Year 2023,
, 210 - 214, 01.03.2023
Halil Ozancan Arslan
Esin Keles
Behnam Rostami
Damla Arslan-acaroz
Ali Soleimanzadeh
Omar Bennoune
Abdelhanine Ayad
Meziane Rahla
Ibrahim Akıncı
- Aboagla EME, Terada T. 2003. Trehalose-enhanced fluidity of the goat sperm membrane and its protection during freezing. Biol Reprod, 69: 1245-1250.
- Aisen EG, Alvarez HI, Venturino A, Gadre JJ. 2000. Effect of trehalose and EDTA on cryoprotective action of ram semen diluents. Theriogenology, 53: 1053-1061.
- Aisen EG, Medina VH, Venturino A. 2002. Cryopreservation and post-thawed fertility of ram semen frozen in different trehalose concentrations. Theriogenology, 57: 1801-1808.
- Aisen EG, Quintana M, Medina V, Morello H, Venturino A. 2005. Ultramicroscopic and biochemical changes in ram spermatozoa cryopreserved with trehalose-based hypertonic extenders. Cryobiol, 50: 239-249.
- Aitken RJ, Baker MA. 2004. Oxidative stress and male reproductive biology. Reprod Fertil Dev, 16: 581-588.
- Alvarenga MA, Papa FO, Landim-Alvarenga FC, Medeiros A.SL. 2005. Amides as cryoprotectants for freezing stallion semen. Anim Reprod Sci, 89: 105-113.
- Alvarez JG, Storey BT. 1983. Taurine, hypotaurine, epinephrine and albumin inhibit lipid peroxidation in rabbit spermatozoa and protect against loss of motility. Biol Reprod, 29: 548-555.
- Alvarez JG, Storey BT. 1984. Assessment of cell damage caused by spontaneous lipid peroxidation in rabbit spermatozoa. Biol Reprod, 30: 833-841.
- Amini S, Masoumi R, Rostami B, Shahir MH, Taghilou P, Arslan HO. 2019. Effects of supplementation of Tris-egg yolk extender with royal jelly on chilled and frozen-thawed ram semen characteristics. Cryobiol, 88: 75-80.
- Aoshima K, Baba A, Makino Y, Okada Y. 2013. Establishment of alternative culture method for spermatogonial stem cells using knockout serum replacement. PLoS One, 8(10): e77715.
- Arav A, Hehu D, Mattioli M. 1993. Osmotic and cytotoxic study of vitrification of ımmature bovine oocytes. J Reprod Fertil, 99: 353-358.
- Ark M, Özdemir A, Polat B. 2010. Ouabain-induced apoptosis and Rho kinase: a novel caspase-2 cleavage site and fragment of Rock-2. Apoptosis, 15(12): 1494-1506.
- Arslan HO, Herrera C, Malama E, Siuda M, Leiding C, Bollwein,H. 2019. Effect of the addition of different catalase concentrations to a TRIS-egg yolk extender on quality and in vitro fertilization rate of frozen-thawed bull sperm. Cryobiol, 91: 40-52.
- Bilodeau JF, Blanchette S, Gagnon IC, Sirard MA. 2001. Thiols prevent H2O2-mediated loss of spermmotility in cryopreserved bullsemen. Theriogenology, 56: 275-286.
- Bilodeau JF, Chatterjee S, Sirard MA, Gagnon C. 2000. Levels of antioxidant defenses are decreased in bovine spermatozoa after a cycle of freezing and thawing. Mol Reprod Dev, 55: 282-288.
- Bucak MN, Akalın PP, Keskin N, Bodu M, Öztürk AE, İli P, Özkan H, Topraggaleh TR, Arslan HO, Başpınar N, Dursun Ş. 2021. Combination of fetuin and trehalose in presence of low glycerol has beneficial effects on freeze‐thawed ram spermatozoa. Andrology, 9(3): 1000-1009.
- Bucak MN, Ateşşahin A, Varışlı Ö, Yüce A, Tekin N, Akçay A. 2007. The influence of trehalose, taurine, cysteamine and hyaluronan on ram semen: Microscopic and oxidative stress parameters after freeze-thawing process. Theriogenology, 60: 1060-1067.
- Bucak MN, Uysal O. 2008. The role of antioxidants in freezing of saanen goat semen. Indian Vet J, 85: 148-150.
- Cabria E, Anel L, Herraez MP. 2001. Effect of external cryoprotectants as membrane stabilizers on cryopreserved rainbow trout sperm. Theriogenology, 52: 623-635.
- Erwig LP, McPhilips KA, Wynes MW, Ivetic A, Ridley AJ, Henson PM. 2006. Differential regulation of phagosome maturation in macrophages and dendritic cells mediated by Rho GTPases and ezrin–radixin–moesin (ERM) proteins. PNAS, 103(34): 12825-12830.
- Gadea J, Selles E, Marco MA, Coy P, Matas C, Romar R, Ruiz S. 2004. Decrease in glutathione content in boar sperm after cryopreservation. Effect of the addition of reduced glutathione to the freezing and thawing extenders. Theriogenology, 62: 690-701.
- Gao DY, Crister JK. 2000. Mechanisms of cryoinjury in living cells. Ilar J, 41: 187-96.
- Griveau JF, Dumont E, Renard P, Callegari JP, Le Lannou D. 1995. Reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation and enzymatic defence systems in human spermatozoa. J Reprod Fertil, 103: 17-26.
- Gürler H, Malama E, Heppelmann M, Calisici O, Leiding C, Kastelic JP, Bollwein H. 2016. Effects of cryopreservation on sperm viability, synthesis of reactive oxygen species, and DNA damageof bovine sperm. Theriogenology, 86: 562-571.
- Ha SJ, Kim BG, Lee YA, Kim YH, Kim BJ, Jung SE, Pang MG, Ryu BY. 2016. Effect of antioxidants and apoptosis inhibitors on cryopreservation of murine germ cells enriched for spermatogonial stem cells. PloS One, 11(8): e0161372.
- Hammerstedt RH, Graham JK, Nolan JP. 1990. Cryopreservation of mammalian sperm: what we ask them to survive. J Androl, 11(1): 73-88.
- Holmes RP, Goodman HO, Shihabi ZK, Jarow JP. 1992. The taurine and hypotaurine content of human semen. J Androl, 13: 289-292.
- Holt WT. 2000. Basic aspects of frozen storage of semen. Anim Reprod Sci: 62: 3-22.
- Holt WT. 2000. Fundemental aspects of sperm cryobiology: the importance of species and individual differences. Theriogenology, 53: 47-58.
- Ishii Y, Nhiayi MK, Tse E, Cheng J, Massimino M, Durden DL, Vigneri P, Wang J. Y. 2015. Knockout serum replacement promotes cell survival by preventing BIM from inducing mitochondrial cytochrome C release. PloS one, 10(10): e0140585.
- Karaşör ÖF, Bucak MN, Cenariu M, Bodu M, Taşpınar M, Taşpınar F. 2022. The effects of different doses of ROCK inhibitor, antifreeze protein III, and boron added to semen extender on semen freezeability of Ankara bucks. Molecul, 27(22): 8070.
- Katkov II, Katkova N, Crister JK, Mazur P. 1998. Mouse spermatozoa in high concentrations of glycerol: chemical toxicity vs osmotic shock at normal and reduced oxygen concentrations. Cryobiol, 37: 325-338.
- Keles E, Malama E, Bozukova S, Siuda M, Wyck S, Witschi U, ….Bollwein H. 2021. The micro-RNA content of unsorted cryopreserved bovine sperm and its relation to the fertility of sperm after sex-sorting. BMC Genom, 22(1): 1-19.
- Khan A, Khan RU, Qureshi MS, Mobashar M, Gohar A, Ahmad S, .....Naz, S. 2021. Effects of different equilibration times on post-thaw cryopreserved semen quality of cattle and buffalo bulls. Pakistan J Zool, 53(2): 613-618.
- Lee YA, Kim YH, Ha SJ, Kim BJ, Kim KJ, Jung MS, Kim GB, Ryu BY. 2014. Effect of sugar molecules on the cryopreservation of mouse spermatogonial stem cells. Fertil Steril, 101(4): 1165-1175.
- Leeuw FED, Leeuw AMD, Daas JHG, Colenbrander BV, Erkleij AJ. 1993. Effects of various cryoprotective agents and membrane-stabilizing compounds on bull sperm membrane integrity after cooling and freezing. Cryobiol, 30: 32-44.
- Massip A. 2001. Cryopreservation of embryos of farm animal. Reprod Dom Anim, 36: 49-55.
- Maxwell WMC, Watson PF. 1996. Recent progress in the preservation of ram semen. Anim Reprod Sci, 42: 55-65.
- Mcgann LE. 1978. Differing action of penetrating and nonpenetrating agents. Cryobiol, 15: 382-390.
- Mcwilliams RB, Gibbons WE, Leibo SP. 1995. Osmotic and physiological responses zygotes and human oocytes to mono-and disaccharides. Hum Reprod, 10: 1163-1171.
- Meister A, Anderson ME. 1983. Glutathione. Annu Rev Biochem, 52: 11-60.
- Morrell JM, Hodge JK. 1998. Cryopreservation of non-human primate sperm: priorities for future research. Anim Reprod Sci, 53: 43-63.
- Palasz AT, Mapletopt RJ. 1996. Cryopreservation of mammalian embryos and oocytes: recent advances. Biotechnol Adv, 14: 127-149.
- Park S, Lee DR, Nam JS, Ahn CW, Kim H. 2018. Fetal bovine serum-free cryopreservation methods for clinical banking of human adipose-derived stem cells. Cryobiol, 81: 65-73.
- Parrish JJ, Susko-Parrish JL, Leibfried-Rutledge ML, Criester ES, Eyestone WH, First NL. 1986. Bovine in vitro fertilization with frozen-thawed semen. Theriogenology, 25: 591-600.
- Purdy PH. 2006. A review on goat sperm cryopreservation. Small Rum Res, 63: 215-225.
- Richards AB, Krakowka S, Dexter LB, Schmid H, Wolterbeek APM, Waalkens-Berendsen DH, Shigoyuki A, Kurimoto M. 2002. Trehalose: a review of prpoperties, history of use and human tolerance, and results of multiple safety studies. Food Chem Toxicol, 40: 871-898.
- Said TM, Gaglani A, Agarwal A. 2010. Sperm kriyoinjury apoptoz etkisi. Üreme Biyotıbbı, 21 (4): 456-462.
- Sato T, Katagiri K, Gohbara A, Inoue K, Ogonuki N, Ogura A, Kubota Y, Ogawa T. 2011. In vitro production of functional sperm in cultured neonatal mouse testes. Nature, 471(7339): 504-507.
- Schofield AV, Steel R, Bernard O. 2012. Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase (ROCK) protein controls microtubule dynamics in a novel signaling pathway that regulates cell migration. J Biol Chem, 287(52): 43620-43629.
- Sies H. 1993. Strategies of antioxidant defence. Eur J Biochem, 215: 213-219.
- Sinha MP, Sinha AK, Singh BK, Prasad RL. 1996. The effect of glutathione on the motility, enzyme leakage and fertility of frozen goat semen. Anim Reprod Sci, 41(3-4): 237-243.
- Taher-Mofrad SMJ, Topraggaleh TR, Ziarati N, Bucak MN, Nouri M, Seifi S, Esmaeilli V, Rahimizadeh P, Shahverdi A. 2020. Knockout serum replacement is an efficient serum substitute for cryopreservation of human spermatozoa. Cryobiol, 92: 208-214.
- Tharasanit T, Tiptanavattana N, Oravetdilok K, Tuangsintanakul T, Sirithanyakul P, Tanvetthayanont P. 2020. Optimal concentration of Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase (ROCK) inhibitor improved sperm membrane functionality and fertilizing ability of cryopreserved-thawed feline sperm. Theriogenology, 144: 27-32.
- Tosello-Trampont AC, Nakada-Tsukui K, Ravichandran KS. 2003. Engulfment of apoptotic cells is negatively regulated by Rho-mediated Signaling. J Biol Chem, 278: 49911–49919
- Uysal O, Bucak MN, Yavaş İ, Varışlı Ö, Gürcan IS. 2005. Evaluation of ram Sperm frozen with various taurine concentrations. Indian Vet J, 82: 1059-1061.
- Watson PF. 1995. Recent developments and concepts in the cryopreservation of spermatozoa and the assessment of their post-thawing function. Reprod Fertil Dev, 7: 871-891.
- Watson PF. 2000. The causes of reduced fertility with cryopreserved semen. Anim Reprod Sci, 60: 481-492.
- Wolf DE, Voglmayr JK. 1984. Diffusion and regionalization in membranes of maturing ram spermatozoa. J Cell Biol, 98(5): 1678-1684.
- Woods EJ, Gilmore JA, Liu J. 2000. Cryoprotective agent and temperature effects on human sperm membrane permeabilities: convergence of theoretical and empirical approaches for optimal cryopreservation methods. Hum Reprod, 15: 335-343.
- Zhang S, Liu Z, Su G, Wu H. 2016. Comparative analysis of knockout™ serum with fetal bovine serum for the in vitro long-term culture of human limbal epithelial cells. J Ophthalmol, 2016: 7304812.
An Overview of Adding Rho-Associated Coiled-Coil Kinase and Knockout Serum Replacement with Trehalose to a Low Glycerol Tris-Based Semen Extender
Year 2023,
, 210 - 214, 01.03.2023
Halil Ozancan Arslan
Esin Keles
Behnam Rostami
Damla Arslan-acaroz
Ali Soleimanzadeh
Omar Bennoune
Abdelhanine Ayad
Meziane Rahla
Ibrahim Akıncı
It is known that livestock animal semen is very sensitive to cold shock during freezing processes, and this sensitivity directly affects post-thaw sperm qualities which are progressive motility, mitochondrial membrane potential, sperm nuclear DNA integrity and in vitro spermatological parameters such as plasma membrane and acrosome integrity, and sperm fertility. In addition, with the sudden decrease in the total antioxidant level of the semen after thawing, the sperm cells are insufficient to tolerate their damage. Consequently, significant losses occur in sperm fertility. For this reason, researches on freezing the semen of livestock animals include semen processing; cryopreservation/cryogenic damage – thawing methods - sperm extenders, added antioxidants, the mechanisms of action and metabolic pathways of these antioxidants and physiological and metabolic parameters such as sperm fertility. It has been explained that low dose glycerol (trehalose added to increase the cryoprotectant effect) added to the extender in the freezing of livestock animal semen, knockout serum replacement (KSR) and Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase (ROCK), which are antioxidant additives, can increase the in vitro quality parameters of frozen thawed semen.
- Aboagla EME, Terada T. 2003. Trehalose-enhanced fluidity of the goat sperm membrane and its protection during freezing. Biol Reprod, 69: 1245-1250.
- Aisen EG, Alvarez HI, Venturino A, Gadre JJ. 2000. Effect of trehalose and EDTA on cryoprotective action of ram semen diluents. Theriogenology, 53: 1053-1061.
- Aisen EG, Medina VH, Venturino A. 2002. Cryopreservation and post-thawed fertility of ram semen frozen in different trehalose concentrations. Theriogenology, 57: 1801-1808.
- Aisen EG, Quintana M, Medina V, Morello H, Venturino A. 2005. Ultramicroscopic and biochemical changes in ram spermatozoa cryopreserved with trehalose-based hypertonic extenders. Cryobiol, 50: 239-249.
- Aitken RJ, Baker MA. 2004. Oxidative stress and male reproductive biology. Reprod Fertil Dev, 16: 581-588.
- Alvarenga MA, Papa FO, Landim-Alvarenga FC, Medeiros A.SL. 2005. Amides as cryoprotectants for freezing stallion semen. Anim Reprod Sci, 89: 105-113.
- Alvarez JG, Storey BT. 1983. Taurine, hypotaurine, epinephrine and albumin inhibit lipid peroxidation in rabbit spermatozoa and protect against loss of motility. Biol Reprod, 29: 548-555.
- Alvarez JG, Storey BT. 1984. Assessment of cell damage caused by spontaneous lipid peroxidation in rabbit spermatozoa. Biol Reprod, 30: 833-841.
- Amini S, Masoumi R, Rostami B, Shahir MH, Taghilou P, Arslan HO. 2019. Effects of supplementation of Tris-egg yolk extender with royal jelly on chilled and frozen-thawed ram semen characteristics. Cryobiol, 88: 75-80.
- Aoshima K, Baba A, Makino Y, Okada Y. 2013. Establishment of alternative culture method for spermatogonial stem cells using knockout serum replacement. PLoS One, 8(10): e77715.
- Arav A, Hehu D, Mattioli M. 1993. Osmotic and cytotoxic study of vitrification of ımmature bovine oocytes. J Reprod Fertil, 99: 353-358.
- Ark M, Özdemir A, Polat B. 2010. Ouabain-induced apoptosis and Rho kinase: a novel caspase-2 cleavage site and fragment of Rock-2. Apoptosis, 15(12): 1494-1506.
- Arslan HO, Herrera C, Malama E, Siuda M, Leiding C, Bollwein,H. 2019. Effect of the addition of different catalase concentrations to a TRIS-egg yolk extender on quality and in vitro fertilization rate of frozen-thawed bull sperm. Cryobiol, 91: 40-52.
- Bilodeau JF, Blanchette S, Gagnon IC, Sirard MA. 2001. Thiols prevent H2O2-mediated loss of spermmotility in cryopreserved bullsemen. Theriogenology, 56: 275-286.
- Bilodeau JF, Chatterjee S, Sirard MA, Gagnon C. 2000. Levels of antioxidant defenses are decreased in bovine spermatozoa after a cycle of freezing and thawing. Mol Reprod Dev, 55: 282-288.
- Bucak MN, Akalın PP, Keskin N, Bodu M, Öztürk AE, İli P, Özkan H, Topraggaleh TR, Arslan HO, Başpınar N, Dursun Ş. 2021. Combination of fetuin and trehalose in presence of low glycerol has beneficial effects on freeze‐thawed ram spermatozoa. Andrology, 9(3): 1000-1009.
- Bucak MN, Ateşşahin A, Varışlı Ö, Yüce A, Tekin N, Akçay A. 2007. The influence of trehalose, taurine, cysteamine and hyaluronan on ram semen: Microscopic and oxidative stress parameters after freeze-thawing process. Theriogenology, 60: 1060-1067.
- Bucak MN, Uysal O. 2008. The role of antioxidants in freezing of saanen goat semen. Indian Vet J, 85: 148-150.
- Cabria E, Anel L, Herraez MP. 2001. Effect of external cryoprotectants as membrane stabilizers on cryopreserved rainbow trout sperm. Theriogenology, 52: 623-635.
- Erwig LP, McPhilips KA, Wynes MW, Ivetic A, Ridley AJ, Henson PM. 2006. Differential regulation of phagosome maturation in macrophages and dendritic cells mediated by Rho GTPases and ezrin–radixin–moesin (ERM) proteins. PNAS, 103(34): 12825-12830.
- Gadea J, Selles E, Marco MA, Coy P, Matas C, Romar R, Ruiz S. 2004. Decrease in glutathione content in boar sperm after cryopreservation. Effect of the addition of reduced glutathione to the freezing and thawing extenders. Theriogenology, 62: 690-701.
- Gao DY, Crister JK. 2000. Mechanisms of cryoinjury in living cells. Ilar J, 41: 187-96.
- Griveau JF, Dumont E, Renard P, Callegari JP, Le Lannou D. 1995. Reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation and enzymatic defence systems in human spermatozoa. J Reprod Fertil, 103: 17-26.
- Gürler H, Malama E, Heppelmann M, Calisici O, Leiding C, Kastelic JP, Bollwein H. 2016. Effects of cryopreservation on sperm viability, synthesis of reactive oxygen species, and DNA damageof bovine sperm. Theriogenology, 86: 562-571.
- Ha SJ, Kim BG, Lee YA, Kim YH, Kim BJ, Jung SE, Pang MG, Ryu BY. 2016. Effect of antioxidants and apoptosis inhibitors on cryopreservation of murine germ cells enriched for spermatogonial stem cells. PloS One, 11(8): e0161372.
- Hammerstedt RH, Graham JK, Nolan JP. 1990. Cryopreservation of mammalian sperm: what we ask them to survive. J Androl, 11(1): 73-88.
- Holmes RP, Goodman HO, Shihabi ZK, Jarow JP. 1992. The taurine and hypotaurine content of human semen. J Androl, 13: 289-292.
- Holt WT. 2000. Basic aspects of frozen storage of semen. Anim Reprod Sci: 62: 3-22.
- Holt WT. 2000. Fundemental aspects of sperm cryobiology: the importance of species and individual differences. Theriogenology, 53: 47-58.
- Ishii Y, Nhiayi MK, Tse E, Cheng J, Massimino M, Durden DL, Vigneri P, Wang J. Y. 2015. Knockout serum replacement promotes cell survival by preventing BIM from inducing mitochondrial cytochrome C release. PloS one, 10(10): e0140585.
- Karaşör ÖF, Bucak MN, Cenariu M, Bodu M, Taşpınar M, Taşpınar F. 2022. The effects of different doses of ROCK inhibitor, antifreeze protein III, and boron added to semen extender on semen freezeability of Ankara bucks. Molecul, 27(22): 8070.
- Katkov II, Katkova N, Crister JK, Mazur P. 1998. Mouse spermatozoa in high concentrations of glycerol: chemical toxicity vs osmotic shock at normal and reduced oxygen concentrations. Cryobiol, 37: 325-338.
- Keles E, Malama E, Bozukova S, Siuda M, Wyck S, Witschi U, ….Bollwein H. 2021. The micro-RNA content of unsorted cryopreserved bovine sperm and its relation to the fertility of sperm after sex-sorting. BMC Genom, 22(1): 1-19.
- Khan A, Khan RU, Qureshi MS, Mobashar M, Gohar A, Ahmad S, .....Naz, S. 2021. Effects of different equilibration times on post-thaw cryopreserved semen quality of cattle and buffalo bulls. Pakistan J Zool, 53(2): 613-618.
- Lee YA, Kim YH, Ha SJ, Kim BJ, Kim KJ, Jung MS, Kim GB, Ryu BY. 2014. Effect of sugar molecules on the cryopreservation of mouse spermatogonial stem cells. Fertil Steril, 101(4): 1165-1175.
- Leeuw FED, Leeuw AMD, Daas JHG, Colenbrander BV, Erkleij AJ. 1993. Effects of various cryoprotective agents and membrane-stabilizing compounds on bull sperm membrane integrity after cooling and freezing. Cryobiol, 30: 32-44.
- Massip A. 2001. Cryopreservation of embryos of farm animal. Reprod Dom Anim, 36: 49-55.
- Maxwell WMC, Watson PF. 1996. Recent progress in the preservation of ram semen. Anim Reprod Sci, 42: 55-65.
- Mcgann LE. 1978. Differing action of penetrating and nonpenetrating agents. Cryobiol, 15: 382-390.
- Mcwilliams RB, Gibbons WE, Leibo SP. 1995. Osmotic and physiological responses zygotes and human oocytes to mono-and disaccharides. Hum Reprod, 10: 1163-1171.
- Meister A, Anderson ME. 1983. Glutathione. Annu Rev Biochem, 52: 11-60.
- Morrell JM, Hodge JK. 1998. Cryopreservation of non-human primate sperm: priorities for future research. Anim Reprod Sci, 53: 43-63.
- Palasz AT, Mapletopt RJ. 1996. Cryopreservation of mammalian embryos and oocytes: recent advances. Biotechnol Adv, 14: 127-149.
- Park S, Lee DR, Nam JS, Ahn CW, Kim H. 2018. Fetal bovine serum-free cryopreservation methods for clinical banking of human adipose-derived stem cells. Cryobiol, 81: 65-73.
- Parrish JJ, Susko-Parrish JL, Leibfried-Rutledge ML, Criester ES, Eyestone WH, First NL. 1986. Bovine in vitro fertilization with frozen-thawed semen. Theriogenology, 25: 591-600.
- Purdy PH. 2006. A review on goat sperm cryopreservation. Small Rum Res, 63: 215-225.
- Richards AB, Krakowka S, Dexter LB, Schmid H, Wolterbeek APM, Waalkens-Berendsen DH, Shigoyuki A, Kurimoto M. 2002. Trehalose: a review of prpoperties, history of use and human tolerance, and results of multiple safety studies. Food Chem Toxicol, 40: 871-898.
- Said TM, Gaglani A, Agarwal A. 2010. Sperm kriyoinjury apoptoz etkisi. Üreme Biyotıbbı, 21 (4): 456-462.
- Sato T, Katagiri K, Gohbara A, Inoue K, Ogonuki N, Ogura A, Kubota Y, Ogawa T. 2011. In vitro production of functional sperm in cultured neonatal mouse testes. Nature, 471(7339): 504-507.
- Schofield AV, Steel R, Bernard O. 2012. Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase (ROCK) protein controls microtubule dynamics in a novel signaling pathway that regulates cell migration. J Biol Chem, 287(52): 43620-43629.
- Sies H. 1993. Strategies of antioxidant defence. Eur J Biochem, 215: 213-219.
- Sinha MP, Sinha AK, Singh BK, Prasad RL. 1996. The effect of glutathione on the motility, enzyme leakage and fertility of frozen goat semen. Anim Reprod Sci, 41(3-4): 237-243.
- Taher-Mofrad SMJ, Topraggaleh TR, Ziarati N, Bucak MN, Nouri M, Seifi S, Esmaeilli V, Rahimizadeh P, Shahverdi A. 2020. Knockout serum replacement is an efficient serum substitute for cryopreservation of human spermatozoa. Cryobiol, 92: 208-214.
- Tharasanit T, Tiptanavattana N, Oravetdilok K, Tuangsintanakul T, Sirithanyakul P, Tanvetthayanont P. 2020. Optimal concentration of Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase (ROCK) inhibitor improved sperm membrane functionality and fertilizing ability of cryopreserved-thawed feline sperm. Theriogenology, 144: 27-32.
- Tosello-Trampont AC, Nakada-Tsukui K, Ravichandran KS. 2003. Engulfment of apoptotic cells is negatively regulated by Rho-mediated Signaling. J Biol Chem, 278: 49911–49919
- Uysal O, Bucak MN, Yavaş İ, Varışlı Ö, Gürcan IS. 2005. Evaluation of ram Sperm frozen with various taurine concentrations. Indian Vet J, 82: 1059-1061.
- Watson PF. 1995. Recent developments and concepts in the cryopreservation of spermatozoa and the assessment of their post-thawing function. Reprod Fertil Dev, 7: 871-891.
- Watson PF. 2000. The causes of reduced fertility with cryopreserved semen. Anim Reprod Sci, 60: 481-492.
- Wolf DE, Voglmayr JK. 1984. Diffusion and regionalization in membranes of maturing ram spermatozoa. J Cell Biol, 98(5): 1678-1684.
- Woods EJ, Gilmore JA, Liu J. 2000. Cryoprotective agent and temperature effects on human sperm membrane permeabilities: convergence of theoretical and empirical approaches for optimal cryopreservation methods. Hum Reprod, 15: 335-343.
- Zhang S, Liu Z, Su G, Wu H. 2016. Comparative analysis of knockout™ serum with fetal bovine serum for the in vitro long-term culture of human limbal epithelial cells. J Ophthalmol, 2016: 7304812.