Research Article
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Investigation of Feed Value of Natural Pastures in Şanlıurfa Region and Fattening Performance of Awassi Lambs Grazing in Pastures

Year 2025, , 33 - 40, 15.01.2025


In this study, samples were collected from natural pastures in the districts of Haliliye and Eyyübiye, where pasture-based sheep breeding is practised in the Tek Tek Mountains region, at different times (1 March, 1 April, 1 May, 1 June, 2020). For the purpose of sampling, quadrats measuring 50 x 50 cm (equivalent to 0.25 m²) were positioned in four randomly selected areas at four different points in time. The grasses were manually harvested at ground level. The objective of this study was to ascertain the dry matter (DM), crude ash (CA), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent insoluble fibre (NDF) and acid detergent insoluble fibre (ADF) values in the pasture samples collected. In addition, during the study, the live weights of lambs from 30-31 lambs (Pasture1 F/M:18/12; Pasture2 F/M:15/15 Pasture3 F/M:15/15 Pasture4 F/M:15/16) reared in these areas and born during the same period were recorded at the start and end of the grazing period. The data obtained from the research were subjected to analysis according to the Least Squares method. The Duncan multiple comparison test was employed to ascertain the existence of any significant differences between the groups. The results of the analysis of the raw nutrient contents of four different pasture regions in March, April, May and June were presented. Accordingly, the levels of DM, CA, CP, CF, NDF and ADF were determined to be between 24.3 and 43.3, 7.64 and 10.48, 7.72 and 14.85, 2.28 and 2.64, 33.34 and 60.88, and 28.66 and 41.97, respectively. While the average DM, NDF and ADF levels increased over the periods, the CP level decreased. The greatest increase in live weight was observed in male lambs in pasture 3 herd. The highest live weight gain in female lambs was detected in the herd in pasture4. It can be posited that the aforementioned values pertaining to live weight gain in pasture-based feeding will enable breeders to augment their production through supplementary feeding.

Ethical Statement

Since this study does not involve animals or humans, ethics committee approval is not required. Within the scope of the “Small Ruminant Breeding Project in Public Hands” carried out by the General Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (TAGEM), the live weight data of 120 lambs were officially recorded in 2020. A permit document for the data used in the study has been submitted.

Supporting Institution

Harran Üniversitesi HÜBAP

Project Number



This study is derived from Fuat Tatlı’s thesis titled “Investigation of Feed Value of Natural Pastures in Tek Tek Mountains Region and Fattening Performance of Awassi Lambs Grazing on Pastures”. We would like to thank Harran University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (HUBAP) for financially supporting this research with project number 20050 and also the General Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (TAGEM) for allowing the use of the data records of the study.


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  • AOAC. 1990. Official method of anallysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 15th.edition Washington, US, pp: 66-88.
  • Arslan C, Tufan T, 2011. Kars yöresinde farklı tarihlerde biçilen çayırların besin madde içerikleri ve en uygun biçim tarihinin belirlenmesi ve verim özellikleri. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg, 6(2): 131-138.
  • Arslan C. 2008. Growth traits of native Turkish geese reared in different family farms during the first 12 weeks of life in kars. J Fac Vet Med Istanbul Univ, 34(3): 1-7.
  • Aschalew Tsegahun AT, Chairatanayuth P, Vijchulata P, Tadsri S. 2006. The effect of dry season supplementation of Lotus corniculatus hay on body and fleece weights of three sheep breeds grazing natural pasture under Ethiopian conditions. Kasetsart J, 40: 978-986.
  • Avcı A, Kaplan O, Yertürk M, Aslan M. 2006. Nutrient and botanical composition of pastures in Ceylanpınar agricultural farm. YYU J Vet Fac, 17: 9-13.
  • Avcıoğlu R, Soya H, Açıkgöz E, Tan A. 2000. Yem bitkileri üretimi. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği V. Teknik Kongresi, January 17-21, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 567-585.
  • Aydoğan S, Işık Ş, Şahin M, Göçmen Akaçacık A, Hamzaoğlu S, Doğan Ş, Küçükcongar M, Ateş S. 2014. Farklı biçim zamanlarının yem bitkilerinin besin maddesi kompozisyonuna ttkisi. Selçuk Tarım Bil Derg, 1(2): 45-49.
  • Çalışkan ME. 2019. Determination of the factors affecting liver weight factors in awassi sheep raised in farmer conditions and estimation of genetic parameters. MSc Thesis, Harran University, Institute of Science, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, pp: 60.
  • Canbolat Ö, Karaman Ş. 2009. Bazı baklagil kaba yemlerinin in vitro gaz üretimi, organik madde sindirimi, nispi yem değeri ve metabolik enerji içeriklerinin karşılaştırılması. Tarım Bil Derg, 15(2):188-195.
  • Cedden F, Cemal İ, Daşkıran İ, Esenbuğa N, Gül S, Kandemir Ç, Karaca O. 2020. Türkiye küçükbaş hayvancılığında mevcut durum ve gelecek. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği IX. Teknik Kongresi, January 13-17, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 133-152.
  • DMİ. 2020. Turkish State Meteorological Service, Meteorological data for 2020, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye.
  • Erkovan Hİ, Güllap MK, Daşçı M, Koç A. 2009. Changes in leaf area index, forage quality and above-ground biomass in grazed and ungrazed rangelands of Eastern Anatolia Region. Ankara Univ Agri Fac J, 15(3): 217-223.
  • Gül S, Ekici H. 2020. İvesi koyunlarında farklı yaşta sütten kesimin kuzularda büyüme ve süt verimi üzerine etkisi. Hayv Bil Ürünleri Derg, 3(2): 95-103.
  • Gül Varış C, Pınar A. 2024. Assessment of the Adıyaman livestock industry from the perspectives of industrialization and development. Ecol Life Sci, 19(3): 92-104.
  • Işık S, Kaya İ. 2011. Vejetasyon döneminin mera kalitesi ile merada otlayan Tuj Irkı koyun ve kuzuların besi performansı üzerine etkisi. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 17(1): 7-11.
  • Kaplan M, Üke Ö, Kale H, Yavuz S, Kurt Ö, Atalay Aİ. 2016. Olgunlaşma döneminin teff otunun potansiyel besleme değeri, gaz ve metan üretimine etkisi. Iğdır Univ J Inst Sci Tech, 6(4): 181-186.
  • Karabulut A, Canbolat Ö, Kamalak A. 2006. Effect of maturity satge on the nutritive value of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L) hays. Lotus Newsletter, 36(1): 11-21.
  • Karslı MA, Deniz S, Nursoy H, Denek N, Akdeniz H. 2003. Vejetasyon döneminin mera kalitesi ve hayvan performansı üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi. Turkish J Vet Anim Sci, 27: 117-124.
  • Kaya İ, Saatçı M, Ünal Y, Öncüer A, Kırmızıbayrak T. 2004. Yeşil dönemde merada otlatma ve konsantre yem ilavesinin mera kalitesi ile Morkaraman ve Tuj Kuzularda büyüme, rumen ph, toplam uçucu yağ asitleri, amonyak azotu’na etkisi. Lalahan Hayv Araş Enst Derg, 44(1): 33-39.
  • Kuşvuran A, Nazlı Rİ, Tansı V. 2011. Türkiye’de ve Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde çayır–mera alanları, hayvan varlığı ve yem bitkileri tarımının bugünkü durumu. GOÜ Zir Fak Derg, 28(2): 21-32.
  • Marinas A, Garcia-Gonzalez R. 2006. Preliminary data on nutritional value of abundant species in supraforestal pyrenean pastures. Pirineos, 161: 85-110.
  • Martinson K, Allen B, Jung H, Sheaffer C. 2011. Seasonal forage quality variation of twelve cool season grass species used for pasture. J Equine Vet Sci, 5(31): 284-285.
  • OGM. 2016. General Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry. URL: (accessed date: August 10, 2024).
  • Oral HH, Yıldız F. 2023. Changes and sustainability of small ruminant breeding in Muş province in the last 30 years. Turkish J Agri Food Sci Technol, 11(3): 532-545.
  • Özkan İ. 2009. Viranşehir Evaluation of production parameters for sheep under convential farm condition in Viranşehir town. MSc Thesis, Çukurova University, Institute of Science, Adana, Türkiye, pp: 63. Şanlıurfa ÇED. 2015. Şanlıurfa İl Çevre Durum Raporu. Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, ss: 37.
  • Temel S, Tan M. 2012. Alternatif yem bitkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Yayınları, Erzurum, Türkiye, pp: 246.
  • TUIK. 2019., (accessed date: Semptember 09, 2020).
  • Tuna C, Gür M, Altın M. 2013. Tekirdağ Yeşilsırt Köyü mera vejetasyonunun bazı floristik özellikleri. Ekoloji Sempozyumu, May 2-3, Tekirdağ, Türkiye, ss: 53.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JD, Lewis BA. 1991. Methods for dietary fibre, neutral detergent fibre and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci, 74: 3583-3597.
  • Worrell MA, Undersander DJ, Thompson CE, Bridges WC. 1990. Effects of time of season and cottonseed meal and lasalocid supplementation on steers grazing rye pastures. J Anim Sci, 68(4): 1151-1157.
Year 2025, , 33 - 40, 15.01.2025


Project Number



  • Adıyaman E. 2014. Investigation of feed value of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) harvested at different maturity stages as in situ and in vitro. PhD Thesis, Süleyman Demirel University, Institute of Science, Isparta, Türkiye, pp: 178.
  • AOAC. 1990. Official method of anallysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 15th.edition Washington, US, pp: 66-88.
  • Arslan C, Tufan T, 2011. Kars yöresinde farklı tarihlerde biçilen çayırların besin madde içerikleri ve en uygun biçim tarihinin belirlenmesi ve verim özellikleri. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg, 6(2): 131-138.
  • Arslan C. 2008. Growth traits of native Turkish geese reared in different family farms during the first 12 weeks of life in kars. J Fac Vet Med Istanbul Univ, 34(3): 1-7.
  • Aschalew Tsegahun AT, Chairatanayuth P, Vijchulata P, Tadsri S. 2006. The effect of dry season supplementation of Lotus corniculatus hay on body and fleece weights of three sheep breeds grazing natural pasture under Ethiopian conditions. Kasetsart J, 40: 978-986.
  • Avcı A, Kaplan O, Yertürk M, Aslan M. 2006. Nutrient and botanical composition of pastures in Ceylanpınar agricultural farm. YYU J Vet Fac, 17: 9-13.
  • Avcıoğlu R, Soya H, Açıkgöz E, Tan A. 2000. Yem bitkileri üretimi. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği V. Teknik Kongresi, January 17-21, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 567-585.
  • Aydoğan S, Işık Ş, Şahin M, Göçmen Akaçacık A, Hamzaoğlu S, Doğan Ş, Küçükcongar M, Ateş S. 2014. Farklı biçim zamanlarının yem bitkilerinin besin maddesi kompozisyonuna ttkisi. Selçuk Tarım Bil Derg, 1(2): 45-49.
  • Çalışkan ME. 2019. Determination of the factors affecting liver weight factors in awassi sheep raised in farmer conditions and estimation of genetic parameters. MSc Thesis, Harran University, Institute of Science, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, pp: 60.
  • Canbolat Ö, Karaman Ş. 2009. Bazı baklagil kaba yemlerinin in vitro gaz üretimi, organik madde sindirimi, nispi yem değeri ve metabolik enerji içeriklerinin karşılaştırılması. Tarım Bil Derg, 15(2):188-195.
  • Cedden F, Cemal İ, Daşkıran İ, Esenbuğa N, Gül S, Kandemir Ç, Karaca O. 2020. Türkiye küçükbaş hayvancılığında mevcut durum ve gelecek. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği IX. Teknik Kongresi, January 13-17, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 133-152.
  • DMİ. 2020. Turkish State Meteorological Service, Meteorological data for 2020, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye.
  • Erkovan Hİ, Güllap MK, Daşçı M, Koç A. 2009. Changes in leaf area index, forage quality and above-ground biomass in grazed and ungrazed rangelands of Eastern Anatolia Region. Ankara Univ Agri Fac J, 15(3): 217-223.
  • Gül S, Ekici H. 2020. İvesi koyunlarında farklı yaşta sütten kesimin kuzularda büyüme ve süt verimi üzerine etkisi. Hayv Bil Ürünleri Derg, 3(2): 95-103.
  • Gül Varış C, Pınar A. 2024. Assessment of the Adıyaman livestock industry from the perspectives of industrialization and development. Ecol Life Sci, 19(3): 92-104.
  • Işık S, Kaya İ. 2011. Vejetasyon döneminin mera kalitesi ile merada otlayan Tuj Irkı koyun ve kuzuların besi performansı üzerine etkisi. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 17(1): 7-11.
  • Kaplan M, Üke Ö, Kale H, Yavuz S, Kurt Ö, Atalay Aİ. 2016. Olgunlaşma döneminin teff otunun potansiyel besleme değeri, gaz ve metan üretimine etkisi. Iğdır Univ J Inst Sci Tech, 6(4): 181-186.
  • Karabulut A, Canbolat Ö, Kamalak A. 2006. Effect of maturity satge on the nutritive value of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L) hays. Lotus Newsletter, 36(1): 11-21.
  • Karslı MA, Deniz S, Nursoy H, Denek N, Akdeniz H. 2003. Vejetasyon döneminin mera kalitesi ve hayvan performansı üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi. Turkish J Vet Anim Sci, 27: 117-124.
  • Kaya İ, Saatçı M, Ünal Y, Öncüer A, Kırmızıbayrak T. 2004. Yeşil dönemde merada otlatma ve konsantre yem ilavesinin mera kalitesi ile Morkaraman ve Tuj Kuzularda büyüme, rumen ph, toplam uçucu yağ asitleri, amonyak azotu’na etkisi. Lalahan Hayv Araş Enst Derg, 44(1): 33-39.
  • Kuşvuran A, Nazlı Rİ, Tansı V. 2011. Türkiye’de ve Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde çayır–mera alanları, hayvan varlığı ve yem bitkileri tarımının bugünkü durumu. GOÜ Zir Fak Derg, 28(2): 21-32.
  • Marinas A, Garcia-Gonzalez R. 2006. Preliminary data on nutritional value of abundant species in supraforestal pyrenean pastures. Pirineos, 161: 85-110.
  • Martinson K, Allen B, Jung H, Sheaffer C. 2011. Seasonal forage quality variation of twelve cool season grass species used for pasture. J Equine Vet Sci, 5(31): 284-285.
  • OGM. 2016. General Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry. URL: (accessed date: August 10, 2024).
  • Oral HH, Yıldız F. 2023. Changes and sustainability of small ruminant breeding in Muş province in the last 30 years. Turkish J Agri Food Sci Technol, 11(3): 532-545.
  • Özkan İ. 2009. Viranşehir Evaluation of production parameters for sheep under convential farm condition in Viranşehir town. MSc Thesis, Çukurova University, Institute of Science, Adana, Türkiye, pp: 63. Şanlıurfa ÇED. 2015. Şanlıurfa İl Çevre Durum Raporu. Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, ss: 37.
  • Temel S, Tan M. 2012. Alternatif yem bitkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Yayınları, Erzurum, Türkiye, pp: 246.
  • TUIK. 2019., (accessed date: Semptember 09, 2020).
  • Tuna C, Gür M, Altın M. 2013. Tekirdağ Yeşilsırt Köyü mera vejetasyonunun bazı floristik özellikleri. Ekoloji Sempozyumu, May 2-3, Tekirdağ, Türkiye, ss: 53.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JD, Lewis BA. 1991. Methods for dietary fibre, neutral detergent fibre and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci, 74: 3583-3597.
  • Worrell MA, Undersander DJ, Thompson CE, Bridges WC. 1990. Effects of time of season and cottonseed meal and lasalocid supplementation on steers grazing rye pastures. J Anim Sci, 68(4): 1151-1157.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Fuat Tatli 0000-0002-6455-6003

Ayfer Bozkurt Kiraz 0000-0003-4680-7582

Project Number 20050
Publication Date January 15, 2025
Submission Date September 26, 2024
Acceptance Date November 20, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025


APA Tatli, F., & Bozkurt Kiraz, A. (2025). Investigation of Feed Value of Natural Pastures in Şanlıurfa Region and Fattening Performance of Awassi Lambs Grazing in Pastures. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 8(1), 33-40.
