Research Article
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Year 2023, , 134 - 139, 01.03.2023



  • Açkurt F, Özdemir M, Biringen G, Löker M. 1999. Effects of geographical origin and variety on vitamin and mineral composition of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) varieties cultivated in Turkey. Food Chem, 65(3): 309-313.
  • Amaral JS, Valentão P, Andrade PB, Martins RC, Seabra RM. 2010. Phenolic composition of hazelnut leaves: Influence of cultivar, geographical origin and ripening stage. Sci Hortic, 126(2): 306-313.
  • Anonymous. 2022a. Food and agriculture organization statistics. Hazelnut production statistics. URL: (access date: October 21, 2022).
  • Anonymous. 2022b. Turkish state meteorological service. URL: (access date: January 3, 2023).
  • Bacchetta L, Aramini M, Procacci S, Zinni A, Di Giammatteo V, Battarelli MR, Spera D. 2018. Influence of genotype and geographical origin on lipid fraction of hazelnuts (Corylus avellana) in Europe. Acta Hortic, 1226: 333-338.
  • Bacchetta L, Aramini M, Zini A, Di Giammatteo V, Spera D, Drogoudi P, Rovira M, Silva AP, Solar A, Botta R. 2013. Fatty acids and alpha-tocopherol composition in hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.): a chemometric approach to emphasize the quality of European germplasm. Euphytica, 191(1): 57-73.
  • Bak T, Karadeniz T. 2021. Effects of branch number on quality traits and yield properties of European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.). Agriculture, 11(5): 437.
  • Balta MF, Yarılgaç T, Balta F, Kul E, Karakaya O. 2018a. Effect of elevation and number of nuts per cluster on nut traits in 'Cakıldak' hazelnut. Acta Hortic, 1226: 161-166.
  • Balta MF, Balta F, Yarılgaç T, Karakaya O, Uzun S, Kirkaya H. 2018b. Nut characteristics of 'Fosa' and 'Kargalak' hazelnuts related to number of nuts per cluster. Acta Hortic, 1226: 167-170.
  • Balta MF, Yarılgaç T, Aşkın MA, Kuçuk M, Balta F, Özrenk K. 2006. Determination of fatty acid compositions, oil contents and some quality traits of hazelnut genetic resources grown in eastern Anatolia of Turkey. J Food Compos Anal, 19(6-7): 681-686.
  • Benzie IF, Strain JJ. 1996. The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) as a measure of “antioxidant power”: the FRAP assay. Anal Biochem 239(1): 70-76.
  • Beyhan N, Demir T. 2001. Performance of the local and standard hazelnut cultivars grown in Samsun province, Turkey. Acta Hortic, 556: 227-234.
  • Beyhan O, Elmastas M, Genc N, Aksit H. 2011. Effect of altitude on fatty acid composition in Turkish hazelnut (Coryllus avellana L.) varieties. Afr J Biotechnol, 10(71): 16064-16068.
  • Blois MS. 1958. Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical. Nature, 181(4617): 1199-1200.
  • Bostan SZ, İsbakan H. 2020. Fındıkta bitki morfolojik özellikleri ile verim ve meyve kalite özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiler. Ordu Üni Bil Tek Derg, 10(1): 32-45.
  • Bostan SZ. 2003. Important chemical and physical traits and variation in these traits in 'Tombul' hazelnut cultivar at different elevations. Grasas Aceites, 54(3): 234-239.
  • Contini M, Frangipane MT, Massantini R. 2011. Antioxidants in hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.). In: Preedy VR, Watson RR, Patel VB, editors, Nuts and seeds in health and disease prevention. Academic Press, London, UK, 1st ed., pp: 611-625.
  • Cosmulescu S, Mihai B, Trandafir I. 2013. The mineral source for human nutrition of nuts in different hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) cultivars. Not Bot Horti Agrobot Cluj-Napoca, 41(1): 250-254.
  • Cristofori V, Bertazza G, Bignami C. 2015. Changes in kernel chemical composition during nut development of three Italian hazelnut cultivars. Fruits, 70(5): 311-322.
  • de Abreu IN, Mazzafera P. 2005. Effect of water and temperature stress on the content of active constituents of Hypericum brasiliense Choisy. Plant Physiol Biochem, 43(3): 241-248.
  • Del Valle JC, Buide ML, Whittall JB, Valladares F, Narbona E. 2020. UV radiation increases phenolic compound protection but decreases reproduction in Silene littorea. PloS One, 15(6): e0231611.
  • Di Nunzio M. 2019. Hazelnuts as source of bioactive compounds and health value underestimated food. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci J, 7(1): 17-28.
  • Ercisli S, Ozturk I, Kara M, Kalkan F, Seker H, Duyar O, Erturk Y. 2011. Physical properties of hazelnuts. Int Agrophys, 25: 115-121.
  • Guler E, Balta F. 2020. Determination of yield and quality characteristics of hazelnut populations of Taskesti district (Mudurnu-Bolu). Int J Agric Wild Sci, 6(2): 115-128.
  • Gülsoy E, Şimşek M, Çevik C. 2019. Determination of fruit quality traits in some hazelnut cultivars grown at different altitudes and locations in Ordu province. Int J Agric Wild Sci, 5(1): 25-30.
  • Haminiuk CW, Maciel GM, Plata‐Oviedo MS, Peralta RM. 2012. Phenolic compounds in fruits–an overview. Int J Food Sci Technol, 47(10): 2023-2044.
  • İslam A, Çayan M. 2019. Ordu ili Gürgentepe ilçesinde yetiştirilen Çakıldak fındık çeşidinde klon seleksiyonu. Akad Zir Derg, 8: 1-8.
  • Karadeniz T, Bostan SZ, Tuncer C, Tarakçıoğlu C. 2009. Fındık yetiştiriciliği, 1st ed. Ziraat Odası Başkanlığı Bilimsel Yayınlar Serisi, Ordu, Türkiye, pp: 126.
  • Karakaya O, Yaman İ, Kırkaya H, Uzun S, Kaya T, Balta MF. 2023. Effect of cluster drop intensity on nut traits, biochemical properties, and fatty acids composition in the ‘Çakıldak’ hazelnut cultivar. Erwerbs-Obstbau, DOI: 10.1007/s10341-022-00774-8.
  • Karakaya O. 2022. Nut traits and bioactive contents of Kalınkara hazelnut cultivar grown in different region. In: 7th International Conference on Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Rural Development, September 18-19, Muş, Türkiye, pp: 1.
  • Köksal AI, Gunes NT, Belge B. 2012. The effect of sampling year and geographical regions on some physical characteristics of hazelnut cultivars grown in Turkey. Acta Hortic, 940: 301-307.
  • Kul E. 2020. Çakıldak fındık çeşidinde kimyasal özelliklerin eko-coğrafik bölgelere göre değişimi. MSc thesis, Ordu University, Institute of Science, Ordu, Türkiye, pp: 45.
  • Külahcılar A, Tonkaz T, Bostan SZ. 2018. Effect of irrigation regimes by mini sprinkler on yield and pomological traits in ‘Tombul’ hazelnut. Acta Hortic, 1226: 301-307.
  • Mezni F, Slama A, Ksouri R, Hamdaoui G, Khouja ML, Khaldi A. 2018. Phenolic profile and effect of growing area on Pistacia lentiscus seed oil. Food Chem, 257: 206-210.
  • Ozdemir IO, Tuncer C, Solmaz FG, Ozturk B. 2022. The impact of green shield bug (Palomena prasina [Hemiptera: Pentatomidae]) infestation on antioxidant enzyme activities in hazelnut (Corylus avellana L. cvs. ‘Tombul,’ ‘Palaz’ and ‘Çakıldak’). Erwerbs-Obstbau, DOI: 10.1007/s10341-022-00713-7.
  • Putra WPB, Said S, Arifin J. 2020. Principal component analysis (PCA) of body measurements and body indices in the Pasundan cows. BSJ Agri, 3(1): 49-55.
  • Şengül S. 2019. The effect of different harvest date and altitude on chemical composition, antioxidant capacity and quality parameters of hazelnut oil. MSc thesis, Ordu University, Institute of Science, Ordu, Türkiye, pp: 59.
  • Serdar Ü, Demir T. 2005. Yield, cluster drop and nut traits of three Turkish hazelnut cultivars. Horticul Sci, 32: 96-99.
  • Solar A, Medic A, Slatnar A, Mikulic-Petkovsek M, Botta R, Rovira M, Sarraquigne JP, Silva AP, Veberic R, Stampar F, Hudina M, Bacchetta L. 2022. The Effects of the cultivar and environment on the phenolic contents of hazelnut kernels. Plants, 11(22): 3051.
  • Tonkaz T, Şahin S, Bostan SZ, Korkmaz K. 2019. Effect of supplementary irrigation on total antioxidant capacity and phenolic content of hazelnut. Akad Zir Derg, 8: 79-84.
  • Turan A, İslam A. 2018. Effect of drying methods on some chemical characteristics of hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.) during storage. J Inst Sci Technol, 8(3): 11-19.
  • Yılmaz M, Karakaya O, Balta MF, Balta F, Yaman İ. 2019. Change of biochemical characteristics depending on kernel size in Çakıldak hazelnut cultivar. Academic J Agri, 8: 61-70.
  • Yücesan FB, Orem A, Kural BV, Orem C, Turan İ. 2010. Hazelnut consumption decreases the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation, plasma oxidized LDL level and increases the ratio of large/small LDL in normolipidemic healthy subjects. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg, 10(1): 28-35.

The Effect of Region on Nut and Biochemical Traits of Mincane Hazelnut Cultivar

Year 2023, , 134 - 139, 01.03.2023


This study investigated the effect of region on the nut and biochemical traits in Mincane hazelnut cultivar. The study was carried out in the Trabzon (Black Sea Region) and Sakarya (Marmara Region) districts, in 2021 and 2022. The material of the study consisted of the nut of Mincane hazelnut cultivar grown in both regions. Depending on regions, nut weight ranged from 1.89 (Black Sea) to 2.14 g (Marmara), while kernel weight ranged from 0.96 (Black Sea) to 1.06 g (Marmara). The nuts obtained from the Black Sea region yielded the highest total phenolics (118.1 mg 100 g-1). Marmara region’s nuts had the highest total flavonoids (8.1 mg 100 g-1) and antioxidant activity (1027.8 and 738.1 µmol 100 g-1 according to DPPH and FRAP assays, respectively). The results demonstrated the significance of the growing region on the investigated nut and biochemical traits and the superiority of the Marmara region on many quality traits.


  • Açkurt F, Özdemir M, Biringen G, Löker M. 1999. Effects of geographical origin and variety on vitamin and mineral composition of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) varieties cultivated in Turkey. Food Chem, 65(3): 309-313.
  • Amaral JS, Valentão P, Andrade PB, Martins RC, Seabra RM. 2010. Phenolic composition of hazelnut leaves: Influence of cultivar, geographical origin and ripening stage. Sci Hortic, 126(2): 306-313.
  • Anonymous. 2022a. Food and agriculture organization statistics. Hazelnut production statistics. URL: (access date: October 21, 2022).
  • Anonymous. 2022b. Turkish state meteorological service. URL: (access date: January 3, 2023).
  • Bacchetta L, Aramini M, Procacci S, Zinni A, Di Giammatteo V, Battarelli MR, Spera D. 2018. Influence of genotype and geographical origin on lipid fraction of hazelnuts (Corylus avellana) in Europe. Acta Hortic, 1226: 333-338.
  • Bacchetta L, Aramini M, Zini A, Di Giammatteo V, Spera D, Drogoudi P, Rovira M, Silva AP, Solar A, Botta R. 2013. Fatty acids and alpha-tocopherol composition in hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.): a chemometric approach to emphasize the quality of European germplasm. Euphytica, 191(1): 57-73.
  • Bak T, Karadeniz T. 2021. Effects of branch number on quality traits and yield properties of European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.). Agriculture, 11(5): 437.
  • Balta MF, Yarılgaç T, Balta F, Kul E, Karakaya O. 2018a. Effect of elevation and number of nuts per cluster on nut traits in 'Cakıldak' hazelnut. Acta Hortic, 1226: 161-166.
  • Balta MF, Balta F, Yarılgaç T, Karakaya O, Uzun S, Kirkaya H. 2018b. Nut characteristics of 'Fosa' and 'Kargalak' hazelnuts related to number of nuts per cluster. Acta Hortic, 1226: 167-170.
  • Balta MF, Yarılgaç T, Aşkın MA, Kuçuk M, Balta F, Özrenk K. 2006. Determination of fatty acid compositions, oil contents and some quality traits of hazelnut genetic resources grown in eastern Anatolia of Turkey. J Food Compos Anal, 19(6-7): 681-686.
  • Benzie IF, Strain JJ. 1996. The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) as a measure of “antioxidant power”: the FRAP assay. Anal Biochem 239(1): 70-76.
  • Beyhan N, Demir T. 2001. Performance of the local and standard hazelnut cultivars grown in Samsun province, Turkey. Acta Hortic, 556: 227-234.
  • Beyhan O, Elmastas M, Genc N, Aksit H. 2011. Effect of altitude on fatty acid composition in Turkish hazelnut (Coryllus avellana L.) varieties. Afr J Biotechnol, 10(71): 16064-16068.
  • Blois MS. 1958. Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical. Nature, 181(4617): 1199-1200.
  • Bostan SZ, İsbakan H. 2020. Fındıkta bitki morfolojik özellikleri ile verim ve meyve kalite özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiler. Ordu Üni Bil Tek Derg, 10(1): 32-45.
  • Bostan SZ. 2003. Important chemical and physical traits and variation in these traits in 'Tombul' hazelnut cultivar at different elevations. Grasas Aceites, 54(3): 234-239.
  • Contini M, Frangipane MT, Massantini R. 2011. Antioxidants in hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.). In: Preedy VR, Watson RR, Patel VB, editors, Nuts and seeds in health and disease prevention. Academic Press, London, UK, 1st ed., pp: 611-625.
  • Cosmulescu S, Mihai B, Trandafir I. 2013. The mineral source for human nutrition of nuts in different hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) cultivars. Not Bot Horti Agrobot Cluj-Napoca, 41(1): 250-254.
  • Cristofori V, Bertazza G, Bignami C. 2015. Changes in kernel chemical composition during nut development of three Italian hazelnut cultivars. Fruits, 70(5): 311-322.
  • de Abreu IN, Mazzafera P. 2005. Effect of water and temperature stress on the content of active constituents of Hypericum brasiliense Choisy. Plant Physiol Biochem, 43(3): 241-248.
  • Del Valle JC, Buide ML, Whittall JB, Valladares F, Narbona E. 2020. UV radiation increases phenolic compound protection but decreases reproduction in Silene littorea. PloS One, 15(6): e0231611.
  • Di Nunzio M. 2019. Hazelnuts as source of bioactive compounds and health value underestimated food. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci J, 7(1): 17-28.
  • Ercisli S, Ozturk I, Kara M, Kalkan F, Seker H, Duyar O, Erturk Y. 2011. Physical properties of hazelnuts. Int Agrophys, 25: 115-121.
  • Guler E, Balta F. 2020. Determination of yield and quality characteristics of hazelnut populations of Taskesti district (Mudurnu-Bolu). Int J Agric Wild Sci, 6(2): 115-128.
  • Gülsoy E, Şimşek M, Çevik C. 2019. Determination of fruit quality traits in some hazelnut cultivars grown at different altitudes and locations in Ordu province. Int J Agric Wild Sci, 5(1): 25-30.
  • Haminiuk CW, Maciel GM, Plata‐Oviedo MS, Peralta RM. 2012. Phenolic compounds in fruits–an overview. Int J Food Sci Technol, 47(10): 2023-2044.
  • İslam A, Çayan M. 2019. Ordu ili Gürgentepe ilçesinde yetiştirilen Çakıldak fındık çeşidinde klon seleksiyonu. Akad Zir Derg, 8: 1-8.
  • Karadeniz T, Bostan SZ, Tuncer C, Tarakçıoğlu C. 2009. Fındık yetiştiriciliği, 1st ed. Ziraat Odası Başkanlığı Bilimsel Yayınlar Serisi, Ordu, Türkiye, pp: 126.
  • Karakaya O, Yaman İ, Kırkaya H, Uzun S, Kaya T, Balta MF. 2023. Effect of cluster drop intensity on nut traits, biochemical properties, and fatty acids composition in the ‘Çakıldak’ hazelnut cultivar. Erwerbs-Obstbau, DOI: 10.1007/s10341-022-00774-8.
  • Karakaya O. 2022. Nut traits and bioactive contents of Kalınkara hazelnut cultivar grown in different region. In: 7th International Conference on Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Rural Development, September 18-19, Muş, Türkiye, pp: 1.
  • Köksal AI, Gunes NT, Belge B. 2012. The effect of sampling year and geographical regions on some physical characteristics of hazelnut cultivars grown in Turkey. Acta Hortic, 940: 301-307.
  • Kul E. 2020. Çakıldak fındık çeşidinde kimyasal özelliklerin eko-coğrafik bölgelere göre değişimi. MSc thesis, Ordu University, Institute of Science, Ordu, Türkiye, pp: 45.
  • Külahcılar A, Tonkaz T, Bostan SZ. 2018. Effect of irrigation regimes by mini sprinkler on yield and pomological traits in ‘Tombul’ hazelnut. Acta Hortic, 1226: 301-307.
  • Mezni F, Slama A, Ksouri R, Hamdaoui G, Khouja ML, Khaldi A. 2018. Phenolic profile and effect of growing area on Pistacia lentiscus seed oil. Food Chem, 257: 206-210.
  • Ozdemir IO, Tuncer C, Solmaz FG, Ozturk B. 2022. The impact of green shield bug (Palomena prasina [Hemiptera: Pentatomidae]) infestation on antioxidant enzyme activities in hazelnut (Corylus avellana L. cvs. ‘Tombul,’ ‘Palaz’ and ‘Çakıldak’). Erwerbs-Obstbau, DOI: 10.1007/s10341-022-00713-7.
  • Putra WPB, Said S, Arifin J. 2020. Principal component analysis (PCA) of body measurements and body indices in the Pasundan cows. BSJ Agri, 3(1): 49-55.
  • Şengül S. 2019. The effect of different harvest date and altitude on chemical composition, antioxidant capacity and quality parameters of hazelnut oil. MSc thesis, Ordu University, Institute of Science, Ordu, Türkiye, pp: 59.
  • Serdar Ü, Demir T. 2005. Yield, cluster drop and nut traits of three Turkish hazelnut cultivars. Horticul Sci, 32: 96-99.
  • Solar A, Medic A, Slatnar A, Mikulic-Petkovsek M, Botta R, Rovira M, Sarraquigne JP, Silva AP, Veberic R, Stampar F, Hudina M, Bacchetta L. 2022. The Effects of the cultivar and environment on the phenolic contents of hazelnut kernels. Plants, 11(22): 3051.
  • Tonkaz T, Şahin S, Bostan SZ, Korkmaz K. 2019. Effect of supplementary irrigation on total antioxidant capacity and phenolic content of hazelnut. Akad Zir Derg, 8: 79-84.
  • Turan A, İslam A. 2018. Effect of drying methods on some chemical characteristics of hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.) during storage. J Inst Sci Technol, 8(3): 11-19.
  • Yılmaz M, Karakaya O, Balta MF, Balta F, Yaman İ. 2019. Change of biochemical characteristics depending on kernel size in Çakıldak hazelnut cultivar. Academic J Agri, 8: 61-70.
  • Yücesan FB, Orem A, Kural BV, Orem C, Turan İ. 2010. Hazelnut consumption decreases the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation, plasma oxidized LDL level and increases the ratio of large/small LDL in normolipidemic healthy subjects. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg, 10(1): 28-35.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Orhan Karakaya 0000-0003-0783-3120

Publication Date March 1, 2023
Submission Date December 9, 2022
Acceptance Date January 18, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Karakaya, O. (2023). The Effect of Region on Nut and Biochemical Traits of Mincane Hazelnut Cultivar. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 6(2), 134-139.
