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Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 58 - 62, 01.01.2019



  • Aboud AAO, Kidunda RS, Osarya J. 2005. Potential of water hyacinth (Eicchornia crassipes) in ruminant nutrition in Tanzania. Livest ResRural Dev, 5: 17.
  • Ali N, Chaudhary BL, Khandelwal SK. 2004. Better use of water hyacinth for fuel, manure and pollution free environment. Indian J Environ Prot, 24: 297–303.
  • Barrett SC. 1977. Tristyly in Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (water hyacinth). Biotropica, 230-238.
  • Barrett SC. 1979. The evolutionary breakdown of tristyly in Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (Water Hyacinth). Evolution, 33(2): 499-510. Batcher MS. 2000. Element Stewardship Abstract for Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms water hyacinth. Prepared for The Nature Conservancy, Arlington Virginia. 10pp. Bennicelli R, Stępniewska Z, Banach A, Szajnocha K, Ostrowski J. 2004. The ability of Azolla caroliniana to remove heavy metals (Hg (II), Cr (III), Cr (VI)) from municipal waste water. Chemosphere, 55(1): 141-146.
  • Charudattan R. 2001. Are we on top of aquatic weeds? Weed problems, control options and challenges. A talk presented at an international symposium on the world’s Worse Weeds, Organized by the British Crop Protection Council, Brighton, UK.
  • Fawad M, Gul B, Khan H, Khan Z. 2013. Study and collection of hydrophytes of the district Swabi, Pakistan. Pakistan J Weed Sci Res, 19(4).
  • Fawad M, Khan H, Gul B, Khan MA, Marwat KB. 2015. Comparative effect of herbicidal and non-chemical control methods against water hyacinth. Pakistan J Weed Sci Res, 21(4).
  • Gopal B. 1987. Water hyacinth. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Goswami T, Saikia CN. 1994. Water hyacinth—a potential source of raw material for greaseproof paper. Bioresour Technol, 50: 235-238.
  • Holm L, Doll J, Holm E, Pancho J, Herberger J. 1997. World weeds. Natural histories and distribution. New York, USA: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
  • Hutchinson J, Dalziel JM. 1968. Flora of West Tropical Africa. 2nd Edition, 3 (1): 108-110.
  • Jianqing D, Ren W, Weidong F, Guoliang Z. 2001. Water hyacinth in China: Its distribution, problems and control status. In: Julien MH, Hill MP, Center TD, Jianquig D (eds.). biological and integrated control of water Hyacinth eichhornia crassipes (Proceedings PR102 2001). Julien, M. H, Griffiths MW, Wright AD. 1999. Biological control of water hyacinth. The weevils Neochetina bruchi and N. eichhorniae: biologies, host ranges, and rearing, releasing and monitoring techniques for biological control of Eichhorniacrassipes. ACIAR Monograph No. 60, 87 pp.
  • Kasselmann C. 1995. Aquarienpflanzen. Egen Ulmer GMBH and Co., Stuttgart. 472. (In German).
  • Langeland, K. A and K. C. Burks (Eds.). 1998. Identification and Biology of Non-Native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas. UF/IFAS.165 p.
  • Mailu, A. M 2001. Preliminary assessment of the social, economic and environmental impacts of water hyacinth in the Lake Victoria basin and the status of control, biological and integrated control of water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes, ACIAR Proceedings No. 102.
  • Malik A. 2007. Environmental challenge vis a vis opportunity: The case of water hyacinth. Environ Int, 33: 122-138.
  • Mangas-Ramirez E, Elias-Gutierrez M. 2004. Effect of mechanical removal of water hyacinth (Eichhorniacrassipes) on the water quality and biological commu-nities in a Mexican reservoir. J Aquatic Healthand Manage, 7: 161–168.
  • Masifwa WF, Twongo T, Denny P. 2001. The impact of water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms on the abundance and diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates along the shores of northern Lake Victoria, Uganda. Hydrobiologia, 452(1-3): 79-88.
  • Meerhoff M, Mazzeo N, Moss B, Rodriguez-Gallego L. 2003. The structuring role of free floating versus submerged plants in a subtropical shallow lake. Aquat Ecol, 37: 377–391.
  • Meerhoff M, Iglesias C, De Mello FT, Clemente JM, Jensen E, Lauridsen TL, Jeppesen E. 2007. Effects of habitat complexity on community structure and predator avoidance behavior of littoral zooplanktonin temperate versus subtropical shallow lakes. Fresh-water Biol, 52: 1009–1021.
  • Mironga JM. 2004. Geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing in the management of shallow tropical lakes. Appl Ecol Environ Res, 2: 83–103.
  • Muller H. 1883. The fertilisation of flowers. Macmillan.
  • Oudhia P. 1999a. Medicinal weeds in rice fields of Chhattisgarh (India). Int Rice Res Notes, 24: 40.
  • Oudhia P. 1999b. Studies on allelopathy and medicinal weeds in chickpea fields. Int Chickpea Pigeonpea Newsl, 6: 29–33.
  • Perna C, Burrows D. 2005. Improved dissolvedoxygen status following removal of exotic weed matsin important fish habitat lagoons of the tropica lBurdekin River floodplain, Australia. Marine Pollut Bullet, 51: 138–148.
  • Plummer ML. 2005. Impact of invasive water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on snail hosts of schistosomiasis in Lake Victoria. East Africa Eco Health, 2:81–86.
  • Ramlan MF. 1991. The status of aquatic weeds in Malaysia. Proc. Of the aquatic weed management. Conference. Bogor (Indonesia), 15-17 May 1990. Seameo Biotrop, 39-45.
  • Rezene F. 2005. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): A Review of its weed status in Ethiopia. In: Rezene Fessehaie (eds.), Arem, 6: 105 –111.
  • Rommens W, Maes J, Dekeza N, Inghelbrecht P, Nhiwatiwa T, Holsters E, Ollevier F, Marshall B, Brendonck L. 2003. The impact of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in a eutrophic subtropicalimpoundment (Lake Chivero, Zimbabwe) I. Waterquality. Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie, 158, 373–388.
  • Room PM, Fernando IVS. 1992. Weed Invasions Countered by Biological Control: Salvinia molesta and Eichhornia crassipes in Sri Lanka. Aquatic Botany, 42: 99-107.
  • Sajn SA, Bulc TG, Vrhovsek D. 2005. Comparison of nutrient cycling in a surface flow constructed wetland and in a facultative pond treating secondary effluent. Water Sci Technol, 51: 291–298.
  • Sidek NM, Abdullah SRS, Ahmad NU, Draman SFS, Rosli MMM, Sanusi MF. 2018. Phytoremediation of abandoned mining lake by water hyacinth and water lettuces in constructed wetlands. J Teknol, 80(5): 87-93.
  • Stroud A. 1991. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms) in Ethiopia. In: Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Weed Science Committee, EWSC, pp. 7–16, (Rezene Fessehaie, ed.), EARO, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • Szczeck MM 1999. Suppressiveness of vermicompost against fusarium wilt of tomato. J. Phytopathol. Phytopathologische Zeitschrift. 47: 155–161.
  • The Nation (Nairobi) March 25 2004. Local Scientist Patents Hyacinth Processing Machine. Dan Teng'o Nairobi.
  • Thomson S, Enala TM, Mick M. 2002. Control of aquatic weeds through pollutant reduction and weed utilization: a weed management approach in the lower Kafue River of Zambia. Physics Chem Earth, Parts A/B/C, 27: 983–991.
  • Toft JD, Simenstad CA, Cordell JR, Grimaldo LF. 2003. The effects of introduced water hyacinth on habitat structure, invertebrate assemblages, and fish diets. Estuaries, 26(3), 746-758.
  • Toft JD. 2000. Community Effects of the Non-Indigenous Aquatic Plant Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta, California. Thesis (MSc). University of Washington).
  • Yan SH, Song W, Guo JY. 2017. Advances in management and utilization of invasive water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in aquatic ecosystems–a review. Critical Rev Biotechnol, 37(2): 218-228.

Water Hyacinth: Utilization and Impact on Biodiversity

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 58 - 62, 01.01.2019


commonly known as Water hyacinth has got
considerable attention as the world worst alien invasive weed. It is an aquatic
plant and its rapid growth and colonization is a serious threat to the aquatic
biodiversity and a major challenge for water utilization in power generation,
navigation, irrigation, recreational activities and the utmost economic threat.
Its control and management is laborious and very expensive, however the actual
application of water hyacinth is potentially beneficial and useful in a number
of the sector. This review was under taken to highlight the possible
utilization of Water Hyacinth as well as its adverse effect on the environment.


  • Aboud AAO, Kidunda RS, Osarya J. 2005. Potential of water hyacinth (Eicchornia crassipes) in ruminant nutrition in Tanzania. Livest ResRural Dev, 5: 17.
  • Ali N, Chaudhary BL, Khandelwal SK. 2004. Better use of water hyacinth for fuel, manure and pollution free environment. Indian J Environ Prot, 24: 297–303.
  • Barrett SC. 1977. Tristyly in Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (water hyacinth). Biotropica, 230-238.
  • Barrett SC. 1979. The evolutionary breakdown of tristyly in Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (Water Hyacinth). Evolution, 33(2): 499-510. Batcher MS. 2000. Element Stewardship Abstract for Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms water hyacinth. Prepared for The Nature Conservancy, Arlington Virginia. 10pp. Bennicelli R, Stępniewska Z, Banach A, Szajnocha K, Ostrowski J. 2004. The ability of Azolla caroliniana to remove heavy metals (Hg (II), Cr (III), Cr (VI)) from municipal waste water. Chemosphere, 55(1): 141-146.
  • Charudattan R. 2001. Are we on top of aquatic weeds? Weed problems, control options and challenges. A talk presented at an international symposium on the world’s Worse Weeds, Organized by the British Crop Protection Council, Brighton, UK.
  • Fawad M, Gul B, Khan H, Khan Z. 2013. Study and collection of hydrophytes of the district Swabi, Pakistan. Pakistan J Weed Sci Res, 19(4).
  • Fawad M, Khan H, Gul B, Khan MA, Marwat KB. 2015. Comparative effect of herbicidal and non-chemical control methods against water hyacinth. Pakistan J Weed Sci Res, 21(4).
  • Gopal B. 1987. Water hyacinth. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Goswami T, Saikia CN. 1994. Water hyacinth—a potential source of raw material for greaseproof paper. Bioresour Technol, 50: 235-238.
  • Holm L, Doll J, Holm E, Pancho J, Herberger J. 1997. World weeds. Natural histories and distribution. New York, USA: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
  • Hutchinson J, Dalziel JM. 1968. Flora of West Tropical Africa. 2nd Edition, 3 (1): 108-110.
  • Jianqing D, Ren W, Weidong F, Guoliang Z. 2001. Water hyacinth in China: Its distribution, problems and control status. In: Julien MH, Hill MP, Center TD, Jianquig D (eds.). biological and integrated control of water Hyacinth eichhornia crassipes (Proceedings PR102 2001). Julien, M. H, Griffiths MW, Wright AD. 1999. Biological control of water hyacinth. The weevils Neochetina bruchi and N. eichhorniae: biologies, host ranges, and rearing, releasing and monitoring techniques for biological control of Eichhorniacrassipes. ACIAR Monograph No. 60, 87 pp.
  • Kasselmann C. 1995. Aquarienpflanzen. Egen Ulmer GMBH and Co., Stuttgart. 472. (In German).
  • Langeland, K. A and K. C. Burks (Eds.). 1998. Identification and Biology of Non-Native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas. UF/IFAS.165 p.
  • Mailu, A. M 2001. Preliminary assessment of the social, economic and environmental impacts of water hyacinth in the Lake Victoria basin and the status of control, biological and integrated control of water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes, ACIAR Proceedings No. 102.
  • Malik A. 2007. Environmental challenge vis a vis opportunity: The case of water hyacinth. Environ Int, 33: 122-138.
  • Mangas-Ramirez E, Elias-Gutierrez M. 2004. Effect of mechanical removal of water hyacinth (Eichhorniacrassipes) on the water quality and biological commu-nities in a Mexican reservoir. J Aquatic Healthand Manage, 7: 161–168.
  • Masifwa WF, Twongo T, Denny P. 2001. The impact of water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms on the abundance and diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates along the shores of northern Lake Victoria, Uganda. Hydrobiologia, 452(1-3): 79-88.
  • Meerhoff M, Mazzeo N, Moss B, Rodriguez-Gallego L. 2003. The structuring role of free floating versus submerged plants in a subtropical shallow lake. Aquat Ecol, 37: 377–391.
  • Meerhoff M, Iglesias C, De Mello FT, Clemente JM, Jensen E, Lauridsen TL, Jeppesen E. 2007. Effects of habitat complexity on community structure and predator avoidance behavior of littoral zooplanktonin temperate versus subtropical shallow lakes. Fresh-water Biol, 52: 1009–1021.
  • Mironga JM. 2004. Geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing in the management of shallow tropical lakes. Appl Ecol Environ Res, 2: 83–103.
  • Muller H. 1883. The fertilisation of flowers. Macmillan.
  • Oudhia P. 1999a. Medicinal weeds in rice fields of Chhattisgarh (India). Int Rice Res Notes, 24: 40.
  • Oudhia P. 1999b. Studies on allelopathy and medicinal weeds in chickpea fields. Int Chickpea Pigeonpea Newsl, 6: 29–33.
  • Perna C, Burrows D. 2005. Improved dissolvedoxygen status following removal of exotic weed matsin important fish habitat lagoons of the tropica lBurdekin River floodplain, Australia. Marine Pollut Bullet, 51: 138–148.
  • Plummer ML. 2005. Impact of invasive water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on snail hosts of schistosomiasis in Lake Victoria. East Africa Eco Health, 2:81–86.
  • Ramlan MF. 1991. The status of aquatic weeds in Malaysia. Proc. Of the aquatic weed management. Conference. Bogor (Indonesia), 15-17 May 1990. Seameo Biotrop, 39-45.
  • Rezene F. 2005. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): A Review of its weed status in Ethiopia. In: Rezene Fessehaie (eds.), Arem, 6: 105 –111.
  • Rommens W, Maes J, Dekeza N, Inghelbrecht P, Nhiwatiwa T, Holsters E, Ollevier F, Marshall B, Brendonck L. 2003. The impact of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in a eutrophic subtropicalimpoundment (Lake Chivero, Zimbabwe) I. Waterquality. Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie, 158, 373–388.
  • Room PM, Fernando IVS. 1992. Weed Invasions Countered by Biological Control: Salvinia molesta and Eichhornia crassipes in Sri Lanka. Aquatic Botany, 42: 99-107.
  • Sajn SA, Bulc TG, Vrhovsek D. 2005. Comparison of nutrient cycling in a surface flow constructed wetland and in a facultative pond treating secondary effluent. Water Sci Technol, 51: 291–298.
  • Sidek NM, Abdullah SRS, Ahmad NU, Draman SFS, Rosli MMM, Sanusi MF. 2018. Phytoremediation of abandoned mining lake by water hyacinth and water lettuces in constructed wetlands. J Teknol, 80(5): 87-93.
  • Stroud A. 1991. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms) in Ethiopia. In: Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Weed Science Committee, EWSC, pp. 7–16, (Rezene Fessehaie, ed.), EARO, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • Szczeck MM 1999. Suppressiveness of vermicompost against fusarium wilt of tomato. J. Phytopathol. Phytopathologische Zeitschrift. 47: 155–161.
  • The Nation (Nairobi) March 25 2004. Local Scientist Patents Hyacinth Processing Machine. Dan Teng'o Nairobi.
  • Thomson S, Enala TM, Mick M. 2002. Control of aquatic weeds through pollutant reduction and weed utilization: a weed management approach in the lower Kafue River of Zambia. Physics Chem Earth, Parts A/B/C, 27: 983–991.
  • Toft JD, Simenstad CA, Cordell JR, Grimaldo LF. 2003. The effects of introduced water hyacinth on habitat structure, invertebrate assemblages, and fish diets. Estuaries, 26(3), 746-758.
  • Toft JD. 2000. Community Effects of the Non-Indigenous Aquatic Plant Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta, California. Thesis (MSc). University of Washington).
  • Yan SH, Song W, Guo JY. 2017. Advances in management and utilization of invasive water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in aquatic ecosystems–a review. Critical Rev Biotechnol, 37(2): 218-228.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Reviews

Muhammad Fawad This is me 0000-0002-3518-2399

Aftab Jamal 0000-0001-8518-3130

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Submission Date October 30, 2018
Acceptance Date November 9, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Fawad, M., & Jamal, A. (2019). Water Hyacinth: Utilization and Impact on Biodiversity. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 2(1), 58-62.
