Sci, 22: 123-127.
  • Zewdu AD 2011. Moisture-dependent physical properties of Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi L.) seeds. Philipp Agric Sci, 94(3): 278-284.
Year 2022, , 200 - 207, 01.07.2022



  • AOSA. 2000. Tetrazolium handbook. Association of official seed analysts, Wichita, 1st ed, pp. 32.
  • Baydar H. 2013. Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler bilimi ve teknolojisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Yayınları, Isparta, 4th ed, pp. 424.
  • Bayram M, Yilar M, Ozgoz E, Kadioglu I. 2016. Adaçayı (Salvia virgata Jacq.) tohumlarının bazı fiziksel özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Nevşehir Bilim Teknol Derg, TARGID, 325-331.
  • Coşkuner Y, Karababa E. 2007. Some physical properties of flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). J Food Eng, 78: 1067–1073.
  • Dadach M, Mehdadi Z, Latreche A. 2015. Germination responses of Marrubium vulgare L. under various water stress conditions. J Appl Environ Biol Sci 5: 28-33.
  • Dumanoglu Z, Ozkan SS, Demiroglu Topcu G. 2019. İtalyan çimi (Lolium multiflorum L.) çeşitlerine ait tohumların fiziksel özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Uluslararası Tarım Yaban Hayatı Bilim Derg, 5(2): 292-298.
  • Elias SG, Copeland LO, McDonald MB, Baalbaki RZ. 2012. Seed testing principles and practices. Michigan State University Press, USA, 1st ed, pp. 59-231.
  • Finkelstein R, Reeves W, Ariizumi T, Steber C. 2008. Molecular aspects of seed dormancy. Annu Rev Plant Biol, 59: 387-415.
  • Galmés J, Medrano H, Flexas J. 2006. Germination capacity and temperature dependence in Mediterranean species of the Balearic Islands. Invest Agrar Sist Recur For, 15: 88-95.
  • Gölükcü M, Toker R, Ayas F, Çınar N. 2014. Some physical and chemical properties of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) seed and fatty acid composition of seed oil. Derim, 31(1): 17–24.
  • Guner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babac MT. 2012. Türkiye bitkileri listesi (Damarlı bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını, İstanbul, 1st ed, pp. 1290.
  • Hampton JG. 2002. What is seed quality? Seed Sci Technol, 30: 1–10.
  • ISTA. 2003. ISTA Working Sheets on Tetrazolium Testing. ISTA, Switzerland, 1st ed, pp. 153.
  • Ixtaina VY, Nolasco SM, Tomas MC. 2008. Physical properties of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) seeds, Ind Crops Prod, 28: 286-293.
  • Joshi SC, Pant SC. 2010. Physical purity analysis and germination of Salvia sclarea L. a medicinal plant. Nature and Science, 8: 68-69.
  • Karpiński TM. 2020. Essential oils of Lamiaceae family plants as antifungals. Biomolecules, 10: 103.
  • Lorestani AN. 2012. Some physical and mechanical properties of caper. J Agric Sci Technol, 8: 1199-1206.
  • McDonald MB, Contreras S. 2002. Seeds: trade, production, and technology. Intern. Seminar proceedings. Pontifica Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile.
  • Nalbandi H, Ghassemzadeh HR, Seiiedlou S. 2010. Seed moisture dependent on physical properties of Turgenialatifolia: criteria for sorting. J Agric Technol, 6: 1-10.
  • Nieto G. 2017. Biological activities of three essential oils of the Lamiaceae family. Medicines, 4: 63.
  • Ozcan II, Arabaci O, Ogretmen GN. 2014. Bazı adaçayı türlerinde farklı tohum çimlendirme uygulamalarının belirlenmesi. TURJAF, 2: 203-207.
  • Rajjou L, Duval M, Galardo K, Catusse J, Bally J, Job C, Job D 2012. Seed germination and vigor. Annu Rev Plant Biol, 63: 507-533.
  • Sagsoz S. 2000. Tohumluk Bilimi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları, Erzurum 1st ed, pp. 273.
  • Santos MAO, Novembre ADLC, Marcos-Filho J. 2007. Tetrazolium test to assess viability and vigour of tomato seeds. Seed Sci Technol, 35: 213-223.
  • Singh KK, Goswami TK. 1996. Physical properties of cumin seed. J Agric Eng Res, 64(2): 93–98.
  • Sonmez C, Gokgol A, Simsek Soysal AO, Bayram E, Celen AE 2019. Adaçayı (Salvia spp.) türlerinde çimlenme ve çıkış performansını arttırıcı uygulamalar. Turjaf, 7: 504-510.
  • Subaşı U, Guvensen A 2010. Seed germination studies on rare endemic Salvia smyrnaea Boiss. (Lamiaceae). Biodivers Conserv, 3: 126-132.
  • Sun Q, Wang JH, Sun BQ 2007. Advances on seed vigor physiological and genetic mechanisms. Agr Sci China, 6: 1060-1066.
  • Tavakoli M, Naghdi Badi H, Rafiee H, Labbafi MR, Ghorbani Nohooji M, Zand E, Mehrafarin A. 2014. Physico-chemical properties of seeds in valuable medicinal species of the genus Salvia L. J Med Plant Res, 51: 71-83.
  • Tursun AO. 2020. The effects of low temperature applications on dormancy of Salvia verticillate L. and Rumex crispus L. seeds. Pak J Bot, 52: 1885-1890.
  • Yilar M, Altuntas E. 2017. Tek yıllık ve çok yıllık adaçayı (Salvia viridis L., Salvia cryptantha Montbret et Aucher) tohumlarının bazı fiziksel özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Mediterr Agric Sci, 30: 137-141.
  • Yucel E, Yilmaz G 2009. Effects of different alkaline metal salts (NaCl, KNO3), acid concentrations (H2SO4) and growth regulator (GA3) on the germination of Salvia cyanescens Boiss. & Bal. seeds. G U J Sci, 22: 123-127.
  • Zewdu AD 2011. Moisture-dependent physical properties of Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi L.) seeds. Philipp Agric Sci, 94(3): 278-284.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Belgin Coşge Şenkal 0000-0001-7330-8098

Tansu Uskutoğlu 0000-0001-6631-1723

Publication Date July 1, 2022
Submission Date January 28, 2022
Acceptance Date April 13, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Coşge Şenkal, B., & Uskutoğlu, T. (2022). Evaluation of Seedling Development and Physical Characteristics, Viability and Germination of Seeds in Some Lamiaceae Taxa. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 5(3), 200-207.
